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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2 KB, 276x109, andIwouldn'tHaveitAnyOtherWay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9325270 No.9325270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9325276

>you can't get any achievements that require you to do stuff with your friends because you have no friends

>> No.9325275


Why bother posting this then? You're happy with having no friends on Steam, there is no point to the thread.

>> No.9325280

I know that feel amigo.

>> No.9325288

Steam is shit.
I am amazed you fags put up with valve's bullshit.

>> No.9325298

>randomly add friends from /v/ thread 3 years ago
>no one ever talks to me

>> No.9325303


because he's insecure and either wants /jp/ to say "lol i'l add u! we can b kawaii /jp/ bfs and u can suck my cock dude XD" or "Yes, friend, I am totally with you. Having friends on steam is for normalfag scum. 1+ upvote"

whichever one comes first i would guess

>> No.9325314

Why did you make a Steam account if you didn't have friends to add on it?
Don't tell me you actually buy games in there.

>> No.9325309

Sounds like he's fishing for positive comments harder than whores on facebook.

>> No.9325317

I would be your friend dude

>> No.9325326

I play f2p games on steam.

>> No.9325327

To make online friends you have to partake in small communities that aren't anonymous until you become a regular. Even then you have to be liked by people. Might as well give up.

>> No.9325336

I wish all this facebook social shit was opt-in. It takes the better part of a minute to boot up Steam because of this bloated crap. I'll just stick to old games.

>> No.9325342

But you can choose to not automatically sign into the steam community.

>> No.9325345

>communities that aren't anonymous
I think that's ok, I make sure all the people I talk to on steam are from 4chan.
And it's not hard to be liked by people if you are on the internet, where you can be yourself. Unless you are actually an unlikable person.

>> No.9325349

>I make sure all the people I talk to on steam are from 4chan.

I assume you didn't meet them on 4chan though.

>> No.9325351

I don't use Steam. Why would I? I torrent my games

>> No.9325355


Find friends here.

>> No.9325383

I did. I made my account so I could join a group that spawned from certain general threads on a certain other board.

>> No.9325384

I once added a bunch of people from /jp/ as friends.
We never talk anymore but it's nice to look at them in the friend list with all their Touhou avatars and weeaboo/Japanese names and sometimes see what games they are playing.

>> No.9325388

That group has long since been taken over by randoms.

>> No.9325398

I can't resist people with 2hu names/avatars, for some reason.
They turn out to be nice people most of the times, but the rest of the times they turn out to be roleplaying pricks.

>> No.9325412

Only one friend on steam, also my only IRL friend.

Your point?

>> No.9325419

eww, why would you have IRL friends on Steam?

>> No.9325423

Sometimes I see people like that playing and I kind of want to add them to friends but I never do because I don't have a good reason.

>> No.9325426

Anybody want to be my friend so we could play a diablo style dungeon crawler together?

>> No.9325430

This is why there shouldn't be a group and we just add people from /jp/ that post their accounts.

Luckily none of the people I added were roleplayers. Just really nice /jp/ers with Touhou stuff in their profiles.

>> No.9325445
File: 6 KB, 616x121, andIwouldn'tHaveitAnyOtherWay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay I don't like associating with bullies

>> No.9325446

Sup Tokiko

>> No.9325448

eww why would you have IRL friends?

>> No.9325449

They're nice people, don't talk like that about them.

>> No.9325451

If you really are Tokiko then you getting banned was entirely your fault.

>> No.9325458

Tokiko posts on /a/ now

>> No.9325490 [DELETED] 

Hm, who you might be..

>> No.9325495

This anti-friend, "anonymous is legion" garbage has to end on 4chan. What's so bad about having friends and participating in normal activities. Being single and posting on /jp/ all day will get old eventually. Trust me.

>> No.9325504


>> No.9325529

Sounds interesting, give me your ID.

>> No.9325541


in the email field.

>> No.9325547

and on /jp/ as moetron and nameless

>> No.9325563
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>> No.9325566

This conspiracy theory is really hilarious sir.

>> No.9325579

An error was encountered while processing your request:

The specified profile could not be found.

>> No.9325607


Uuuh, try my email or profile name then (again in the email field). I'm honestly not sure which qualifies as my Steam ID. Haven't used Steam for that long.

>> No.9325623

Not them, but you should post your steam community page here, you can get there by clicking your avatar in the friends window and going to your page. It's the easiest way to add you, because I don't know either what the fuck is valve doing, steam used to be good and adding people used to work perfectly fine.

Also, I'd add you, but sadly I don't really play any games besides occasional TF2 on VSH servers or something. I've got a mic if that helps.

>> No.9325632

>I've got a mic

>> No.9325633

You got any proof he posts on /a/?

>> No.9325648

No need to be trying to be overly sarcastic there, bro. It's really helpful to have a mic in games that actually need cooperation and since most of /jp/ is too afraid to talk to other people, they prefer chat.

I haven't been up to date with how /jp/ acts now, I used to be a /jp/ regular back when we used to like Aniki and made fun of bawwson, then I left /jp/. Not sure why, I've been wandering around boards without any point until I decided to check up on /jp/ today. So forgive me if I don't fit here anymore. Being a polite neet is suffering.

>> No.9325665

and the quoted posts for context of course.

>> No.9325673

Some guy claiming to be tokiko nice conspiracy

>> No.9325702

I'm more willing to believe someone "claiming to be tokiko" actually being tokiko than someone who has denied it on numerous occasions to be tokiko.

>> No.9325703

I have a person I really like to talk to on steam, the only problem is we're too similar so our respective social anxieties keep us from talking too much or too often. I really wish we could talk more though I really want him to be my best friend.

>> No.9325708

Like archduke right?

>> No.9325712

I had an IRL friend like that back in middle school.
our phone conversations were 85% silence

>> No.9325720

If you're comfortable enough with someone to have silence without feeling awkward, you know you've got a really good friend.

>> No.9325730

Well we played a game for about 12 hours just the two of us once. We didn't really talk much at all, a few things game related here and there. But I can safely say I had a really good time and it made me really happy to find out I could have so much fun with another person when anonymity is taken away,

>> No.9325733

Tokiko deleted me from his friends list, I liked him too. Some of my friends kept talking shit about him though. Bullies. Guess I also came off too much as a try hard. Think I'll go ahead and finish watching The Shield finale then, see you later weeaboos.

>> No.9325766

Friends, please cease your accusations and speculations regarding any shared identities. I am not Robert Brown. I am not Moe!TRON. I cannot say for certainty whether or not Moe!TRON is Robert Brown, though I'm willing to extend the benefit of doubt.
Remember that Tokiko was permanently banned. The 4chan moderation team can see my IP address and host, and neither of them are anything similar to Tokiko's information.

>> No.9325773

I guess one of us was a bad friend.....

>> No.9325790

Are you me?

>> No.9325829

I doubt it, but it's nice to see another person from the "old times". I'm not even talking about this whole newfag-oldfag faggotry, it's just nice. The current userbase of /jp/ is completely different, there's also more shitposting than it used to be, too bad.

>> No.9325854

I left /jp/ for a few months and find you guys discussing friendship. /jp/ has matured I guess. I'd love to see a day when /jp/ers are friends with each other IRL. We're not getting any younger.

>> No.9325886

I am from the "good old days" too except I left before meido and oc tan existed. The AA threads brought me back and now I'm addicted to shitposting.

>> No.9325907

When I returned from my vacation from /jp/ I no longer cared about the quality of the board. I still don't like shitposters but I guess they don't bother me in the way they used to. /jp/ is no longer that important to me.

>> No.9325915 [DELETED] 

I like it because I am not being singled out and banned for shitposting anymore. You can get away with anything on modern /jp/

>> No.9325924 [DELETED] 

I like it because I am not being singled out and banned for shitposting anymore every week like back in 2009/2010. You can get away with anything on modern /jp/

>> No.9325972

Fukune did get permabanned though.
i guess you just need to be a tripfag to get a ban.

>> No.9325981

I shitposted in 2009 and 2010 without getting banned. I never make threads though, so that's probably why.

>> No.9325993

I have too many steam friends
I would remove most of them if it wouldn't be considered rude

>> No.9326017

I wanted to add people before but then I saw they had like 100+ friends in their list. Anyone with over 10 friends in their steam lists isnt worth adding at all.

>> No.9326055

Issue is, if you are a tripfag, you can be blatantly caught ban-evading. Unless you say "I'm ban evading" as anon, no one can prove that you ban evade. And then, there's also the fact that /jp/ has janitors, not mods.

>> No.9326149

Are we adding people?

>> No.9326156

How did you end up with so many people?

>> No.9326246 [DELETED] 

The key to getting away with shitpostng is to not leave a clear pattern for the janitor to follow because he will then file a ban request.

>> No.9326262

Hes probably just like all those retarded girls on facebook who friend hundreds of people for no reason.

>> No.9326267


if anyone wants to play KF

>> No.9326336

Not at all, most of the requests were not by my initiative.

>> No.9326348

You're still like all those retarded girls on facebook, they accept all invites too

>> No.9326359

Why don't you just play with /v/?

>> No.9326370

Okay, yeah, whatever.

>> No.9326371
File: 46 KB, 589x600, 1341325849728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not currently have steam.

>> No.9326403

You can act like you don't care but you're the one who felt the need to justify having so many people on your steam list.

>> No.9326411

My only friend has last been seen online some 1500 days ago.

>> No.9326487

I can be your new friend if you want me to.

>> No.9326515
File: 279 KB, 643x980, 1333278423685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend like that. I still post on his profile, hoping he'll return one day...

>> No.9326528

>2 Members
Poor meido.

>> No.9326525
File: 158 KB, 676x300, akaisengen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be friends with both of you if you'll join.

>> No.9326539
File: 7 KB, 247x248, 1319662697664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, it's NSJ!

>> No.9326540

hey cool im the other member

>> No.9326548

Stop shitposting.

>> No.9326571

The thing I don't really like about Internet people is once you meet one of them they have cliques or groups of people they know and I fell into one, I don't mind 3 or 4 of them but to cut the list down to that amount would cause them all to bother me. Whenever I try talking to them they're always "why do you have to talk about 'that kind of stuff it's too depressing!" "Why can't we have a normal conversation?"

I don't even share any common interests with any of them...

>> No.9326582

if you talk with /jp/sies you won't ever have that trouble unless you say lewd things.

>> No.9326588

>I don't even share any common interests with any of them...

Essentially me with my real life friends.

>> No.9326591
File: 278 KB, 683x690, my gorup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to join my club

>> No.9326594

I hold no prejudice on anyone unless their steam profile is a Touhou character. I've had nothing but experience of people with touhou names on steam.

>> No.9326605

Please stop using the term ``NSJ´´.
If you don't like the meido deleting your posts maybe you should move onto a different community.

>> No.9326614

*bad experiences.

>> No.9326606
File: 859 B, 249x27, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you not have friends on Steam? If you play games regularly, it's easy as hell.

>> No.9326607

>I've had nothing but experience of people with touhou names on steam.
With every one of them?

>> No.9326612

Suika is a low-tier touhou

>> No.9326619


You know what Shii said!

>> No.9326616

I don't play online games that require groups.

>> No.9326624


And I thought 27 was a large number...

>> No.9326625 [DELETED] 


I got banned a few times in early 09 and like 11 times in 2010. These days you only get banned for NSFW content on /jp/.

>> No.9326633

Why is /jp/ so good since I got my filter working?

I don't even have to read that shitposter's comments any more, when he uses `` because I filtered it.

>> No.9326637

Wow, but now you're missing out on all his meta bullshit and super funny ironic comments.

>> No.9326650

It's like 99% of all people with touhou avatars are into roleplaying

>> No.9326654

What about other posters that use those quotes? They're not some /b/ thing; they're a proper method of quoting, largely carried over from /prog/.

Please filter correct spelling and grammar constructs too. I don't want people like you to read my posts.

>> No.9326759


Hey that's too much of a generalization. I have a 2hu avatar, and I don't roleplay or do any of that shit.

What, someone can't like a character and put them as their avatar without getting lynched?

>> No.9326770

You're the 1% then.

>> No.9326777

I'll be joining this group.

>> No.9326893

waiting warmly

>> No.9326923
File: 41 KB, 300x332, chihaya worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'll wait a long time to join because I don't want you to know it's me.

>> No.9326930

Not like anyone else is going to join.

>> No.9326934

haha just screwing with you I'm not even in that group.

>> No.9326943

You should join too, so that people don't know it's either one of us.

>> No.9326975

For the past few years my number of online friends is consistently dwindling instead of growing like it used to in the past. I'm not sure what changed. Maybe I'm just getting too old to play games filled with 13 year olds.

>> No.9326991

Maybe you have a boring avatar. I got some random friend requests recently, I asked them why they added me and they said I had an interesting avatar.

>> No.9327240

I hate achievements. Why did they suddenly appear everywhere?

>> No.9327442

gotta make autists play their games more

>> No.9327445

What's there to dislike? There's no downside at all.

>> No.9327482

Anyone here have Civilization V?

>> No.9327498

But there is a downside. >>9325276

>> No.9327518

I never bother with achievements and it's nice if you get one randomly while playing.

>> No.9327524

No it isn't. It's not like you miss out on anything.

>> No.9327559

I've been sinking plenty of time into it, the expansion really fixes a lot of the problems I originally had with the game and I enjoyed it even with those.

>> No.9327556

Aside from companies focusing on that to artificially inflate play hours.

On the other hand, I find it sad that half the achievements in games amount to "you played the campaign"

>> No.9327621

Anyone want to play Shogun 2? Or some other cheap co-op game. By the way, I'm a guy.

>> No.9327621,1 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it's cool that I am banned and not actual shitposters. Really awesome.

>> No.9327790

I don't buy steam games so I wouldn't be able to do that.

>> No.9327799

Wanna talk, Tokiko? I'm bored.

>> No.9327830

Did you really need to respond?

>> No.9327854
File: 40 KB, 372x439, 1334156026703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Team Fortress 2
>110.5 hrs / 110.5 hrs
>0 friends
What am I doing wrong...

>> No.9327864
File: 8 KB, 184x184, another horrible day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least you can play it, I average at 6FPS with all effects turned off and directx9 mode active, 22FPS if I aim at the floor in an empty room

I want to have fun but my computer won't let me and I blow all the money on figurines

>> No.9327864,1 [INTERNAL] 

Look at it this way.
Efficient shitposters evade bans as if they were nothing since it's an essential tool to remain annoying and active.
Shitposters that can't evade are not notable since they're actually thwarted eventually. They fade away and aren't remembered.
Regular posters are bound to get a ban at some point, either for slipping while watched by mods or by mistake. Either way, when that happens, they don't have VPN and proxies at their disposal to evade like the career shitposters. And if they're able to evade, then it's just something that slips under the radar.

So you see, frequent bans harm ONLY the normal posters that can't evade because their ISP has static IP addresses. Every single shitposter that is an actual threat to the board can't be turned away for long by definition.

>> No.9327900

I play DODS. Im planning to try Tribes. I should probably play L4D2 considering I never played it but owned it.

>> No.9327940

Your avatar ain't cute enough!

>> No.9327941

Only game I play on Steam is DotA2, and I haven't met any nice people or found any friends yet since the community is over run with assholes.

>> No.9327946

There are no nice people playing DOTA2.

>> No.9327954


>> No.9327959 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9327960

Thanks anon I don't know what we'd do without you.

>> No.9327962

I'm nice...

>> No.9327996
File: 691 B, 130x17, steamfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prune my friends list pretty regularly.

>> No.9327988

There is literally no /jp/er that plays cs 1.6

>> No.9328012

I am not Robert Brown but okay.

>> No.9328016


That's because /jp/ is plagued with people who grew up with Halo.

>> No.9328038

Hey, I've played both games and I found Halo incredible. (The multiplayer at least)

>> No.9328059

They're both shit.

>> No.9328044
File: 18 KB, 255x260, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing cs:go recently.

>> No.9328046

i used to, does that count?

>> No.9328050

Because Source is better, hipster.

>> No.9328076

I play Combat Arms

>> No.9328077
File: 28 KB, 249x314, steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've got good taste... right?

>> No.9328100

Ya, that stuff is good, sometimes I dream about snowboarding through a valley of vanilla ice cream.

>> No.9328103

>Buying Todd's lies

>> No.9328106
File: 33 KB, 254x386, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Do me anon.

>> No.9328119

No. Where are the /jp/ games?

>> No.9328140
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>> No.9328119,1 [INTERNAL] 


I don't evade bans because I am not an asshole. I suppose if I were permabanned I would do it but I don't see myself doing anything to warrantmsuch a ban.

>> No.9328142

I only fap to those games...

>> No.9328156

I meant the non-shitty ones like Ys or Gundemonium.

>> No.9328168

Might pick those up during summer sale.

>> No.9328187

Gundemonium is shitty though

>> No.9328189


Ys Origin please be on summer sale.

>> No.9328247

You're objectively a faggot.

>> No.9328239

Ys sounds and is shitty.

>> No.9328265

You're a big faggot.

>> No.9328265,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's commendable. Dunno, head to #4chan, see if you can clear the misunderstanding?

>> No.9328265,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why? I know I did something wrong and I made a shitpost. There is no misunderstanding and I am not going to storm into IRC about a ban lasting a few days.

>> No.9328265,3 [INTERNAL] 

What the heck were you doing.

>> No.9328265,4 [INTERNAL] 

What the fack are you complaining for then?

>> No.9328265,5 [INTERNAL] 


I didn't say I was. I thought I was making that clear enough.

>> No.9328265,6 [INTERNAL] 

>I guess it's cool that I am banned and not actual shitposters.
>I know I did something wrong and I made a shitpost.


>> No.9328265,7 [INTERNAL] 

My shitposting was harmless. Go defend the people spam anime screencaps or something.

>> No.9328265,8 [INTERNAL] 

Shitposting is still shitposting. It's exactly because of this mentality that self-entitled manchildren spam screencaps and promote off-topic shit threads.

>> No.9328265,9 [INTERNAL] 

Some of them even spam fake quotes and thread rating image macros.

>> No.9328265,10 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, they are all shitposters.

What was your point again?
