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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9325923 No.9325923 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best doujin game ever made?

>> No.9325933

Revenge of the sunfish

>> No.9325926

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil xDD

>> No.9325934


>> No.9325936

La Mulana

>> No.9325938

yume nikki of couse because its experimental

>> No.9325939

RPG Maker XP

>> No.9325942

Crimzon Clover

>> No.9325943


>> No.9325947


>> No.9327190
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>La Mulana

Mah nigga!

>> No.9327204

Definitely not cave story, since it's a piece of shit.

>> No.9327211

wuts wrong scrub?? cudn't get pass teh first cave??questionmark?

>> No.9327210


>> No.9327218

I got pretty far into it, but it's just too god damn hard and the controls are ass.

>> No.9327216

Well aren't you special.

>> No.9327225


the only thing that is somewhat troubling is hell.

>> No.9327241

>it's just too god damn hard

It really isn't. And this isn't me being all HURR DURR U SUCK NOOB because I'm fucking terrible at video games and I died about four times in the entire game the first time I played it.

>the controls are ass.

I thought they were pretty tight. The jumps are a little floaty and feel a bit slow on the acceleration, but it actually makes things a little easier for me. There's a seekrit final level which pretty much requires mastery of moving around, and while the level is pretty fucking hard, I haven't seen anyone complain that it was the controls' fault.

>> No.9327255

> I'm fucking terrible at video games
> I died about four times in the entire game the first time I played it.
I died at least 50 times and didn't even finish the game before giving up.

>> No.9327303

I've lost count of how many times I tried to fight zombie core near the end of the game to no success.

>> No.9327367

The character is way too floaty in cave story.

>> No.9327431 [DELETED] 


>> No.9327874

>people complaining about cave story's difficulty on a 2hu board
Only hard level is Sacred Grounds, and mainly because of Heavy Press.
Ballos is balls hard (I made a funny) but if you kept the Life pot it's doable.

>> No.9327969

Probably Melty. Cave Story a boring.

>> No.9328125
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the best one made by /jp/ is in the works right now

>> No.9328224 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 261x210, ViyManualArt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys.

Posting the hardest fucking boss in the game.

>> No.9328228


>> No.9328304

I played cave story once and I was in some village and I was like dude this is fucking boring as hell.

later when I heard about how mega cool cave story was, I thought it must be a different cave story and the one I played was just some shit with the same name

>> No.9328321

a brurred rine

>> No.9330330
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try saying that to my face

>> No.9330413

I really enjoyed that game.

>> No.9330795
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Ragnarok Battle Offline
even though i don't like RO it had to be the BEST doujin game
Also Diadra Empty, sexy as hell shooter, better than 2hu shit

>> No.9330920

zunby agreed don't bother us about it

>> No.9330965

This game seriously needed online multiplayer.

>> No.9331441

I was underwhelmed at how easy it was. The only troubling things were Misery and Sue who you could take out pretty easily. Then it was the most basic pattern boss pattern in the world, with some easily dodgeable attacks every so often.

>> No.9334994

are you talking about the true ending? the normal ending (that comes right after your spoily fight) is pretty easy. true ending is more hardcore.

>> No.9335007

I'm talking about the peon ending (check the post I was linking).

The real ending and final boss(es) are pretty brutal.

>> No.9335022
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Rozen Kraut Skillet.

When Freudenstachel gets released /jp/ will enter a golden age for an hour or two.

>> No.9335027
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>Freudenstachel gets released

>> No.9339093

Kragga. The best, no doubt.

>> No.9340228

non fapping: cave story, binding of isaac

fapping: Kwarurariru, The eroguro games by Marimo, Dr. Hosi (losely translated) by the OTHER Marimo.

>> No.9340238

Crimzon Clover and Kamui

>> No.9340318

That's like playing Final Fantasy, getting to the first town and deciding it's too boring because there's nothing happening there.

I played RBO with two other guys. It was memorable, fun as fuck.

>> No.9340442

DiadraEmpty seems incredible, but the patcher ask for a password...

>> No.9340485

found it, if you want to try, it's TAZ01
