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File: 74 KB, 400x395, 1212365388538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
930285 No.930285 [Reply] [Original]

When you play it...

>> No.930298

cannot unplay

>> No.930299

I'm not quite sure you fully grasp what 'broken' means.

>> No.930310




>> No.930332

In before Eirin

>> No.930346

If your definition of broken is "who has the most cheese", then yes, Aya is broken. You can mash buttans with her and do well against someone. Mashing 5A on wakeup and actually getting it off is cheese.

>> No.930363

I stopped playing it after that IRC troll thread made me associate the game with failure.

>> No.930388


the only way that comment could be any dumber would be if you actually meant it

>> No.930401

Example: Old Akuma was broken. Not just because of the instant recovery and the mid-air fireball, but the angle of the fireball made it so far above and beyond every single character's ability to deal with that is was utterly unfair.

Take Yukari. Her parasol spin has no recovery, is largely unpunishable, and has a humongous horizontal hitbox. Ok, so what? The fact that you can't block ground-attacks in the air makes it broken.

>> No.930438


>> No.930449
File: 157 KB, 904x1430, zzcmua,20080502194100333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what people say. I still enjoy going into arcade mode once in a while.

>> No.930519

I nearly Perfected about 4 characters in yesterday's run, but always fell to something stupid (i.e. Patchi/Tenshi's 5C, Marisa's RANDOM ASS 623C). Iku's the only one I've ever perfected a round because she does nothing but stay in the air 5B 5Cing with a random 214C. Easy pickings with Sakuya 6C.

>> No.930542

Where's the goddamn hosts?

>> No.930581
US West -WEATHER:OFF- A little tired so don't expect too much.

>> No.930656

Alright, that move is a good example, but at least the damage is rather low. Aya doesn't really have a move the takes advantage of the inability to block ground attacks in the air, but her automatic crossup skillcard and the fact that nearly all her moves have either near instant recovery or are set her far away enough that she's unpunishable anyway are what everyone complains about. She's very obviously a step above the other characters in the game, and not just because of a single move.

>> No.930677

Doesn't her 214C aim to the air from the ground? I always found it useful to counter air attacks since it grazes too.

>> No.930750

>automatic crossup skillcard

Haha, that move is trash compared to the default move it replaces. That only works against clueless blockers and not against people who can react to a crossup gust and simply graze it in time.

Aya is hardly better than characters in the melee department such as Reimu and Youmu. If an Aya (or any other character for that matter) is successfully mashing 5A on you at wakeup, then you deserve it.

Aya 214 is very punishable. 66C it on block.

>> No.930779
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, 26141e484c6cde8459171f9539b61368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
930779 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.930793
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>> No.930832

GGs, abba.

>> No.930890

It hits 4 times, and it can always be powered up to make it worse. Used by a smart player, it's near impossible to escape from the corner; you can't hj out and you'll get raped if you border escape at the wrong time.
Aya's f.5a and 66a? Same as Reisen's 66a; deceptively large hitbox that reaches above her - can't be airblocked. Except Aya's is WAY, way faster and has no recovery.

>> No.931337


>> No.931434

hosting,, US

>> No.931552
East Coast

>> No.931559


>> No.931564

GGs. I think I rather play someone around my level and not get my ass kicked mercilessly.

>> No.931596
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.02 - Weather: OFF - Spectators: OK
Intermediate+ Yukari and Patchouli, Intermediate- Everyone else
Please note weather is off.

>> No.931630

Hold on, didn't realize you had weather off. Be right back.

>> No.931886

GGs, Dimglow. I'm about to rage right now, because moves are either being inputted late or not at all at random. It's either my keyboard finally dying or my new meds.

>> No.931890

GGs Jetm. It just... crashed. First time that's happened. Probably for the better. I think I need to buy new batteries. This is the second day in a row that I've had really bad input, too many 236 coming out as 623 and vice versa, along with grazes snapping in the middle (like when I was in Patchy's pillar and it just snapped.) Oh well.

>> No.931933

Can whoever post the advanced combos Youtube video repost the link, please?

>> No.931938

Can whoever posted the advanced combos Youtube video repost the link, please?

>> No.931951

It's called "Beyond the Limit." Do a search and it should come up.

>> No.931955

Nevermind, I'll post it anyways. Good luck doing them. Half of the combos seem impossible because certain moves don't normally link together.

>> No.931957


>> No.931959

Thank you and thank you

>> No.931967


>> No.932000
patchy, intermediate, EC

>> No.932056

US East

Intermediate - Sakuya

>> No.932152

Is this hacked? How the hell is he still able to combo through limits?

>> No.932163

You can.

>> No.932191

If I remember correctly, Marisa's alt 623 will combo through limit. Haven't tried it myself, mostly because It's difficult to get the opponent into a good position without doing that particular combo and limit them.

>> No.932264

Too much talking not enough hosting.

>> No.932327


>> No.932331

Crashed. Rehost please.

>> No.932333


>> No.932341

This is most interesting. This hasn't happened before...

>> No.932345

Fuck you hard drive. Time to reinstall.

>> No.932353

So it's on your end? Sort of good to know. Guess I'll still be hosting.

>> No.932384

>Fuck you hard drive. Time to retorrent.

>> No.932400

33 seeds, average 54kbps
fuck this game

>> No.932406

Ouch. That's why I keep a backup.

>> No.932415


>> No.932485

Flash drive.

>> No.932572

GGs, I fucking hated that god damned card that covered the entire screen. That card takes bullshit to a whole new level.

>> No.932581

What card?

>> No.932585


It's one of Patchouli's cards. The whole screen turns orange and if you are out of orbs, well, YOU TAKE A FUCK TON OF DAMAGE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BLOCK IT OR GRAZE IT.

>> No.932590

lol Royal Flare

>> No.932601

Just make sure you have 3 orbs and you can block it. If it's typhoon weather, well, it was nice knowing you.
You can graze it, but you lose spirit twice as fast.

>> No.932611


I got caught off guard every time. I wasn't paying attention to my opponents spell cards. By the time I noticed he had it, he had already baited me out of orbs so I couldn't really do shit about it.

>> No.932728


>> No.932731

GGs, Duckator.

>> No.932745

GGs Jetm I really have no idea what to do with half of the characters. The Sakuya mirrors were fun though.

>> No.932762

I'm an idiot when I play Sakuya. I always use the wrong moves at the wrong times, no matter how much I practice or run it through my head. Only reason I can play every character at least somewhat well is because I've been randoming since I started.

>> No.932768

wtf is that thing? I lold but i dunno why...

>> No.932862
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>> No.933954


>> No.934095

royal flare has long start up and only eats 3 orbs. There are some cards in SWR that are some incredible bullshit, and this one isnt one of them.

>> No.934134 EU
Playing youmu, aya, suika, yuyuko, reimu and marisa.

>> No.934165


>> No.934189


Marisa's Comet Sign: Blazing Star spell card was the first thing that came to mind.

>> No.934245


over as no one is coming.

>> No.934317


>> No.934533

hosting again EU

>> No.934684

>>934533 here
ggs and no longer hosting

>> No.935229
File: 223 KB, 600x467, 1213653193487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
935229 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.935254


>> No.935276


abba, come back. sorry i left, had to run to the laundry machine.

>> No.935290

Sorry about that. Door.

>> No.935436
File: 53 KB, 400x522, 1197697153879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
935436 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya.

>> No.935447

GGs. That was a great fight at the end! I enjoyed every match!

>> No.935460

NOOO! It didn't save Suika/Remi 2!! ;_;

>> No.935847

anyone up for some no weather games? WC preferably

>> No.935880

gg but those spikes are annoying as hell, fix your conn.

>> No.935883

I was clearly not prepared for this.

>> No.935886



>> No.936067


>> No.936196 EC

>> No.936448

gg, damn that girl is cheap/

>> No.936536

>> No.936690

No, the problem is that you are playing Armando, who happens to be really fucking good.

>> No.937110
Canada EC, Intermediate-ish.
Might try random for shits and giggles, or stick with Yuyuko.

>> No.937186

Don't you main Aya?

>> No.937334


>> No.937446

GGs, Icekin.

>> No.937455

Can you feel the rust, Jetm?
Gotta leave for work now. Actually, I had to leave for a bit, but I refuse to stop on a loss to Aya. Goddamn I hate that character.

>> No.937465

I'm going to get better with her. As it is now, I'm too damn slow in two different ways. I forget to use Aya's combos when in a Dial-A. Hopefully it won't take too long to memorize Reimu's combos. The sooner I do that, the sooner I can focus on other characters.

>> No.937633

any hosts?

>> No.938036

okay guys,I just got a xbox 360 controller for this shit, how do I configure the pad movement controls?

>> No.938041

Profiles > 2nd Option

>> No.938045

won't let me configure movement because I want the d-pad because grazing shit is going to be hard with the analog

>> No.938060


I've got bad news

>> No.938062
File: 33 KB, 626x348, Untitled3123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what,can't I just configure the actual movement outside the game? because it won't even let me use the d-pad or one of the analogs.

>> No.938079

From that image, it's showing it has your directions buttons set. If you hit the d-pad when changing them, it skips that step and automatically fills them in. Now just your action are left.

>> No.938080


It let me configure movement with the analog.

>> No.938084

yeah,so how do I reconfigure my movements? I keep fucking messing up with this stick,I can't dash when I want or perform combos.

>> No.938088

is there something I have to do to my controller first before trying to change movements on there? if so where do I even access how to change it

>> No.938093
File: 200 KB, 500x707, 1211220766581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
938093 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya. I wish to do battle with my waifu tonight~

>> No.938099


No, it should work.

>> No.938113

Config again, hit the Dpad, should set it.

Don't know about an Eggsboks controller, but my controller has a switch for analog and dpad, so I had to turn it on for it to work.

>> No.938116

not working, its ignoring any movement command I try to change and skips to button commands

>> No.938127

it's ignoring the d-pad completly, I have some xbawks button but when I press it,nothing happens

>> No.938130

I don't think DPad works with the 360 controller for SWR. I have one myself but I prefer using the analog as opposed to the DPad anyways.

>> No.938135

just tell me,where is the controller on my computer because there is probably a config setup

>> No.938144


>> No.938250

I can get the d-pad to work in melty blood but not on this shit..

>> No.938259

how the fuck can you play with this analog? it feels like torture on my fingers and I can't ever dash when I NEED to

>> No.938339

someone host

>> No.938343

think it will be added in on next update? also where do I get a better controller that does uses d-pad then? around same price of $25 if possible

>> No.938351
File: 50 KB, 710x561, SaitekP3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My controller has a button that lets me switch the analog and digital stick inputs. Does your controller have that anywhere?
Pic is my gamepad.

>> No.938372
File: 426 KB, 600x800, 1205206198888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
938372 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and Aya. Someone beat me up in several Aya mirrors and I am in need of a shoulder to cry on.

>> No.938391
File: 61 KB, 300x300, 57-1-xbox360_neose_controller.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine, so I don't think so

>> No.938492


swedish here, sorry about the lag at the Patchy match. ggs

>> No.938494

GGs Swedish.
Lag got really bad at the end, but that's cross-coast so to be expected. That or my virus scan.
Aya's level 5 spellcards are murderous. Invuln and both do 50% life easy on a high hp opponent. The one match where I didn't get a level 5 spellcard pulled on me was almost a different game.

>> No.938501

host again please

>> No.938506
File: 120 KB, 713x800, 20deecfe4d3db9e283445460b1c6cd34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK. West Coast US (California)

Please help stroke my Aya's penis so she can feel better about herself.

>> No.938507

I hadn't planned on playing more, but sure thing if there is no one around.
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.02 - Weather: ON - Spectators: OK
Intermediate+ Yukari and Patchouli, Intermediate- Everyone else

>> No.938510

Come hang out in the IRC.

irc.rizon.net #SWR

>> No.938513

Is it still 100 people and a high speed wall of text with people splitting their sentences into 5 separate entries for absolutely no reason?
If not maybe I'll try it again sooner or later.

>> No.938521

No, its only like 3 people right now.

>> No.938525

Isn't that the wrong IRC?
I thought it was on mizuumi.

>> No.938587

We made our own. For some reason.



>> No.938657

any hosts?

>> No.938678

GGs, Xoa.

>> No.938687

Did we just spend like 2 hours doing this?

Wow. .and yeah. .ggs

>> No.938698

Just about..My fingers are fucking exhausted. I like the way you play Komachi, although I think you can use her alternate 236 (I think thats it) more often. In the couple of games where you used it a lot, I kept on raging and couldn't really figure out a way to avoid it than to stick close and/or getting off the wall.

>> No.938739

still struggling here, I can't find a configuration to the controller and still can't setup d-pad on SWR because it doesn't think it's there

>> No.938759
File: 94 KB, 448x500, Tenshi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Southern California
Power Level < 9001

>> No.938775

I know it can't be the controller because it works for melty blood,but when I use the d-pad I can't fucking run with it. this controller sucks why did alot of fucking people say it was good?

>> No.939015
File: 165 KB, 500x700, 257e7dfb88c8b3bd2e254a89fea8f11728d48197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.939186

GGs Its nice to play someone around my skill level instead of getting my ass kicked all the time.

>> No.940144

saved from page6. EU
Playing Reimu today

>> No.940160

JOY2KEY or something will fix that
I dont know the details though

>> No.940179



>> No.941847


>> No.942221


>> No.942246

I lied anonymous!

>> No.942306


>> No.942331


Sakuya/Marisa for today.

>> No.942703


>> No.942708

GG, Jetm. Before, I stood a chance. Now, you're untouchable... I don't know what to say.

>> No.942859

To be honest, I'm playing with a handicap at the moment. The meds my doctor prescribed for me a causing some tireness, headaches, and other mild discomforts.

>> No.942921
File: 103 KB, 387x601, 1215128286837.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....my esteem SO did not need you to say that right about now...

>> No.942941


East Coast
High Intermediate to Low Advance.

>> No.942956

Awwwww, don't feel bad! Want a hug?! (ノ´∀`)ノ

>> No.943059

Bump. Anything to remove this RAGE the mod faggotry left me.

>> No.943100
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>> No.943103
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>> No.943105


>> No.943115
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>> No.943141

Anonymous is more Anemic and asthmetic than Patchouli.

>> No.943205
File: 507 KB, 1070x3024, 1215131702865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.943215

Good effort.

>> No.943220

I lacked care.

>> No.943237
File: 74 KB, 560x560, 1215132188812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
943237 West Coast US (California)

Yukari, Iku, and waifu~

>> No.943322


well no I didn't...


>> No.943332

GGs, Xoa. I harbor an intense hatred of Komachi's melee attacks.

>> No.943443
File: 72 KB, 450x450, 1215135552982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.943489

i find her spirits to be even worse

>> No.943527

GG! Sorry for the lag, it's the location.

>> No.943756

anyone up for some NO Weather games? preferably WC

>> No.943860

any hosts?
