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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 170 KB, 1002x1055, yuruyuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9329671 No.9329671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Yuru Yuri would you fuck ?

>> No.9329680

None of them are very fuckable.

Maybe if I was a little lesbian.

>> No.9329688

You can't fuck a Yuru, shut up

>> No.9329695

Chitose, violently, for weeks.

>> No.9329710

I bet Sakurako fucks like a tiger.

>> No.9329726

You two must be cute little lesbians.

>> No.9329733

wrst yuru

>> No.9329740
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_12_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[C80D6C3D].mkv_snapshot_00.07_[2012.06.30_14.18.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9329749

Yui x Chinatsu
Kyouko x Ayano
Sakurako x Himawari
Mari x Kaede
Akari x Akane
Chitose x Chizuru x Death

>> No.9329750

You aren't a little lesbian? What are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.9329751
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Akarin I love her so much

>> No.9329753
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None get out with your lewd thoughts

>> No.9329754

who ?

>> No.9329767
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>> No.9329774

Yuru Yuri hajimaru yo~

>> No.9329779

That's not Yui

>> No.9329815

I want to shoot my warm semen into Akari's 13-year-old vagina.

>> No.9329817
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>> No.9329837
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Akarin is a Nazi that's why everyone tries their best to ignore her.

>> No.9329847
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>> No.9329857
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>> No.9329871
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Even the studio knows that Yui is the least liked yuru yuri.

Pic related, april's fool "joke".

>> No.9329903
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>> No.9329914

What is Kyoko pointing at?

>> No.9329929


None. I don't like defective women.

>> No.9329943

Please don't be homophobic.

>> No.9329955


>> No.9329956

you are small dick nerd ROFLMAO

>> No.9329961

You think anyone ever listens to you? pathetic neet

>> No.9329962

Chinatsu or Kyoko

I'd also like to make Himawari or Yui cry with my penis.

>> No.9329979

I would jackhammer every single Yuru Yuri so hard that blood would be everywhere and they would die of broken pelvis.

>> No.9329980

She's pretty popular in Japan, which I just don't get. What is there to like about her? She's so plain

>> No.9329981


Don't listen to me. I'm just jealous no 2d little girls want my penis. Maybe if they were bisexual or something, they wouldn't be defective.

>> No.9329983

I don't get it

>> No.9329998

Who gives a shit go back to /a/.

>> No.9330001

No you aren't my real mom.

>> No.9330008
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Which yuru yuri would you want as a mom?

>> No.9330011

Why hasn't someone made a doujin where Akari walks around naked because nobody notices her. She pees in one of her friends drinks and then they drink it etc.

>> No.9330012


>> No.9330013


No, I'M your real mother Thomas. Now get over here and suck my erect clitoris.

>> No.9330016

You posted her.

>> No.9330024


>> No.9330031

btw I'm a virgin

>> No.9330025

girls can have erections too?

>> No.9330034
File: 1.29 MB, 1430x2000, sakuyathebestmaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like this?

>> No.9330035

No need to be redundant son

>> No.9330036

My clit gets big and hard when I schlick

>> No.9330045

btw I'm not a virgin

>> No.9330050
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>> No.9330237


>> No.9330254

Most of them are bi.

Fuck off dyke.

>> No.9330268

>mad his waifu is a lesbian and would never accept him

God damn she isn't even real get over it.

>> No.9330264
File: 51 KB, 339x298, orinhotline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa. Dude.

Dude, that's pretty hostile, dude.

>> No.9330270

Himawari has nice tits

>> No.9330271


>Most of them are bi.

They're lesbians, brah.

>> No.9330274

Don't try to start this shit again.

>> No.9330286

I want proofs.
Did she say she doesn't like men?
Then she is not a lesbian.

>> No.9330293

There are no men in the Yuruverse

>> No.9330303

i see no tits.

>> No.9330297


>I want proofs.

Are you trolling?

>> No.9330298

There are.

>> No.9330308
File: 391 KB, 700x937, eed55a640a876150b00c8cd4fc45ce66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wrong girl

>> No.9330304


>> No.9330306

Go rewatch the Christmas episode. At one point when Yui and Ayano are sitting on the bench at the park it shows various women on dates with their boyfriend.

>> No.9330316

Why are black socks so delicious?

>> No.9330310
File: 299 KB, 443x430, yuri_hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9330313

Anime original. Or they were just reverse traps. Just look at Yui, she looks like a fucking guy.

>> No.9330319


Wishful thinking of lonely neckbeards, really a projection of their warped fantasy.

Some of them think Kuroko and Homura are bisexual too.

>> No.9330324

But my dakimakuras has sex with me so thats proof that they are all bi.

>> No.9330327

Mad dyke is mad.

Kuroko is canon bisexual, see the ep where that milk guy about her breats.

>> No.9330328


If the entire cast's gender was made opposite, nobody would argue they're gay.

>> No.9330339

are you me?

>> No.9330341

I would since I like men too.

>> No.9330344

No? Maybe, do you like spats a lot too?

>> No.9330346
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Male doctor

>> No.9330349
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>> No.9330350

Yeah but then again I also love pantyhose.

>> No.9330352
File: 30 KB, 386x379, 1315305088347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way she thinks.

>> No.9330357
File: 228 KB, 903x975, 1338712186505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to meet up and rub our penises together?

>> No.9330369

I'm kinda shy so only if you promise not to bully me.

>> No.9330371

>only if you promise not to bully me.
Deal off

>> No.9330376

1. Kuroko IS bisexual
2. Homura is not even a lesbian, there is no reason to assume she is not straight

>> No.9330377

Don't listen to >>9330371 I would never bully someone of exquisite tastes.

>> No.9330379

When is Akane going to get introduced in the anime? The siblings of the Yuru Yuris are funny and I want more of them.

>> No.9330381

Why are /jp/sies so lewd. If I hang out with a /jp/sie I want to just play video games and play with stuffed animals.

>> No.9330388

I'll play with stuffed 2hus. The closest thing to animals I have are two pokemon plushies.

>> No.9330385

There is no reason to assume she is straight, but there is reason to assume shes gay.
Also there is literally nothing indicating that kuroko would be bi.
Sorry that you can't fuck your waifu.

>> No.9330389

Himawari is so sexy, I imagine she's what most big booby JAV idols looked like when they were 13.

>> No.9330390

>but there is reason to assume shes gay.
No there is not. Homura never expresses any inappropriate feelings towards Madoka that suggest she views her as anything more than a close friend. I'm sorry that you're so shallow the only motive you can justify for her actions is sexual attraction.

>> No.9330392

>Also there is literally nothing indicating that kuroko would be bi.
God, you dykes sure are retarded.

>> No.9330395

Last time I checked having a close friend of the same gender isn't gay, especially if you're girls.

>> No.9330396

I have a lot of plushies, we could share. I bought some fumos too, hopefully they arrive soon, so we can also play with those.

>> No.9330401

That doesn't indicate that she is bi. I have no idea what the fuck you think is going on there.

>> No.9330406

No one fucking cares. Calm your autism, nerds.

>> No.9330402


>> No.9330403

What kind of video games do you want to play? We can play PoFV I don't mind if you use the keyboard either.

>> No.9330408

Kuroko fucking lusts at her all the time. You have to be pretty damn homophobic to think thats because they are "close friends."

>> No.9330414
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.45_[2012.07.09_04.48.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Klein gay?

>> No.9330412

I have a PS3 and several games for it. But I don't usually play with other people, so I don't have many 2 player games. Playing PoFV sounds like fun though. I think it'd be better if you played though, I like watching.

>> No.9330421

I don't mind if you watch, but I don't have any chairs or anything. I can try and make some room on my bed but it'd be a tight fit.

>> No.9330424

She saying "A man talking about my breasts?" clearly shows that she cares about some men.

>> No.9330430

He's talking about Homura.

>> No.9330431
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>you can't fuck your waifu
you always can

>> No.9330437

I'm too lazy to quote the rest of the posts but email each other or go somewhere else please.

>> No.9330433

My bed is pretty small too. I have bunkbeds though, we could take the mattresses and put them together and use that.

>> No.9330438

Well that would work, what game do you want me to play?

>> No.9330440

Segs :-----DDDDD

>> No.9330442

``I really want to discuss anime in peace.'' - u after bein anal devastuded

>> No.9330443

She had no expression when she said that. If anything she was disturbed by it.

>> No.9330446

>especially if you're girls

Did you and your bros physically compare cock sizes and practice kissing each other for future girlfriends?

No? Well guess what all that's just as weird for girls as it is for guys.

All those yuri scenes came from the imagination of creepy male writers.

>> No.9330451

A man talking about my breasts?

There, does that make me bi? No, of course not.

>> No.9330452

You're getting pretty desperate now.

>> No.9330460

What games do you have? It's up to you, I don't mind really, it'll still be fun.

>> No.9330454

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9330455

Yuri authors tend to be female.

>> No.9330456

poor offended womyn

>> No.9330457

Yes she did.
Can't you read what I just said?

>> No.9330459

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9330463

Namori is a chick and so are %70 of the readers.

>> No.9330464

Most of the games I play would be pretty boring to watch really. I mostly play Civilization, mineraft, Sim City 4, and Touhou.

>> No.9330468

Sure thing, but you are not Kuroko.
Please fuck off.

>> No.9330475

You are grasping at straws. She is completely deadpan when she says it. That doesn't show that she is attracted to men, it shows that she heard someone talking about her breasts and commented on it because its creepy.

>> No.9330481
File: 85 KB, 500x527, 1337958937345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaylords and yuri shippers ruined a YuruYuri thread, so ironic like /jp/ xD

>> No.9330477
File: 129 KB, 537x638, 17041769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Persona would Yuru Yuri fuck?

>> No.9330486

You obviously don't give a shit about her canon sexuality and are making excuses so that you can keep pretending that she loves you.

>> No.9330487

How can an anime thread be ``ruined'' on /jp/?

>> No.9330493

Can someone link the /jp/ rules to these 2 poor crossboarders?

>> No.9330494

Desperate virgins who can't deal with lesbians seem to love derailing threads about a lesbian shipping show.

>> No.9330489

>not being homosexual
>being upset that a good meetup discussion ruined your shitty anime shit

>> No.9330497
File: 19 KB, 400x500, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic as HELL, bro! id suck your cock anyday!

>> No.9330499

>She is completely deadpan when she says it. That doesn't show that she is attracted to men, it shows that she heard someone talking about her breasts and commented on it because its creepy.
Except she looked at her breasts probably thinking some thing like "What did he saw in me".
Did you even watch the episode?
I think you are the one grasping at straws here.

>> No.9330501

No use in wasting time on pleasantries.
*whips out cock*

>> No.9330505

*starts sucking your cock*

>> No.9330506

So now you are making up words for her to say just to try to justify picking a lesbian waifu. How pitiful.

>> No.9330508

Also, Kuroko thinking someone talking about her breasts is creepy?
Bitch, please.

>> No.9330510

I wish there was a board to discuss anime >>>/a/ and hookups >>>/soc/ but since there aren't I'll just to where my friends are at good old /jp/.

>> No.9330513

*cums on your face and hair*

>> No.9330519

*licks up the semen and begs for more*

>> No.9330521

If its a man, easily.

>> No.9330527

*whips out 2nd heretofore unseen 11in cock*

>> No.9330532

Woah, you guys sure are the embodiment of /jp/!

>> No.9330536

*rapes you after blowing my second load*

>> No.9330537
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, nigga please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9330539

>Chen Jianmin, 50, a second-generation doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, began the fast on March 20, consuming only water and no food and emerged at least 15kg lighter, local media reported. But one expert quoted by the state-run China News Service cast doubt on the 49-day fast, saying Chen could have hidden tiny food tablets under his fingernails, unbeknownst to observers.

>tiny food tablets under his fingernails
And how many fucking calories was this supposed to allow him in total, 50? Even that seems pretty high.

>> No.9330540

*lifts ass in the air begging for your poz load and the death fuk*

>> No.9330543

Yes, she looks disgusted by it. Thanks for settling that.

>> No.9330554

God, you are fucking retard.

Do you REALLY think she looks disgusted?

>> No.9330550

*rapes you to death and does the same to the other looser*

>> No.9330553
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>> No.9330559


>> No.9330560

Yes. You would have to be braindead to think that she is flattered.

>> No.9330564


Seriously, kill your self.

>> No.9330571

Even being confused by a man commenting on her breasts does not in any way imply attraction to men. Your waifu is gay and does not love you. Sorry.

>> No.9330576
File: 49 KB, 500x129, iceburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9330600

Please don't yell at austistic people.

>> No.9330655

I wouldn't fuck them but I would definitely peel off all their socks and cum into each one.

>> No.9330667

Would you do this even if they threw out the socks afterward?

>> No.9330669

I'm not even the same poster and I still would.

>> No.9330672

I second that.

>> No.9330681

Wanna meetup and suck cocks?

>> No.9330723

Ew, gross.
I just want to jack off into little girl's socks, not homo shit.

>> No.9330783
File: 590 KB, 480x270, waggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9330902

She doesn't even have a chest to speak of.

>> No.9330915

Yeah, she looks pretty confused.

>> No.9330926

you idiots again!

stop fucking arguing about who is a lesbian where, nobody even cares it is a yuru yuri thread not your bullshit shows nobody watches.

>> No.9330932

I thought everyone on /jp/ had watched Railgun.

How else would one appreciate Saten?

>> No.9330934

Take it easy dude. I'm just admiring some DFC.

>> No.9330936
File: 107 KB, 500x750, 1326431420131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyouko is cute and reminds me a little of Saten-san.

>> No.9330940

Which yuri would you watch lick Chinatsu's nipples?

>> No.9331047

I am really surprised to see that a board discussed touhou sexuality and its shipping to death still argues about "lesbian or bi" in an all girls universe.

>> No.9331067

there is really no reason to think they are exclusively into girls so its all pointless speculation anyway.

in fact it is meant to be a comedy really so who cares about specifics.

>> No.9331079

I'd like to see Chinatsu so brimming hot that she would reach down and try and lick her own nipples while thinking of Yui.

>> No.9331093

because she makes a proper combi with toshino kyouko, kuudere are the best, and she has a great sense of humour.

I wud fug Akarin, Yui, the president council, and the teacher, all at the same time.

>> No.9331096

Since when was /jp/ sensitive to racism? You know what I am going to do if I ever meet one of you fucks? I will burn you alive, slowly, bit by bit, and cut off your cooked flesh and feed it to the dogs. I will take my time and savor each moment of your demise.

>> No.9331108

Why am I always too late when good people show up ?
No, I don't need an answer.

>> No.9331124

>Did you and your bros physically compare cock sizes
Wait, you didn't ? what are you, a faglord ?

>> No.9331134


Your argument just reminded me of that expression recognition face exercise to identify autism.

>> No.9331147

I would blow a load inside every yuruyuri

>> No.9331152
File: 42 KB, 500x552, shitnatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the worst one ?

>> No.9331169

Piss off, Juden.

>> No.9331178

Now, now. Don't be angry, it's okay to like shitty characters.

>> No.9331332

>Wch YY wud yu fk?

All of them.

btw, I'm a girl.

>> No.9331342

>sage on /jp/
>no sage on /a/
>alter the texts to fit in
this guy

>> No.9331351

Himawari for that glorious Oujo-sama accent.

>> No.9331454

Princess Sherwood

>> No.9332060

There are ways. Personally I'd get Himawari and Sakurako. They'd compete to see who pleases me the most but, as I make them climax, they finally go full dere and get all over each other while I do them. That's what I call a happy family.

>> No.9332566

Shes my favorite though

>> No.9332588
File: 512 KB, 2475x3136, 1341692161804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too.
She is much more adult like, than the other retards.

>> No.9332603

She's only less popular because she's arguably the least interesting character

I don't mean that in a bad way but I didn't know how else to word it honestly.
