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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9355345 No.9355345 [Reply] [Original]

hey worst board on 4chan. Just came to ask a question. Do asian girls like (white) guys with rather large penises? I may be going to japan in the near future, and since jap girls are smaller, do they tend to like large ones less? or more? I am not lying or bragging, its probably my only positive attribute

>> No.9355359

Asian girls like men with lots of money. No one gives a shit about how big you are. Now get out.

>> No.9355360
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japanese maids love tentacle monsters

you will never be as large as a thick writhing tentacle

>> No.9355361

but im not

>> No.9355355

You are a massive faggot.

>> No.9355353

/jp/ likes large penises

>> No.9355358

why don't you ask an asian girl you idiot, how the fuck would we know?

>> No.9355365
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>> No.9355367

>girls like men with lots of money. No one gives a shit about how big you are. Now get out.
fixed that one for you

>> No.9355372
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That's all it takes for you to break into a glory hole stall and suck a cock. Why haven't you sucked one yet, /jp/?

>> No.9355369

Yes you are. Go back to massivefaggotland.

>> No.9355374

>hey worst board on 4chan.

I think you missed, /v/ is over there.

>> No.9355378

Don't push it hard against their uterus.
Other wise it will hurt them.
If you keep that in mind than all Asian girls really surprisingly love big.
There bodies were made for other Asian male penises, so a white penises will get them off, because it is unnatural to their small tight vaginas

>> No.9355379

I like the cocks, but not the people they're attached to.

>> No.9355380

because /jp/ is majorly small asian girls??? are you new or something

>> No.9355381

Never been there, is it worth visiting

>> No.9355388

This IS the board where every fat white neckbeard obsessed over japan, after all

>> No.9355389

I don't want an std

>> No.9355390

Why is that deer headbanging? Deers can't understand music, let alone dance to it. Also, it doesn't look like Tsukasa likes the music very much, so she should probably turn it off.

>> No.9355391
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