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9339226 No.9339226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anon, why are you a NEET?

>> No.9339227

cute show

>> No.9339231

i just wanna fit in /jp/

>> No.9339233

wood u meat a neet

>> No.9339234


>> No.9339236

Because I'm lazy.

>> No.9339238

I'm not really NEET, just on /jp/.

>> No.9339259

>why are you a NEET
But i'm not.

On the subject, NEET's should be exterminated. Lazy, selfish or just don't want to work?

Fine, you don't eat.

>> No.9339262
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because i got depressed and dropped out of two courses.

now i've got too much anxiety to even go outside half the time.

i'm going to have to find a job soon, or else i'll have nowhere to live. or maybe i'll move to gensokyo.

>> No.9339279

Kill yourself back to >>>/v/

Have fun working so you can pay for Laqueesha and her 15 niglets.

>> No.9339291

I just do the bare minimum around home and pretend I'm religious so my mom won't kick me out.
I genuinely like living with her though.

>> No.9339292

>marry a nigger

Seems I hit a nerve, eh? Can't abide the thought that being a NEET makes you an unbearable piece of shit?

>> No.9339304

>implying I want to pay for your fat, pale, NEET ass.
You're no different than Laqueesha and her 15 niglets.

>> No.9339299

I think he meant you're paying her welfare.

>> No.9339301

please don't use Ai-chan's pics while making such awful posts.

>> No.9339303

In all honesty, unless you're living off autismbucks how do you expect to keep your standard of life?

>> No.9339313



How does it feel to know that a NEET has a better grasp of English grammar than you?

>> No.9339317

>hurr durr im so depressed imma cut myself and be autistic.

Grow the fuck up. Normal people move past depression.

>> No.9339318

Well then you better keep working so I can keep on sitting on my fat pale ass.

Keep up the hard work, Anonymous-san!

>> No.9339320

How does it feel to know that you are grasping at straws to try and justify yourself?

>> No.9339321

On this note, I see a lot of papers pluralise it as "NEETS" with a capital "S".

Really rustles my jimmies. No other acronyms or initialisms do this (that I know of).

>> No.9339322

Yeah there's this thing called mid life crisis that apparent highly successful people go through...

>> No.9339330

Don't worry, in a few years welfare and SS will dry up.

>> No.9339331

having to work for a NEET is more like having to work for a pet, not a nigger.

>> No.9339336 [DELETED] 


Feels alright.

Also I'm not a NEET, I'm studying at one of the most prestigious universities in my country after which I plan to live the rest of my life as a NEET because it is more or less the closest thing to a royal lifestyle historically available to commoners.

Pretty amazing really. If you don't want to take advantage of that then that's your choice. Enjoy your wife and kids.

>> No.9339343

if i try going i just realize how much of a fucking retard i am and get more depressed

>> No.9339345 [DELETED] 

Suigoi monogatari anata!

>> No.9339353

There are no jobs in this country

>> No.9339369

Because I'm not in education, employment, or training. At the moment, anyway. I'm trying to get a menial job for some cash but I fucked up the interview so I probably screwed up. Once I get a vehicle I'll enroll in a trade school, most likely.

I'd like to just relax, but my parents make me pay a little bit of the rent and utilities, and I buy my food. Gotta get money some how.

>> No.9339447

I'm not; the idea of lazy neets really does disgust me, fine if you can't find a job but come on, don't be pathetic.

>> No.9339492

I'm lazy and have bad anxiety.

>> No.9339499

One word. Schizophrenia.

I don't leave the house unless it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. I live off of disability and live a lonely depressed life.

Instead of trying to do anything I sit on the computer browsing jp all day.

>> No.9339547

i guess i'm not, then


>> No.9339585

muh social anxiety

>> No.9339678

I'm afraid I will become a normalfag if I get a job.

Other then that, having own apartment and money would be cool.

>> No.9339893

>another person with a mental condition that isn't social phobia or autism
i...i...just wanted to say hi.

i'm a NEET mostly because the school year didn't start yet. no, i'm not a summerfag, i just dropped out a few years ago and planned to enter school again this year. though now i know it's not gonna work out, so i don't know. i'm probably gonna try anyway, then go back to NEETdom after they throw me out for lack of attendance.

i wish there were free online schools. i wish i could stay a NEET forever. i wish it was possible to live off autism bucks here. i wish i could become a housewife without being female and having sex with 3DPD, it seems this is the closest you can get to a NEET in a shitty welfare country.

>> No.9339889
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Health disorders.
Go go Ehlers-Danlos/POTS/Chiari Malformation.

>> No.9339904

Don't they have subsidized housing where you live?

>> No.9339926

you have Ehlers-Danlos? which type?

>> No.9339945
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>> No.9339985
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help, my parents are threatening to send me to the military if I don't stop being neet, throw out all my figs and get a job
has anyone here been in the military? im scared of leaving my comfy jp life

>> No.9339986

>why are you a NEET

I'm not. I have a job and I'm starting university soon.

>> No.9339997

>throw out all my figs
The only way out of this is war.

>> No.9340021

Pretend to be crazy and talk with you are dolls.

>> No.9340027

It's horrible. You've watched Full Metal Jacket? The first part pretty much sums up what it's like for people like us. Do anything you can to avoid it. Even getting a job would be a million times better.

>> No.9340039
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>> No.9340045

Hypermobility is what's currently thought, although it has a chance of possibly being classical.
Don't have a chance to find out currently due to some neck issues.
>move neck
>suddenly sharp pain
>double vision in one eye
>can't move fingers properly
>go to ER
>sent home and told to take tylenol
Gotta see a neurologist about it this week.

>> No.9340049

It's not that bad. You learn lots of neat skills and if you stick with it you can have a great career.

>> No.9340051

How are they going to send you to the military? If they can't, then it's an idle threat.

>> No.9340073

Figures suck anyway, they are doing a favor to you.
And if it matters to you, get a job, ace it and have a nice pay and buy more and better figures.

>> No.9340120

Slightly varies based on the route you go (NCM or Commissioned). Officers need more 'soft' skills and brains (asspies will find it hard to keep the ranks orderly just by whipping them alone or even getting the job). However, having relatively less brawn is acceptable. You don't have to be nearly as strong as the best under you to be considered adequate. For enlisted, being physically tough is absolutely vital. They will punish and bully you if you fall behind on the drills and shit. But being mentally lacking is more acceptable since you're just a 'grunt'. No surprise and kinda common sense if you think about it but that's just my experience.

>> No.9340125

Not anymore, I finally became a work slave whoring myself out for $26/hour.

>> No.9340177

I was thinking of signing up for the Air Force
I heard supposedly its probably the most ex-neet-friendly out of all the branches? i hope with my degree i can get some sort of laid-back job at a base maybe
as long as nobody bullies me :_:

>> No.9340184

Because things are shit and they will always be shit.

This is essentially the main reason for most of my life choices.

>> No.9340276

crippling childhood anxiety / lack of motivation due to going through a divorce where they kept using me as a bargaining chip

finally dropped out of high school in grade 8 (they tried everything to get me to stop being truant but nothing worked) because my shitty "friends" B&E'd my house

sat at home, played everquest, fapped, watched animu, listened to music, browsed the web every day

finally progressed to sleeping 12 hours a day, not leaving the house unless I had a doctors appointment (that's literally the only time I left), playing mmorpgs in excess, fapping and animu.

now its progressed to walking once a night for an hour (in the middle of the night where none of those disgusting NORMALS are out) and lowering my caloric intake to around 1000-1300Kcal.

crippling anxiety is still here but the depression has been replaced with misanthropy and extreme hate.

Hate motivated me to lose 60lbs, gain muscle, look bitches in the eyes (sometimes -- this is still hard with anxiety and I have to force myself to do it)

>> No.9340451

Air Force is definitely more technical. A degree will get you a leg up but it also depends on what kind of 'degree' you have since everyone and their dog has one now. If you have one that's relevant from a decent school (engineering, compsci, operations etc.) and sign up as an NCM you'll automatically be in a higher rank/pay grade than a private out of HS. But at the same time, the Air Force and Navy are notably more competitive than the Army (at least here) - even more so with the shitty job market for young people right now. I was LogO in army and was surprised at the amount of NCMs with degrees. Either way good luck and lift. Lift alot.

>> No.9340486

They call it the chair force for a reason

>> No.9341179


What's your degree in?
