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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9374230 No.9374230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I flushed a little spider down my toilet.
Please tell me spiders can swim.

>> No.9374244

nope. you are a murderer.

>> No.9374243

I'd like to tell you that everything will be alright but..Im afraid that spider is dead.

>> No.9374249

Spiders are terrible. You should have set it on fire before flushing to make sure it's dead.

>> No.9374283

There is a skeleton inside you.

>> No.9374382

they always scare me so i dont kill them
you did the right thing

>> No.9375428


>> No.9375439

"Mommy? When is daddy coming home?"

>> No.9375454
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Do you really mean that?

>> No.9375461
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Only correct post in this thread. Any insects or arachnids in my home have earned my wrath by default, and deserve to be killed.

How do you think they'd react to you entering their territory? I mean, I know OP is trolling, pretending that /jp/ really is like a cute little naive girl and shit, but come on.

>> No.9375468

This. I mean people say they're good because they kill insects, and that's fine, but why do I want to encourage them entering my sight? By killing every one I see then I'm selecting for the smart ones that can stay hidden and thus not bother me. I'm doing them a service.

>> No.9375469

>How do you think they'd react to you entering their territory?

They flee the area due to the massive difference in power.

>> No.9375470

Stop reminding me that. You already told me 2 weeks ago.


>> No.9375487
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The point is, if they could kill you in the same way you could kill them, they would.

You think spiders give a fuck, son?

>> No.9375493
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Yes, they can.

>> No.9375511
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I have a fascination with predators. At least they'd put my dead body to some use.

>> No.9375518

But anon, you are the predator in this situation.

>> No.9375534

Burned spiders smell terrible. I did that once when I was a kid and the smell filled the house.

>> No.9375532

I never been there but maybe they'll know?

>> No.9375544

Doesn't matter if it can swim, it's in a pipe.

>> No.9375558
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I drown any spiders I see in antibacterial until they die. I'm sure it's horribly painful.

>> No.9375559
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I used to fill small plastic bottles with water and put spiders in them and freeze them.

I feel pretty bad about it now.

>> No.9375562

I for one love insects, unless they bite. Having a caterpillar crawl down your neck is the best feeling in the world.

>> No.9375563
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Me too

>> No.9375571

Spiders don't feel pain.

>> No.9375577
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how do u know r u a spider?

>> No.9375579

I like it when flies land on my skin. The way it feels as they walk across my flesh feels amazing. Sometimes if I see a fly on the table I try to get it to climb on me, but they always fly away. When one does land on me, I try to be gentle as to not frighten it, but it will usually leave me.

>> No.9375594

There's a family of daddy longlegs in a bush in the backyard. There's also a family in my closet at the top. I like them.

>> No.9375599


Dear God you people are fucked up.

Especially the caterpillar guy. Caterpillars are some of the most hideous looking monsters I have ever seen.

>> No.9375601

Christ, I remember this from another thread. Aren't they all over your things?

>> No.9375615

I really see nothing wrong with letting flies land on me. They don't hurt me and they feel nice, and they're very cute.

>> No.9375643
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What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9375646

I don't think so. They live at the top in the corners, specifically on the right side near the boxes.

>> No.9375649

They don't look like that from my perspective, so it doesn't bother me. I just coexist.

>> No.9375662

when i was a kid, i lied on the grass, pulled my pants down and let flies crawl on my penis

>> No.9375668
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/jp/ - Spider Murder Culture

>> No.9375670
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>> No.9375671

They're my only friends, please don't insult them.

>> No.9375678
File: 11 KB, 432x414, madotsuki1332129316670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have fungus feet
they eat shit and rotting meat
they raise their kids in corpse
and they vomit all over the food they will eat
including YOURS

no they are horrid

>> No.9375683

They're as clean as their surroundings. It can be worked with.

>> No.9375687

I don't care. I love them for who they are and they are always there for me.

>> No.9375688
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>> No.9375692

Idiots, spiders eat annoying shit like flies (diseases carriers) and mosquitoes.

I actually hunt house centipedes because they eat spiders and opilions.

>> No.9375694
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Wouldn't it be cool to be an exterminator in a fantasy world of arachne to kill?

Imagine the sheer joy of stomping a whole nest of spiderchildren to death after cutting off all of the mother's legs, defanging and plugging her mouth, and then gluing or otherwise attaching her to the floor so you can let her watch you.

I'd seal her disgusting nest of children in a glass cube, and use tongs to extract one spiderling at a time, set it on the ground, and then stomp on it. Some, I would burn, or cut, or drown, but mostly stomp on. After I was done. I would churn the corpses and use a baster to squirt it back into the mother's abdomen as punishment for daring to breed and produce more of her disgusting ilk.

Naturally, it would end by burning her to death.

>> No.9375705

Your not a truNEET until you have lived with your spiders enough to give them all names. Flushing them down the toilet is bad luck.

>> No.9375706


Why not just kill them all?

>> No.9375714

I'd much rather a large spider take me captive in her webs and then eat me or feed me to her kids or whatever it is spiders do. Hopefully after raping me with her futa spider prick.

>> No.9375727


Because flying insects are hard to kill. Spiders do the work for you and aren't a bother. Don't see why I'd kill them. Now house centipedes are a problem as they kill these, and my cat tries to eat the damn things, which is bad due to some toxin in their bodies.

I also kill scorpions, which are a bother because fuck their stings hurt for days.

>> No.9375737


in what part of the desert do you reside

>> No.9375735

When I was 6 I was bit by a centipede and almost died. Every time you kill one shout my name and you will gain a boost of strength.

>> No.9375736


Well, I don't live in a fucking shithole, so I don't have to worry about centipedes,scorpions, or even disease-infested house flies.

Maybe you should move somewhere that isn't a horrible dump?

>> No.9375741

So /jp/, you eat fried ants right? It'll save you money on your food bill! Although, I guess if you live in a first world country you might get poisoned because some faggot put ant poison in his house.

>> No.9375743


What if she laid her children in your asshole and ate your limbs over a period of several days, allowing her children to eat you after being birthed from your butthole?

>> No.9375747

Not everyone can just move at the drop of a hat, and some places have bad shit no matter how nice they are. My grandmother had a large beautiful house that she kept perfect, and it still had the occasional scorpion and rattlesnake because she lived in the countryside.

>> No.9375750

I knew what I was getting into. Anything to make her happy.

>> No.9375751


Which is why you shouldn't live anywhere even close to the equator.

>> No.9375760
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Centipedes can kill people???

>> No.9375764

That's a rather short gestation period. Can it be at least a month or two of idle chatter and smalltalk as she whittles away at me, carefully binding the wounds and ensuring I eat well? I'd also like at least a little bit to see the children.

No reason we can't all be civilized about things.

>> No.9375767


I live in southern France.
Flies are common in the summer, as they come in to try and feast on whatever you eat during the day.
Mosquitoes come at night.

And we have some small scorpions in here. My house is built on the side of a hill, and my cave is dug in it. A door is all that separates the cave from the rest of the house, so a lot of stuff comes in from there.

>> No.9375768

It's not a big deal if you grow up around predators like that. I could catch a rattlesnake with my bare hands.

And I don't live anywhere near the equator.

>> No.9375770
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Speaking of ants, I finally won my endless battle against them. Every year they'd invade my room around the Summer but I managed to decimate the hive before they fully deployed this time.

>> No.9375774


She forced you to watch a bigger, stronger male get her pregnant; you are carrying their children, btw.

>> No.9375782

Pretty much my ideal way to die right there. Would she also make fun of my dick and then proceed to lay eggs in it? But it's not sufficient because it's too small?

>> No.9375791
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they are poisonous.

of course they can kill people.

>> No.9375786

That makes sense. Spiders don't usually have sex with humans, not to mention the fertility issues.

>> No.9375796

Ugh, fuck you
