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9325125 No.9325125 [Reply] [Original]

OK we're all NEETs here, but where are the actual hikkis? When was the last time you left your room, /jp/?

NEET/Hikkikomori general

>> No.9325157

le feel when mom makes you go buy groceries : /
le feel when no one understands you are hikki : /
le feel when piss bottles : /
le feel when mom friends are over and you cant leave room : //////////

>> No.9325171

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9325196


>mom friends are over and you cant leave room

i am always afraid they will barge in and see me.

>> No.9325200

I leave my room all the time to use the bathroom or grab food from the kitchen. I haven't left the house in 5 or 6 years though.

>> No.9325214

You need a good lock there man.
I'm thinking of buying and installing a huge old fashioned lock for my room.

>> No.9325224


I live in an apartment.

>> No.9325230

Any hikkis want to start some sort of online relationship?

>> No.9325235

How about coming up with shit to say when people ask you what have you been doing with your life.

>> No.9325247


Sorry, I'm too lazy.

>> No.9325250

They know better by now.

>> No.9325254


why would a recluse be in a situation where someone asks what he's doing with his life

>> No.9325258

I probably only leave my house a few times a year. I leave my room to get food once a day and I go to the toilet a few times a day as well. This weekend has been most of my leaving the house for the year, but even though I was freaking out about being outside this weekend, it was worth it.

>> No.9325262

You've never been forced to go outside by family who feel sorry for you? Or when cashiers want to make conversation?

>> No.9325278

I've started going outside more frequently because of the nice weather and wanting to improve my health a bit more (I've been feeling very weak and achy for the past couple of months, going for walks has helped this a lot), but at one point I didn't leave the house for two years.
The last time I went outside was a week and a half ago.

>> No.9325281

How do you deal with peopl you knew in HS calling oyu out of the blue and asking what you've done with your life? I've been avoiding phonecalls thanks to this shit.

Would this require anywhere near the maintenance of an IRL relationship?

>> No.9325285

Well what gender are you and what things are you into?

>> No.9325290

My dad is making me get a job, I leave the house once a week now, so I'm not hikki any more.

I can no longer be the little girl.

>> No.9325293


yes, but I'm not claiming to be a hikikomori
If those things present a problem for you then you're just a person with poor social skills and no conventional prospects
Why does 4chan use "hikikomori" so loosely? In Japan this means people who NEVER go outside. No exceptions. "Shut-in" is a much better English word for most of the casuals on /jp/

>> No.9325301

Not really...

I'm male and I like /jp/ things...

>> No.9325306

Are you cute? Could you pass for a girl? Are you not hairy?

>> No.9325302

I think the obvious problem is that you had friends in highschool.

>> No.9325310

>In Japan this means people who NEVER go outside.
It hurts to know that you actually think you're right.

>> No.9325343


Seeing as I have spoken to more than a couple of Japanese people about hikikomori and never found any objections to that sort of definition I think I'll stick with it rather than changing my mind based on some 4chan anon telling me I'm wrong without giving any reasons when his own knowledge probably comes from second hand wikipedia definitions

Also worth considering:

>As for you in America/Canada that dare to use this term for yourselves, I don't think you fully grasp what it means. Chances are you graduated from high-school. You might be a shut-in and a loner, but chances are your parents (or at least the truancy officer) were at least competent enough to see you through to a diploma or a fucking GED. This is not the case of a true hikikomori. They don't do anything. They are just arrested in infancy. If you completed at least your basic education, have friends (even on the Internet), have so much as a part-time job or ever had one, you are leaps and bounds beyond these kids. Stop insulting yourselves. Seriously.

>> No.9325360

Who else watches hatoya's stream?

>> No.9325375

Autism defined.

>> No.9325368

I am hikki
and Iast time Ieft my room was today, I went to the bathroom

>> No.9325374

Nobody knows my phone number but family. I keep friends limited to online contact only because there's more time to bullshit or stall when they're not in your face.

I never claimed myself to be a hikikomori. I call myself a NEET, shut in or agoraphobic.

In any case, it's impossible to remain inside ALL the time. Perhaps it's more realistic if you had a parent who took care of you but some of us don't have that luxury and are forced to leave the house because we have to survive, somehow.

I didn't leave the house for four years and the only reason that ended was because my mom got too sick to do food shopping. I'm doing the shopping now but can only bring myself to leave the house once a week and I can't even bring myself to leave my neighborhood.

>> No.9325391

I never had a job nor diploma, I finished high-school because
1. My parents threatening me
2. I believed I have to in order to become like Napoleon/Stalin/Hitler, reach enlightenment and find the deeper truth(yes I sincerely believed that and kept telling myself this for hours)
3. I had mental issues and a long time I just kept doing what other told me to without effort nor mind

and it was painful, all so fucking painful!
anyway, do I qualify as a hikki, yet?

>> No.9325401

wrong and you're an idiot

>> No.9325417

Probably about an hour ago.

>> No.9325654
File: 51 KB, 324x246, 1294192066284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hikki reportan.
according to my mom i haven't left my house in 2-3 months, but i don't count personally. i do leave my room though, i go around the house.
how the fuck do i force myself to leave? before someone labels me a normie, i need to do so for medical reasons.

>> No.9325681

>i haven't left my house in 2-3 months
i was refering to the time i haven't left it at all btw, i was a shut-in way before that. in case someone wonders.

>> No.9325741

How do you buy food?

>> No.9325743

Parents, obviously

>> No.9325757

Why would parents support you while you're hikki?

>> No.9325799

I was a total hiki for 13 years straight (maybe went out twice a year for an appointment -- IE dentist)

I recently started going out every night when everyone is asleep (2AM) and going for an hour walk due to not wanting to be a fat hiki.

>> No.9325803

Because they love you?

>> No.9325808

tons of possible reasons.
1. where they live it's not socially acceptable to throw your kid out or something like that.
2. the boiling frog thing. they didn't realize the problem at first, and now it's too late because the kid simply wouldn't survive if they stopped.
3. the kid is not legal yet.
first ones i could think of.

>> No.9325810

>never go outside. No exceptions

No, in Japan hikikomori is the equivalent to a shut in. Some hikkis even have outdoor activities they enjoy (such as running) except they only do them at night, or in low populated areas.

As for me, the longest be stayed in was about 6-7 months. With the occasional midnight walk to the convienence store to pick up food.

>> No.9325847
File: 137 KB, 441x344, 1339277706451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last time left the house was 7 months ago. I have a garbage plastic bag where I put all the trash in. I'm mostly in front of the pc like everyone else. I take a bath and brush my teeth once every 1 week or 2 weeks depending on the circumstances. I tend to sleep a lot cause taking it easy. I feel lifeless sometimes because I eat little to nothing at all and I'm not an athletic type of person. My hair is a mess, don't mention that I am going bald too. I have other body issues as well, I'm so fucked up.

>> No.9325859


Correction. I tend to sleep a lot because I stay up as long as I can, therefore getting tired, plus barely no energy at all due to not eating properly.

>> No.9325930

Wow. I thought I was bad for staying inside for four days straight in front of my computer...
So how do you guys afford to stay inside for months at a time? Thats the only reason I'm stuck in here is cuz I dont have as job.

>> No.9326444



>> No.9326715

If I don't count the jogging I've taken up and my visit to the bank/post office I do I'd say I've been in for 4-5 weeks. Though thanks to the former I really can't be called a shut-in, except maybe in the social sense of the word.

>> No.9326738

I am like you
except I eat a lot so I go out every night to jog

>> No.9326750

Our lease was over so my mom and me had to go our separate ways. Currently living in a 5x5' space in my grandmother's bedroom at her apartment.

I'll be honest, I've seen better days. Give me the strength to keep neeting, /jp/.

>> No.9326857

Get a job~

>> No.9326866

Just remember that, no matter what happens, it's better than having a job.

Treasure your NEET days while you can.

>> No.9326911

You get autismbux? Money helps. The type that you don't have to work for is even sweeter I'd imagine.

>> No.9326946

I used to be a hikki but now I step outside on my porch to get some fresh air

>> No.9326958

Won't the neighbors see you? Do it in the backyard.

>> No.9326956

I'm mostly reclusive during the late spring and all of summer. I hate hot weather and all sorts of bugs and creepy crawlies start getting active. Especially wasps. I like to go walking and shit, but it's hard to when it's hot and I have bugs after me.

During the winter and cooler times I can go walking any time I want without worry. Once I get money, I might move somewhere up north so I can always be cold. I live in the southwest, so it's just not the right climate for me. Maybe Alaska would be nice.

>> No.9326961
File: 37 KB, 429x410, 1339759374564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Labour in here.

>> No.9326967

Aw, you're right. Because it's not like my parents are Japanese or anything, so I wouldn't know. Imbecilic Amerifat.

>> No.9326972

Will you marry me?

>> No.9326974


I'm not a socially anxious hikki, i'm a cynical one. I don't give a shit.

>> No.9327006

I haven't left my room in a while, but I will have to when the money runs out. Not to say that I will need a job, just that since I can't afford rent I will have to become a STREET NEET.

I think it's okay to not be a hikitruNEET as long as you are a truNEET, because unless you have enablers the first can be impossible.

>> No.9327109

That makes me wonder if there actually are /jp/ers who have survived as street NEETs? As in they literally have no permanent roof of any kind to call their own such as a vehicle. I don't think there are many street-smart veteran survivalist-types on /jp/ though...

>> No.9327246

But how would they get on /jp/?

>> No.9327275

Free wifi or even pay as you go schemes. The library, job centres and perhaps shelters would also have internet and PCs for those who don't even own one.

>> No.9327281

This is just speculation of course. I doubt there's someone like that on there. Just an interesting though since people talk about going 'street NEET' fairly casually.

>> No.9327292

Haven't left the house in 6 days

What do I win?

>> No.9327337

can anyone give me the difference between a hikki and a neet?

>> No.9327381

I think the longest time was... 3 or 4 months I think? I don't really remember. I just lost track of time. It was in 2009 or 2010. I can't even remember what anime was airing back then. It started when one of my windows broke. I didn't bother getting it fixed. I just picked up the pieces and put them together with duct tape. I had just dropped out of college and it was snowing, I remember that last detail very clearly because I was playing Divi Dead and I was freezing, so I covered the window with garbage bags and newspapers to keep the heat from escaping. I'm pretty sure I spent that season without seeing the light day. I went crazy, I was crawling over the room by the end, I was starving like a wild animal. In Spring my parents broke in and rescued me because I wasn't picking up the phone. When we were going home, we had to stop at a gas station, and I left the car to get some air. A hobo came up to me, I thought he was going to ask me for some spare change but he started talking to me as if he knew me without asking for anything, and later on I realized he thought I was homeless too, because I looked so terrible. Now I have a job and I'm more or less functional, but I want to try total isolation again sometime.

>> No.9327409

Doesn't it feel nice when everyone on /jp/ idolizes you if you share some sort of Japanese heritage?

>> No.9327434

A hikki is a shut-in, a NEET is just someone who isn't employed or in school.

A shut-in isn't always a NEET.

>> No.9327462

>have left your house/apartment in the past 5 years
>calling yourself a hikki

Hikkis don't go outside. Period. If you go outside, you are a normal. If you don't piss in a bottle/have your own bathroom, you are a normal. If you talk to anyone but your parents, you are a normal (even talking at all is frowned upon). If you have any friends (online or offline), you are a normal.

Get out you filthy normals.

>> No.9327466

I'm a hikki ask me anything

>> No.9327477

How was your day?

>> No.9327487

Just woke up

>> No.9327500

I've been streetNEET, for a couple weeks or so. I slept in the bushes behind a beach and next to a freeway in a hidden spot. I showered in the beach shower. I drank water from the drinking fountain using a ziptop bag. I used a big skateboard for transportation and kept all the stuff I needed in my backpack. I ate bread and peanut butter. I would use gas station bathrooms to take a dump once every two days. I also ate from the value meal at Burger King. I had a little bit of money so I didn't have to beg. I had all my old stuff put in a storage unit. I eventually found a room I could rent for a month cheap, and after that I moved in with my mom. I lived with her for a year but then she kicked me out homeless again, but I had a car to live in that time. I'm now on autismbucks and taking it easy.

>> No.9327535

What are your living conditions like now?
And if you don't mind - which state do you live in (if you are in the US)?

>> No.9327580
File: 192 KB, 500x741, ad33f30a8ed44e0c4caf839eb9086f5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left for the first time in about a month the other day when my dad made me go get me a new id card so I can get a jerb soon.

btw im a girl

>> No.9327593

I broke a streak of 3 months yesterday to go out and get money doing electronic things for some people

>> No.9327614


I rent a room in a two bedroom apartment. Cheapest I could find. I have a comfy bed which I lie in all day and read 4chan. I don't post much here though. I have a minimal amount of stuff and most of my stuff is in a storage unit. I get enough money for rent, utilities and food. But I have to use a credit card for most everything else. I get sad because I don't have any friends and I've never had a girlfriend. I live in California.

>> No.9327618

I've left the house 4 times in the past 2 (Almost 3 now I think) years, all pre-therapy interviews with psychologists that have batted me onto another one because they "Don't offer the services" for me apparently, the last one I went to seemed to actually be one that I'll end up going to for some "treatment" though, I dread the idea of having to go out as regularly as the appointments seem to be, but as long as I look like I'm actively seeking help I'm not homeless, which would be worse, I'd rather be dead than spend as long outside as homelessness would entail, without anything to distract me from it.

Amusingly in the interview with the last psychologist she asked me if I'd ever been tested for autism. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to avoid grinning, guess it isn't so much of a joke after all.

>> No.9327649

I left my house 3 weeks ago.

>> No.9327776
File: 658 KB, 500x592, cersternzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you guys are sad cunts. This is the last time I leave /v/ or /a/.

Smoke some weed and think about what you REALLY want out of life.

>> No.9327789

this is not board for subhuman
return to youre shit board mongrel

>> No.9327819

how do you afford both a storage unit and an apartment? isn't that a waste of autismbux? the former can be pretty expensive. currently I am planning on moving all my stuff into storage and taking the bare minimum with me for street neet life. I actually noticed that a lot of what /trv/ advocates sounds like vagrancy, so I might try that out and do a little low-expense travel. I just can't stand the idea of a job so I am going to try out this kind of life

>> No.9327827

I want proof that some people haven't left their homes in 1+ months.

>> No.9327832


>> No.9327835

How do you prove that? It's not really that hard though. I don't really consider myself much of a hiki, even though I have always preferred staying alone inside, and I know I went for about three months without going outside.

why is it so hard to imagine?

>> No.9327875

I have the social aptitude to leave my home, but I choose not to as my impenetrable cynicism and nihilistic view points on just about everything make it frustratingly difficult to put on the front necessary to interact with other people.

tl;dr Pretending I give a shit is too hard.

Been in room for months now.

>> No.9327888

I'm not really a Hikki, but I don't leave my house. If I have to go out I will...but I don't like it.

>> No.9327904

just like me.

>> No.9327910

why don't you two get a room at hotel EDGYGRIMDARK

>> No.9327917


I'll bet it's nice being able to think optimistically about things.

They think that way on >>>/reddit/, too. I'm sure you'll find a nice place there to fit in.

>> No.9327921

fuck off nerd I sure as hell am not going to post on reddit

>> No.9327927


You certainly aren't wanted here, normal. Fuck off back to >>>/v/.

>> No.9327931


What is this meme? Is Reddit the new slashdot?

>> No.9327936

Nobody said anything about being normal. I know you want to think everyone on /jp/ has the exact same mindset as you, but it's simply not true.

>> No.9327938

how dare you call me a normal. I will not go to /jp/

>> No.9327947

oops I meant I will not go to /v/, I am pretty embarrassed now. besides your redirect to reddit seems like a /v/ attitude to me.

>> No.9327948

Why don't you mind your own business nerd.

>> No.9327958
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Fuck, errthing make sense now.

>> No.9327979


Credit card. I'll eventually sell/stash/throw away my stuff but until then I'm living on borrowed time.

Being homeless in your car is a bad idea unless you have solar panels. You can't charge you phone or 'puter if you don't have someway to recharge your battery. Running the engine on idle isn't good enoughin the long run, but it's doable if you have the $ for the gas. But you don't know how fully the car battery is full, so that's a problem too. Gas is another problem too. There's other issues but being a vagrant isn't as romantic as it sounds. I would only reccommend it if you were doing it for only two months max.

>> No.9328531

I have to leave my house twice a week to go to physical therapy, once a month to visit the rheumatologist, and once a month or so to visit psychiatrist.

I go grocery shopping late at night so there aren't as many people there.

I hate going outside, but there's no way I'd ever classify myself as a hikki due simply to all the doctor visits I have.

>> No.9328642


so anyone here scared of going outside instead of only choosing to do so?

>> No.9328649

I am >>9328531.
Despite how often I have to leave my house, I am afraid to every single time.
I hate it.

>> No.9328664

Yes. I'm sure I would qualify for some kind of disability if I could actually bring myself to see a psych.

>> No.9328698

Yes, and it's gotten a lot worse over time. I developed panic attacks after staying shut in so long.

>> No.9328778

You people are the lowest of the low.. Closet normals

>> No.9328781

That doesn't even make sense. Stop posting.

>> No.9328823


Kill yourself.

>> No.9328824

Sure it does. "I want to have social interaction but I am too scared". Gay as HELL.

>> No.9328828

I don't want to have social interaction because I'm afraid of it.

>> No.9328830

Nobody said anything about wanting to be social. I'm perfectly content with my situation.

>> No.9328834

how do you force yourself to leave? i was in a similiar situation, except i don't even visit the doctors anymore. i'm running out of meds and shit.

>> No.9328844

I usually either take extra pain medicine that day so I'm a little less on edge about it (it's prescription - I know that's probably wrong, but whatever), or I reward myself in some way later (order something I've been wanting, make my favorite dish, etc).

>> No.9328849

being scared of going outside doesn't mean you want social interaction, you fucking retard. besides, people may want to go outside for a variety of other reasons, for example they don't like starving or being ill.

>> No.9328853

But epistomologically speaking you have to try something to say you don't want it.

>> No.9328856

So...what does that say about the people who don't want social interaction that are hikkis? What exactly are you getting at?

>> No.9328872

Are you a hikki if you avoid people as much as you can but still go outside with at least some frequency?

>> No.9328875

Depends on which one of these retards answers you.
Who fucking cares if you're hikki anyway? Why does this always end up being such a big deal?

>> No.9328889

I'm not concerned about it; I'm just curious to see if my behavior falls into a preexisting pattern.

>> No.9328904

I'm sure someone will believe you.

>> No.9328914

Maybe, at least according to wikipedia.

>While hikikomori favor indoor activities, some venture outdoors on occasion.

>> No.9328921

but in welcomb to tha NHK tha main character is a hikky and he leabes his howse to go to the park obcassionally ebin before that chick he meets.

>> No.9328924

if you're a casual shut-in, big ups for the tip about going out in locations and at times of the day (well night) when absolutely no one else is outside.
you can do anything and go anywhere you want without people looking at you or noticing you. it's great.

>> No.9328928

e/b/in X--------------------------------D

>> No.9328927

I sometimes go out for mass (family requirement)
Other than that, I just stay inside the house, my room is way too hot to shut in.

I also sometimes go out to get groceries with my mom.

>> No.9328975

I'm responding to you because I feel you might get sad if you were ignored :)

>> No.9331780
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>> No.9331789

I don't have enough money to support a truly hikki lifestyle. But the only time I leave the house is to go to work, so I guess that counts.

>> No.9331794 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 393x430, 1338759541920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Go to google.com
2. Go to images
3. Copy pasta "SIB SO"
4. ?????
5. fap!

>> No.9331829
File: 100 KB, 788x900, a75a2ca775338e51093cd1f550f192ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell?

>> No.9331834

What is it? I'm not going to do it.

>> No.9331840

CP in my google images? what is this sorcery.

>> No.9331843
File: 95 KB, 690x450, cheese pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331846

You're going to get raped in prison.

>> No.9331857


>> No.9331859

How is this possible?

>> No.9331869

Rape THIS!

*whips out cock*

No, but really what is it?

>> No.9331876

It's pornography that involves people that are younger than teenagers.

Don't search it or you will go to prison.

>> No.9331884


I just searched this not knowing what it was, chances anything will happen?

>> No.9331885

how do you know? will you go to prison too?

>> No.9331899

Heh, you know google logs all searches and stores them forever, along with who searched for it?

>> No.9331904

What if we all go to prison together? We can have an informal /jp/ meetup. Will you guys bully me?

>> No.9331905


Yes, but it's not like I was obviously searching for something

>> No.9331910

Yeeeeaaah buddy! I'll save you a seat on the party van.

>> No.9331913 [DELETED] 

>how do you know?
Rustle traces CP

>> No.9331917


Seriously guys...

>> No.9331919

I'm pretty sure someone will in prison will bully your asshole.

>> No.9331921

Sex offenders are in a different facility than violent criminals.

>> No.9331923

This is huh, wow.
Why would Google allow something like this?

>> No.9331927

It's alright as long as you were behind a couple proxies. You were, right?

>> No.9331930

You expect them to monitor every single phrased every searched?

>> No.9331932


No why would I, it's not like I knew this was going to happen

>> No.9331933

what if he wasn't?

>> No.9331937

They have infinite storage capacity, they are Google after all.

Not that it matters, nothing will happen to the dudes ITT.

>> No.9331939
File: 61 KB, 200x200, 1321431542034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. They go for distributers. Plus you're dumb if you think that one picture will get you the van. Gov't knows you can stumble upon stuff like this. If by some chance they notice you and decide to investigate your internet activity, as long as you aren't regularly cruising for CP you're fine.

>> No.9331943

Oh boy. If you here any knocks, you'll know who it is. The worst part is that it can take up to 8 months for them to actually take action.

Just when you forgot about it you'll see a van parked outside.

>> No.9331946


Thanks for the reply, just I've stumbled on it before from stupid things like this and I'm starting to get worried, and yes this is the last time I'm searching for something that 4chan reccomends

>> No.9331947

You do have to be careful though. If you've cached a good few "real" CP pics then a tonne of loli stuff could bite you in the ass, if for some reason you get that knock at your door.

>> No.9331949



>> No.9331966

Yeah i'm pretty sure we've all been that guy before. Just spreading information, this isn't /b/

>> No.9331974
File: 18 KB, 400x300, is baby hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331975

Knowing this, is it at least decent? How young is young?

>> No.9331978

Wasn't that great, mostly JB.

>> No.9331988

Eh, quickly scanned through and closed it out of fear. Stupid idea

>> No.9331990


enjoy being in jail

>> No.9331992

You know you live in a police state when looking at images on a computer screen can get you arrested.

>> No.9332010

The big brother is watching you

>> No.9332042


>> No.9332047

Careful with your dissent on a public forum, citizen.
You wouldn't want Friend Computer to hear you, would you?

>> No.9332070

I used to be able to go outside often. Casual talk, hold a job, etc.
Then I started losing a bunch of jobs, constantly, for no reason.
This kept going for a few years, and i've spent months at a time indoors. Now its to the point where I find myself waiting untill its about 2 AM to go to wal-mart to get food, just to avoid talking to anybody. The cashier there has kinda learned not to bother talking to me once I started wearing my headphones.
I don't actually play music in them because i'm afraid someone might sneak up on me, but it stops people from talking to me.

Not counting my midnight grocery runs, i've not been outside in about four months.

>> No.9332147

I'm right here ^_^

My mum is making me take anti-depressives though -_-

>> No.9332190

free wifi or grab food from high-school. you actually think optimistically about everything else. i think that way i'd imagine.
except they literally have friends (online or 6 days while you forgot about being outside was playing divi dead than having a girl
yeeeeaaah buddy! i'll be a job, i left the point i didn't leave my house was today, i don't you were doing electronic things present a shut-in isn't employed or ever classify myself to use this term for my impenetrable cynicism and later (order something that knock at all day as you are the convienence store to actually noticed that great, mostly reclusive during the bushes behind a couple weeks ago. i am hikki due to see you are you completed at burger king. i meant i hate going outside with shit to leave the house in le feel sorry for anything, and i was your living conditions like now?
i tend to post much of the past couple proxies. you certainly aren't wanted here, normal.
free wifi or you in spring and perhaps it's just speculation of 3 now i have to happen
they notice you not the last detail very weak and a normal. if he started when was airing back then. it started wearing my room was your day?

>> No.9332232


>> No.9332235

I can no longer tell if someone is seriously using these stupid emotes or just making another zany ironic post.

>> No.9332254

i knew in 2009 or something i've been outside as a little less functional, but still go out for you have a 5x5' space in le feel when they're not going to have to the casuals on borrowed time.

>> No.9332511

Last time I left my house was around April, I think. Before that I didn't left in six or seven months. Also, I dropped out of highschool and don't have any online friends. My parents won't kick me out, but I'm sick of this place. I'm going the street NEET way. I plan on leaving at the end of the month.

>> No.9332519

wow where's this street?

>> No.9332607

So you haven't left the house, but now you want to leave the house for good and give up the internet? Sounds like a good plan.

>> No.9332940

I actually miss not going out of the house for months and having no schedule. I ran out of funds so I had to recently go out and get a bottom of the barrel retail job. Early mornings shifts are suffering. They're not much later than when I used to go to bed (4-5a.m.) during my shut-in days.

>> No.9334228

I managed to once stay inside my room for 3 months without going out for anything. I should point out that I have a washroom attached to my room. So yeah, allowed me to get water and even to handwash my clothes. Add on canned/dried food with a microwave and it was pretty nice. Too bad my mom moved back from her work term earlier than expected or else I would've gone on for even longer.

>> No.9334335

I'm not a regular in /jp/, i entered this thread because i was curious about the hikikomoris. I'm not exactly social but i'm far from being a hikikomori. One thing i noticed is there are a lot of girls here claiming to be hikikomoris. I thought this was more of a male thing, you live and learn something new everyday.

>> No.9335690


>> No.9337735

There are not vaginas in this thread.

>> No.9337744


You anger empowers me.

i see.

>> No.9337757

Nobody's angry, he just kindly redirected to you to an appropriate board.

>> No.9337836

Going to crash in Berkeley, no time for hikking atm.

but before that I had a head injury and didn't go out for something like 3~4 years.

>> No.9337846

You guys are truly stupid.
Get a life, you bunch of losers!

>> No.9338537


>> No.9340520
File: 45 KB, 640x480, unrelated2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave my room often but rarely leave my house. Only at night time for a short walk. I could never be a street NEET. I'm fully dependent on my parents.

>> No.9340527
File: 80 KB, 583x900, 1341722965676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u mad

this isn't the board for you

>> No.9340840


>> No.9340851

btw I had jury duty, so it was against my will.

btw I'm a guy.
