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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9368225 No.9368225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone wanna be my friend on steam

>> No.9368229
File: 151 KB, 672x298, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone wanna join my steam group

>> No.9368232

wtf dude spoiler that shit

>> No.9368233

No thanks.

>> No.9368238

Steam is facebook for normals who happen to play video games.

>> No.9368271

>play video games

Jokes on you. I just buy them and never play them.

>> No.9368283

That's even worse...

>> No.9368284

I would, if you didn't have a permanent grudge against me after I slighted your e-girlfriend and not only refuse any attempts at reconciliation, but have taken it upon yourself to make sure I can't stay in any /jp/ steam groups ever again.

>> No.9368285

I'm a shitposter and I'm going to join this group

>> No.9368297


>> No.9368321

Dude, what? Shouldn't a /jp/ steam group frown upon people with e-girlfriends, or girlfriends in general?

>> No.9368335
File: 27 KB, 704x400, wryyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those almost free gaems and I don't have an international credit card...

>> No.9368346
File: 22 KB, 823x441, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.

>> No.9368342

Your fault for being a BR

>> No.9368343

I don't know who you're talking about, I've never talked with anyone on /jp/ outside of /jp/.

>> No.9368345

Why do you need one if you live in a mud hut?

>> No.9368356

I would not mind becoming friends with people from /jp/, but I do not want to over Steam. I rarely use it.

>> No.9368391

Let's become friends in an irc circlejerking channel.

>> No.9368398

I don't even know of any channels. I went into one once but everyone was already talking, and I didn't want to butt into their conversations.

>> No.9368399

any good anime art style themed games on steam?

I've been playing too many shooters

>> No.9368406

>weeaboo game
Pick one.

>> No.9368415

Recettear is fun. I still haven't finished it though. I always go two in game weeks and forget about it.

>> No.9368428


>> No.9368432
File: 84 KB, 900x675, fatweeaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Weeaboo Land 2.

>> No.9368571

I seriously thought that was Gaben in the thumbnail

>> No.9368603
File: 7 KB, 252x226, 45682691[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like someone merged Liquid Chris and Gabe Newell

>> No.9368627


>> No.9368697

OP, I'm Random Violence

I need more steam friends anyway

>> No.9368717

Add me, my name is Lolicon. My profile picture is the loli with a teddy bear t-shirt.

>> No.9368725

I bought a co op game yesterday and I've been playing single player because I have no one to play with.
I haven't felt so stupid in weeks.

>> No.9368728

Trine 2?

>> No.9368736

>Cirno is a (9)
well I was going to add you.
honest I was.
not any more

>> No.9368745

I've always wanted to be friends with lots of members of /jp.

So we can be cute while playing video games

>> No.9368750


>> No.9368754

I can understand the second thing, but why would his country matter?

>> No.9368762

I'll play with you, but only if we can do erotic shota roleplay.

>> No.9368782

payday, it was 5$

>> No.9368815

Not him, but I think I know you.

I can play it with you, if you want to.

>> No.9368826

I have a beatrice avatar and I'm a huge faggot who worships the cock.

am I the person you're thinking of?

>> No.9368830


>> No.9368831

I might have almost tolerated the second thing but the first drove it over the edge

>> No.9368839


>> No.9368841

alright. Give me 10 minutes to turn on my desktop computer. Message once I'm online

>> No.9368865

I honest to christ don't remember the Cirno thing.

I am Canadian as fuck however, why /jp/ gotta hate on my people?

>> No.9368899

I don't know if i should join.....

>> No.9368920

I'd add you if you posted your ID

>> No.9368935


>> No.9368947

I've always wanted a nice /jp/ friend to play games with but these threads only contain people who add random people so they can show off their huge friendslists to their bros.

>> No.9368949

I don't really ``hate'' canada. it's just a smallstraw breaking the camel's back.

>> No.9368969 [DELETED] 

I gate tokiko and so does most of /jp/ and therefore he only has 3 steamfriends. he is the polar opposite of what you described.
but he also deserves it.

>> No.9368998

I hate tokiko and so does most of /jp/ and therefore he only has 3 steamfriends. he is the polar opposite of what you described.
but he also deserves it.

>> No.9369001
File: 25 KB, 338x198, 125254296334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i like most about /jp/ is talk to all of you with the anonymity. but in real life i don't know very much about 2hous and i have a very ugly idea of the average /jp/ poster and i am sure once you meet me you will have an ugly idea of what i am.

>> No.9369004

u cute

>> No.9369044


>> No.9369060

I'd love to be someone's steam friend. However I don't think I'm very /jp/ attractive.

-I mainly visit /a/ and /v/
-I don't know much about touhou
-I only visit /jp/ when I'm bored or depressingly lonely.

>> No.9369065

I don't mind any of that but I don't know if you're *first* friend material.

>> No.9369120
File: 793 KB, 800x800, 1335265832761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> MFW /jp/ won't be my friend because of Cirno.

>> No.9369136
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1259492478428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any girls in the group? i doubt there would be any but you never know in this age...

That only reason i am asking is becasue i would like to avoid attention whores and white knights.

>> No.9369147


>> No.9369149

I'm just holding out because you're from Canada.

>> No.9369176

Yeah you're not /jp/ material alright

>> No.9369198

I'd like more Steam friends but I can't really imagine people from /jp/ would be good friends on Steam.

>> No.9369203


>> No.9369206

>55 replies 7images, 12 members.

>> No.9369207

Haha nerds, I have over 20 friends on steam.

>> No.9369209

I think he thinks you're a friendslut aka normal. Someone with lots of friends.

>> No.9369217

I'm not even from /jp/ and still have /jp/sies as steamfriends. They are nice and I can talk about videogames with them.

>> No.9369218

0 friends and proud. I don't even log into steam community because I'm not a normalnerd.


>> No.9369213

Pretty much. I'd only be friends with another person who has 0 friends.

>> No.9369225

I see.

>> No.9369228

>I don't even log into steam community
