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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 84 KB, 960x720, mcroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9312765 No.9312765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9312775

Iku's room

>> No.9312774

Who the fuck can do that?

I will never understand why someone who stays inside all day doesn't have a very organized and clean house.

>> No.9312776


>> No.9312778
File: 190 KB, 500x500, 1 (69).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh my chest/heart hurts atm
how can people eat that

>> No.9312779

So you visit Reddit too? omg ;DD

>> No.9312782 [DELETED] 

Reported. Janitor get in here.

>> No.9312783

Papa john pizza box in the corner

>> No.9312785


It's Chris Chan's house.

>> No.9312787

Janitors wont stop me I am the master of shitposting.

>> No.9312789

Call doctor u have heart attck

>> No.9312790


>> No.9312794 [DELETED] 

teach me your tricks
i think this janitor is too attracted to me or something, like deleting my threads is how he gets my attention cus he wants me to fuck him

>> No.9312796

Did he die from a heart attack?

>> No.9312798

Drop the tripcode loser

>> No.9312802

My room is pretty nasty too

>> No.9312812 [DELETED] 

Why would I do something stupid like that?
Please take your "philosophy of anonymity" back to >>>/b/ where it belongs.

>> No.9312817

/mu/tant tryhards don't know how to make quality shitposts. Give up and go home.

>> No.9312819


Please STOP cyberbullying us. This is your last warning.

>> No.9312825
File: 583 KB, 1600x900, living the dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.9312830
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>> No.9312831 [DELETED] 

Never :3
I'm sorry, I'm just a little bitter from this asshole janitor deleting my quality threads. I just wanted to know a little more about /jp/ and if you guys wanted to be my friends or had nice shoes.

>> No.9312840

please post more

>> No.9312836

would read again.

>> No.9312837


>> No.9312850


frig off dude

no one wants you here

>> No.9312849

I'm filtering you because it's obvious you are a /b/tard.

>> No.9312861
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>> No.9312886


Man, whipped cream makes everything look delicious. When I eat it, though, it has this really weird gaseous sort of acidic aftertaste. Is it different if you whip it yourself?

>> No.9312893

Dunno they taste the same to me.

>> No.9312901


That's softserve icecream. It's a Rootbeer Float.

>> No.9312903

Try whip cream on a cock you are about to suck

>> No.9312906



>> No.9312913

In that picture, I believe it's just ice cream and root beer in the glass, no whipped cream. When I make whipped cream I tend to not add as much sugar so it's not overly sweet like the kind in the spray cans. It's also nowhere near as light/airy as the canned junk. Sometimes I add cocoa powder. Filling cream puffs with chocolate whipped cream is one of my favorite ways to get rid of whipped cream I've made.

For the same price, I think you get a bit more whipped cream when you make it.

>> No.9312931
File: 888 KB, 1500x1002, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a point where you start getting sick. It happened to me a few times.

>> No.9312957


>> No.9312958

McDonalds always makes me feel sick after I eat it

I'm fine with other things though

>> No.9312994
File: 233 KB, 1200x900, readyforchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9312998


This is nasty. Why would you live this way? Were you too shortsighted to realize shit will start piling up and making your room shitty if you don't clean up?

>> No.9313000

It doesn't really even look that bad

You could probably clean all that up in the space of 5 minutes

>> No.9313005


>doesn't even have a garbage plastic to throw his shit in like a truNEET

>> No.9313011
File: 119 KB, 632x475, jap_otaku_room_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have moments in life where I get really depressed and stop caring.

>> No.9313017


Go to a doctor. I don't understand this. Depression is a medical illness. Go to a doctor, they will make you better.

>> No.9313026
File: 260 KB, 800x600, jbcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. I'm just shitty to the core.

>> No.9313041


if you add this in the special offers page you will get a free papajohns pizza if you order online. you still have to pay delivery.

>> No.9313047

Holy shit you have floor space

I should probably clean a little if this is that bad
kinda lost my garbage bag under my clothes though

>> No.9313061

Yeah mine is not bad compared to others.
Though my laundry pile is pretty high. I'm on my last set of clean clothing and they smell like dried crusty cum. I had to go out today as well so I was really worried if someone will ask me why do I smell like cum.

>> No.9313064

who truNEET here?

>> No.9313078

Geez the most pileups I have in my room are due to dirty clothes.

How can some of you live like this? How can you even eat in your rooms? Do you not care about the potential roach infestation?

There's a fine line between being lazy and being a slob.

>> No.9313085

Wait, is this considered really bad?

>> No.9313090

I didn't think it was that bad at all

I didn't think eating food in my room was that bad either

>> No.9313094

Depression, like >>9313011 said.

>> No.9313113

I'm afraid of my parents so I hide myself to the point where I can go days without seeing them despite living in the same apartment.

Also afraid of them asking me why I smell like old crusty semen.

>> No.9313119

>>9313047 here
that was my first thought

>How can you even eat in your rooms?
How can you not? gotta have food while doing my general shit man

>Do you not care about the potential roach infestation?
never even considered it

>How can some of you live like this?

I remember going outside for a run,(I don't let fitting the stereotype and skinny clothes are cheaper) then when i came back i realised i was in underwear that i came in at least 6 times

felt pretty bad

>> No.9313137

My room doesn't even get dirty.
Trash immediately goes to in a trash-bin.
Laundry immediately goes to a bin which later goes to the washer.
Dishes/silverware immediately go into the washer.
The only problems I have are dust gathering everywhere and pieces of string getting on the carpet from one of my old blankets.

Keeping things clean doesn't even take any effort, you just need to be a little organized.

>> No.9313186


>> No.9313215


Suck my DICK.

>> No.9313227

*grabs dick and slurps it like HELL*

>> No.9313231

I love fast food, but seriously, McDonalds?

That shit is the lowest of the low in terms of taste and the price/satiation ratio is awful too.

>> No.9313235

this is nothing compared to those /r9k/ NEET neckbeard threads from a couple years ago.

>> No.9313245
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Some people don't have a choice when it comes to food around them. As well Not a lot of stuff is open at 3am.

>> No.9313249

Pretty much this. Really, it takes a lot less effort just to throw something out or put dishes in the sink or whatever rather than waiting for it all to pile up and cleaning it all up.

>> No.9313258

You took this off of reddit, OP.

>> No.9313278

slowpoke.gif someone mentioned that 30 posts ago

>> No.9313297

diet pepsi
really faggot?

>> No.9313310
File: 100 KB, 1000x750, under_table_ct_pile_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-come at my b-bro!

>> No.9313315

>not just fapping and leaving it
the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9313316

Thanks for leaving that penny for size comparison

>> No.9313317

You should eat your cum and save money.

>> No.9313338

I left it before and I started to get really sick from the fumes of the dried crusty cum. I think I almost got the plague too because there where these swells on the crevice between leg and public mound.

Cannibalism is one of my turnoffs.

>> No.9313341

I just ate 11 cookies
well.. actually it was just microwaved cookie dough

starting to feel a little sick

>> No.9313357

I find it kind of weird how people need to be organized to find things. My room looks like a bomb went off in it but I never have to spend more than 2 minutes looking for something. Is anyone else like this?

>> No.9313368
File: 120 KB, 313x374, 1341390175446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking shitting up my asshole? every messy person is like that.

>> No.9313363

Being organized isn't so you can find things.

>> No.9313392

I order a lot of dominos (I still throw it out every few days) and I am really hungry because I have no food in my house but the same girl delivers the pizza it seems every time and she always flirts with me.

I just want my pizza so I'm not starving, I don't want to be awkward.

>> No.9313413

My room has a touch of messiness that gives it character. But OP is just too much.

>> No.9313564

What a pussy cum

I take a piece of paper towel ... FOLD IT IN HALF, then take a tissue and make it 3 ply (2 papertowel, 1 tissue) and STILL blow through it like a fire house...the luffa rips and I need another 2 tissues to wipe the excess off ly leg.

I can cum through 200mm of rolled steel plating...why aren't you edging to guro?

>> No.9313580

This. You're just a hoarder.

>> No.9313612 [DELETED] 


Depends what I'm looking for. I use a priority system where stuff I'll need goes on top of stuff I don't give a shit about.

>> No.9313683
File: 98 KB, 600x600, 1326517849773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck sake how?
thats actually fucking disgusting

>> No.9313707

>I just pretend the things that can kill me are not here

Sounds like a pleasant way to live.

>> No.9313778
File: 446 KB, 900x636, 1331783627435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9313782

i'm a hoarder but i keep my boxes neatly stacked

>> No.9313855

My room would be like that but my mom threatens to come in if I don't clean it and I just can't take it easy when someone is in my room.

>> No.9313871

Your desktop is dirty as fuck get rid of the shortcuts.

>> No.9314340

If a messy desk is a sign of a messy mind, then what is an empty desk a sign of?

>> No.9314687

It's a sign that you should suck my cock dude.

>> No.9314738
File: 969 KB, 1280x720, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when people post a picture of their room and act all "lol so dirty". Mine is so filthy I'm ashamed to take a picture. I'm forced to have two cat litterboxes in my room or I can stay with my mother. The cats don't really like them, though, and just go wherever while I sleep. Sure, I clean their shit and piss, but the smell and stains are forever there.

All of my furniture is nasty and over 30 years old, all cut up, wobbly, and missing pieces. The dresser my monitor sits on has never been moved in 7 years. Trash falls behind it, be it open or closed drinks, food, or clutter. Once it falls back there, it stays. I saw a strange bug come out from under the dresser a while back. It was either a roach or a junebug.

My ceiling leaks when it rains, cat litter has spread all throughout the room, and other things I didn't mention. I didn't want it to end up like this. My brother and I shared the room for a long time. The mess was his. Then he moved out and left me with it. I can't be arsed to do anything about it after it's come this far. And any time I DO try to do anything about it, my mom gets mad for some reason and threatens to kill herself.

All is not right in the world.

>> No.9314746

Jesus christ what a horror story.

>> No.9314782

I do not eat inside my room, don't want to have to deal with bugsand oh god spiders. I try to keep it as clean as I can which it is.

>> No.9314788

My bathroom is so filthy spiders and bugs die moments after entering. You should try it.

Honestly, I think the mold on my toilet seat is making me immune or something. The other day I ate moldy bread on accident and if anything, I grew stronger.

>> No.9314796
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, 07072012142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing else in my room.

>> No.9314808

10/10 except the floor

That's like a 10xfag nerd/10

>> No.9314809

why is the wall socket so high up?

>> No.9314818

I don't know, it's not my house.

>> No.9314834

Keep electricity away from the reach of children retard.

>> No.9314876

I dont mind mold. Its just bugs and spiders, well i'm not scared of bugs but they are disgusting. Spiders on the other hand scare the living day lights out of me. Also about the mold, is it yellow?

>> No.9314920

I have those headphones, the cord always breaks and now it's just barley taped together.

>> No.9315909

If you have bug problems, just spread lizards around your house, they'll eat any stragglers.

>> No.9316060

Messy Japanese rooms look kind of comfy. Mine doesn't so I try to keep it as tidy as possible.

>> No.9316107
File: 534 KB, 2000x1500, apartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually there are a few beer cans lying around but I got rid of them not long ago.

>> No.9316246

A bed and an oven in the same room?

>> No.9316261

> yuros

>> No.9316265

That's a studio/efficiency style apartment.... mine is the same way.

>> No.9316276


What I wouldn't give to have a room big enough to fit my computer, my bed, my stuff AND a kitchen.

>> No.9316282

This. Can you imagine the shit you would save on electricity and heating alone?

>> No.9316286

How much do you pay for this beauty?

>> No.9316298

Is that a german outlet i see and a german heater?

Wo wohnen zie? Reinlandpfaltz? Spangdahalm?

>> No.9316295

~400 €/month. The location's pretty convenient too.

>> No.9316303

Berlin, Kreuzberg
Ich bin Türke

>> No.9316310

c-can I stay with you

I could bring my own computer and everything so you wont have to worry about me hogging it all the time. and i could sleep on the floor if you like. that is if you don want me sleeping i-in the same bed with you and all. i use up very little resources and eat very little so you dont have to worry about buying more food

>> No.9316315

The outlet's German but I'm not. I think it's used in most European countries.

>> No.9316318
File: 30 KB, 95x139, 1253763855054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ich bin Türke

>> No.9316362

i dont know why you automatically asume a neet is dirty, for god sake if your home is gonna be your world of course you gotta keep it clean

>> No.9316378

If you are lazy, you are a NEET
If you are lazy you don't clean your house/room.


>> No.9316408

dont go assuming thing on your own

>> No.9316432

It's proven by a german institute, that most unemployed people are dirty
