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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9298805 No.9298805 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you smoke pot, /jp/? it can help reduce your crippling anxiety without the use of multiple addictive prescription drugs that have awful side effects. If you live alone, it can be grown in a stealth cabinet like a hollowed out dresser that's noiseless, odorless, and indistinguishable from any normal dresser. You could grow your own supply easily and cheaply while never telling another human being about it, which you should have no problems with.

>> No.9298808

stop peer pressuring me drug-bully
called police!

>> No.9298817
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It's just...to expensive, and for me, not worth the risk. Plus, despite lots of people saying it's harmless, i'm always worried about that sort of thing...I have asthma, afterall.

>> No.9298820

-anxiety don't get in my way when im in my room all day
-i live with my parents so growing it is impossible
-i need my allowance for hobby

>> No.9298821

I don't have any anxiety or other problems that are similar.

>> No.9298826
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I don't know where to get it

>> No.9298828
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drug users are not welcome in /jp/
take your debauchery elsewhere please

>> No.9298833
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Amurika needs to legalize pot and I don't even want to smoke it

It's maximal stupid for it to be illegal when alcohol isn't

>> No.9298837

I've grown my own in a grow tent stuck behind some boxes in a closet for 2 years now, small 1br apartment. It's in perpetual harvest so I'll never have to buy my own again. It's the only option for a NEET, you don't have to tell a soul about it, everything can be bought online. A tent and lights ran me $250 shipped, seeds were $30.01 shipped, and then 2 cheap bags of potting soil + fertilizer from Lowes was about $15.

>> No.9298850

Just grow it, then have your own supply while never having to ask a dealer or anyone else

>> No.9298854

>Why don't you smoke pot, /jp/?
I do smoke pot though.

>> No.9298856

I don't smoke it, I buy cbd only tincture from a dispensary and take a dropper in the morning. Doesn't get you high but reduces anxiety and panic attacks all day long.

>> No.9298862

For a drug that supposedly isn't scientifically proven to permanently affect mental capabilities, it sure is used by a lot of slow people.

>> No.9298863

people with lazy personalities love weed, because it enables them to be even more lazy

>> No.9298873
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>> No.9298880

>advocating a physically addictive poison over pot which has no physically addictive properties and does not cause cancer

>> No.9298881

Smoke pot? What is this, highschool?

>> No.9298883

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9298884

because I hate potheads. They always think everyone in the world needs to smoke weed and that it will actually make everybody feel better.
They're just like athiests with their "Forcing your ideals on people is wrong, so that's why you need to do _____" logic
I do drugs on occasion but potheads bother the shit out of me. I never see people who do like, meth, crack, or heroin try and force their habits on other people.
If weed makes people so chill, why does every pothead care so much about what people's opinions are on pot?
Basically, weed is awesome, but the people who smoke it give it a bad name.

>> No.9298888

Who the fuck are you quoting, nerd?

>> No.9298895

u u homogay jellymad nerdzilla

>> No.9298897 [DELETED] 

I hope all of you fuckers die off. I helped detain and arrest a driver who was not only drunk but had weed stashed in his box.

Fuck you liberal faggots.

>> No.9298904

fuck off pig scum

>> No.9298909 [DELETED] 


Also weed leads to alcoholism and harder drug use (cocaine, heroin). There is nothing innocent about it. But hey, you fuckers are too stupid to realize this and so I guess it's only by an act of god that you aren't allowed to hold real jobs in our society.

>> No.9298928

I have to say that if you have an addiction to the internet, videogames and porn them chances are your self control isn't very good and getting into drugs of any kind isn't a great idea when you're poor as fuck.

>> No.9298935

But that's never been proven, ever. And you're not supposed to be on the internet, Quentin.

>> No.9298937
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fuggin hippies :DDDD

>> No.9298945

what i dont understand is why people insist on using illegal things.

wouldnt it be far easier to just not have the weed? why is it so worthwhile?

>> No.9298948 [DELETED] 


It has been proved by the NYPD and LAPD. So suck on that faggot.

>> No.9298950

Marijuana is a really bad drug, don't take it.
I've personally been taking Codeine, its easy to get and gives me really amazing vivid dreams. I'd love to try morphine sometime, but I have no idea where to get it.
But don't take marijuana, it isn't the kind of thing that innocent little girls like /jp/ should be exposed to, it also kills braincells and makes people lazy, not to mention the whole 'sub-culture' it has built around it. Not kawii at all

>> No.9298951

Hey weed smokers, you are wasting too much time on the internet. Go suck your partners cock you fucking faggots lol.

Obama 2012

>> No.9298952

LAPD supports leagalization, you know

>> No.9298954

codeine is morphine

>> No.9298960


doesn't mean that an individual officer agrees with it.

>> No.9298969

Because I don't want to be an edgy teen. That's the same reason I believe in God and vote republican.

>> No.9298978

is 420chan still around?

>> No.9298972 [DELETED] 

We should give potheads their own board so they can talk 24/7 about smoking weed, not having a job, their parents bitching to them about not having a job and owning newbs at Call of Duty.

>> No.9298980
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420 dude le secondary face

>> No.9298985


>> No.9298991

420chan does that

come to think of it, instead of moot making new boards all the time maybe he should tell them to make their own. it worked for omutsu, hypnofetish, weed and all that.

>> No.9299003

Suddenly all my memories of /del/ come flooding back.

>> No.9298994

I don't know anyone so I can't get my hands on it and I live with my parents, tell me how getting pot is possible in this situation.

>> No.9298996


oh shit it is i was talking to KT like a few months ago i thought he gave up on it

>> No.9298998

I was under the impression that morphine was stronger.
Anyways, it really is a great drug. Only one I'd recommend taking. You wake up feeling innocent and cute, with marijuana and alcohol you just feel like a bad person for taking it.

>> No.9299005

wow 420chan is still running holy cow

>> No.9299009
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>> No.9299014

420chan looks like shit now though

>> No.9299021

Sounds like /jp/, just replace smoking weed with masturbation and Call of Duty with flavor of the month Korean MMO.

>> No.9299025

while we are talking about it, anyone know what happened to 12chan? the one everyone thought was loaded with pedos

>> No.9299030 [DELETED] 

420chan has ids still fuck them


>> No.9299031


>> No.9299038

it's on i2p and tor

>> No.9299035
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>> No.9299047
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crush up your weakbaby codeine pills and inhale it nerd

>> No.9299049

This so much.
I avoid weed simply because stoners have given it such a bad name. I used to know a few stoners, and every time I would talk to them they would tell me how 'chill' weed is, 'maaaaan'.
It was so horribly annoying. I was actually smoking weed at the time but I wouldn't tell them just because I hated being at all related to them.
Pot heads are a bunch of poop heads, and I wish they would find something better to do than try to push their drug habits on to people. It's not even that great of a drug.

>> No.9299041 [DELETED] 

you guys this thread has taken a turn for the good

420chan is still around kirtaner never gave up

>> No.9299056 [DELETED] 

if i wasn't a police officer and still a teenager i would be smoking a blunt or two in this honor.

i guess we all have to grow up sometime though.

>> No.9299060

opiates are the best bar none

>> No.9299061

Sorry, I would do better stuff but codeine's the only thing I have access to.
What would you suggest, sir?

>> No.9299073

get ahold of a roxi 30 and take 1

>> No.9299083 [DELETED] 

You have always been the worst. I hope you all eventually move onto heroin and overdose.


>> No.9299086
File: 35 KB, 365x365, 1333392475603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suggest you do exactly what i told you.

crush up your weakbaby codeine pills and inhale it nerd

>> No.9299090

Oh shit dude I am so baked. Oh man I am so high. I am going to watch Seinfeld and Family Guy until I pass out XD

>> No.9299094

>not using marijuana to control your anxiety so you can actually go to the grocery store

>> No.9299101

Inhale it? All the things I've read say to just eat it.
Wouldn't inhaling it just hurt my lungs? I don't want to kill myself, just have a nice nap once in a while.

>> No.9299099

My question is, why does cannabis invoke such a strong reaction from people who dislike it? I understand the fanbase of it is a horrible group of people, but would you judge the item itself from its fanbase? Do you do this for other things as well such as anime or video games?

>> No.9299100

I just go after midnight.

>> No.9299105

Get a vaporizer and use that, there's no combustion involved, all pure vapor that's very easy to inhale. One small puff on a Silver Surfer vape will take the edge off and leave you functional.

>> No.9299108

People judge based on the fanbase all the time. Just look at Reddit.

>> No.9299118

It's illegal. I am an alcoholic but you don't see me fucking making threads every five minutes to tell everyone I just bought a dimebag.

>> No.9299127

Because the fanbase is so annoying its almost impossible to smoke weed without being overcome with images of some annoying loser telling you how "this is totally going to open your mind, maaan".

But why? Doesn't taking it orally have all the same effects?

>> No.9299137

>Do you do this for other things as well such as anime or video games?
Also furries, ponyfags, idolfags, teen athiests, and memes/injokes that escaped their home

>> No.9299141

Can I get prescribed Xanax and amphetamines at the same time?

>> No.9299142


If you grow yourself and aren't an idiot, the risks of getting caught are so incredibly low that you'll have to go out of your way to get caught.

Orally it takes up to 2 hours to kick in and it's really intense when it kicks in, very psychedelic and heady. One single puff will keep you functional and worry free all day.

>> No.9299144

>sry im drunk
>sry im drunk
>sry im drunk
>sry im drunk
>sry im drunk

in or after every post they make

>> No.9299147

Because I am a loser who doesn't need artificial stimulants to feel good about my self.

>> No.9299150

Goes for fit babbies as well.

>> No.9299156

Interesting, I've always taken it right before I go to sleep, so I only really wake up when it's starting to wear off, so I'm glad you told me this. Thank you very much.

>> No.9299157

>Why don't you smoke pot, /jp/?

I am a police officer. I choose to hold a real job, live on my own, pay my taxes and not live with my parents.

I guess it was cool when I smoked pot when I was 15 but I guess unlike the majority of you I actually grew up and chose to pursue a career.

>> No.9299161

Sorry, please don't be mad at us. I don't even smoke anyways, it's just a few of my friends.

>> No.9299166

I didn't think people disliked reddit due to the fanbase of it. I knew some people disliked reddit because of the way the voting was there, meaning less popular opinions would be pushed out of view from people while only popular things could remain at the top, only promoting discussion for these popular things only with people who agreed about it, that and "upvote" whoring. Some others hate reddit for "stealing memes". I can't really understand how people could hate reddit purely for the fanbase, especially considering some places on 4chan are just as bad, I doubt I need to say which.

>its almost impossible to smoke weed without being overcome with images of some annoying loser telling you how "this is totally going to open your mind, maaan".

I'm not sure I understand you, how would this occur if you were just smoking weed? I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Can you explain why you'd hate a fanbase so much that you'd want to turn yourself away from whatever they are fans of? It's not like you have to become a part of the fanbase if you participate in whatever they are fans of.

>> No.9299178

because it's illegal you retard

>> No.9299184

>I'm not sure I understand you, how would this occur if you were just smoking weed? I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Its sort of hard to explain, when I smoke weed or think about it, I feel bad because I imagine being like some annoying hippy. I know it's irrational but I can't help it.

>> No.9299186

>real job
>pays taxes
>doesn't live with parents

>> No.9299189
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Amen, brother.

>> No.9299193

Man, I wish I could be cool like you all and take drugs to feel good about my self. Sucks not having a disorder or low self esteem.

>> No.9299213


Fake it. It'll become real after a while.

>> No.9299229


i know normafag, NEET, hiki blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

dude wake up, not everyone on here is fucking stupid as you

>> No.9299233
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If I lived alone and had a job that didn't drug test, I might. Otherwise, it's really not worth it, considering the legal risk.

>> No.9299236
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>> No.9299242

>snake venom is natural too
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

>> No.9299255

Ah, Quentin, you were the king of strawmen and projections.

>> No.9299263


frig off bully

>> No.9299265
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>Pot legalized
>Suddenly, stoner culture starts to evaporate

Make it happen, USA

>> No.9299291

I actually smoke quiet frequently. I run through an eighth about every week or so. I've got a fat hook though, so I only pay $20 for high-regs.
I'm not a faggot about it though. I don't wear rasta colors or listen to slightly stupid or anything like that. Actually, I avoid talking about smoking weed when I'm around people I don't know because of the social stigma attached to it. People that don't know a lot about weed tend to lump all recreational users together off of the basis of tired hollywood stereotypes.

>> No.9299286


I actually support marijuana legalization. Mainly because it would it would bring tax dollars in, would stop the self-entitled "we are the world" stoner hipster shit and keep Americas worst out of jobs meant to be secured by our nations best and brightest.

>> No.9299316
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> I'm not a faggot about it though
> fat hook
> high-regs

>> No.9299319

I keep seeing these, how ironic are they meant to be? I mean they're funny either way, but, I don't know, it would be good to know.

>> No.9299327

I don't smoke weed or even tobacco or use any other drugs. Why? Because I choose to. And nobody has ever tried to mock that argument.

I respect other people's decision for doing drugs though.

>> No.9299330

I don't smoke weed and I don't drink bourbon

>> No.9299335
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The only people that don't support cannabis legalization are ignorant asshats, so, your position is unsurprising.

I think the big problems right now holding back legalization are:

-Pharmaceutical industry views it as a threat
-Legalizing it would be the same as the government admitting it was wrong
-there are many, many prisoners who were arrested simply for possession

Combine this with the fact that:

-Pharma lobbies like crazy
-government doesn't care if it is wrong or right; it wants to seem right
-prison labor is a valuable source of slave labor (no, seriously), and the prison-industrial complex is another beneficiary of the way things are now.

So, it's going to be a while before we see it legalized. People are starting to get fed up with all this bullshit, though. Personally, I think the controlled substances act was unconstitutional, premature and foolish.

>> No.9299336

Me to, if drugs were legal we would have more of these brain dead's around and perhaps I could get a job.

>> No.9299341

All of the worlds best and most important people have smoked pot. Why, look at Obama?

What a great person he is!

>> No.9299629

>not leading a healthy life


>> No.9299646

fuck you, pot gives me panic attacks.
besides, i'm not touching anything that might make me eat more with a ten foot pole, why did i even try?

>> No.9299663


Admit it, you wanna be high as fuck so you could enter the portal.

>> No.9299709

>Can you explain why you'd hate a fanbase so much that you'd want to turn yourself away from whatever they are fans of?
Ask an atheist who turned away from Christianity due to annoying Christians why he hates religions due to bad experiences with the fanbase. It's probably similar.

>It's not like you have to become a part of the fanbase if you participate in whatever they are fans of.
Until you admit you like it, in which case you'll immediately be lumped in with the fanbase, or worse the fanbase will try to talk to you about it.

>> No.9299719


C'mon, they are just sharing their love to people... in a not-so-effective way I guess.

>> No.9299905

Marijuana increases anxiety and paranoid tendencies in many people.

some of the only side effects it does have.

>> No.9299919

so beta

>> No.9299976

I smoke tobacco, pot, drink, believe in god and votes conservative, dislikes women, manodepressive, stole my friends imoutos panties to fap in and I'm trying to get a job.

Kill me.
