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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 244 KB, 570x570, dokupe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9345281 No.9345281 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9345299

I love Dr Pepper because it tastes like blood and urine mixed together.

>> No.9345303

Dr. Pepper-chan I'd never betray you

>> No.9345319

If I have sex with you I might suffer an involuntary circumcision, Reimu on the other hand is relatively safe.

>> No.9345322

I'm not a fags;gayte faggot..

>> No.9345351

amerifat cancer juice

>> No.9345401


I'm sorry Dr.Pepper but I'm trying to eat & drink healthier

>> No.9345837

shit this is hard

>> No.9345844

I dislike Reimu and don't drink soda anymore.

So Dr. Pepper.

>> No.9348888

>not drinking reimu's armpit sweat as a beverage

>> No.9351672

I'd rather have Reimu because I can put my penis in her without getting cut

>> No.9351688

Best armpits.

>> No.9351698

neko miko reimu aishiteru

>> No.9351707

Come on. Who could even drink this? It's fucking horrible.

>> No.9351730

Well, YOU'RE fucking horrible

>> No.9351737

Only gay hipster faggots drink Dr Pepper

>> No.9351735

well you're MOM is fuckin horrible and u used the wrong your nerd

>> No.9351739

I tried dr. pepper once when I visited the US, it was awful
0/5 would not recommend.

>> No.9351752

It's "Dr Pepper". There's no full stop/period/dot/whatever. You don't put one if the abbreviation ends with the same letter as the original word. The . basically means "LETTERS GO HERE" kind of like '.

Of course, Americans forget this and do shit like "Mr." all the time.

>> No.9351778

inb4 usa/europe derail

>> No.9351788
File: 472 KB, 650x893, 9738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amerifats of course, carbonated drinks known in the USA as ``soda'' comprise a staple diet for these people, along with pancakes and bacon and bacon wrapped in bacons.

From what I gather, they gorge themselves on this ``food'' then spent 20 minutes clapping for a reason apparent to no one but themselves.

>> No.9351794

Okay, I'm going to have to request that American diet picture. I think it was comparing them to Japan or something.

>> No.9351804

calm down sperglord

>> No.9351808

you're mom was clapping after sucking my cock nerd

>> No.9351809
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I'm drinking some right now, so it's already decided.

>> No.9351829

Why do they call them soda... why not just say coca cola, sprite or whatever the brand is

>> No.9351847


Why do Americans do ANYTHING? The faster you learn not to ask the less frustrated your sophisticated European anus will be.

>> No.9351843

Americans clap in the cinema when the film has finished.

Not making this up.

>> No.9351861

reomu and pepsi ,make me happy

>> No.9351871
File: 44 KB, 131x142, 1341957661769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to watch Captain America the day it came out
>near the end everyone starts yelling USA USA USA
>one guy runs up and down the aisles waving a plastic flag

>> No.9351887

Thanks to Steins;Gate, Dr. Pepper is a new epic meme for /a/ and reddit. I have mixed feelings towards it.

>> No.9351888

Same reason we call sports sports instead of each individual name.

>> No.9351932

then they clapped?

>> No.9352728

No, a 21 gun salute.

>> No.9352736

How do I language??

>> No.9352741

Nobody did that when I saw Captain America, I wish I went to that theater.

>> No.9352744

Are you really so dim you need someone to explain to you what a generic term is and why languages have them?

>> No.9352749

Dr Pepper was ours long before those dipshits got their grubby mitts all over it.

>> No.9352747


What, did you see a play adaptation of it or something?

>> No.9352753

Sorry, "viewy-wiewy watch-and-screwy".

>> No.9352762

>Fuck Webster, words can only have one meaning!

>> No.9352764

>did you see a play adaptation of it

>> No.9352773

That term is more accurate than you may think.
Some black dude was giving his boyfriend a blowjob in the back of the theater when I went to watch Adventures of Tintin last year.

>> No.9352789

We'd have let you join in if you'd asked.

>> No.9352802

A theatre (note the spelling) is where you watch THEATRICAL performances. Plays, pantomimes, that sort of thing. A cinema is where you watch films (not "movies" because "movie" is the most retarded word ever if you spend a few seconds thinking about it).

And yes, fuck Webster. The Oxford English Dictionary and Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage are all I need.

>> No.9352812


>> No.9352816
File: 91 KB, 850x1058, 1339467626711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for a reason apparent to no one but themselves
Why should I care about the reasons of others? Do Europeans really care so much about the views and opinions of others?
Clapping for my own desires and reasons should not concern what others think. I use clapping to advance my own American agendas. Europe can go fall into their clapless sinkhole while us Americans clap for the glory of their country. Something that Europeans don't care about.

>> No.9352827


British & World English version redirects to ‘theatre’, and notes ‘a cinema’ as a chiefly North American definition.

Try harder.

>> No.9352829

You disturbing social order by your random clapping.

>> No.9352842

And yet it acknowledges it as a legitimate regional variation on the term. Sorry if the concept of an evolving language is too hard for you. Go back to crying over split infinitives.

>> No.9352844
File: 33 KB, 703x471, 1336367666172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you tell me what a biscuit, a cookie, and a scone is, my good sir?
And also what Otaku Culture is? What is an Otaku?

>> No.9352848

>split infinitives
Do not even get me fucking started.

>> No.9352849

Yet another thread that amerifats ruined with their clapping. If only all amerifats died or got banned from /jp/.

>> No.9352853

>if only all Americans got banned from an American website
gb2 limeychan.

>> No.9352857
File: 89 KB, 830x467, 1339778711558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American social order revolves around clapping. Without it we cannot gauge the environment around us.
Why should we diminish American social order and adhere to European social order? We are two different societies.

>> No.9352858

Buy a dictionary. And I don't doubt words are borrowed and changed and misspelled all the time. That doesn't mean we shudnt haf standerds.

Who gives a shit? Dictionaries are starting to list ‘lend’ as an informal synonym for ‘borrow’ because some morons get the two mixed up. Same for ‘infer’ and ‘imply’ and a lot of trickier ones like ‘continual’ and ‘continuous’, and ‘alternative’ and ‘alternate’ (again, America fucked this one up).

And I try to intentionally split infinitives whenever I can.

>> No.9352861

This guy tries way too hard, it's pathetic.

Get a new persona, champ. Your "lol fuk white people, heterosexuals, and america!!!!" thing really isn't funny.

>> No.9352868

>not drinking reimu's armpit sweat as a beverage
I don't care how good it tastes, nothing is worth having to spend an hour pulling hair out of your mouth.

>It's "Dr Pepper". There's no full stop/period/dot/whatever. You don't put one if the abbreviation ends with the same letter as the original word.
Holy shit, are you serious?
4chan has taught me so many things!

>> No.9352878

Why should I buy a dictionary if you say they cannot be trusted as an accurate gauge of language.

>> No.9352890

That's only appropriate grammar in English English. You use a period in American English.
>in b4 even more crying over minor regional variations in language

>> No.9352895
File: 24 KB, 565x358, OED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real dictionaries are useful.

See this shit? It's a dictionary. It probably even has your bullshit American words, just to mention how retarded or hypercorrect they are.

Your stupid American ‘dictionaries’ are an insult to the word, and to the English language as a whole.

>> No.9352910

By the way, you are using all those Greek words incorrectly, England. Not to mention you pronounce Latin weird. And those French terms you pervert? Have you no SHAME?

>> No.9352917

Why do Americunts get so butthurt when their superiors tell them proper English.

>> No.9352931

Some people are very stubborn and so even when their fellow countrymen attempt to correct them on errors in their speech, they may get offended. It also helps to remember the regional differences in language. American English, for instance, is not quite the same as that peasant shit British English.

>> No.9352932

This drink is horrible and against all the rules and humanity. Please delete this thread.

>> No.9352937

Hey, asslord, if you care so much about english, how about fixing the total lack of coherency between what's written and how it's pronounced ?

>> No.9352949

Go choke on a crumpet.

>> No.9352945
File: 86 KB, 515x529, david_crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've _improved_ on other languages. Nobody denies we've taken words and ideas from Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, etc. But we made them better. English is essentially a ‘Best Of’ of the world's languages. The classical and Romance languages were basically alpha and beta versions, and English is the final product.

Americans have corrupted and bastardised it, taking everything a step back. You could at least have the balls to say, ‘Okay, we stole this and ruined it. We'll call our ruined version “American” to differentiate it from proper English.’
But no, the best we get is ‘American English’ which is so contradictory it's not even funny.

>> No.9352960
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 1341208132333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak subhuman English, I speak AMERICAN!
Why don't you respect my indigenous language and stop being a bigot against my culture?

>> No.9352972

I hear Englishmen kill each other after soccer games. What a bunch of uncultured barbarians.

>> No.9352976
File: 334 KB, 800x800, laughing 2hous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9352984
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x1145, saber0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Arthur is rolling in her grave.

>> No.9352982
File: 57 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel @ these mad as HELL nerds

>> No.9352990

American english is just karma giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Keep being in denial.

>> No.9353016

>Dr Pooper

Tried it once to see what was all the fuzz 4chan made about it, turns out i was trolled; most disgusting flavor i ever tasted since i tried that cola flavored powdered juice.

>> No.9353019
File: 569 KB, 860x1258, 1340575398955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everyone speaks Arabic in Britain, not English.

>> No.9353031

For some reason certain palates just can't handle the flavor explosion that is Dr Pepper. This is the same reason that normal people can't handle English food.

>> No.9353132

Dr pepper tastes exactly like flat and old coca cola.

>> No.9353155

My only problem with Sharia is that I have no problems following it.

>> No.9353174

I like how they used a picture of high heels to signify prostitution.

>> No.9353182

That's because english food is terrible. Mint, fried, boiled and potatoes.

Food in islands with no direct access to spices always have had bad food. Like Japan.

>> No.9353198

Why do so many people that hate Dr Pepper prefer Coke?

>> No.9353211

Because people like me enjoy the acidic burn in our mouths. Meanwhile, Dr Pepper is almost pure corn syrup.

>> No.9353236

Dr Pepper is awful. It tastes alright, but the large amount of caffeine in it always makes me feel terrible.

>> No.9353237

I prefer Irn Bru

>> No.9353251
File: 268 KB, 413x586, Bebidas_lacasera_1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the caffeine is the only good thing about those drinks along with the sugar.

>> No.9353271

Dr Pepper is toxic waste in a can

>> No.9353272

I don't understand. Why are you spoiling something that is not a spoiler?

>> No.9353286


I drank some for the first time yesterday after I saw this picture again.
Overly sweet and with a strange aftertaste, also it is made with corn syrup rather than real cane sugar like most other soft drinks in this country.

>> No.9353292


>> No.9353301

I like Mountain Dew. Drink that all day every day.

>> No.9353297

The day Moot adds "Dramatic effect BGM" to the posting system those will dissapear, meanwhile people will use spoilers to give emphasis to their posts.

>> No.9353300

I hope you hold that opinion for most other soft drinks as well.

>> No.9353671

How is that diabetes going?

>> No.9353736

I am quite well, thank you for your concern. Nothing to report about illnesses.
