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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9317087 No.9317087 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ do to keep ticking when they're not playing VNs or dodging bullets?

What other hobbies do you guys have?

>> No.9317089 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.9317096

Tropical fish

>> No.9317099

/jp/. Seriously, this board takes up anywhere from 10-16 hours of my day.

I used to care about programming, though I need to relearn the stuff I've forgotten. I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.9317105


>> No.9317112

Freshwater master race.

>> No.9317123

I play other stuff, watch movies, cook, etc.
Lately I've been exploiting Day Z for fun. This week I've figured out how to inject code into whitelisted scripts, which has enabled me to do a bunch of silly stuff, like turning my model into a cow.

>> No.9317124

Lately I've been writing and outlining day in and day out while coming here on my breaks. It's all that I want to do lately, but that's fine by me. Having a goal makes life more interesting.

>> No.9317160
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I go to school, weight lift, hang with friends, clubbing, date, study Warrior Codes, collect/read books on ignored South & North American History, study my faith, draw, paint with the very little resources available, study other cultures, and secretly practice hidden Kendo/sword techniques................/jp/ is the only one that know that last one. It's a secret.

If any newbs decide to ask if I am that faggtard "Ken-sama" I'm not.

>> No.9317170

Ale. Unfortunately, I can't really afford much until my autismbux come through.

PROTIP for people who want to more productive: make a schedule.

>> No.9317172


>> No.9317173


>study my faith

What does this involve? Do you just meditate on the evidence that isn't there?

>> No.9317193

I knew someone would get butt hurt by that.

>> No.9317200

It's his duty as an internet atheist.

>> No.9317201

I actually skateboard. But I'm hikkikomori, so I usually go out around 9-10PM and get back around 2 AM. Other than that, it's just fapping, eating, sleeping, anime, video games, manga, and internet.

>> No.9317205


Why would I not tell him that he's wrong? Why does his misconception deserve special treatment just because a bunch of people hold it?

>> No.9317209


So what, you've never sat down and tried really hard to convince yourself of something? Like that you don't need a job to enjoy life, or that Gensokyo is real?

>> No.9317213

I browse Futaba Channel, I go to niconico to watch some videos, I study japanese, I play some old games (or new ones if I really feel like it), I search for some interesting otaku culture and blog sites in japanese, I read about otaku culture news on a few sites I know, and I download images from Danbooru. And I chat with some people once in a while. I don't really browse /jp/ as I used to.

>> No.9317216


You don't need a job to enjoy life. You need money. Currently.

>> No.9317220

But seriously, how do you study your faith? Does he just sit there and suddenly concludes "yep, I definitely believe in this stuff" and then pats himself on the back?

>> No.9317225

I convinced myself that women weren't real.
Which was completely unneccessary because it turns out they weren't real anyway.

>> No.9317229
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Only one 'booru? And no sad panda?

>> No.9317235

Pretty much this.

>> No.9317234

I heard of a University man that lives somewhere in a Utah cave contesting that mindset. Fuck if I remember his name, but he's been at it for about ten years or so.

>> No.9317240

Why would I need other hobbies? It'd already take a life time just to clear my VN backlog alone.

>> No.9317242

Real religions like Stallmanism encourage thought on how the teachings of the Church of Emacs apply to the various systems of life.

>> No.9317249

Oh, I forgot about Sad panda too. I go to safebooru once in a while when I don't wanna see porn, but I don't really know any other boorus. I also forgot Pixiv.

>> No.9317257

You have achieved satori.

>> No.9317265

I use vim. I will never be a high level stallmanite priest. I'm so sorry St. IGNucius.

>> No.9317267

Daniel Suelo.

>> No.9317270

Reward yourself every time you DO believe in something, and punish yourself every time your faith wavers.

>> No.9317272

It is not a sin to use Vim, it is just a stupid decision to use inferior software.

>> No.9317278

my only hobbies are video games mother fuckers!

>> No.9317280

Yeah, but then traps came along. And since they weren't women, they were technically real.
And so I've been miserable ever since.

>> No.9317281

What the fuck are you doing here then?

>> No.9317291

Do you have any intention of showing off what you wrote when you finish? I bet I know who this is.

>> No.9317289


>> No.9317293

I like making Pokemon-style maps in RPG Maker XP just for the hell of it, drawing and hoarding and sharing music/images.

>> No.9317307

>I like making Pokemon-style maps in RPG Maker XP just for the hell of it

I used to do things like this. Visit spriting websites, steal a few tilesets, make maps for no real reason. I'd make mock-ups in Paint or Photoshop, or download programs like Game Maker *just* to make maps that didn't serve any purpose.

>> No.9317316

>Not 2003 with the ATB
Jokes aside, your interest sound like the exact opposite of mine, which is scripting animated events, storyboard dialogue, and music making. I despite map-creation, so let us join forces and dominate the world!

>> No.9317317

What's the problem with booru? WHen I get too lazy to search for images on pixiv, I go there. It's easy and it takes less than 10 seconds.

>> No.9317345

Show me your moves!

>> No.9317356

Cool cool. Man, it would be wonderful if I could find a couple of spriters as well, since what the project I've been working on now by myself for the past half a year (Pokemon V) really needs is sprites, NPC dialogue, storyline-related events and music.
Mind if I have your email address so I can contact you in the future, if I get off my lazy ass and start working on things properly again? If you don't mind.

>> No.9317370
File: 71 KB, 813x274, map1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to redo this map, it's pretty old.

>> No.9317376

Oh god so much wild grass

>> No.9317381
File: 37 KB, 228x595, ip_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also placeholder tiles are.. so much fun to work with. Sigh. The lamp post/bridge things are placeholder gates, and the flower tiles are broken because of me being lazy. They're not actually like that though, don't worry.

>> No.9317390

I said it before but writing & music composition is my forte. Also in-game cinema depending on the medium.

>> No.9317391

I post on /jp/ and some other boards. I spent most of last year playing video games, but got bored of them. Sometimes I write crappy programs that I forget about later or never finish.

>> No.9317393
File: 113 KB, 969x517, map2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby you know it. And that's only half the map.
The old members of the project really wanted me to force grass in the routes to make it more challenging, but really it's more of an annoyance in my opinion.

>> No.9317405

Ooh I see. Thanks, I'll be in touch probably.

>> No.9317409

Could be fun. What's your addy anyways?

>> No.9317418

Here you go.

>> No.9317422

I spend the majority of my day reading over boards on 4chan, watching porn, reading doujins on sad panda, download music from what.cd, watching anime and researching computer security, personally I don't know why I even bother with that last "hobby" of mine, I can't program and I'll never be capable of writing my own exploits.

>> No.9317434

Coding. Made some serious progress on my OCR in the past week, but it still fucks up in some places I think it shouldn't to be usable - e.g. thin lines in characters, the specific example I'm failing on is "支倉凍砂" on the cover of the S&W LN Vol 1. Going to make a new character classifier to fix it based on what I've learned in the past 2 years.

>> No.9317470

Oh hey, it's you again.

How does it fare with similar-looking kanji?

And did you fix the problems you were having with rotation?

>> No.9317503

Similar looking kanji are the ones my dimensionality reduction handles best, as it deliberately finds the distinctive differences between them. No problem thus far, but it might become one as my database grows. Time will tell if I need to make it smarter in that part (I have several ideas.)

I don't remember having trouble with rotation. I did make a frontend (character locator) that handles vertical and horizontal text well though, given a box of characters (in any rotation), it just can't find that box for you.

>> No.9317695

Also, trip for future archive reference, if only my own.

>> No.9317738

ballin tripcode

>> No.9317764

Most likely. If you're anticipating it, however, don't bother. It's not going to be as great as you're making it out to be.

>> No.9317985

I play League all day.

>> No.9317998

As much as I like blunt weapons, I fear that new guy may be too complicated for my blood.

>> No.9318156

I see. Well we can't all be skilled.

>> No.9318168

I'm a huge fan of paradox interactive games such as Europa Universalis

>> No.9318186
File: 86 KB, 680x790, Patchoulisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon and pokemon hacks.

>> No.9318209

Me too. Unfortunately I suck so people often rage at me.

>> No.9318220

Skilled enough to know that I don't have to pick up every champ just because they're new. I don't like the guy's premise and mechanics. Therefore I do not wish to use him.

>> No.9318230

I'm download blacklight, I hope it's good.

>> No.9318240

He seems like an incredibly boring champion to me too, I'm more excited for the upcoming plant mage.

>> No.9318253

He's like a melee Orianna.

>> No.9318318

Maybe, but I just get this feeling every time I see you. It's like I'm already your fan.

>> No.9318341

I try to stick to a flexi-schedule to keep myself from getting bored out my skull.

I split 15, 30 and 60 minute groups up in to various activities.
These can be things like:
gaming, programming, reading random stuff, watching videos, browsing here and various sites.
There is also exercise and rest periods in and around those.

Typically it goes like this, though:
Check a few sites, emails, subscriptions, RSS, etc. (15)
Just planning out code, things that need to happen. (30)
[ 30 minute bonus time if I do a lot, can be used in any stage below ]
Then I will watch something with breakfast. (30)
Then I do some exercise, then relax. (60)
Some gaming. (30)
I give more flesh and bone to the code plan, going in to detail about methods, even doing rough sketches of views or textures and the like. (30)
[more bonus time if I do a lot ]

3 hours morning to my self complete.
Rest of the day is open to anything up until night. (undefined time)

Code implementation. (60)
Since I planned things out well enough, things Should Just Work. If they don't, I fucked up real bad in the planning stages and it will be noted down for investigation the next day. Implementation should be typing and barely any thinking, which is why I do it at night.
Of course, I don't need to do it at night at all. I sometimes just program the entire day.
Hell, sometimes I just dedicate entire days to things depending on how much or little I have done.

Before I did this, I suffered laziness so much. I sat around doing nothing for hours.
That still happens. Like right now.

>> No.9318893

Honestly Im not much into VN:s, besides Umineko and type-moon stuff. I don't care for touhou either. Don't know why I come to /jp/ anymore.
Most of the time I watch anime, chat on IRC, listen to music and browse 4chan.
Also usually take a 1-2 hour walk every day

>> No.9318998

DDR and Stepmania. Oh the things it does for frustration!

>> No.9319035

Shitposting on /jp/.

I don't actually play VN's, nor do I dodge bullets.

>> No.9319054

That's depressing. Do you at least have some kind of borderline /jp/ hobby?

>> No.9319077
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Welcome to Pia Carrot 2 DX 3 [cf].avi_snapshot_04.17.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hobby is collecting sceenshots in anime

for example I'll collect images of every single computer screen in an anime I can find

other times I will screenshot all references to a certain anime in everything I've watched

I just spend my time rewatching and rewatching, I have stacks of 100 DVD holdalls filled with series I rewatch.

I have an fixation with blue and white checkerboard patterns found in backgrounds of scenes, I screenshot all of those too.

my favorite cameo character is dejiko from Di Gi Charat, I have a folder dedicated to frame by frame shots of each time she has appeared as a cameo role in another series.

>> No.9319083
File: 46 KB, 200x165, meltdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9319090

You are a pretty cool person.

>> No.9319102

Honestly, I'm not sure if I have any hobbies anymore. Whenever I get bored, I ask myself what did yesterday, and I realize that I didn't do anything.

I've been rocking back and forth refreshing /jp/ tabs and watching irc/ts while listening to touhou music for the past few hours. I just can't figure out what to do with myself.

>> No.9319118

So who is he then?

>> No.9319286

Anonymous, I guess.

>> No.9319708

I want to report the image but there's no bullet section for scarring innocent minds.

>> No.9319744

>What does this involve? Do you just meditate on the evidence that isn't there?

Just insult a faith rather than discussing key issues and logic.
/jp/ is better than this /jp/

>> No.9319766

School, friends, adventures, Blazblue, independent study, walking, piano, work, math, stuff.

La vida normal.
