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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 519x364, socratits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9314375 No.9314375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, that was fucking brilliant.


I didnt have time to watch it earlier but I just finished it.

>> No.9314376

btw im a girl

>> No.9314385

Women are not watching that video. They are staying well clear of it. Its fucking nightmare fuel for them.

>> No.9314387

suck my dick, dude.

>> No.9314390

By the by I'm a whore

>> No.9314400

Not /jp/, no matter how much i/you/we might agree with her opinion.

Someone has to act

>> No.9314439

Someone needs to tell her about 3DPD

>> No.9314452


>> No.9314459

Not /jp/ at all.

>> No.9314468

Its releated the the world. All men and women should hear her msg.

>> No.9314479
File: 16 KB, 187x206, 1340712319625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filename
Epic posting dude

>> No.9314488

Thanks, I thought it summed her up perfectly.

>> No.9314500
File: 130 KB, 1375x1279, 1340226704739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Is it bad that I find it funny that you're shooting this in your kitchen?"

>> No.9314511

Do you think that those thumbs up are saying that the person is wrong in thinking such a thing is funny, or is it something relatable that you should not be ashamed of?

>> No.9314516
File: 3 KB, 420x300, jp-otaku culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9314519

I don't know, but I think you're question proves your autism.

>> No.9314521

Is the message the same as it is in http://www.singularity2050.com/2010/01/the-misandry-bubble.html? I don't want to watch it if I already know what she is going to say.

>> No.9314523

I dont know, to many words. Why dont you write a summery.

>> No.9314548

Jesus. That's a good video. I'm glad I watched it.

>> No.9314561

"a place where words and ideas are more important the the tone or the smiles may or may not lye behind them"

Now I know why I am on 4chan.

>> No.9314565

Suck my penis.

>> No.9314567

"society was not working for those guys, so the invented their own society"


>> No.9314570
File: 617 KB, 723x1024, 1337580825066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what gensokyo's all about.

it's suicide for the suicide-fearing

>> No.9314569

Of cock sucking

>> No.9314573

they should have an episode where mirakurun is somehow real and combats chinatsu (the embodiment of all evil).

>> No.9314581

"You really see it in the gynocentrism of manginas and white knights who supplicate and pander to the feminine even when its ugly or amoral differentiating them selves from the feminine through their blind worship of it."

Ohh shit, /jp/ again. Shes got our number.

>> No.9314583


Then the harudoka comes and it becomes a lesbian rape fest

>> No.9314585

no! no rape.

>> No.9314593

Goddamn. That was so dead-on it's kind of uncanny.

>> No.9314594

I discovered her a while back, and am legitimately attracted to her brain.

>> No.9314595

Thats what being a little girl is all about. Because men can be better women then women are.

Its the perfect concept for a world. A bunch of bros, but not bros, cute little girls, able to take comfort in each others mind and body with out it being gay.

>> No.9314589

if all 3DPD women look like her these days i'm not supprised men don't marry.

>> No.9314596

Can someone summarize this so I don't need to give yet another youtube "vlogger" unwarranted attention or page hits?

>> No.9314601

I think she's worth one little view anon. She actually limns her points in detail; no soundbytes. I didn't agree with everything but it's worth watching and good thought fodder.

>> No.9314602


This is actually worth watching.

She talks about why men have decided to stop playing the marriage game in modern times, and long story short, her conclusion is because it's fucking retarded for a man to do so. No benefit, tons of risk, etc.

For once, the attention is warranted.

>> No.9314603

No one likes fat chicks.

>> No.9314604

"Go watch the video"

Theres my summery. Its not a blog, its actually well thought out and intelligent. it does have that unprofessional feel of a youtube video but this chick nails the issues hard.

>> No.9314606

Just watch it. It's worth it this time.

>> No.9314612

I never saw the point of making videos on speech when you could just put them in text instead.

>> No.9314613

>It's intelligent because i like it.

>> No.9314616


lolno. Lots of things I like are unintelligent

>> No.9314622

Asspained female detected.

>> No.9314623

It's only interesting because a woman is saying it

If it was a video made by a man it would be condemned by feminist like all the million others before it.
There's no news in this

>> No.9314625

If you're going to say something make a criticism that makes sense. She outlines her points in a clear and thoughtful way. In youtube terms, that's intelligence, regardless of whether you agree with her or not.

>> No.9314634

I like good food and where is the intelligence in that?

>> No.9314627

Somebody give me an idea of what to expect.

>> No.9314631
File: 46 KB, 350x262, takumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are stupid and I don't respect them,
That's right I just have sex with 'em.

>> No.9314635

Thats the entire point of youtube, broadcast your self. The internet has given everyone a voice.

I think this lady should write a book though.

>> No.9314636

Watch a minute of the video.

>> No.9314639

A woman who understands /jp/.

>> No.9314641

this. fuck, i hate listening to people, it requires too much concentration. i guess i'm just not used to it.

>> No.9314643

You think the average youtube user can read a text of that size?

You underestimate the stupidity of them

>> No.9314647


True enough. But we need people like this, just like black people needed white sympathizers during the civil rights movement.


A long-winded monologue about men and their decisions

>> No.9314648

I watched one minute. Apparently one of her feminist acquaintances is wrong about something. I'm not sure what.

Please fulfill my request now.

>> No.9314653

A video is possibly the least efficient method of presenting text information.

People shouldn't cater to retards who can't read a few pages anyway.

>> No.9314650

I like how she was able to simultaneously explain /jp/'s misogyny and NEET tendencies using the same argument.

>> No.9314655

Actually, it is.

>> No.9314654

this is not otaku related. please die

>> No.9314656

Get some sleep, touhou kid.

>> No.9314659

Not that guy, and I have no problem with the thread but seriously... It's not

>> No.9314660

Okay, I found the transcript.

>> No.9314664

Thats funny, because 3000 years ago, that was the only way to relate information.

>> No.9314667

And we grew out of it.

>> No.9314668

So you are saying that 51% of /jp/ are happily married with children and high paying jobs?

>> No.9314669


"The rule of the dumb cannot be overcome, as our voice counts as much as theirs, and there are so many of them."

-Albert Einstein

But, if we make the dumb work in our favor by making our opinions accessible...

>> No.9314676

Because arxiv.org is a video site RIGHT?

>> No.9314677

The same logic applies to the rest of 4chan and there are better boards for that such as /b/, /v/, /pol/, /r9k/ or /sp/

/jp/ wouldn't even care about marriage in the first place

>> No.9314678

And, three minutes later, I'm done. That was much easier than sitting through twenty-five minutes of video.

I thought it was a good read.


No, three thousand years ago, there were no videos.

>> No.9314681

Yes there were, they were called "Bards". They were much more interactive.

>> No.9314683

>/jp/ wouldn't even care about marriage in the first place
Well, the video purports to explain why exactly it is that men, such as those you might find in /jp/, do not care about marriage (or jobs, or etc.)

>> No.9314684


>No, three thousand years ago, there were no videos.

I see u trollin'

>> No.9314689

Then, people invented writing, and oral historians wept as their craft was resigned to the dustbin of prehistory, and only the voices of the best orators remained.

Let us take a moment of silence.

>> No.9314691

Stop bumping your thread you fucking whore. No one gives a shit.

>> No.9314693

And now hardrives, earphones, sound cards, internet has given way for the bard to rise again from the ashes.

>> No.9314694

That's probably an overstatement.

>> No.9314695

/jp/sies don't marry because they're too obsessed with the 2D world and their own well-being, it's not because of the feminist agenda nobody here wants to marry.
Do you really think that if marriage laws were different the average /jp/er would be a proud father and head of a household?

I'll give you the point with the jobs though

>> No.9314701

Perhaps you should watch the video first. Because what you are saying makes no sense in this argument. Its not just feminists that have created NEETs.

Ands its entirely possible that if this was 60 years ago, you would want to be a father and head of the house hold.

>> No.9314703

And not only that, pipes and storage have gotten so fat that the data inefficiency involved is no longer a concern. Everything that has been will be again.

You make it sound like everybody in /jp/ has been exclusively into 2D since they were old enough to show interest in women. That's (probably) not the case. If the average girl /jp/ encountered were a pretty, faithful virgin, there might not be so many of us here.

>> No.9314706

We can safely disregard the opinions of anyone who watched the video rather than read the transcript.

>> No.9314707

Perhaps if you were not so scared of women, you could have enjoyed the video with everyone else.

>> No.9314711

Show me a respected journal site that is video rather than text. I'll wait.

>> No.9314712

I wouldn't listen to a man talk about feminism for half an hour, either.

>> No.9314714

You will be waiting a long time because I dont read blogs.

>> No.9314720

You can't act less unintellectual can you?

>> No.9314724


I chuckled.

>> No.9314723

What's the point of being intellectual? Unless you go on to become somebody who is somebody, discussing politics is about as useful as discussing video games.

>> No.9314726

I was pleasantly surprised. She made some very astute points and from a fairly objective viewpoint.

Isn't it nice /jp/? We're one of the few places where real men congregate. It turns out "real men" are cute girls, like us!

>> No.9314727

Pick one.

>> No.9314729

Those hypothetical scenarios are too ridiculous,
of course 60 years ago I might have wanted to be a father, but that's because 60 years ago I wouldn't have been some shut-in interested in japanese media.

And yeah there might be /jp/ers who would go for a faithful, loyal cute virgin wife even if she was 3D.
But A. There aren't any
and B. They wouldn't want you anyways

>> No.9314731


>> No.9314733

History, economics, and sociology too.

>But A. There aren't any, and B. They wouldn't want you anyways
And that's what the video was about.

Well, you might think she was just saying the obvious.

>> No.9314734

That part really threw me for a loop. I had no idea wishing to be a little girl was manly. I thought I was a unique snowflake shaped like an A for Alpha.

I guess I was right when I said, all men wish to be a little girl. I was speaking of subconscious at the time. Apparently, its much more astute.

>> No.9314741

``Society wasn't working for them, so they invented their own society.''
                    ーgirlwriteswhat on /jp/, 2012

>> No.9314743

You just agreed with what she was saying and everyone else has told you. I dont even know why you are arguing.

>> No.9314745

>We're one of the few places where real men congregate.

I don't know what you've been reading, but it's definitely not the article linked in this thread.

>> No.9314747

I only get intellectual when the topic is loli and or pedophilia.

>> No.9314753

That doesn't make any claim on the difference between "real" and "fake" men.

>> No.9314750

I think he's referring to

>So where are men retreating to? The internet, and the few men's spaces that have not tailored their rules of conduct to suit women's easily offended natures and need for comfort.

>> No.9314751

I dont know what you were reading but apparently your English comprehension is lacking if you read a transcript of her video. Perhaps you should have watched the video?

>> No.9314756

We're described as a "bastion of maleness."

"Men going their own way, who've taken a stand based on a realistic assessment of what's in it for them, and maintain their self-respect not by complying with society's expectations but by disregarding them."

>> No.9314757

>And that's what the video was about.

No it wasn't, she may have implied that women would need to lower their standard, but even from a lowered standpoint people like us are the worst.
She was probably referring to the average joe, who isn't funny, rich, super handsome etc.

/jp/ is not /r9k/ where a bunch of losers are crying about how they can't get girlfriends, and women have too high of standards.

/jp/ are mostly otaku who spend their days masturbating lolis and playing freaky games that normals in the west would condemn

>> No.9314759

Why are you so insistent on the video? Do you have google partnership on it or something?

>> No.9314760

The only thing I got from watching that video is, women have always had intrinsic value in society and have now effectively found a why to screw that up too.

>> No.9314763

But it does. You all would be real men if you did not have to retreat to the internet to be a man. In other words, we were all born to soon or to late.

1000 years ago, we would be gladiators or centurions.

>> No.9314770

Could you please leave this shit on /r9k/ and /v/.

>> No.9314771

You are the worst because you were forced in to that roll by not being able to be the manly men you were born to be.

>> No.9314772

It's rather that women had intrinsic value and men had extrinsic value, and now women still have intrinsic value and men have neither.

See the last quote in the post before yours.

>> No.9314773

You are reading that out of context dude. She's referring to ALL men, that ALL men is forced to do this.

Here's the topic statements since you failed to find it:
>I think at the very core of it, it's about a positive male identity.
>Men used to be able to derive a positive male identity from marriage.
>So where are men retreating to? The internet

>> No.9314776

Tiny problem is that it doesn't belong there. /r9k/ and /v/ mope continuously about not being able to fit into modern society, while /jp/ goes further and is 'fuck the police' and hikkis it up with tuhu and shitposting

>> No.9314778

Male identify != "real" man, you plebian fuckwit.

>> No.9314779

It doesn't belong here either. That's fine, /jp/ likes to discuss things that don't belong here from time to time. But stop bumping the thread. It's retarded.

>> No.9314780

So basically what you are saying is that all variables that lead to me being an otaku are /jp/ related?

It's not only the rise of womens rights and fatherless marriage that made us who we are I can tell you that much.

>> No.9314781

It does for modern times. But in modern times men cant be men. We are what men have evolved in to.

>> No.9314785

It does not. Stop warping the arguments into something else. Write your own article if you want to do so. The author meant to write male identify, and there is ZERO mention of the phrase "real men" in the article you fucktard.

>> No.9314786



I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm not a NEET, and I'm not a fat neckbeard. I just find random shit to occupy my time, and happened to like anime and found out about touhou as a result.

People are not born masturbating to loli, so to speak. I am sure I never would have even heard of 4chan had a worthwhile relationship been available to occupy my time.

Which sounds like I'm looking for an excuse, something to blame for my situation, which is probably true.

>> No.9314787

Sorry for taking up some of your valuable time and /jp/'s valuable landspace.
I'm sure when this thread dies it will be replaced by something worthy.
Like 'whc 2hu wud u fk"

>> No.9314798

Oh, fuck off, you daft cunt. There's no need to act like a retard (sarcastically, so it's okay!) because somebody told you not to bump an off-topic thread.

>> No.9314802

Judging by the recent analysis threads, there are not that many people on /jp/ with disorders. Sure you may have other variables but you are just one guy. We all have our reasons. Me personally, I came because I am a pedo and I could never find happiness in legal women. However, even I see the problems with women that were detailed in that video. I see it in my family and friends. I see it personally as one more reason I don't like the idea of marriage and that its best to not even consider it.

>> No.9314807
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1338099667238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9314813

Please take it easy. I wrote the original post. It was just a little joke.

"Men in touch with themselves" or "men in desperate need of a positive male identity" just doesn't sound as cool as "REAL MEN". The point was that /jp/ is a place where a man is allowed to express himself without censor. The irony is that /jp/ is full of little girls.

>> No.9314816

Yeah I can see the problem too, society is fucked if it's going to go along this path

I just don't see how they were saying that it is /jp/ related

Because it's not

>> No.9314820

>The irony is that /jp/ is full of little girls.

Thats not ironic at all, actually.

>> No.9314825

You honestly think wanting to be little girls is Gynocentrism? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9314831

I don't want to be alone /jp/...

>> No.9314832

Not seeing the connection. /jp/ doesn't pander to the feminine, /jp/ IS the feminine. /jp/ is the embodiment of the female ideal in a world twisted by feminist propaganda.

>> No.9314836

But we already are little girls

>> No.9314839

Yeah I like that quote, I like it alot

sums up the true /jp/ pretty good

>> No.9314840
File: 155 KB, 935x720, 1321661307647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you thought you actually liked dicks and trapping, but it turns out its only a escape hobby because i hate females

>> No.9314842

We're all alone.
And it's our subconscious urge to be alone that's keeping us this way.

>> No.9314843

What better way to show your worship of little girls than to want to be one.

>> No.9314846

More like our subconscious urge for company by being on /jp/

>> No.9314849


>> No.9314851
File: 237 KB, 1041x1200, 1283798052361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is where i wish i had saved that anon quote on transexuals and defecting to the winning side.
Not that i blame them.

>> No.9314853

Because being on /jp/ really satisfies a need for human contact.
Our words might reach each other, but we cannot.

>> No.9314857

The reason why you indulge in such things is likely because /jp/ derives a sense of community from such behavior. Maybe all men secretly like dicks and traps. Females wouldn't really have much to do with it.

>> No.9314884
File: 79 KB, 500x281, Pokerface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized im trying to build up my male image and respect as a male by wearing female clothes while i keep trying to become more female every day.
And at the time sime finding myself more attracted to males.

Wait what.

>> No.9314887

These are all good things. Don't stop.

>> No.9314888

Thats the point. /jp/ puts feminine, true feminine on a pedestal. You are letting feminist propaganda to corrupt your idea. You are not putting their idea of feminine on a pedestal. You are worshiping the true idea of female, pure and uncorrupted, something feminists hate. We come here because we can worship that idea with out fear of mockery and this is one of the few bastions were the idea of the perfect girl can exist.

>> No.9314894

I think it can be summed up quite easily:
Men make better females than females do.

>> No.9314906

You guys are reading too much into this.

>> No.9314912
File: 41 KB, 756x784, sigmund freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le you are all fucked up man face

>> No.9314913
File: 60 KB, 683x611, 2 am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have nothing else to do around here

>> No.9314934

In the context of /jp/, it makes perfect sense. We're all cute little girls here.

I get the feeling you're taking the original quote out of context. IIRC she was talking about white-knighting in a subversive attempt to win female affections. I agree that on the fundamental level, we worship our idea of true feminism, but not in order to dissociate from it. /jp/ realizes the ideal, and strives for it within themselves. We are little girls.

>> No.9314940

But deforming ideas is not cool!

>> No.9314946

Deform my dick with your ass, splerglord

>> No.9314957

isn't it funny that a /r9k/ thread has so many responses and is still on a front page, while on-topic threads are on their way to page 15? you guys are full of shit

>> No.9314960

This topic has already been covered.

>> No.9314964

Hmm. You may be right. I do not visit any boards were that sort of white knighting is tolerated. When I hear white knight I think about the /jp/ idea of white knight, as in my need to save Remilia from danger, even though shes 10000 times stronger than me. Thats the way I interpreted it. Now that you say that I am reminded of the stories of the other kind of white knights that stand up for camerawhores. I can interpret it in that way as well.

I honestly think it works both ways though. The want to be a little girl is just another form of worhship of the perfect ideal of femininity. Probably the most extreme form.

>> No.9314969

>We're all cute little girls here.
I'm a man

>> No.9314971 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x284, 200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanting to become a little girl is the ultimate form of narcissism. You seek to become your own ideal mate, the ultimate form of self-love.

>> No.9314975

Hey, here's an idea, how about you bump those on-topic threads with meaningful points for discussion so they won't die

>> No.9314985
File: 39 KB, 502x524, autism5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9314995
File: 10 KB, 200x284, 200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who want to be little girls are in reality a victim of extreme narcissism. They wish to become their own ideal mate, the ultimate form of self-love.

>> No.9315003

Okay thanks DAD

>> No.9315004

Im not denying it. I made this statement in a thread the other day. I would love to be a little girl and marry my self.

Well as much as I would like to continue this highly interesting subject of wanting to be a little girl, my favorite subject, I really need to get to bed. You have a great night.

OP signing out. So you dont need to be angry about how I kept bumping my own thread anymore

>> No.9315007


I personally think it's a blessing to have dreams of becoming a cute little girl

Why is narcissism bad again?

>> No.9315012

>want to be little girls
Why the hell would I want what I already have?

>> No.9315016

>JP is the female ideal

I don't think so.

>> No.9315027
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 100_0265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have potential.

>> No.9315034
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 000_1162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be the little girl.

#jp #420 #swag

>> No.9315042
File: 51 KB, 342x342, 1340096764563..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fucking shit

>> No.9315053

we need a mod.

>> No.9315112
File: 59 KB, 640x480, TG10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry honey, i have more potential than you.

>> No.9315118

Be honest /jp/

how many of you were raised by a single mother?

>> No.9315129



>> No.9315142
File: 264 KB, 600x800, 23775926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aunt basically raised me because my parents were alcoholic scumbags.
So she was my adopted single mother more or less.

>> No.9315151

I had a single dad myself.
I got my misogyny from him, not that i blame him one bit.
My mother was a massive bitch and a whore to a man who was really nice.

>> No.9315159

But why does it matter?

>> No.9315176

i wasn't technically, but my father worked in a different city most of my life and i would barely ever see him. does it count?

>> No.9315177
File: 130 KB, 370x335, Naga9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived at a orphanage myself so a bunch of people raised me.

>> No.9315186


So sad.



>> No.9315191


Nope. They're still together now in fact.
As they're both in their 60s I doubt it would benefit either much to divorce at this point.
