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9370613 No.9370613 [Reply] [Original]

Have you been to a doctor recently?

I should probably go to one, I'm quite unhealthy but I'm too nervous and embarrassed at the thought of going to a doctor while unhealthy to go to one and get healthy. The last doctor I went to was a dermatologist a couple years ago, she was pretty attractive and it was just really awkward and pathetic. I didn't even make eye contact.

I wouldn't even know what doctor to go to now. I could still go to a pediatrician, but that'd just be too sad. Where do grown ups go to the doctor?

>> No.9370622

A few of my teeth have black voids in them.

Can't be helped. It's not like I can afford dental care. I've thought about just getting a good brushing in and then swearing of carbohydrates forever, because they are the only foods that cause teeth decay.

I hope it's not too late to prevent some kind of infection that might kill me.

>> No.9370621
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mom keeps telling me i have to go cause chest and stuff but i dont wanna
last time was like 2 years ago

>> No.9370632

i thort u were brititsh??

>> No.9370627

That would require me leaving the house, and that's just not happening.

>> No.9370628
File: 39 KB, 377x400, 8b8693bd26ca31a0957f315e89394b6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have health insurance and I've never been to one

>> No.9370635

Why do you need insurance, can't you just go? I don't understand.

>> No.9370639

If I have pains in my testes, will the doctor ask to look at them?

If so, will he make fun of my small genitals? Is it possible to request a doctor that has smaller genitals than I do?

>> No.9370645

Request a female and get her to fondle them.

>> No.9370661

Depending on the pain the doctor may want someone to look at them, since pain in your testes could be serious.

Obviously they would not make fun of you, a doctor willing to look at your nuts have probably seen thousands of them before and really does not care at all about the size of your manhood.

>> No.9370678

Why would I go to the doctor if I don't need to?

I haven't needed a doctor in over a decade, I've gotten sick a few times in that time-period, but I am well aware of how to tell the difference between a virus and a bacterial infection. Luckily I haven't gotten a bacterial infection in a long time.

If I did, I still wouldn't need a doctor, I already know exactly what I need to do in that situation, the doctor would be nothing other than a inane hoop to jump through for anti-biotics.

Really, the only reason I would have to go to a doctor right now, is maybe to check if I have any nutritional deficiencies, but honestly, If I was legally allowed to draw my own blood, ship it off to a lab, and have them mail me the results, I would.

TL;DR, I'm a strong independent white man who don't need no useless doctors.

In all seriousness, people should rely more on a diet and preventive measures to stay healthy, instead of doing whatever the fuck they want and then relying on the medical field, which can only do so much to help a person.

>> No.9370685


O boy, obviously you've never heard of the way the US medical industry works.

>> No.9370690

No I haven't, it's why I asked. Could you explain to me please? I'm from England so I don't know much about stuff that goes on in America.

>> No.9370718


Basically, if you don't have health insurance, you're not getting medical care.

Well, you can, but be prepared to suffer from hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of debt just from one hospital visit, even if they don't do anything, don't cure anything, and don't help your problem in anyway.

Hell, in many cases we have something called gunpoint medicine, where they will actually keep you in the hospital against your will, if you try to leave, they will use powerful psychiatric drugs to knock you out, and when they finally release you, if you don't have health insurance, be prepared to pay a huge bill to the hospital. You'll even have to pay for the drugs they used as a weapon against you.

>> No.9370724 [SPOILER] 
File: 970 KB, 1105x1600, 0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm... doctors are the best.

>> No.9370749

I'm well, I'm not sure if I want to believe this. I mean it could very well be true but I'm not sure I want to believe it because it just sounds horrible, worse than horrible. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with that.

>> No.9370757

I wish my doctor was like this, mine is a grumpy old man.
But at least i live in a country where medical care is more or less free.

>> No.9370784 [SPOILER] 
File: 362 KB, 1056x1500, r_lab_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is semi attractive but she doesn't do anything like that to me.

>> No.9370786


Well, the thing is, almost everyone and anyone can get health insurance, even people who are dirt poor can get health insurance with little to no money because the government will help them out with it.

There's only about 10-15% of people without health insurance here, and I guarantee you most of those people could get almost free insurance if they tried.

>> No.9370805


I grew up without health insurance and I don't have health insurance now.

I haven't been to the doctor in nearly 10 years, and I've never been for a check-up. Emergencies only.

>> No.9370830

I went to the ER about a year ago because my testes starter hurting [spoiler[after I started tucking.[/spoiler]

they're doctors, they wont laugh or call you out on anything. they're there to help you. although that doesn't stop it being weird when you're being fondled by a man in his 50s.

the warm gel from the sonogram felt oddly good on my balls though.

>> No.9370832

What happens if you get a boner just from the human contact on your balls, will they laugh at you?

>> No.9370840

Well yeah, obviously.

>> No.9370841

This worries me. It *must* happen, surely. I wonder if they just see it as a natural reaction, or if it's still considered unusual or funny.

I was watching that one documentary about penis anxiety, and the doctor pretty much fondled his balls and stroked his penis while inspecting it. I don't care how heterosexual you are, a man in power with soft white gloves touching you like that = instaboner.

>> No.9370842

I highly doubt that, my dad told me that he got a boner while getting checked out once and they flick the tip of your penis in a way that your boner stops.

least that is what I've been told.

>> No.9370861

"Your penis is that small? You call yourself a man? How pathetic. And now you're getting an erection, just from me humiliating you like this? What a worthless dog."

>> No.9370858

I had a medical examination before my conscription and the guy touched my balls. I think I was also told to draw back my foreskin but I don't remember for sure. In any case I didn't even consider getting a boner at that point.

And what if I don't want the boner to stop?

>> No.9370871

...and thus The Kraken was released upon humanity once again.

>> No.9370916

In my country, with public health service, you get a family doctor appointed to you by the state. You go to the reception of a health centre and tell them "I want to sign up". THe lady there won't even look at your face and they will tell you "your appointed practicioner will be "Dr. X" at "Y health centre", you will receive your papers in a short while but you can use this one temporary". Then you ask her to book a visit to that Dr and she will tell you the day and hours available and where you can find him. You go to the health center on that day and he will ask you what's wrong. You explain things to him and he will act accordingly. You don't have to do much, basically they will push you around doctors and tests or tell you that you are fine and send you home (if you are not fine, insist, they will try something else).
No money involved.
Why don't you support socialism yet, /jp/? I wish everything was this easy, I want to be spoonfed by the state no matter what. It's perfect.

>> No.9373898

Because it encourages NEETdom.

>> No.9373898,1 [INTERNAL] 

please stop lying about healthcare in the US.
there are small clinics about town you can go to that aren't hospitals that are very affordable without health insurance.
