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9376609 No.9376609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get locked in a mental hospital, /jp/?

I'm a NEET right now and that's great, but eventually my parents will die. I don't want to work. I just want to be left alone and fed. Mental hospitals sounds like an appealing option since prison would require talking to people and probably rape.

I just want to be thrown in a room, get a meal once or twice a day, no socialization, and that's it. Through meditation and exploring my imagination I can easily keep myself occupied and happy, I just need a place to sit for free and get food.

>> No.9376618

Mental hospitals are basically just prisons with slightly better conditions.

>> No.9376617

Why not just apply for disability?

>> No.9376626

You can literally walk right into one.

>> No.9376622

Tell a hospital you feel like you're going to hurt/kill yourself and/or others.

>> No.9376624

You'll go *genuinely* crazy without Internet.

>> No.9376647

get crazy

>> No.9376688

Honestly if I can be in a mental hospital with a bed and a toliet and shower

And of course my nexus 7 tablet and thinkpad t410 I don't care I never leave my room anyways

>> No.9376708

The government should provide more support to the hikki community.

It's not like we would take up any real resources. We just want cell-like rooms to live in quietly without any interaction with people. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.9376726

The common man hates hikkis and NEETs.

>> No.9376727

Do you have to pay if you're committed? I think I'm the kind of crazy where I'm pretty crazy, but still sane enough to know to hide it, but if I tried, I could probably get accepted into a hospital. But I think if I gave up on hiding, I really would go insane in time, without it to keep me in check

>> No.9376720

fail a suicide attempt while drunk and in publicy.

>> No.9376735

This. There was a famous writer who walked into a mental hospital and lived there for like, 5 years.

>> No.9376747

IIRC, if you confine yourself voluntarily you can walk out when you choose to.

>> No.9376757

Ezra Pound was also committed to an insane asylum for a while.

>> No.9376768

Except any of the psychiatrist can get you in again the moment you step outside, or at least threaten to do so.
Yurop so great.

>> No.9376780

I think if you get commited to a mental hospital, there will a note on your records somewhere, so you should forget about having a normal type job if you do go there
something like a last resort I guess

>> No.9376779

I don't know about that, I was talking about here in the States.

>> No.9376788

I can vaguely remember a swedish /jp/anon who spent some time in a mental asylum, against his will if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.9376815


Is this free?

>> No.9376820

well it's not that hard to get out anyway, though it takes about 2 months.

>> No.9376841

Isn't this pretty much the entire point of monasteries?

>> No.9376857

I've thought about becoming a monk before. It sounds really cool. Some guy on /x/ worked for the Catholic church, and said some of the priests were really cool people. Some of them are in it for the enlightenment

>> No.9376858

You still have to work in a monastery with others and do hard labor

>> No.9376874

the people who observe you in mental hospitals/crazy section are crafty bastards. Also you have to take meds, I don't trust the drugs they give you.

>> No.9376876


>You still have to work in a monastery with others and do hard labor

Well fuck that then.

Why do people got to make life so hard? I just want to live inside my head.

>> No.9376887
File: 66 KB, 320x291, sanitarium-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit obsessed about finding a common influental event which /jp/ shared at some point. Is there some cruicial experience which led us all to this place?
Did anyone play this game?

>> No.9376916

No, but I read reviews of it in a magazine.

>> No.9376944

I played it and I loved it. But it was like ten years ago, I don't know if I'd still love it nowadays.

>> No.9377079

All the files are inaccessible without proper clearance.
It's expensive as hell, even a schizophrenic who killed somebody because they heard voices won't get in for free and has to have somebody pay for them or they spend the time in prison instead.
Not if they find you dangerous to yourself or others. I found that out the hard way.

>> No.9377097


Thank you for the information.

>> No.9377122
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But I've always been a depressing introvert. Right from like pre-kindergarden when I was forced into daycare all I wanted to do was get back home and play video games. This sentiment was consistent up until probably middle school when I diversified my recluse activities a bit and additionally used the internet.

I think it's reasonable to assume a demographic of socially inept, repressed extroverts linger here. Their standing board presence at any time can be represented instances of unironic, short, intellectually incomprehensible posts among the initial replies.

>> No.9377137
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I've had to tell you people this before. Hospitals are where sick people go to get better. It's the same with sanitariums.

They won't throw you in a nice room and leave you there OP. They'll try to help you. Meaning therapy and talking to psychiatrists and whatnot.

And when you're well enough to leave, they'll throw you out.

>> No.9377162

Establish a monestary for the Church of Emacs and I'll come live with you.

>> No.9377173

>where sick people go to get better

An active demographic of patients, in both these "hospitals" as well as formal psychiatric institutions represent permanent residents. Where do you think they stick the actually diagnosed autists?

>> No.9377199

You need to be really fucked in the head to be a permanent resident. Normal autism isn't going to cut it.

>> No.9377214
File: 311 KB, 700x600, 1336990339754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity has no respect for a life that is lived inside of the mind. It's all about stupid material shit. Got to move those boxes, file those papers, write up that report, build the skyscrapers. How can any of this compare to the vivid worlds that can be created inside of the imagination? Life is so boring once the power of the mind has been unlocked, but they won't let you live in peace and they drag you out in the muck with the rest of them so you can earn enough to eat.

>> No.9377215

The implications that a person can't possibly con himself inside one of these institutions permanently is laughable, in a previous life I was an actor.

>> No.9377221
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>> No.9377225

They won't let you have a computer or tablet in a mental hospital.

I was once involuntarily committed to the psych ward at my local hospital for some empty threat I made about hurting someone else, I didn't mean it but apparently someone took it seriously, anyway when I was there I had to remove all my cloths and change into a hospital gown, all items including my ipod, headphones, wallet, phone, and keys were taken from me and I was wanded down to ensure I wasn't hiding anything. There was literally nothing to do, I asked for my ipod back w/o headphones (not permitted due to danger to self and staff obviously) so I could at least play a game on an emulator I'd downloaded but they refused it was policy.

So don't think you have the luxury of having ANYTHING if you are locked up in a mental hospital. Especially not electronics.

>> No.9377224

No, you need to be REALLY fucked in the head. Like, not even aware of yourself, pissing your pants, practically lobotomized. Even moreso these days because people think there's still hope and that they can fix you and all that shit.

>> No.9377241

I keep myself company about 50% of the time as it is, sometimes I wonder if I will actually end up with some sort of disorder by feeding the urge to spend my waking life with my eyes closed and my mind open.

>> No.9377242

but normality is subjective anyways
its dangerous when some people think they can 'fix' others
it just shows there's no true freedom in our world

>> No.9377235

I think I could get by with just books. Are they strict about what books you can and can't read?

>> No.9377247

>Humanity has no respect for a life that is lived inside of the mind

Well, the audible people certainly seem to communicate this. Fortunately they're quietly ignored for the most part by their superior counterpart.

>> No.9377262

>They'll try to help you.

This, annoyingly, is true. I've started seeing a psych recently after years of not leaving the house, since I'm worried refusing will lead to homelessness. She asked something along the lines of if I'd ever done a test for signs of autism (though the next week she said she thought I probably wasn't, which just bothers me more considering how many signs I show, if not that, then what IS wrong with me?).

No autism bux, no taking it easy. Just being forced to talk to a woman I can barely stand who seems to misinterpret half the things I say but I'm too anxious and unwilling to correct her. The questioning about how I feel is frustrating too, I have no idea, and don't know how to find out.

I have to go again on Wednesday, I've been outside more times in the past month than the past three years.

I'm wondering if it's worth trying to push for an aspergers label, but it bothers me. I'd have no idea how to bring it up after it had been all but brushed off last week, but if I don't - what then? I really wouldn't be surprised if it was at least partially responsible for the anxiety, I'm sick of reading over "signs of autism / aspergers in adults" and finding that I display the vast majority of the signs, but at the same time can't believe that I'd have it. Everything works in bell shaped curves, it's unrealistic to presume I'm some special outlier, I can't break that thought despite this deviant lifestyle I've been living.


>> No.9377264

Well no duh. Those people hold you there because of their own belief in what sanity is. And other people, who also hold that belief, let them hold you there. And you, being insane, cannot make the decision for yourself because you're not their kind of sane.

>> No.9377274

>The implications that a person can't possibly con himself inside one of these institutions permanently is laughable

If you're that confident that you can fool a medical doctor then go for it.

>> No.9377278

They had magazines at where I was confined but I was at a short-term facility in the hospital ER. I don't know what policies long-term facilities have, I suppose if you don't cause trouble you would be permitted to read if they have books available. As for the nature of the books I don't know. I imagine there are certain books you would not but allowed due to the subject matter.

>> No.9377285

I'd never allow myself to see a professional, that's a scary thought if anything. Someone who gets paid by talking to you I mean, and this person does it every single day of his/her life. 9-5 talking to hundreds of people every week. Being nothing but an egg a dozen for them.

>> No.9377294

Well I shouldn't be that confident. I haven't met a person I could not manipulate though, but there's a greater possibility that I haven't met enough people.

>> No.9377301

If you're on /jp/ chances are you haven't

>> No.9377313

what kind of psychiatrist actually likes his job enough to care about that ?
I don't think I've heard any kid say "when I grow up I want to be a doctor in a mental hospital"

>> No.9377322

Keep in mind that psychiatrists/psychologists are trained to know when a person is faking.

>> No.9377345


Whoa, shit dude, seriously? I'm trying to get some ADHD pills from my psychiatrist so I can get high. Do you think he knows I'm faking?

>> No.9377361

So what if I train myself not to fall into the pitfalls?

>> No.9377364

>Do you think he knows I'm faking?

If you're not an excellent liar, then yes.

>> No.9377373



>> No.9377378

They check your background and shit, like family history. It'd be suspicious if someone just randomly, out of fucking nowhere just became insane.
