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File: 152 KB, 1260x600, kowarekake-no-orgel-4684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9338334 No.9338334 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently watched Kowarekake no Orgel and I'm wondering that considering the current state of the japanese robot-industry is it possible that in my oldfag days I will be taken care of a little robot loli? oldfag days: I have good genes so let's say around 2060. I would love to have a Flower-like robot for cooking, cleaning, talking to, and... reasons.

>> No.9338341

Virtual reality: yes

Actual robots: no

>> No.9338353

I doubt anyone here is going to last that long.

>> No.9338435
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Kowarekake no Orgel Special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
Nice, that did not even cross my mind but you're right, that seems more plausible.
Are you implying WWIII? I'm afraid of that too. But if you're saying global warming and shit I think we can survive that with compromising.

>> No.9338445

There is technology I have seen that creates simple games where the character does things based on timed events and even has a memory bank to remember what information you have previously told it. I wonder why no one has used that idea and combined it into some sort of robot loli on your computer simulator thing yet, it seems like something that could be appealing especially if you could customize things.

>> No.9338486

I'll be training one in my ways to carry on my will after I am gone. It might not be me but I'll be a reasonable facsimile of me. As a robololi.

>that feel when you realize mechanical objects actually have a much shorter lifespan than humans

>> No.9338503

What are replacement parts and memory backups? Robots are basically invincible.

>> No.9338649
File: 36 KB, 853x480, 1375932944510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... but with bullshit patents and copyright stuff I'm afraid there would be a lot of incompatibilities. However I wouldn't ever throw out a robololi. I don't even throw out old computer hardware!
Now that's really interesting! Modern homonculus!

>> No.9338662

she dies

>> No.9338698

>Robots are basically invincible.
Until they're shocked or encounter a magnetic field or get wet or get hit by something that would only bruise a human for a few days but knocks their components loose.

>> No.9338711

The answer is "no"

>> No.9338729

The answer is "42"

>> No.9338753

People who think this kind of shit will happen are the same people who thought we'd all be driving hover cars by the year 2000. Don't mix science fiction and wishful thinking with actual technology.

It won't happen in the next century. And I say this as someone who would love if it did.

>> No.9338824

>memory backups
Make one backup of your robot, and you'll lose maybe a weeks worth of memories if it gets destroyed in an accident. The chance of the robot breaking on the same day as the backup is insanely low.

>> No.9338865
File: 60 KB, 848x480, Kowarekake-no-Orgel-Flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I get what you're saying.
IBM on flying cars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzm6pvHPSGo
I guess I will have to stick with holograms or some VR... but I mean, come on isn't there really a chance?
Compare the ENIAC to an Android phone. 50-60 years is a lot of time.

>> No.9338906

When VR does the exact same but without touch, what's the point? Really, it's the same reason why we don't have flying cars. Nobody NEEDS to fly that badly, all that happens if you get somewhere faster.

>> No.9338919

Do you guys think it's the hardware/parts or the software/programing that's holding us back?


>> No.9338933

Both. Although I'd argue that the software is more important at this stage, we need AI before robots. But to create the software, we need better computers capable of emulating human brains.

>> No.9338943

>Make one backup of your robot,
I'm talking in terms of the robot living on its own.

>> No.9338950

Make another robot to automate the backup transfer to a new shell. That's in a world where there wouldn't be dozens of businesses dedicated to keeping backup copies of yourself though.

>> No.9338961
File: 71 KB, 700x700, 6ac9ea163eea1ed9e5a0c44858a9887d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept that it's never happening.

>> No.9339137

>Trusting a business with your memories
I have never shiggy'd as hard as I'm diggy'n right now.

>> No.9339285
File: 93 KB, 450x267, 2028_01.1229617471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but a VR won't make me a sammich and won't wipe my then-oldfag ass.

>> No.9339377

>Kowarekake no Orgel

There are a billion anime based on the household android premise, and this is the one you're going with...?

>> No.9339667

I'm only 1 month into anime and a couple of days into /jp/. Sorry for my ignorance/inexperience.

>> No.9339710

Fuck yes, and here I thought I was the only one who has watched Kowarekake no Orgol! God I love that OVA, I wish it was a bit more popular. It's great and definitely needs more fanart.

>> No.9339720

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9339723

movie or ova? which is better?

>> No.9339727

Why not? It was a great doujin animation, and it has a cute robot loli.

>> No.9339735

Sorry meant to quote >>9339377

>> No.9340005

OP is not a girl
