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9364867 No.9364867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you join the military?

You'd make friends, get in shape, get to see sites, get free housing, free food, and get lots of government money. Joining the military is basically like getting another mother. You barely have to do anything.

>> No.9364876

btw im a girl

>> No.9364872

>You barely have to do anything.
>Joining the military
>You barely have to do anything.

>> No.9364880
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I'd die in the upcoming war with Iran and Syria.

I was thinking of joining as a commissioned officer once I got a degree, but fuck it.

>> No.9364884

I don't want to die, also the world is going to shit and I'd rather don't get used as meatshield.

>> No.9364886

Unless you have a really low IQ and really good physical talents then joining the military won't be any different from any office job. Except for the fact that you can't quit or leave and have no say in what you do, oh and if you do leave you're a traitor to the country and sentenced to military prison.

>> No.9364898

I can't even do one pull-up

>> No.9364907
File: 4 KB, 443x517, secretman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you join the military?

>> No.9364913
File: 35 KB, 360x345, 1338242885705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daddy already is, i get free college + 1100 a month because of it.
How would you die? Are you so fucking weak you'd kill over trying to do push ups?
You can easily get discharged from the miltary, of course it won't look good on you. But uh way to make shit up!!!

>> No.9364920

Fuck you hard in the ass OP.

I've got a year left, and I'd advise my fellow anons to not make my mistake.

You CAN'T take it easy at all in the military.

>> No.9364922

I'm considering joining the Navy after I get my degree.

>> No.9364924

Joining the military is like getting an extremely disciplinary mother and returning to age 12 when you still aren't able to disobey her.

Plus she can force you to go fight in a war.

>> No.9364934

Ok fagatron your dads in the military not you. How about you enlist instead of talking about how fucking easy it is?

>> No.9364940

>force you to go fight in a war
Unless you have a combat role this is bullshit. Most jobs in the miltary aren't combat roles.

>> No.9364941

I worked on a merchant ship before everybody fucked everybody and all the officers insisted that I fucked whatever hole I could find, disgusting. Ohwell I'll qualify one day and work on a better ship.

>> No.9364952

Because I'm currently in college. Stop getting mad over the internet.

>> No.9364973


It's easy street for you after you get out, and you know it.

>> No.9364971

Heh, you're right my bad. I just really dislike the military I apologize for being such a butthurt sperglord

>> No.9364989

No, I'll still have a difficult time doing anything. What makes you think it's easy? Most people get out of the military, and they go no where (although it's usually their own fault.

>> No.9365076

Chair Force has it the worst from what I hear. As far as indiscriminate sex goes.

>> No.9365131

Oh god my grandfather was in the airforce

>> No.9365150
File: 99 KB, 540x675, 057741ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually in the Army, OP.

Guess what I did all this week?

I wake up at 6, go do PT, get breakfast, go to morning formation at 0930, then I got to go back to my barracks room and play video games and post on /jp/ all day.

Easiest job on the planet.

>> No.9365153

>You'd make friends
I have one friend I still talk to.
>get in shape
not in the air force or navy
>get to see sites
depends on your job
>get free housing
minus bills
>free food
Only when you're in the dorms unless you think BAS will really feed you
>get lots of government money.
Depends on how often you deploy.

>> No.9365169

>Easiest job on the planet.
Try being an aircraft maintainer, I spent the worst years of my life in the military. Working 12-15 hour shifts outside in rain or sun. Not to mention deploying to locations where it's 132 F with 90% humidity.

>> No.9365170

Don't let him stare at you, you might get pregnant.

>> No.9365178

the healthcare and other benefits in the military are a fucking insanely good deal

what other job allows you to just walk into a hospital and request $6,000 worth of surgery and they just say "okay! we have a spot open on the 15th, is that okay?"

>> No.9365183
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Enjoy fighting for oil.

>> No.9365191

I've been to the middle east myself, so I know about da heet.

I work in communications though, so my job is going to be easy no matter where I am.

>> No.9365208
File: 15 KB, 302x357, star-of-david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you REALLY fighting for?

>> No.9365205

I'm comm, but my life is shitty.

>> No.9365211
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>> No.9365223

> You'd make friends
Fuck that shit.

> get in shape
Fuck that shit.

> get to see sites
Fuck that shit.

> get free housing

> free food

> and get lots of government money.

> Joining the military is basically like getting another mother.
> You barely have to do anything.
Sounds extremely probable.

>> No.9365216

They actually won't let me because I -have- to take medicine daily or else I physically cannot function after a few days.

>> No.9365214


A paycheck honestly.

>> No.9365218

I was in the armed forces, sort of. (army cadets)

one night, near the end of the first semester, my section chief (a senior cadet) called me about 1 00 am.
guards (also cadets) rotate at midnight, 2 am, 4 am and 6 am, so the halls were empty. I was in my cadet PJs, i asked him if I had to change. He said no just keep them on.

he led me to the classrooms in the other building, some of them are very old, from the 1930s, and the wood creaks. from the noises, I could tell there were at least 4 people inside. I thought, oh shit, theyre going to make me do pushups until 6 am, but it was much worse. As soon as I stepped in they jumped me and pulled down my pants. they started stroking my dick until I got hard. I had no idea what the fuck was going on, I closed my eyes and pretended I was somewhere else, but they yelled LOOK AT ME and made me look at them in the eyes, and would stroke me extra hard each time I blinked. later on they made me jerk them off. there was this huge map on the side of the room and I just kept reading the names in all these little towns in russia to get away from it. I still remember most of them. I went to my room at 3 am after the 2 am shift

I quit a week later.

don't you ever join the armed forces

>> No.9365230

i can't. even the army doesn't want me. [/spoiler];_;

>> No.9365237

What are you trying to say by putting those words in quotation marks?

>> No.9365240

Because I want Iran to destroy Israel, and I refuse to support an ally of Israel.

>> No.9365243

Tried to join the Air Force, but apparently having asthma and egg allergies disqualifies you for military service.

>> No.9365248

How about you leave your room and help, instead of fappin to Loli all day.

>> No.9365252 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 660x480, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what this thread is full of?

>> No.9365254

Why so many recruiters on /jp/?

Anyway I like my hair so no thanks!

>> No.9365268

I'm probably going to apply for field doctor once I'm done with med school. It's supposed to have great pay and safe employment, plus you get to be an lieutenant as soon as you enter, at least in my country (not america).

>> No.9365272

Too many blacks in the navy.

>> No.9365285

What If I get a degree and join the navy in an attempt to get stationed in Japan, would it work?

>> No.9365284

>safe environment

Enjoy possibly getting kidnapped and beheaded by 3rd world barbarians.

You know officers have to do dangerous shit to as well sometimes? People hate you and anything can happen and end up fucking you over.

>> No.9365282
File: 128 KB, 460x621, holocaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop being so anti-semitic.

Israel is America's greatest ally. Iran is a crazy theocracy that is hellbent on destroying Israel and bringing about the second holocaust. Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and a bastion of freedom and prosperity that wants nothing more than a home for Jewish people, where they can live in safety.

>> No.9365287

black people can't swim though

there isn't a lot in the navy

>> No.9365289

>Joining the military is basically like getting another mother
Yeah, another bitch to rule my life. Except this one doesn't shelter me from danger.

>> No.9365294

Both are shitty places, I hope both of them wipe each other out.

>> No.9365300


>> No.9365299

>black countries are for black people
>muslim countries are for muslims
>Israel is for jews
>white countries are for EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY destructive muslim barbarians

I see no problem with destroying Israel.

>> No.9365301

Well, seeing as my country isn't presently at war (UN peacekeeping forces only), I'd think it's rather safe. Plus they do little to no firearm training to people such as me, they basically throw a pistol at you and that's it, I'm supposed to act as a doctor not as a soldier.

>> No.9365309

>white countries are for EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY destructive muslim barbarians

What does this have to do with jews? Are you one of those conspiracy theorists?

>> No.9365317

>Israel is for jews

20% of Israel is muslim.

>> No.9365321

lol that website.

>> No.9365322

Funny how Jews like insulting the middle east even after being treated with hospitality by most Muslims back when Europe was exterminating both of them.

>> No.9365341

Though I've thought about it, I'm not sure Her Majesty's Canadian Forces is hiring for any positions I'd want or be qualified for.

>> No.9365350

> Please stop being so anti-semitic.

> Israel is America's greatest ally.
Israel is the world's greatest enemy.

> Iran is a crazy theocracy that is hellbent on destroying Israel and bringing about the second holocaust.
Good. I hope the holocaust becomes an international phenomenon.

> Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and a bastion of freedom and prosperity that wants nothing more than a home for Jewish people, where they can live in safety.
Israel should never have been created. When the world had to decide on where to put the Jews after world war 2, they should have reused the death camps that the SS had already established.
