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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9365158 No.9365158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any imouto owners on this board?

Do you take baths with your little sister?
Do you cuddle with her in bed?
Is it true that little sisters are the softest kind of girl?

>> No.9365165

reported for IRL pedoshit

>> No.9365182
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>> No.9365184

I dont see some pedoshit in this thread...
No pedo.

>> No.9365187


But my imouto is 20...

>> No.9365189


I used to do those things with my older sister, but I suppose that doesn't count.

>> No.9365197


So normal.

>> No.9365198


>> No.9365199 [DELETED] 

Reported for being a faggot.

>> No.9365206

As opposed to 2D pedoshit? Lolicon and pedophile are the same thing.

>> No.9365207

Reported for breaking Rule 7.

>> No.9365212

> Do you take baths with your little sister?
I used to
> Do you cuddle with her in bed?
I used to

> Is it true that little sisters are the softest kind of girl?
Wouldn't know until I get more information about other girls' softness...

>> No.9365210

Imouto = Little sister
She only should only be younger than yourself...
implying she can be a loli or a 20 years old girl.

>> No.9365222


I'm a no-fun-allowed faggot that has to ruin everything. Praise me!

>> No.9365215

Are you being ironic?

>> No.9365219

Reported for breaking rules 3, 6 and 7.

>> No.9365220

Report THIS *grabs dick*

>> No.9365225

Reported for being a jerk.

>> No.9365229


Reported infinity... So there.

>> No.9365239

>Do you take baths with your little sister?
Used to.

>Do you cuddle with her in bed?
Used to.

>Is it true that little sisters are the softest kind of girl?
No, mine was always bitching and moaning.

>> No.9365241


>> No.9365244

Reported double infinity +1.

>> No.9365247

I used to detest loli
>now I can fap to it if necessary

I uses to be disgusted by foot fetishes

Now I don't find in that bad

I used to hate traps

>now I am one

I hate you /jp/

>> No.9365249

Did that thread earlier attract goons here or something?

>> No.9365251

>Any imouto owners on this board?

I have twin sisters, they are seven.

I wish they would call me "onii chan" just once.

>> No.9365256

My imouto is 19 and calls me nii-san. But she only does so because we usually talk in a skype conference with her friend that has the same given name as mine.

>> No.9365257

>Do you take baths with your littel sister
Until I was 9, yes. Wasn't anything remarkable though.
>Do you cuddle with her in bed?
No. Never even have, actually.
>Is it true that little sisters are the softest kind of girl?
Not in the 3D world.

Looking back I really wish I had a better relationship with my sister... We barely talk to each other nowadays.

>> No.9365258

>Do you take baths with your little sister?
No I don't.
>Do you cuddle with her in bed?
No I don't.
>Is it true that little sisters are the softest kind of girl?
No it's not.

The only people that have little sister fantasies are people that don't have a little sister.

>> No.9365265

Or you just have the wrong little sisters.

>> No.9365266

I warned everyone, but they didn't listen.

>> No.9365292
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>14 year old sister
>something arrives in the mail
>hatsune miku costume

>> No.9365298


>> No.9365303

who r u quoting??? XD funy mem

>> No.9365304

who u quote?

>> No.9365307

I wish I had a sister (not by blood, like in most anime. E.g Da capo) that I could wake up to making me breakfast wearing nothing but my white collared school shirt.

>tfw you will never be called "Onii-chan" without it really meaning anything

>> No.9365311

pics of her, fucker.

>> No.9365315

>not by blood

>> No.9365316

Which would you prefer, a cute sister or a cute childhood friend?

>> No.9365327

she is mai waifu and i must protect her

>> No.9365333

I found nude pictures of my chubby 19 year old sister on her PC the other week. Felt weird as hell, shame she's ugly and a stupid bitch.

>> No.9365334

You just have to train them! They are still young enough to forget everything stupid you've done in past so there is still a chance to go and become the BEST ONII-CHAN EVER!

Become a gentleman.
Help them with their homework!
Ask how their day has gone, be interested in their hobbies (but slowly guide them through the right path to otakudom).
Suggest you would do housework together (clean up, make food etc.).
Be their confidant for their troubles, be supportive.

You now have twin sisters that would do anything for their beloved brother.

>> No.9365335


>> No.9365337
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The first step is to see if she has any incest doujins on her computer.

>> No.9365338

Cute sister. I have to spend every day with the fat lazy inanimate blob that is my sister, she could at least be small and cute like in my animes.

Childhood friend will be as old as you are and you will have to either marry her wrinkly old ass or watch her NTR you.

>> No.9365339

My imouto is a bitch. I can't stand her.

>> No.9365340

Childhood friend

>> No.9365343

>I have twin sisters
living the dream.

>> No.9365344

My little sister is 16 or 17 this year.
I don't really see her often.

>> No.9365345

And then they hit 12 and become horrible whores interested in makeup and boys.

>> No.9365346

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9365352

Who are you quoting?

Epic reaction image.

>> No.9365355

>Everyone's little sister is hot as fuck
>Except yours

>> No.9365359



>> No.9365360
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>> No.9365361

I said, you have to train them. Be active before and during their puberty and heavily imply that boys don't like make up, big boobs and over sexual girls.

You could also start suggesting that incest won't be so bad through all the brother / sister anime.

>> No.9365370
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>> No.9365365

>Who are you quoting?
Hmm, >>9365307 ?

>> No.9365366

This thread is fucking terrible.

>> No.9365371


>> No.9365375


More like >>>/FYAD/ if my hunch is correct.

>> No.9365376

You think any of that is going to stop them talking to their school friends?

>> No.9365377

wow so many sages on this board XD

>> No.9365381


Whatever, nerd.

>> No.9365387

I literally urinated my pants took a shit and had a big one, perhaps a great one even.

>> No.9365383

Childhood friend likes you during, well, childhood since you're her best friend, but after puberty she will abandon you for more alpha men like every other woman in existence.

A sister might idolize you through childhood, but won't like you that way since parents brainwash her into thinking that incest is wrong.

>> No.9365384


They like me for the time being, but I can't really hang out with them much, me and my step father hate each other and he's constantly around them, and when he's not they're dropped off at their grandmother's.

I wish I had a cool hobby I could get them into, so far the best I could do was get them to play wii.

I tried having them watch CCS once and they didn't care for it.

>> No.9365391 [DELETED] 

This thread is making me physically sick, I might actually throw up if /a/ does not leave.

>> No.9365396

Sorry, they're here to stay.

>> No.9365398


>> No.9365404

The imoutos ITT are too old.

So, how many of you with 12-14yo imoutos are starting to notice them turning in sluts and typical 3DPD? Have any of them not undergone such a change?

>> No.9365408

I don't know where my post went. I think NSJ is an /a/ sympathizer.

>> No.9365413

fuck off I posted that and deleted it.
stop impersonating me.

>> No.9365421

*throws a waffle at ur head*

>> No.9365422



>> No.9365420

Oh wow /jp/ what a ~ * wacky * ~ thread you have here.

Get this creepy shit out of here.

>> No.9365428

He's lying. Stop harassing me, it's really hurting my feelings.

>> No.9365429
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Incest is wrong, you have a much bigger chance that the child will have some genetic defects.

Its even weird if you have sexual fantasy to sleep with your sister , but if it stays just a fantasy and nothing more its fine.

Also this thread is awful and retarded.

>> No.9365423

NSJ is a defecation

>> No.9365425

Back to >>>/FYAD/

>> No.9365434

>Incest is wrong, you have a much bigger chance that the child will have some genetic defects.
Who ever said anything about making children?

>> No.9365444


They say your 3rd cousin is an ideal mate, and the chances of defects goes from about 0.03% to 0.06%, big deal.

>> No.9365446

>you have a much bigger chance that the child will have some genetic defects.

A child born to a woman over 40 will have birth defects at a similar rate to children born out of incest. Should there also be laws against women over 40 from having children?

>> No.9365448

3D little girls are some of the worst creatures I've had the displeasure to come across.

>> No.9365443


he's dumb don't talk to him

>> No.9365462

Yes, there should be. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if sometime in the future that actually became illegal.

>> No.9365454


do you have a source

i mean if so, then yes

>> No.9365461

With women lifestyle nowadays, I'd say the chance of defect is greater starting from 25 instead of 40.

>> No.9365466

My imouto is 13. She started to change when she was 11, and now she's just another 3DPD to me... Why couldn't she just stay cute and flat forever...

>> No.9365468
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You're a monster.

>> No.9365488

The only people here who aren't goons are the undesirables who've come here from other boards. If you fit into that category then I think it's time for you to leave.

>> No.9365503
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>> No.9365505

Can i b fbi 2?

>> No.9365496


Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.9365500

Stop bumping your shitty thread.

>> No.9365516

