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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 300x420, 15944_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9322770 No.9322770 [Reply] [Original]


Could somebody please post that comic with the neet and his dad and the tenga fliphole?

>> No.9322789
File: 59 KB, 331x331, alicryplsre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9322792
File: 61 KB, 221x221, satoriaspergersflip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9322794

thanks for posting dem for me


>> No.9322798

Replied because love you Alice!

>> No.9322900

best thread on /a/, like if you agree

>> No.9322918

Keep up the good work.

>> No.9322939
File: 56 KB, 468x248, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9323041


>> No.9323053

New 4chan x but get http://that4chanwolf.github.com/4chan-x/ instead of Mayhem's or Aeosynth's version.

>> No.9323062

You'd come out better using the dimensions.

>> No.9323140


>> No.9323158

why would you do that???

>> No.9323276
File: 337 KB, 936x936, 1328183441997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9323288

Some people hate good things.

>> No.9323325
File: 430 KB, 1920x1200, 1315381946345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the age we live in. People are so thin-skinned and unable to ignore things they don't like that they need to set up filters to pretend that unpleasant things don't exist. The catch is that this sort of mentality will snowball and lead to being more and more annoyed when you encounter things that haven't been filtered yet. The more you try to control your browsing experience, the less you're able to enjoy it.

Catering to those kinds of people by introducing the report system and janitors is what's made 4chan into what it is today.

>> No.9323326

woah, it even filter the replies

>> No.9323404

Yeah, figures.

>> No.9324691

Fucking rude. Fuck you dude, seriously

>> No.9324742

What's the difference? The pages look exactly alike.

>> No.9324755

- Stallmanu
Sage keybind
- that4chanwolf
Remove Mayhem's stupidity.
Redirect /jp/ to fuuka.warosu.org
Autosage on /jp/ (now an option).
- Mayhem
New feature: Menu, which
- replaces and includes Report Button and Delete Button.
- add one-click Filter buttons.
- add download links to automatically save the file with its original filename. Chrome-only currently.
- add archive links.
- can integrate features from external userscripts/extensions, see https://github.com/MayhemYDG/4chan-x/wiki/Menu-API
The updater's refresh interval is now limited to 2 seconds minimum.

Mayhem's stupidity means a forced 30sec timer if a page doesn't have new replies in a while, an even longer timer for "unfocused" pages and other stupid shit.

>> No.9324767

>Mayhem's stupidity means a forced 30sec timer if a page doesn't have new replies in a while, an even longer timer for "unfocused" pages and other stupid shit.
Yeah let's bring 4chan down because you ca't wait 30 seconds for a reply on an inctive thread. Idiot.

>> No.9324770

>94 pending ban requests.

>> No.9324777

Typical janitor

>> No.9324778

The updater only checks for new replies and if there are none, he doesn't update. If moot is concerned about the servers and his money, he should accept donations. He would be swimming in money.

>> No.9324784

I'm sure thousands of autists checking for new replies every second in 50 threads per autist won't bog the site down. Even if they don't update, it's still a problem. Moot wouldn't have asked for this otherwise.

>> No.9324790

>Moot wouldn't have asked for this otherwise.
That is fucking terrible logic.

>> No.9324795

How many high traffic sites do you run?

>> No.9324797

It was alright for so many years, why is it suddenly not alright now? He did the same with image preloading. And if anything, the visitor count has gone down over the years and not up to warrant such bs now.

>> No.9324804

I'm not saying that moot is wrong. I'm saying that your logic is trash.

>> No.9324815

It was never alright. Are you new here, or something? 4chan is constantly going down. That and autoupdater scripts weren't as popular as 4chan X is now.

>> No.9324818

You're a retard. Moot has first hand statics for this site and has contact with some of the script developers. I'm positive he asked for this because he saw some troubling numbers.

>> No.9324823

I am saying nothing about moot. I am saying that your logic is terrible.

>> No.9324825

He said your logic was trash, not whether your argument was right or not. Imbecilic retard.

>> No.9324829

>4chan is constantly going down.
If it was because people were ~updating threads~ too often we would have the servers going down every day at NA prime-time.

>> No.9324832

Bawwwwwwww. Whatever.

By the way, check out your awesome archive right now, Jones.

>> No.9324837

It certainly helps. And again, autoupdate scripts were never as popular.

>> No.9324867

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.9327716 [DELETED] 


>> No.9327727

moot is a Jew, why should I care if he looses his Jew money?
