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9372340 No.9372340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time we had a depression thread?

I'm afraid the last one's inhabitants all killed themselves or something.

>> No.9372364
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homu here?

>> No.9372373
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few hours ago i think

>> No.9372378

Why can't I have a pet catgirl.

>> No.9372379

every thread in /jp/ is a depression thread

>> No.9372388

/jp/ is a site full of newfags graduating into userfags and oldfags killing themselves out of a lot of time being pathetic. As I came, others may get here, and someday I will leave.

>> No.9372391

I'm still here! I even made a poem about it

What is your story?
Is your life a mess?
Do you settle for less?
You are broken to the core
Retreating to fantasy lore
Do you have dreams,
That are tattered by the seams?
"Please do something" said the family lobby
So you went ahead and picked up a hobby
I'm sure you failed miserably
For I can see visibly
Your character is afflicted with depression
Hopefully you will learn your lesson
"I'll be successful, one day"
As you say in your parental stay
Please wake up, and smell the ashes
Or else you'll feel life's cruel lashes

>> No.9372394

it's really bad

kill yourself

>> No.9372395
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Get fumos /jp/. They'll make you happy.

>> No.9372400

There's nothing to talk about. All you get is shitty blog posts. Everyone posts, no-one reads, no-one cares.

>> No.9372404
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The hell are we supposed to post about here?

>> No.9372408

This a million times.

If you want a depression thread, OP, go to another site.

>> No.9372409


ill ruin your life, ill destroy your shit
Ill bring a knife, ill order a hit

>> No.9372411

so, since it's semi-related to depression:

how do i kill myself without leaving my room?

what i don't have:
- anything to hang myself with
- any sharp objects
- any pills
- a bathtub to drown myself in
- money for exit bags and such

any ideas, /jp/?

>> No.9372412

Depression is all about not killing yourself.

You'd have dead people instead of depression if it wasn't.

>> No.9372415
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I care.

I would read each and every one of your posts, Anonymous. ;_;

>> No.9372424


Put a butt plunger up your ass.

>> No.9372428

stop blood flow with a tourniquet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourniquet)) for about 45 minutes.

Resume bloodflow, heart attack, death.

>> No.9372431
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Get a load of this lonely loser nerd

>> No.9372434


I'm pretty sure that's not how tourniquets work.

>> No.9372443
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>> No.9372447

I read, all the time, and I care.

>> No.9372467

Well wrong word then, english not being mothertongue. Thing is you need to stop bloodflow of both veins (flexible one, easy to stop) and arteries (sturdy one, requires more pressure to shut close)

When applying one, you need to get the exact time at which it was applied, because muscle will produce a toxin that will constict muscles. Heart being a muscle, gets affected. If no properly dosed anti-toxin (that's why you need the exact time) is injected, you get a heart attack.

How do you call that device to stop both arteries and veins with constrictions btw ?

>> No.9372475

Yesterday was my 20th birthday.
I've yet to do a single good thing with my life while all my peers surpass me.

>> No.9372483
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What do you say to your parents when they confront you for being a useless sack of shit?

My mother always wanted me to be the greatest, but now I'm in the verge of dropping out of college and becoming a NEET without motivation for the future. I don't know what I'll say to her when she realizes that I'm not the same as before.

>> No.9372488

Consult the handbook.

>> No.9372489

starve yourself

>> No.9372498


It sounds like a fifth grader's poem. You need a more complex rhyme structure than:
And don't just throw in whatever rhymes, find an actually fitting
word which happens to rhyme.

>> No.9372504


Seeing has how you'd need such a complex mechanism and knowledge of anatomy to do such things, wouldn't slitting your wrists be a better option for the average /jp/er?

Perhaps taking a few sleeping pills or alcohol then a few minutes beforehand, so you'd be knocked out and left bleeding for a while, and submerge yourself in a bathtub while you're at it to prevent blood clotting.

Although slitting wrists is really one of the more failure-prone ways to commit suicide.

>> No.9372517

You need to go to a doctor if you are depressed. It is a medical condition. A doctor will make it better.

>> No.9372518


Show her your lewd doujin collection, while yelling in Nipponese "THIS IS HOW I REALLY AM MOM".

>> No.9372526


Don't drop out of college. Life with a college degree is NEET+. You can make plenty of money to enjoy your life, with a college degree, working 20 hours a week.

>> No.9372532

i want to marry a japanese neet and neet together with her

she has to be not-fat though

how do i do that without leaving the house?

>> No.9372539


Thanks for the advice! Although I believe that my rhymes do fit, a different rhyme structure would be more effective to convey a meaning.

>> No.9372548


Can you find anyone to be parasites to?

>> No.9372569

thank you, i always keep loosing this link.

working on that currently, but i need faster methods.

i...don't really get this, but it sounds interesting at least. gonna research it.

>> No.9372577

>Would stop being a neet myself if I could find a hikki girl to support
>a hikki

>> No.9372583

Would you be ok with someone else killing you? I could maybe help you out.

>> No.9372585
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Sometimes I wonder what the hell happened to all the extremely depressed people that I've meet on 4chan.

Why they stopped posting?
Did they managed to leave 4chan forever?
Did they fixed their shit?

I'll never know what happened to them and they were the only people that truly understood me.

>> No.9372590

Don't do it, you'll end up maybe losing a limb but not your life.

>> No.9372597

I always tell depresed people to get a doctor, although mine didn't make me feel better. I guess some people are more lucky with the medications than others...

>> No.9372619

I bet a lot are dead, a few went on with their lives, and almost none of them left 4chan.

Don't worry, the site is still full of depressed fucks.

>> No.9372629

I have no insurance.

>> No.9372657

Then you got to try the alternative shit. Exercise, diet, yoga, alternative medicine, herbs. Although the only "effective" thing from above is exercise. Pick your choice.

Oh!, I remember that Fluoxetine is cheap and you can get it in almost every drug store. Maybe you can try that.

>> No.9372652

Are we 13 again? Yes. Let's make poems and cry about our parents to each other. How society is so shit and that.

>> No.9372660

don't worry, i'll research every method before any attempts. i'm not that retarded, i know people may be misinformed or just plain trolling. i just said it sounds interesting.

>> No.9372662

if you are a japanese not-fat neet girl you can marry me, we have free health care in my country

>> No.9372681
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How can a NEET be depressed?

It's the perfect life. Unlimited free time and you obviously have access to the internet so that's near limitless access to free knowledge about whatever you could want to learn. Not to mention the opportunity to explore your mind through lucid dreaming, imaginary friends, and meditation.

>> No.9372682

I'm a non-fat, commonly mistaken as asian, male who can wear girl cloths for you.

>> No.9372685

Totally random but I was actually thinking about marrying this guy I talk to to help him move to my country and help him get better healthcare. The only reason I haven't is because I'm worried about being seen as gay and having to actually leave the house and things like that.

>> No.9372690 [DELETED] 

Closet normalfags who secretly want friend but are too socially retarded to get any, so they settle for the NEET life, instead of actively seeking it.

>> No.9372692

Consider the offer at >>9372583

>> No.9372710

I'll let you marry me. We have public health insurance AND gay marriage, so you'll get the nationality.
You'd have to drink my semen daily though.

>> No.9372704

that's why everyone's giving him tips on suicide, so /jp/ can be a better place.

>> No.9372723

*directly from the hose I forgot to add

>> No.9372724

I wish this was really happening.

>> No.9372714

various life conditions that may impair your ability to take it easy. being a NEET is awesome in theory, but doesn't always work in practice.

isn't always a case though. don't generalize like that.

>> No.9372734


Not everyone shares the same living conditions, you might have a shitty family or be very poor.

>> No.9372735

that would require me letting people in my room, silly. it's just as bad as leaving it myself.

>> No.9372740

It's a serious offer, if you look good enough I'd move to live on my own and you'd be my sex slave.

>> No.9372741
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I wake up and feel depressed but then I take my pills and fifteen minutes later I'm strutting around the house, bopping my head to music, and spending hours immersed in games.

>> No.9372753

Time isn't the issue, it's energy.
Being in a isolated room without any form of direct external pressure, sunlight, real time feedback or physical health leads to poor ability to get things done.

>> No.9372754

I guess this is related to depression, but I decided to try ordering some drugs off that silkroad place and I'm freaking out now and I can't cancel my order. I wanted to do this to help with my depression but now I'm scared I'm going to be arrested and go to jail. People have said I'll be fine but I'm scared it wont and I don't want to die in jail /jp/. This has caused more panic and pain to me than the drugs would have solved.

>> No.9372764

I'd pursue this offer by my anxiety prevents it.

>> No.9372768


Tomorrow is my 23rd birthday and I've probably done even less good for anyone. There are wizards on here who are well out of their 20s and still haven't found a way out yet.

Every thought starts to become 'its too late anyway, why bother?'

>> No.9372770


Your fragile sensitivity is cute, anon.

>> No.9372775

everyone ITT:

go cry to r9k homo beta faggotsLOL lrn2 fit in with normals while bein a weeaboo at heart

pathetic scum cant into shit and all u do is cut urself like it was ur job

>> No.9372782


Take it easy. What country do you live in? You won't go to jail for buying drugs unless you Japan. I order from silkroad all the time and I've never had issues anyway, but you even in this crazy hypothetical situation you're worried about you wouldn't go to jail.

>> No.9372788

A friend of mine buys mescaline off there regularly, you should be ok.

I know how that is. maybe something miraculous will happen.

>> No.9372818

It is, but sometimes you have times of weakness where you want to spend time with other people.

I was pretty excited for this weekend. My family was talking about going to the lake to swim, bbq, and all that fun stuff. I woke up early on Saturday and got everything ready. I waited for them call but they never did. "Oh well, I guess they didn't go after all."

I thought maybe they would go today so I called my brother to ask if he had any plans. He said they probably weren't going to do anything today since everyone was tired from being at the lake yesterday. Apparently, they did go but just didn't call me.

It's probably my fault for always turning down their invitations. "What's the point in asking Anon to go if he always says no?" I feel like shit right now, I really wanted to go too. None of this would've happened if I had just ignored them and not gotten my hopes up.

Sorry for posting this, it just happened a few minutes ago so I still feel it. When my brother said they did go, I froze. I honestly thought they would have called me to go. Now that I think about it, it must have been awkward for my brother as well.

>> No.9372828

Are you that guy that ordered 28g of weed or something, I think I remember you from other threads if you are

You'll be okay though anon. Just try not to worry about it, especially with something like weed you will be fine.

>> No.9372831

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9372844


>I've yet to do a single good thing with my life while all my peers surpass me.

Do you have hobbies that make you feel happy when you do them? There's a good thing right there.

Your life's worth isn't determined by how successful you are. That sort of thing is fairly worthless. You can be extremely successful and still be depressed.

Don't assess the quality of your life by looking around and comparing yourself to others. Just look at yourself, determine if you are doing things that make you happy, and if so then you are living the best life you could be living.

>> No.9372849

For a second I imagined an irl /jp/ club or something where all jpsies can go nd have a good time and say they're not having one.
imagine how this would go for a second.

>> No.9372878

I try that but my stupid brain doesn't let me, all I do is things that make me happy but right after I'm done I have this horrible feeling of shame and disgust. "look at all the time you just wasted when you could be doing something else"
it's like mentacide or something chipping away at my sanity
I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact I'm insane and will never be happy with my own actions.

>> No.9372879

/jp/ - /r9k/ 2.0
Fucking depressed scum, just kill yourself already. Hidden & filtered like HELL.

>> No.9372886


>sometimes you have times of weakness where you want to spend time with other people.

Make an imaginary friend. All the benefits of real people, but without any of the downsides.

Imaginary friends are often overlooked since the idea is so commonly associated with children, but an adult can hone his imagination and create an imaginary friend that communicates with him and that he can see visually through the form of a self-induced hallucination. I would know, my girlfriend is imaginary and I'm talking to her right now.

Unlock the power of your mind. Don't depend on other people for your happiness because as you have just seen they are undependable and they will disappoint the majority of the time.

>> No.9372889

Isn't depression a part of otaku culture?

>> No.9372893

Thank you all for just reassuring me. To answer the first guy, I'm from the UK, to answer the third guy, I am that guy. But I really appreciate the support, it's just really nice to have some support to get me to calm down. I don't want to think of myself as a criminal, I just wanted to look for some way to help myself but I always hear about people being put in jail and arrested for having drugs so I just kept panicking.

>> No.9372909

I'd erase your anxiety with my cum. You'd have to greet me everyday with "okaeri nasai" while on all fours pointing your butt to me, wearing a frilly apron and thighhighs. And then I'd impale your little ass.

>> No.9372913

Every few months there will be an horde of pillbugs (or rolliepollies, depending on your area) in my house. I don't know why. They show up for a few days, and then they're gone until a few months later.

Well, naturally I kill them when they enter my room. They usually don't, but when they do, I pick them up with a tissue, crush them, and throw the body in the toilet or trash.

Then it hit me one afternoon that I had killed over 50 pillbugs. And then it hit me that through my entire life, I've been killing bugs and insects left and right and not even caring. I've probably ended thousands upon thousands of little lives and never batted an eye.

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel but I just want to cry. I could just say it's natural selection and all but I've killed so many of these creatures when they meant me no harm, and I never even cared. I feel like some kind of monster. What have I done?

>> No.9372916

>I don't want to think of myself as a criminal, I just wanted to look for some way to help myself

shit like this makes me super angry at the fact such drugs are illegal, I'm not even one of those 420 ERRYDAY people either, it really does help some people

>> No.9372927

>this is literally my fantasy
Can you post some contact details in case I change my mind.

>> No.9372938


>> No.9372944

Then remember that every time you take a bath, or you wash your hand, you're killing billions of billions of life forms. It can't be helped. Every one is a murderer in that way.You should think instead if live is valuable in any way.

>> No.9372951

I felt like this after torturing too many ants when I was a kid.
I do not purposely harm ants since then.

>> No.9372966


>"look at all the time you just wasted when you could be doing something else"
>I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact I'm insane

I wouldn't say that you're insane at all. At least not if you consider normal people as insane.

You've just been indoctrinated with the typical bullshit that almost every parent and teacher in the world tries to fill your head with as you grow up. This crazy idea that the quality of your life is determined by social status, meaningless achievements, and monetary success.

Take a step back and just look at it though. What in life is more important than happiness? Life without happiness is meaningless, without it there's no reason to even wake up in the morning. If you find happiness in your hobbies and the things that you do then you are doing the exact opposite of wasting time.

Why is it that you would be putting your time to good use if you were to waste away precious hours of your life doing something that you don't even enjoy? Plenty of people want you to believe that this is a worthwhile goal since for some reason they are so obsessed with the opinions of others that they will do things that they despise just for approval and social status, but it's all bullshit.

The simple truth is that if you aren't happy then you're wasting your time because time is the only valuable commodity in the world and the only way to waste this time is to spend it doing things that don't make you happy.

>> No.9372985


What's all this emphasis on "happiness" all about?

Stoicism is where it's at, anyway. Why be a slave to "happiness", nerd?

>> No.9373003

s-stop making me feel better you b-baka
maybe I l-like being insane

>> No.9373011

Don't turn this thread a philosophical debate about which is the final goal in life. Not after 2200 years of debate ending in subjective perspectives.

>> No.9373026


The subjective perspective is just one of the many perspectives we have ended up with after all those thousands of years.

Something to think about.

>> No.9373034

I'm better than all of you

>> No.9373060

Well that's a great achievement.

>> No.9373065

D... do you think all the germs are... you know, conscious? I was never bothered with them because I imagined them not really being "intelligent life" like plants and such. But if they are...

I just want to stop all the killing! I constantly kill all these bugs all the time just because they're there. I wouldn't want something to do that to me. And I feel even worse because when I kill them I think I enjoy it. I enjoy crushing the pillbugs and hearing the crunch. I like pouring water on a long trail of ants, and pouring more water down their hill. I enjoy stalking a spider into a corner and smashing it. But when I'm done I feel like some sort of insane maniac. Why do I have the right to treat their lives like nothing?

It'd be one thing if it were a spider trying to bite me, but all these bugs are just trying to live their own lives, and I ruin it for them.

>> No.9373090

let a spider take up residence in a corner of your room and just feed him the pillbugs

>> No.9373091


germs try to make you sick, some bugs try to bite and sting and leave germs that make you sick, you guys should just not take any pleasure out of killing things like insects

>> No.9373096


What's appealing about emotional indifference? You only have so much time until you die, so what is the point of spending that time in an emotional state that is essentially void of any feeling whatsoever?

If I wanted to feel that then I'd just swallow some SSRIs and kill my emotions, but feeling like a robot is an empty and hollow existence. You live for maybe 70-80 years if you're lucky and then you just die and everything is over. What is the point in spending those few years attempting to feel as little as possible? What is gained from this?

>> No.9373114

I'm really sad. Until recently, I had worms, and they kept me thin, so I could eat anything I wanted. It's like having pets. But now they've all died for some reason... I think it might have been some antibiotics I took. They left me all alone, and I'm now I'm picking up a lot of weight. I need to get infected again

>> No.9373140

while you're reading this
I'm fucking you're waifu

>> No.9373152


>What is gained from this?

The Stoic learned long ago the answer to this is nothing.

>> No.9373156


Stoicism isn't quite indifference, nor can swallowing a bunch of SSRIs make you stoic. It's more of zen.

It's a bit like realizing you're just a bag of meat, but not having to comply with that peculiar bag of meat's wants and desires. It's the closest one can get to experiencing an emergent soul arising from the ashes of your corporeal body.

I'm not sure if this makes sense to anyone who hasn't experienced the same. I'm sure this can be explained much better if you research it yourself, because i'm afraid i'm making this sound like a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.9373157

Very few people who post about suicide here in an urgent sense died when they posted the thread. The reason is because if they're talking to others and thinking they're already past the danger zone and don't have that flow. The other reason is there are faggots here who whisk the suicidal ones away to steam groups and MSN and talk them out of it.

The guys who you see planning it over months on the other hand, I know for a fact that some of those guys are dead or at least no longer online in any way we can reach them. I like to think they used it to quit /jp/ and /jp/ communities and improve their lives but the reality is probably that they did it, some of those guys were so obsessed with dieing it was frightening.

>> No.9373160

I don't have one
I'm a regular and otaku failure

>> No.9373168

Just a little note, not everyone that sweeps these suicidal people away to chat means to save them, some of us actually want to help them reach their goal if that's what they really want.

>> No.9373181


How can I get into one of these chats?

But really, i'm skeptical about all of this, because I doubt any of you actually put any care into researching conducting the act of suicide in the most efficient and painless way, and instead probably suggest something stupid that will get someone injured for life and laugh over it. That's disgusting.

>> No.9373206

FYI if that's your goal you're fucking it up by talking to them at all. You'd need to be tormenting them pretty hard and KNOW THEM for them to be driven into an attempt unless they're suffering from a chronic and painful illness or about to be eaten alive.

Once they're talking to another person and thinking rationally and assuming they don't have a serious psychological disorder they'll always lean toward procrastinating from treatment and remaining alive.

>> No.9373219


You will never be talked into suicide by an abusive /jp/er ;_;

>> No.9373223

If someone knew about suicide and wanted someone else to commit it talking them into it is the last thing they would attempt. Take this from someone who's spoken many, many distressed otaku out of it.

>> No.9373230 [DELETED] 

Your post isn't insightful or clever, and I'd really appreciate it if you would stop reposting it in every thread. Thanks.

>> No.9373234


>It's a bit like realizing you're just a bag of meat, but not having to comply with that peculiar bag of meat's wants and desires.

What does the bag of meat feel like when it doesn't comply to its wants and desires though? Does it now exist in a state of happiness, calm indifference, sadness, or something else?

It's pretty clear that life is a big game and at the end of the day all of our wants and desires are completely pointless and without any inherent value whatsoever, but the same is just as true with actual video games. Why play the game? Why kill the pixelated cowboys or climb around some dungeon slaying fictional dragons? There's obviously no point to it, it's just as meaningless as anything else in life, but it's fun and having fun makes you feel happy.

I haven't looked into stoicism, but I've researched a fair amount of Buddhism and I agree with it all. Detachment is great, if you're not emotionally attached to material things or even your own existence then you've eliminated the possibility of suffering, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy these things.

Life is all just a big game and most people are too immersed in the game to realize that they're just playing a game so they feel sad and they get depressed because they take it all so seriously. Realizing that it's all a game doesn't mean that you stop playing though. If anything you can enjoy it even more now because you have nothing to lose and no reason to care about what happens. You can enjoy all of the pleasures in life and yet still remain detached and avoid suffering.

>> No.9373242

I once talk to someone for a few months who wanted to die and after evaluating all they had said I agreed to asist them in the act
we picked the gasmask method that was being posted a bunch at the time (his choice) and it worked just fine

you don't talk people into it, you either talk them out of it or assist them in their choice. you have to be one sick freak to want to convince someone to commit to suicide

>> No.9373277


I simply can't see life as simply as a "game" like that. Even if I wanted to do so (and I possibly could give myself very plausible epidemiological reasons for seeing it so), I would not want to consider it unless the conclusion is unavoidable and there is no other possibility.

I tend towards immersion. If i'm given a game, or a book to read, or whatever, the more I enjoy it is directly correlated to how much i'm immersed in it, and the same is probably true with life itself and its supposed meaning or lack thereof.

Besides, if truth of life was really a game, it's conclusion that would be just too depressing to reach, not because of it per se, but since the process of reaching it seems too simple, like something an angsty teenager would say.

I still want to be involved with life, to do things and explore my potential, and I am aware that this is likely the cause of most of my despair and shame. It only falls short of suffering because I actually realize one of the reasons why.

>> No.9373351

Has anyone had success with feeling less depressed by making online friends? I think I am having some positive results from it. And I don't just mean "friends" like people who barely matter to you at all and you just "friend" millions of them on facebook like you're competing with someone. I mean someone who you talk to regularly because you have a lot in common. I found such a person, and I've been feeling a little better I think lately.

>> No.9373357

I doubt that a real NEET is able to be depressed.

Picking this lifestyle means that you know exactly what's awaiting you: A short and poor but very easy life. There is no time to lament over shit that doesn't even matter to you anymore.

Unless you're a poor loser who wants to be normal but has been rejected by society. In that case you should really work on your life instead of wasting it.

Isn't the gasmask method a troll? I've read that it causes your internal organs to burst and lets you die a slow and painful death. I hope you atleast researched the method instead of recommending it just because you saw it posted on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.9373362


>I still want to be involved with life, to do things and explore my potential

Can't you do both?

Look at immersion and games again for another example. I also love to feel immersed in games, novels, or any form of entertainment, but even though I'm immersed there's still this certain degree of detachment that I think everyone feels when they consume any kind of entertainment and this prevents them from feeling suffering. You can get immersed in the game and maybe even feel like you're there, but you're not so immersed that you can feel the bullets cutting through your own body as they hit your character or feel intense heart attack inducing terror as you watch a frightening film. You still get the excitement and you get a little fright, but it's all fun.

I would say that I explore my potential and get involved in life. I do the things the things that I enjoy, I learn as much as I can, but ultimately I do these things because I enjoy doing them. What other motivation is there for doing something?

Detachment doesn't remove the potential immersion that you feel from enjoyable activities, those are still just as good as ever, it just takes away the potential to feel suffering when things that happen to you that you would normally perceive as unpleasant.

Attachment is essentially the same exact thing as clinginess. If you cling to someone then does this clinginess make it more enjoyable to be with them or does it just fill you with this constant sense of dread as you think about the thought of losing them? Then when they do leave then you're emotionally crushed. This attachment or clinginess applies to everything in life and it actually inhibits the enjoyment of any activity or relationship because it fills your mind with fear and causes you to suffer.

>> No.9373403

He chose the method not me
and I think the image in question may be a terrible idea, I don't really remember it so much.
either way we just used the method not the same gases
first was something to knock him out then I switched it out for something fatal
after a long time had passed I confirmed he was dead, took the stuff and left as instructed, we had arranged for someone to "watch the house" while he went on "vacation" which really just meant they would discover him

the whole thing was under his control the whole time down to the last moments.

>> No.9373419


>Has anyone had success with feeling less depressed by making online friends?

Personally I found it to be a quick but temporary fix. Same with offline friendship though. The problem is that you end up relying on another person as a cure for your depression and people just aren't dependable enough for that. Especially true with online friends since it's easier to just wake up one day and abandon an online friend than it is to do the same thing in real life.

Honestly I think that imaginary friends / tulpas are a better fix. Reliance on other people is setting yourself up for heartbreak. It's nice to have friends for the hell of it, but if you need friends then it can turn out badly. If your loneliness is fixed by an imaginary friend though then there is no risk of abandonment.

>> No.9373445

I've alerted the FBI and they are now on their way to your house. You have approximately 10 minutes to flee.

>> No.9373449

>I doubt that a real NEET is able to be depressed.
On the contrary. NEET are way more likely to be depressed.

>Picking this lifestyle means that you know exactly what's awaiting you: A short and poor but very easy life.
I'd say nobody really picks this life. In most cases it comes with no jobs being available or mental problems which make a normal life impossible.

>> No.9373457


On the contrary, I wouldn't say you are any less immersed in a game simply because you can shut it off when it becomes uncomfortable or intrusive to your "real" life, but rather it's an immersion that could just be as intense or more intense than immersion in daily life, but a temporary one that can be shut off upon quitting the application. But this is only achieved by the fact that there's another layer of existence to compare it to--you can always exit the game and enter your real life, but there is no corollary with life, in that what exactly do you exit into?

The void/death/non existence or any negation of life (like the life outside the application are the negation of the game) are non-experiential by nature so even if one comprehends the concept it's a logical impossibility to exit to that level if we still wish to be immersed in life but are able to exit it at will.

>> No.9373475
File: 168 KB, 600x600, homuv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homu homu homu

>> No.9373488

>Has anyone had success with feeling less depressed by making online friends?
Yes. Until I fell in love with her.
Things got worse after that.

>> No.9373494


>Attachment is essentially the same exact thing as clinginess. If you cling to someone then does this clinginess make it more enjoyable to be with them or does it just fill you with this constant sense of dread as you think about the thought of losing them? Then when they do leave then you're emotionally crushed. This attachment or clinginess applies to everything in life and it actually inhibits the enjoyment of any activity or relationship because it fills your mind with fear and causes you to suffer.

I admit, i'm a bit of a sadomasochist and enjoy the thought of having something and the dread of loss that comes with it. There's a whole array of psychological complexes that is bound up with the inflicting and receiving of pain. Even depression/abuse can start to feel good after a while.

It just proves that doing things for the happiness you derive from it is ultimately paradoxical (at least for me) unless it's that paradox you want in the first place, since even unhappiness can be used to obtain happiness.

>> No.9373514
File: 508 KB, 750x1425, 1319643864973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing people who want to be killed sure sounds interesting

>> No.9373528
File: 121 KB, 800x600, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really would love to do it again, not in a sick way or anything I just really like the idea of helping someone as I myself kind of wish to die but could never bring myself to do it to myself
I use that image as my 4chan style mascot.

>> No.9373550
File: 80 KB, 1000x667, 1319635793538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the same thing. Like Cpt. Jack in S1 of Torchwood
So...just asking
Where do these people hang out at?

>> No.9373564


>The void/death/non existence or any negation of life (like the life outside the application are the negation of the game) are non-experiential by nature so even if one comprehends the concept it's a logical impossibility to exit to that level if we still wish to be immersed in life but are able to exit it at will.

Does this exist with anything else in life though?

Honestly I still struggle with my attachment to life so I don't yet know how the monks and people like that have managed to rid themselves of it. Ideally you can just let go and accept the idea that you will cease to exist and then be at peace with it, but it's difficult to get to that point. It's not really the same with other things in life though. Objects, relationships, careers, ambitions, hobbies, etc. You can always leave or exit these things and you're still going to be alive. It's pretty easy to detach yourself from them and no longer feel any suffering in unpleasant experiences relating to these things.

At that point you can live a pretty great life. Sure, you still fear the reaper and it's hard to accept the idea of death, but without an attachment to everything else in your life then you're free to do basically whatever you want without pain or fear.

>> No.9373567

should I feel bad that my gaze was drawn to her breasts in this image?

>> No.9373569


Are you currently looking for clients?

>> No.9373576 [DELETED] 

These threads are fucking awful. If you normalscum aren't happy then stop being a fucking NEET and get out of /jp/.

>> No.9373582

The guy in question actually posted on jp about it
I got his contact details and we talked one to one about it
I had to travel to his house which was quite the commute

I was thinking more like those people who work for assisted suicide

so I guess the answer is 4chan

>> No.9373596

I am actually, however with the attitude of this thread I feel as though someone would look to entrap me

Feel free to leave some method of contact if you'd like though
expect many people trying to talk you out of it though

>> No.9373599

What country are you in? Would you be willing to do the same method?

>> No.9373603
File: 108 KB, 400x500, mo ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, buddies. I want to talk to some of you, so if you want to be my friend, let me know. I can add you on skype or something?

I'm worried about you guys, you're all so sweet and polite and wahhh, don't be sad!

>> No.9373608

>Has anyone had success with feeling less depressed by making online friends?
not really. it feels nice, but it doesn't make me less depressed. it seems it's not really a part of my needs, i'm ok with only basic social interaction like imageboards. it's kinda like a pizza - eating pizza makes me feel good, but i can stop eating it for longer periods of time and i don't miss it nor feel bad without it.

>> No.9373610

I would like to be your friend, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be interesting enough and you'd get bored of me. That or I'd annoy you because I'd want to talk to you every day.

>> No.9373628
File: 40 KB, 383x377, 1328074046018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't understand assisted suicide. Apparently this woman had some sort of painful illness, but why would she just end her life? She throws away so many years of her life.

Why don't suicidal people just become drug addicts? This is one thing I have never understood. If I was suicidal or if I had a chronic illness like she has then I would just go all out with heavy drug use. Meth, heroin, whatever I can get my hands on that makes me feel good. Probably could ride out another 10 years of constant pleasure as a binging addict before you would eventually die.

>> No.9373626

Well now I'm a little more interested in assisting someone. "Help" fellow /jp/ers and all.
I live in south MS if anyone is interested

>> No.9373632


I have no intention of entrapping you. It's none of my business.

I am, however, a bit curious. Actually, one of my suspected possibilities is that the whole thing is just something you're making up, this being the internet in all, and you really didn't do anything, since that seems to be the easiest and most simplest conclusion

But I wouldn't mind having a chat, regardless.

>> No.9373641

I am on the eastern side of the United States
I'm willing to travel for you if needed but it depends how far
I'm willing to do whatever you need only if it seems justifiable in my eyes, I'm not going help if I think you should solve you problem in another way besides death.

>> No.9373647

I hear a lot of old people say they're "done with life" it gets boring for them after so many years. I can understand this myself.

>> No.9373651

>Why don't suicidal people just become drug addicts?
I don't have money for it. Besides, I don't know how to get any, not having any contacts and all.

>> No.9373658

Forgot my contact info for anyone near here or somewhat near

>> No.9373683

You sound too social to me.
I don't get along with social people.
Well, I don't get along with any people but you get the point.

>> No.9373685
File: 531 KB, 1000x1100, 1331088665011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you see, I'm pretty lonely myself. I might enjoy talking to you. It'll be fun! Just give it a try, you never know. We might have something in common.

my skype is chiisananingyo

>> No.9373696

Not the same person, but do you have MSN?

>> No.9373702


I never got the point of this. If anything, the total sum of people i've managed to get along with are all reasonably social people.

Some of them are just better with people, and this extends to the capability to talk with relatively asocial people like this.

>> No.9373709 [DELETED] 

Why do you have skype?

>> No.9373711

>Actually, one of my suspected possibilities is that the whole thing is just something you're making up, this being the internet in all
This is the sole reason I feel comfortable talking about it

Nobody takes it seriously so I'm at little risk, at least I feel that way

>> No.9373719

everyperson I've added on skype from 4chan has been crazy

>> No.9373741

What things are you interested in? I'm sorry for asking these questions but I just want to feel less nervous when I add you.

>> No.9373742


Not him, but you could add me on msn. I kind of have to make a new account since I forgot all my old account details though...

The only reason I have skype installed is because someone wanted to talk to me off 4chan and they insisted on skype

>> No.9373746
File: 495 KB, 757x800, c90919cca05e1a92e4859dc4c784d8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nanasechan@hotmail.com should still be it.

I don't want you guys to be sad! This is the only place I feel comfortable, and if you disappeared one day then all that would be left was the trolls and shitposters.

>> No.9373755

Well, never mind, I'm from a different country and I'd need you to come to me so I just don't think it's possible.

>> No.9373764

What state?

>> No.9373770

I might add you later or something

I always worry about these kind of things though

>> No.9373773
File: 226 KB, 600x337, 294882-vlcsnap_2010_10_28_02h35m15s184_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad likes to talk to me sometimes, and I know a few other people like me.

That's a hard question to answer, ha~

I like music and games, and playing with my cats. I enjoy anime, but I'm not a huge fan of moe, though someone called me that once. I'm pretty shy, so offering up my contact information to a bunch of strangers is unusual. But I think that making friends is important, at least it seems like it is.

>> No.9373777


I bet you only stay here because it's the only place where you can feel superior to others. Sorry, i'm too cynical and paranoid ;_;

>> No.9373782

Is it okay if I add you on MSN soon then?

>> No.9373789

That's unfortunate, best of luck to you anon. Maybe you will find someone in your area offering the same service.

/jp/ is archived so I don't feel comfortable leaving that information here
I will contact those who left their info with details on how to contact me for information

>> No.9373804
File: 616 KB, 1000x1000, 1305862393586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for adding me, anon! I hope we can be friends.

No, I really don't! It's just a lot calmer here then anywhere else on 4chan. It's a home-y atmosphere, with all the cute girls and how polite you guys are to one another. I like it. We're like a big dysfunctional family.

Yes, please!

>> No.9373868

I sent you an invite. Please respond.

>> No.9373893

Your position isn't unfounded. I stopped trying to meet people on /jp/ after the first two turned out to be simply bored, relatively well-adjusted normals.

>> No.9373896

I sent the person an invite as well, I feel it was just a joke to laugh at some lonely /jp/ users.

>> No.9373955

Now I'm feeling frustrated.

>> No.9374005
File: 366 KB, 1920x1200, 1312952835438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, sorry!

It wasn't, ahhh

How can I make it up to you?

>> No.9374043
File: 149 KB, 486x567, 1342058194080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cute to look at the younglings. You adorable little preNEETs. So young in your development, filled with all those sad little feelings like loneliness and depression.

Don't worry though. Some day you will wake up and it'll just be gone. It's all part of the growing process. That loneliness will pass and the mere thought of making friends will be unthinkably undesirable to you.

>> No.9374048

>Some day you will wake up and it'll just be gone. It's all part of the growing process.

How long does it take?

>> No.9374090

Don't be so hard on yourselves /jp/
I will love you forever.

>> No.9374091


It varies from person to person depending on how much you feel that you need to socialize.

It diminishes more and more as you become increasingly isolated. Think of it like drowning, but with peace as the end result instead of death. You have to stop fighting it and just let yourself sink. Stop reaching out for socialization and stop looking for or thinking of ways to meet people. Right when it seems like it's as bad as it can get then it will be over and you will be fine.

We've all went through it. It's part of the growing process and it's not fun, but you'll be fine.

>> No.9374125

Seconding this.

Human beings have evolved as social creatures. The need to interact with others is as strong as the need to reproduce. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to overcome it, but it can be done. Loneliness is just evolution's way of trying to force you to get out there and meet someone to fuck. Someday, if you are strong of will, you'll start to find that you just don't care about it anymore, and not long after that you'll cease feeling it.

>> No.9374545

Look up the peaceful pill PDF.

>> No.9374585
File: 192 KB, 960x612, Copy - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should start working on portal to Gensokyo after summer will end.

>> No.9374705
File: 45 KB, 500x500, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My desktop is starting to die on me, and I don't have the money to replace parts. Without my computer I have even less motivation to do anything, like get a job. No job, no money for parts.

I never realized how horribly depressed I get without it.
This may be the end for me.

>> No.9374914

What's it doing? How do you know it's dying?
Probably just needs a fresh OS installation.

>> No.9374934
File: 77 KB, 853x480, 1342135359279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon told me he was getting married so I stopped talking to him on MSN. Now I feel terrible. Why did I do that? What's wrong with me?

>> No.9374940

God damn take this shit out of here already.

>> No.9374949

I'm fairly sure its either the CPU or GPU overheating, since the whole thing will just blink off instantly, and when I try to turn it back on every fan ever spins up at max speed and stays on with a black screen.

Unfortunately my motherboard only has socket 775 and its pretty much obsolete. There might be a chance I can find something like a Q6700 for cheap, but that still requires money.

If its just the GPU then whatever. No video games for a while, but at least I keep my sanity.

>> No.9374951

You're an asshole, that's what is wrong with you.

>> No.9374979

He's not an asshole at all. I can totally understand why he did that.

>> No.9374984

Do you clean it out regularly? Is it prebuilt?

>> No.9374992

How can I become a better person? Please help

>> No.9375001

Why would you stop talking to a nice guy just because he got married? An internet friend of mine got married 2 weeks ago and I didn't stop talking to him.

It's too late now.

>> No.9375040

Built it myself about 5 years ago, I clean it somewhat regularly but I have been neglecting it the last couple of months. Should have known better what with the summer heat and all. When it first shut off I pulled the case off and looked but it wasn't really that dusty, so i'm not really sure, pulled it all apart to clean either way.
I'm lucky it even turned back on this time.

Anyway, its not really a "tech support halp pls" situation, its just the inevitable something is going to fail due to being old and used 24/7. Although figuring out what it is specifically would save money maybe.

>> No.9375055

Some people when they get married or get girlfriends decide to talk nonstop about their SO, why should he have to put up with that annoying and possibly depressing situation constantly?

>> No.9375093

Well if that is true then he did the right thing. I didn't consider that option because my friend rarely mentions her.

>> No.9375155

a lot of people in this thread have mentioned silk road. I have a vendor link if you want it. Just send me an address and I'll email it to you.

At the moment I drink a lot of kratom. It tastes like absolute shit but it does make me more interested in my hobbies and makes daydreaming a blast. I'm already good at daydreaming, but on kratom I can literally feel everything (this gets much better with real opiates though).

Add me on skype if you want to talk the next week, I can't after that.

>> No.9375169

He might do something annoying, so it's best to cut off all ties just in case.

What retarded logic.

>> No.9375188
File: 259 KB, 480x270, tumblr_lrs7vvIhaU1qbpriuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd have to list it, or I could give you mine?

>> No.9375217

I don't really know. I just felt angry and acted on impulse. Maybe I felt jealous? I'm the clingy type after all, and I always end up pushing people away.

Anon if you're reading this, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

>> No.9375229

You did feel jealous, I'm the exact same way. It's okay man, everything will be okay.

>> No.9375236

Wanna talk with me instead? Careful, I can be very clingy too!

>> No.9375260
File: 798 KB, 383x377, crazy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9375284


>depression thread

Suck it up, wuss.

>> No.9375308

Okay. Do you have MSN?

>> No.9375317

My friend swears by this and cannot function without it, he has panic attacks in social situations if he doesn't take it
buys it off amazon or something too since it's legal

>> No.9375335

Drugs are expensive and illegal, dumbass.

>> No.9375338

I read all of them.

I feel like most of /jp/ lacks good father figures. Am I right? Certainly my mother is the only one that I feel guilty about letting down.

Coincidently, my father is an abusive alcoholic who hasn't worked in 15 years.

>> No.9375347

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9375351

My father was never in my life and killed himself when I was 8, all my mother ever does is remind me that I am a loser and will end up just like him she's right

>> No.9375356

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9375359

What's with the sage?

>> No.9375360

it spoiled my life for me

>> No.9375361

I hate my father.

>> No.9375363

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.9375366

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9375368

That's some deep shit, man.

>> No.9375369

What's with the copypasta?

>> No.9375371

If you are depressed and seriously thinking about offing yourself, find another anon in the same situation and reenact the plot of Loli Tomodachi, best death ever

>> No.9375372

use noko+sage like the master race

>> No.9375375

Looks like with all the shit threads deleted, the shitposters started flocking into our usual threads. This is truly depressing.

>> No.9375379

I nokosage on other boards so faggots don't get on my case. I assumed /jp/ doesn't care, guess I was wrong.

>> No.9375380

I believe it's called kopipe. Take your buzzwords back to /a/b/v/.

>> No.9375388

don't forget it's the time of the season

>> No.9375403

Maybe it'd be best if you made a similar thread on another board.

>> No.9375434

Why does /jp/ always blame /a/, /b/ or /v/? I thought most of the shit came from /g/.

>> No.9375453

Take a look at the amount of anime and video game garbage that clutters this board. Hell, look at all the garbage in this thread.
And that's just this thread. Compare that to any tech/computer related bullshit that's here. Almost non-existant.

>> No.9375473

tell him to go to kratomforest.com

Its a whole lot cheaper, I MEAN A WHOLE LOT CHEAPER. Tell him to get bali kratom. Also yeah it gets hard to function in social situations without it I won't lie.

>> No.9375476

>Compare that to any tech/computer related bullshit that's here. Almost non-existant.
Now I almost feel guilty for talking about my computer trouble...

>> No.9375482

You're going to die early so it's alright, especially if you feel bad about it.

>> No.9375483

Who knew that people that liked /jp/ subjects also tend to like anime and video games? Shocking.

>> No.9375485

