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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 170 KB, 849x1112, Tribute to Perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9339803 No.9339803 [Reply] [Original]

A Tribute to Perfection:

Black and white witch
You are so pretty.
Soul rugged as a Deva,
Body stellar as a Princess,
Mind sharp as a Blade,
You are divinity in the flesh, a Living Goddess.
Time stops when I gaze upon your hourglass figure.
You've snatched up my emotions and have me Love-Colored.
Mistress of perfection, the brightest spark in reality.
You are impervious to Ill Luck and fortune trails from your graceful flights.
I dream of you taking an oath of love to me, bound to it as a Guard is bound by honor.
All I desire is for both of us to drink upon the Moon's Fountain and to live together for Eternity.
For if I die before my desire is fulfilled, bury me under the Cherry Blossom, and fly my essence over the River.
Fate alone knows of my deepest sorrows,
Icy chills run through my body from the realization of our incompatible nature.
Separated, by one dimension.

>> No.9339811

perfection ?

>> No.9339865

>Separated, by one dimension.


>> No.9340000

I was outside and I thought of this really nice poem but no one responds to it. I want to die.

>> No.9340076

I honestly cant believe this.

Only one legitimate reply. Just one.

Only ONE. For my poem!? Is my poem really that bad? It can't be because then people would come and say its bad, but ONLY ONE PERSON DID!. Ahhh!!! I can't believe this. I was so excited to write up this poem and post it on /jp/ and see how people like it, and I get nothing!

It's driving me crazy

>> No.9340119


>> No.9340126

Get the fuck out, attwhore.

>> No.9340134

What're you, 12?

>> No.9340136


You are telling me that if you, a layman, created a creative work that you are proud of and shared it with a community you affiliate with, and that community did not even ACKNOWLEDGE your work you wouldnt be stunned?

>> No.9340162

Not bad, although I personally would have written the last line as "Separated, by a single dimension," rather than just using the word "one."

>> No.9340197 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 188x313, ramo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There once was a maiden shrine
who would clean up all of the time
She dressed up in red
had a ribbon on her head
and her armpits were simply divine!

>> No.9340227

Well, you like Marisa more than I do, and I thought I liked her... well, a lot.

>> No.9340259


I like one instead of single because its one syllable. Seems to flow easier.


Yeah! I like Marisa a lot.

>> No.9340302

Even if people here ignore this thread, I know Marisa is happy. If she's ever having a rough time, she can remember that people like you in the outside world are there for her, even if only in spirit. And when everything is going well, her day will be brightened even further.

>> No.9340376


This would be beautiful, if she was real.

>> No.9340382

I can name the references I noticed in your poem

Deva: Yuugi
Princess: Kaguya
Blade: Youmu
Time: Sakuya
Moon's Fountain: Hourai Elixer


>> No.9340393
File: 23 KB, 266x284, marisa joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, anonymous.

>> No.9340449
File: 894 KB, 825x1025, looktheyresponded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both are one syllable

I enjoyed the poem though.

>> No.9340480


Single is two syllables!

>> No.9341211
File: 132 KB, 656x675, EXTROVERT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone write a poem about Koishi?

She deserves one!

>> No.9341237


Koishi is a cute girl
She rolls on her oversized eye
She wears an oversized outfit
It is adorable

>> No.9341324


Patience, young grasshopper. /jp/ is slow.

I enjoyed your poem. Marisa is my favorite <3

>> No.9341380

makin' mad stacks
flash da yellows and da blacks
an when niggaz tryna step to me
my hat helps me relax

>> No.9344114

/jp/ needs to write more poems

>> No.9344115


>> No.9344944
File: 16 KB, 122x136, crying sanaer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9345054
File: 181 KB, 850x850, 2555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9345060

I've seen better poems at Gaia from my boyfriend.

>> No.9345076 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /v/, you shitposting cunt. Reported.

>> No.9345125


Your boyfriend is Gaia!?

>> No.9345142

I have had a loli said she dreamt about me, and then she drew me a picture of what I looked like in it. Do you even lift??

>> No.9345462


That picture gave me a crush for Marisa.

>> No.9345475

No you imbecile. My boyfriend used to reside at gaia.

>> No.9345483
File: 245 KB, 500x666, Marisa!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho? Think you can keep up with her?

>> No.9345497


I wish. I hope she likes my personality and doesn't care about my mediocrity in all fields of life. That's the only way I could woo her.

>> No.9345621
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1340966943474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my dick inside Koishi
To make her scream out loud "oishii"
My wish; become the kami no shi
And grant her quick death.

Her sister Komeiji cries aloud
Her sorrow draws forth a mighty crowd
Disregarding them I stand up proud
And give her the dick

My hot cum sprayed upon her face
Her visage now does appear a disgrace
And dribbling down to her dress of lace
My seed does run softly

Her sister's corpse borne in my arms
Her rigid face ceases to bear charms
Lol xD man whadda fuck
This is a great shit

>> No.9345658


Koishi deserves more respectful poems!

>> No.9345676


Very good creative writing. I wish my brain could be creative but all I really do is rip other people off.

>> No.9345744

>Time stops when I gaze upon your hourglass figure.

She's 12 you sick fuck.

>> No.9345780


Nuh uh, she's like 21!

>> No.9345863
File: 66 KB, 478x850, 1336077963841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I'm sorry. I am genuinely repentant.

Have you seen Koishi Komeiji?
She has not come home in awhile.
It's dangerous here for a girl like her
And I do so miss her smile

You think you've seen Koishi Komeiji
But now you've gone and forgot?
She's an adorable pure-hearted girl
With worry for her I am fraught

She was the vandal, Koishi Komeiji?
Speak not ill of her, you churl
As you say, she lives in Hell
But she's the sweetest little girl

My loving sister, Koishi Komeiji
Desires nothing else in the world
But freedom from needs, from musts, from wants
From the slander at her you have hurled

Koishi Komeiji, Koishi Komeiji
It's almost 2AM in Tunisie
Flan will be on, so please hurry home
So I can finally take it easy

>> No.9345877

old enough for kisses

>> No.9345885

Where's the shit-eating grin?

>> No.9346085
File: 437 KB, 890x1100, 1334567907893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little ice fairy
Who plays in the snow
How you live your life full of merry
And with a lifelike glow
You shine above the rest
Everything you touch becomes ice
As a result of your jest
No matter the price
I would give the world to hold you in my arms like a doll
Little ice fairy, though not very smart
Whose touch freezes all
But my heart.

>> No.9346186
File: 16 KB, 480x360, yuugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi the deva, strong and brave
Who lives in a hellish cave
No one can stand to your elegant might
You make my groin feel extremely tight
I wish you could know my magical love
But all I will get is a push and a shove

>> No.9346235


Very skilled poet.



>> No.9346330
File: 161 KB, 850x1307, Cute Izayoi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your secrets?
What do you desire?
Can we talk about you while we light up a fire?
Where do you come from?
Why are you here?
You serve a mistress whom you hold dear.
Who is Remilia?
How did you meet?
I wish you would indulge this poor ol' NEET
Why do you hold back?
Why do you lie?
Is it because you are really shy?
Time-maid of utmost efficiency
I wish you could be with me.

>> No.9346338

It sure is a lot easier to make a rhyming poem than it is to make one that doesn't rhyme and have that kind of appeal.

>> No.9346407
File: 574 KB, 716x1011, Satori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted Youkai
Why do you hide?
You waste all that beauty
Being inside
I wish you'd come out
The world would be better
Come to me and accept the letter
It is written in my mind
You have my soul in your hands, please be kind
Open the seal, gaze into my heart
If you deny, i'll throw myself in her cart.

Marry Me

>> No.9346447
File: 204 KB, 872x1226, remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill beat Remilia with my fist
For what she has done with her red mist
Ill strip her down, nothing but flesh
Hm, I think we could really mesh
Ill pound you senseless, you wont remember
Where you were last September
Ill call for your sister
She'll inquire "What mister?"
Ill tie her down, with a gun full of lead
If you refuse to give me head

>> No.9346471
File: 153 KB, 850x1190, shame catcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you!?
You cannot capture my shame,
For I am really lame!

>> No.9346483

/jp/ - Poem Culture

>> No.9346484

Any poetry otakus here?

>> No.9346612

Ted Hughes is my favorite poet

>> No.9346865


Stop raping Remilia!
