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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 1421x107, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9371303 No.9371303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seems like we aren't loved on other boards.

>> No.9371307

kill yourself out of /jp/ you crossboard piece of shit

>> No.9371306

only one of those is true

>> No.9371308

At least they think we all know Japanese.

>> No.9371312

Joke's on them, I don't know an obscure foreign language.

>> No.9371315

>Implying 90% of /jp/ can read moonrunes

>> No.9371320

we aren't british retard

>> No.9371317

>obscure language
Yeah, maybe if by that he meant Welsh and not Jap.

>> No.9371318
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>> No.9371324
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1145, detrpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just crawl back to whatever board you came from and stay there OP

>> No.9371327

I'm all of those listed things and I don't even know japanese.

>> No.9371330




NAKED LADY WALLPAPER!!!!!!!!! also chen plz

>> No.9371332

>no social skills
>low intelligence
Pick none.

>no motivation
This is true though.

>> No.9371334

What if I tell you that I'm here since the split and before that I was on /a/ in type-moon threads?

>> No.9371342

LOL secondary

>> No.9371343


What if I tell you you're a giant faggot and nobody gives two flying fucks about how long you've been here

>> No.9371348

We aren't loved anywhere

>> No.9371345

what's with the spoilers? :o)

>> No.9371349

and four years later you are still the most boring poster on /jp/

>> No.9371350

spoilers work. no virus (:

>> No.9371351

you knowhat, waitaminute youknowat this thread is meta about meta meta, meta meta

Like who gives a shit what you posted on another board, OP

>> No.9371353

True, I have no social skills whatsoever.
True, but.. i'm currently trying to fix that !
Half-True, still learning.

So he is ~65% wrong.

>> No.9371354

They're from /v/ and use /v/ culture shitposting everywhere they go. Don't be too hard on them, they wouldn't understand why they stick out like retards.

>> No.9371361 [DELETED] 


>> No.9371358

The early /jp/ was better. Much less aggression.

>> No.9371360 [DELETED] 

i feel bad for the people who actually still post on /a/ since they have to put up with 14 year old kids now.

>> No.9371366

registrationless board, by definition we have the same userbase as /b/ - Misc and /sp/ - Internet Bulletin Bored Riots

>> No.9371367

/a/ - 14 year old emos
/jp/ - 14 year old emos with superiority complex

>> No.9371376 [DELETED] 

there is nothing superior about /jp/ anymore but at least you can get away clean with shitposting in it and it's full (used to be) of interesting posters.

>> No.9371381

I wonder what made people so fucking frustrated here. Wasn't like that in the beginning. I really m iss those days.

>> No.9371382

because of a single person /a/ this thread will turn out hilariously bad.

>> No.9371383

>low income
No income.
>junk food
Grandma feeds me
Getting there
>No motivation
Motivation is for normals.
>no social skills
Probably, don't leave my house either way
>low intelligence
greentext.png talking about intelligence on 4chan
>obscure foreign language
Who in the right mind would learn Japanese

>> No.9371386

You can have a superiority complex without actually being superior.

That said, I don't think even /a/ has an average age of 14. Or even /b/, for that matter. I also think /jp/'s average age is around 20.

And who uses the word "emo" nowadays? It's all about hipsters and neckbeards.

>> No.9371393

I used to be am emaciated NEET but now I am fat. They got me. But I was a /jp/ poster all the while.
>no motivation
I have my own kind of motivation
>no social skills
That's for normals.
>low intelligence
Personally I think I'm average.
>low income
Why is /a/ to the point where they mock people with low incomes? They are irrecoverably normal. I don't have a low income, nerd, I have no income.

I don't know Japanese either.

>> No.9371395


This wasn't a fucking survey, can we please stop posting now?

>> No.9371400

I'd like to know about that degree.

>> No.9371398

Metathreads and crossboard shitposts are always surveys and blogs, faggot.

On that note,
Have I told you about my useless degree?
How about I tell you about my useless degree?

>> No.9371399

The tings I'd do to that squid

>> No.9371406

Btw I'm a girl

>> No.9371409

I thought we were one of the few boards that actually avoid junk food.

>> No.9371412

Stop doing this. I'm not a girl, and I'm quite proud of it. I like being the superior sex.

>> No.9371414

I think everyone on /a/ is a casual because they devote their lives to watching anime yet no one seems capable of enjoying it in the original language. I just can't stand having to hear people whine "subs where" each season.

/a/ will never be able to really appreciate what they're watching.

>> No.9371426

Don't impersonate me.
Now about that degree...?

>> No.9371436

hi zunbar

>> No.9371439

It's Psychology degree
Fucking psychology.

Great, isn't it?

>> No.9371444

I like how everyone in this thread bashes /a/, when:
1. Most of this board is from /a/
2. /a/ has way less shitposting than /jp/, which has more lelsorandom shit than /b/ and /v/ combined.
3. /jp/ is just plain shitty and autistic.

The shitposting is at least entertaining which is the only redeeming factor of this board besides 2hu.

>> No.9371442

Can you diagnose me with autism please

>> No.9371443

Why would you do that?

>> No.9371445
File: 94 KB, 500x500, 50eed05ddc0957bc980f0d63c96ef3fde13d196a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, I love all of you.

>> No.9371447
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>> No.9371448

>1. Most of this board is from /a/
Originally. That's not the same as neo /a/. Most likely the poster in question came to /a/ after the split.

>2. /a/ has way less shitposting than /jp/, which has more lelsorandom shit than /b/ and /v/ combined.
/a/ is pretty much /v/, this is ridiculous to claim.

>3. /jp/ is just plain shitty and autistic.
At least it's not /a/.


>> No.9371449

i don't go to /a/ at all even though i watch airing anime :o)

>> No.9371453

wasn't like that in the beginning.
I really want to know how everything went to shit.

>> No.9371454

>The shitposting is at least entertaining
Just leave

>> No.9371455


>> No.9371462

Ain't here the same? "English patch where"

>> No.9371470
File: 33 KB, 500x281, mariaglasseswink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you homos are tricking yourselves into thinking he's wrong. The only ones that are incorrect are "fat" and "know Japanese".

You nerds are such a fucking joke. Don't forget our board has a janitor with a cunt the size of the grand canyon and an everlasting bout of PMS.

>> No.9371477

i don't make the threads, i only post in them :o)

>> No.9371489

In tomorrow's 50+ reply ``epic rage'' thread, we'll be going over how YouTube user inuyasharoxxx97 said that 4chan is like Gaia Online. Stay tuned!

>> No.9371496

Can't. You'd have to refer to a person that has an actual medical degree or something

Well, I had no idea where to go after high school, had no motivation and didn't really give a fuck. Parents insisted I got some sort of degree because that's important for my future. Well, I got them psych degree.

>> No.9371498
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>> No.9371499

Looking forward to it time traveler.

>> No.9371506


>/a/ is pretty much /v/

Not even close. Maybe instead of redirecting others into /a/ you go to /a/ yourself and see how wrong you are.

>At least it's not /a/
Right, cause /a/ is filled with "Wich 2hu wuld fuk" "Sanae a slut" "Btw I'm a girl" "Please respond" etc.

/jp/ isn't the same anymore, stop clinging to the past. It's nothing but shitposting now.

>> No.9371514

/a/ loved sluts, that is why

>> No.9371517


>/a/ loves sluts

You've never been to /a/.

>> No.9371518

But I try to go to /a/ sometimes. I quickly leave. I haven't been able to stand it for years.

Taste is subjective. Maybe the shit of /a/ smells nice to you. It doesn't to me. /jp/ is quickly coming intolerable, but there's nowhere else to go.

>> No.9371527

But they loved Matou Sakura and Hoshii Miki

>> No.9371529 [DELETED] 


You weren't there when Senjouhara was revealed to have a previous boyfriend.

>> No.9371534

That would have been during Nisemonogatari, who would be caught dead on /a/ that late?

>> No.9371537

yeah, because no one read Bakeshit threads

>> No.9371535


You weren't there when Senjouhara was revealed to like a previous boy.

Or the Kannagi shitstorm.

>> No.9371539

The Kannagi stuff wasn't that long after the split, was it? It's not weird for there to be some /jp/ remnants at that time.

>> No.9371540

/a/ subscribes to the /r9k/ philosophy of purity.

"I hate women who are sluts and like women who are virgins, but only when it suits me."

>> No.9371547


You didn't have to read them. The entire board was flooded with death threats to Senjouhara, hatred, and autism.

>> No.9371553

The Slutgahara and Used Good(dess) thingy?

>> No.9371569
File: 202 KB, 644x4910, nagipretend2+3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used Good(dess)
Haven't seen this term used before.

>> No.9371573


This is exactly what he was talking about

>> No.9371574

It was a pun, a poor one I know

>> No.9371581

I know. I'm just saying I haven't heard it before because it sounds like you're referring to what should be a well-known term.

>> No.9371584

This post made me sad, as OP's image describes me perfectly (except I can't read Japanese).

I wish I was motivated to learn, but I am not.

Forever a failure shall I be. ;_;

>> No.9371588

Ironic shitposting and the fact we have nothing new to discuss killed /jp/.

>> No.9371589

le feel when you lose motivation to learn all japanese.
Damn you Asians why must you make it so time consuming.

>> No.9371590

Wouldn't really feel bad about myself if all those things were true. Since at least I'd know Japanese.

The intelligence thing might suck though.

>> No.9371592
File: 82 KB, 445x694, 1336745376585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just made it, typing long is such a hassle.

At least you got my point.

>> No.9371593


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. There is no irony.

>> No.9371596

moot should just threaten to delete the board if the shitposting doesn't stop.

That way everyone would be scared to shitpost ever again.

>> No.9371602

u w0t m8

>> No.9371603

The problem is the janitor considers light novel threads and other /jp/ related threads shitposting. So we either have a deleted board or a board that only discusses 2hu.

>> No.9371607

Then we would have nothing to discuss, the rest of the threads will be deleted by NSJ

>> No.9371608

other boards would come and shitpost so that they can get our board deleted because they hate us :o(

>> No.9371610
File: 94 KB, 620x420, 1342159409078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we still need 92 more

>> No.9371611

/jp/ is one of the most notorious boards on 4chan for some reason, even with the fairly low population. I think it has something to do with our sage percentages.

/v/ loves to sneak in and steal shit to turn it into memes

>> No.9371615

If that's not Nagi, then who is it?

>> No.9371613

Didn't /v/ invent all the overuse of greentext? Except ISHYGDDT, I think /sp/ did that.

It's still frowned on here, but it's been slowly creeping in.

>> No.9371618 [DELETED] 


>> No.9371619


All the recent shitty memes that get spammed are /v/shit.

>> No.9371621

/v/ and finland are the 2 biggest problems in /jp/

fix these problems and the board would be 99% better

>> No.9371622
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Who indeed.

>> No.9371625

I don't think finland is really a problem, just people using the fins as a way to shitpost. /v/ is the main issue.

>> No.9371629


You don't know what you're talking about. Get moot to rangeban Finland and block any IPs trying to get into /jp/ that have visited /v/ in the past month and you can say hello to a new golden era.

>> No.9371641
File: 49 KB, 265x247, 1324315309900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 100 replies to shitty thread
Yay /jp/ go /jp/, keep being the greatest 4chan board.

>> No.9371639

Whenever I go to /a/ I instantly notice that the posters are dumber. They're younger, dumber, naiver and more normal. It's a step closer to reddit and facebok.
It's not like anything "discussed" there matters anyway, so I'd rather be in better company here.

>> No.9371648

I agree. And you can't really reason with people who think /a/ is better. There are people on /v/ who even believe they're better than /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.9371653

please don't misuse the quote function :o)

>> No.9371660

I consider myself to be honorary finnish

>> No.9371665


Whenever I go to /jp/ I instantly notice that the posters are autisticer. They're younger, dumber, naiver, and more LOLSOEDGYTRUNEET. It's a step loser to /b/ and /v/.

>> No.9371673
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And the Dog Days thread get deleted...

>> No.9371681

At least /jp/ is old enough to actually be NEET. /a/'s forced under law to be falseNEET.

>> No.9371688

"Naiver" is not a word. I wonder if you know that.

>> No.9371690

No shit, aren't you going to point out that "autisticer" isn't either? Or did you think that was, faggot loser?

>> No.9371693


>> No.9371694

I agree.


>> No.9371702

Well, we must admit that this board is filled with this shit lately.
This thread is shit.

What you guys don't understand and NEED to understand is this: arguing about /jp/'s future is like talking about death, even if you discuss it and all you want, it is unavoidable, and you can't do anything to change that.

>> No.9371708


We're not talking about /jp/'s future, we're talking about how shitty it is right now. It didn't use to be this way before, but now it's full of "ironic" shitposting and le epic memes.

>> No.9371718

I've been here since 2009 and I've always been a turboshitposter. It was full of spam and shit back then too, and people like you who can't take it easy crying murder.

>> No.9371731

>2. /a/ has way less shitposting than /jp/, which has more lelsorandom shit than /b/ and /v/ combined.
Only proportionately.

>> No.9371732

I'm the one you replied to.

It's still useless, you aren't gonna make anything by bitching about it. But, wait, /jp/ is full of people who do that on a daily basis, so I'm arguing with a wall.

>> No.9371747

There is no difference /jp/ back then and /jp/ now.
It is all the same shit kind.
You might like bawwson or shiki can kill servants but they are all in the past now.
Flanfly and please respond is all the rage now. People change, you should too. Not happy then get the fuck back to >>>/a/. Who give a shit.

>> No.9371753

I used to post on 4chan way back in 2004, then I left in 2006 and came back in late 2011. A lot has changed, I knew /b/ would turn to shit but I didn't realize how awful /a/ would become, they don't know anything about anime.

/jp/ is nice and casual for me, it feels like the last outpost of the 4chan I remember. It doesn't have that hopped-up teenage angst quality the other boards have gotten ever since /b/ went mainstream. Plus I can talk about eroge and denpa here.

>> No.9371748

Most of /jp/'s shitposting is intentionally awful. It's been so overwhelmingly that, in fact, that I can't remember if shitposting ever referred to posters who were entirely serious but still shit.

/a/ has much more shitposting of the latter variety. The posters are trying their hardest to be good, but they're far from it.

>> No.9371758

da dell u go for 5 year

>> No.9371759

> It doesn't have that hopped-up teenage angst quality
Just hang around a little more til' a "truNEET" thread and this will be fucking Twilight forums.

>> No.9371762

Did you enjoy your 5years of normalfags life?
How many child did your wife left you with?
How much did you lost for your divorce settlement?

>> No.9371764

The frequenters of Twilight forums are legally obliged to attend school and therefore can't be truNEET, you normie nerd.

next time I shit on the floor I'm imagining your face down there.

>> No.9371774


I don't really take that stuff seriously, it's just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.


I tried to have a normalfag life for a year but I couldn't get it off the ground, the rest was just watching anime and playing games and stuff. Before 4chan the only place I actually went to talk to people was world2ch, I've always been a lurker.

>> No.9371778

>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be truNEET will eventually be flooded by actual depressed idiots emoing over their life who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
It is not our fault when they couldnt see past the jokes.
I blame /r9k/ and /soc/. They keep directing their faggots to here.

>> No.9371779
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>> No.9371784

It actually is our fault. We made the threads.

>I don't really take that stuff seriously, it's just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
Ohhh hohoho, you really want to think that, don't you.

>> No.9371790


Don't tell me...you actually take it seriously?

>> No.9371795

No of course not you friggin' idiot. The mentally challenged buddies we get from other boards, they do.

>> No.9371793

People take shitting on the floor or those portal thread to gensokyo seriously?
/jp/ would be a ghost town if everyone was telling the truth about opening portal.

>> No.9371800

>>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be truNEET will eventually be flooded by actual depressed idiots emoing over their life who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
Assdevastatingly enough I went from truNEET FO LYFE to actual depressed idiot.

I miss the days when I could just shit on the floor.

>> No.9371814

>depressed idiot.
I would look in the archive for that post of the guy who said >anyone who has a good computer and internet and isn't happy is just not looking enough.

But I'm not.

>> No.9371993

There is no Half-True. Its either true or false.

>> No.9374126


Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

Fixed. The so called "ironic" shitposting and "intentional" shitposting turned into REAL shitposting. No other board has worse shitposting than /jp/, aside from /v/ and obvious boards like /soc/.

>> No.9374171

Shitposting was entertaining and witty, used only on some ocasion
But then some asslord began to shitpost on every post they made, constantly smearing their shit all over.
>No other board has worse shitposting than /jp/
that's because autismal fucks are dedicated. Who else would create the same fucking thread 40 times right after it's deleted ?

There are still a few good shitpost, that are clearly different from acting like a complete retard and smearing your shit all over.

>> No.9374180

>Caring about normals.

If you aren't past that stage, you don't belong here.

>> No.9374191

>130 posts
trolled like HELL

>> No.9374192
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Accel World - 03 [7CB826BE].mkv_snapshot_00.01_[2012.04._0.0.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fucking idiots constantly refer to old /a/ as /a/ before the split?

Old /a/ was /a/ before the Milhouse GET. The place turned to shit long before the split.

>> No.9374200
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, who_da_fuq_is_using_my_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you using my image?

>> No.9374210 [DELETED] 

wheres ur epic zunbar sig, nerd?

>> No.9374214
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 1302384063424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying attention to what losers on 4chan say about other losers on 4chan


>> No.9374218
File: 103 KB, 961x960, shaft_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be dead within the hour, kid.

>> No.9374238
File: 29 KB, 303x289, dgftf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't spend 30 years in the trenches of Vietnam to be treated like this by some little limpwristed sunkissed gayboy, get fucked nerd.

>> No.9374254

nice dubs

>> No.9374257
File: 27 KB, 424x366, spurdo at his computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obscure foreign language
do they mean moonrunes or does finnish count?

>> No.9374276


Why do eagles always look angry?

>> No.9374270

OH NO other boards don't like us!

as if the other boards have anything to brag about.

>> No.9374281 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9374299

they are angry at what has become of their country.

>> No.9374295

Other boards tend to have more than a page worth of on-topic threads at a time.

>> No.9374304

This thread is /jp/-related.

>> No.9374305
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, 1331548338950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't spend 60 years in the permafrost forests of Russia saving your pencilneck schoolboy ass from the constant threat of nuclear war just to be insulted to my face over the internet by your acne-ridden mug decades later.

By the way, you only have 52 minutes left to live now, football head.

>> No.9374309

Think of how they feel. They sang a ton of songs but almost everyone only recognizes Hotel California.

>> No.9374326

>no social skills

What board is this disgusting post from? Who could possibly think that something as trivial as socialization is actually important? Is it from /soc/ or /adv/?

>> No.9374332
File: 58 KB, 176x141, American-Eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't compare me with those queer homos singing about getting dicked in the ass by their liberal professors unless you want something else of mine rammed up *your* ass: my boot.

>> No.9374344
File: 514 KB, 600x432, eagle-stare-eric-belford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't defend SHIT it was thanks to Ronald Regan MAY HE REST IN PEACE and Jesus Christ that this country didn't have to fight those fucking queers in Russia. Now I suggest you shut the fuck up before me and my pals head on down to that liberal run queer state you live in and fucking murder you.

>> No.9374360

Networking is how you get jobs these days, technical skill is completely irrelevant, this includes fields like engineering and CS. Enjoy never getting a job and having to live with your parents nerd, I'll be living it up in my apartment like a true neet.

>> No.9374365


>> No.9374368

I don't care.

>> No.9374396

I'm a NEET except I have a full time job.

>> No.9374615
File: 7 KB, 169x169, 1327813721318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your dubs finally killed eagleman.

>> No.9374641

It is relevant for jobs that require serious technical skills.

>> No.9374669
File: 107 KB, 600x600, 12312562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that hate /jp/ are

1. newfags
2. they don't ``get'' /jp/

I hate to say it, but we are too deep for them.

It's beyond simple ironic shitposts, we have achieved something greater than irony, and if you just jump in you won't get it.


- Someone from any board other than /jp/, 2012

>> No.9374674

So why exactly does the Janitor allow this thread

>> No.9374676

Why DO you sage every thread?

>> No.9374684

So all the shitposts that people constantly bump can be on the front page obviously.

>> No.9374687


This is what /jp/ actually believes.

>> No.9374690
File: 256 KB, 613x613, 1342256512314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374691

Everything is allowed except light novels. NSJ gonna NSJ.

>> No.9374701
File: 99 KB, 486x585, nsj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funny people still think there really is a NSJ and they didn't look in the archive and read the thread where /jp/ came up with the idea to delete our threads around a certain time.

You think flanfly is the only daily occurence? Ever notice how the OH NO NSJ IS ON HIDE YOUR THREADS always happens?

Yeah, it's just people playing.

/jp/ is too multilayered for you crossboard simple minds.

>> No.9374721

Conspiracy time.

>> No.9374738

/jp/ claims to take it easy. But the first second /a/ is mentioned everyone starts screaming and crying, and suddenly everyone tries to prove how long they have been here.

Yesterday I also saw someone on here claim /jp/ was filled with people of above average intelligence. That's hilarious. I actually laughed.

>> No.9374756

I'd like to hope it's just a very vocal minority.
