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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 500x555, 1331368998013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9298389 No.9298389 [Reply] [Original]

I really hate talking to ugly people. Really hate it. The thought of having a conversation with an ugly person makes me distressed. There's no especially ugly nerds on /jp/, are there?

>> No.9298397

Na man, i am 10/10 here

>> No.9298401

Elite genes here.

>> No.9298408

btw im a girl

>> No.9298410

Yeah there is
Have you looked in a mirror recently

>> No.9298411

Fuck off.

>> No.9298418
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>> No.9298427

I find myself getting legitimately angry when I have to talk to a fat/ugly person, especially if it's a woman. They're not even doing anything wrong; just being fat/ugly. It's especially bad when they need a favor from you and they're asking you for help really nicely and you want to be like "no, fuck you; you're fat" but you say "ok" instead.

>> No.9298432


None of us identify with you. You're not funny, you are legitimately a fucking terrible person.

>> No.9298433

Back when i was at my physical pique I was told I was a 6/10. I've since gained 20 pounds and I now have a bad back so I can't work out anymore. Take that as you will.

>> No.9298439
File: 1011 KB, 480x250, 1313303093318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this one ugly kid always trying to hang out with me in high school since I was always alone . That was terrible.

>> No.9298444

I'm sure lots of people can identify with me. Being social outcasts doesn't make us all innocent lambs.

>> No.9298445
File: 81 KB, 477x315, 1339369808404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 10/10 and make 6 figures, fuck off ugly lowlife. This is why I hate talking to uggos like you, your kind is constantly aggressive and offensive.

>> No.9298456
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>> No.9298455

Did you forget a quote sign there

>> No.9298460

Yeah I hate ugly people too

However I'm fat and ugly myself and also stink

good thing I don't have to look at myself,
I only feel pity for my fellow students

>> No.9298462
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1341356376166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't ugly people understand that if someone is alone its because they want to be.

>> No.9298469

I don't know but your picture offended my eyes

>> No.9298489

Does this alpha/beta stuff and giving eachother a score based on looks trend only happen in uncivilized countries like the UK and US? I've seriously never heard anyone do that over here.

>> No.9298496

only on the internet
i think
haven't been outside for a while

>> No.9298492

SOLID 9/10

>> No.9298494
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>> No.9298508
File: 1.57 MB, 1407x2000, 2d90f8878133ec3692c3e818a31c7708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its easier to be friendly around ugly people since they're probably so alone it doesn't matter what I do, they will not reject me, even if I'm an asshole.

The only time that hasn't worked for me was with this kid I knew since middle school. He was a chubby, pimple faced, nerd glasses wearing weeaboo and video game enthusiast.

I talked with him about Metal gear series a few times, and lucky star, and some other animes and video games. He still didn't want to be my friend or hang around me, what the fuck? I still think to this day that since I was athletic and dashingly handsome, he thought I must have been fucking with him. I saw him at my university last year and he was also in one of my classes, but he was in the CS department rather than engineering so I have not seen him since.
I've started to dislike ugly fatsos even more now. I mean seriously, you're an ugly fuck don't ignore me, you should be thankful I'm even talking to you, dorkwad.

>> No.9298513

Who let /b/ here?

>> No.9298517

You're a saint.

>> No.9298525
File: 110 KB, 374x380, 1340131107723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am. I get pretty angry when I don't get my way too. He's lucky we're not in high school anymore, I would have canned him.

>> No.9298526

I am developing acne scarring and I have been washing my face everyday and it never gets better.

I change my pillow case regularly and i drink plenty of water. I dont know what I am doing wrong and now I am getting acne scars because of it.

It makes me very self conscious and I can never look people in the eye. I dont think I could ever have sex or get to suck a /jp/ peepee because he would get an erection from me and i would never even get the change to suck his peepee or have any kind of sexual activities with anyone.

>> No.9298529
File: 19 KB, 360x360, 1332088348511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when someone tries to use "beta" as an insult near you and he pronounces it wrong.

>> No.9298531
File: 189 KB, 500x555, 1336434309421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my exact sentiments when I have to deal with ugly people. How dare they.

>> No.9298538

How the fuck else would you pronounce beta? "Beeta"? "Behta"? Who the fuck.

>> No.9298547
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1336857153600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot your quote sign, shitface

>> No.9298544

>he thought I must have been fucking with him.
That was more than likely the case. From reading your post you sound very self centered and frankly a total prick. I would not be friends with you either.

>> No.9298551

Those are both right.

>> No.9298553

I've heard people say behta before. Makes me laugh every time.

>> No.9298560

Your mom on my cock are both right.

>> No.9298562

Shit, I forgot. Can I still be part of the herd, or will I be expelled?

>> No.9298563

>using ugly sand nigger
Get the fuck out ugly nigger.

>> No.9298573
File: 428 KB, 384x216, 1325290750829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this nerd what a beetay.

>> No.9298578
File: 18 KB, 183x168, Wario11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so angry at cartoons bro

>> No.9298580

I hate stupid people. If you're stupid, please stop replying to me.

>> No.9298581

uusi wario on syntynyt!

>> No.9298584


>> No.9298585
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>> No.9298588
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>> No.9298589
File: 18 KB, 183x168, Wario33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heeeeeell's yeah

>> No.9298591

I warned you.

>> No.9298592
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>> No.9298595

only young people do that

>> No.9298596

Great now an ugly mole? That's equally as worse as sand niggers. Out now. Preferably to /a/.

>> No.9298604

you really are buttaching

>> No.9298618

I really fucking hate loud people. Have some fucking respect for the people who want peace and quiet you fucking uncivilized pieces of shit. It's not hard to talk at a volume which is perfectly understandable to the person you're speaking to whilst not disturbing the people around you.

>> No.9298619

I was like that until I started using this product that was from the Dead Sea in Palestine, but then I realized that the territory is invaded by Israel so I'm giving them a profit so I dont know if I should continue my boycott of buy some more...
But if you are pro-Israel for some reaon maybe you should buy some of that. It was like 20 dolans on amazon.

>> No.9298623

*or buy some more.......

>> No.9298624
File: 1.02 MB, 1369x2337, 6785125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admire the fact that you try to make friends with all sort of people, but try and realize that some people have been hurt before in the past and don't want someone to fool them...

Still, if you were nice to him several times and he didn't even try to return it, I understand why you'd be irritated.

>> No.9298632

Why would you understand if he was irritated. There is not reason to be irritated because you said it yourself

>but try and realize that some people have been hurt before in the past and don't want someone to fool them...

>> No.9298640
File: 87 KB, 736x718, 1340718437089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is comically ugly.

>> No.9298642

Saten would never say such a thing.

>> No.9298646

I'll have you know I'm quite handsome.

>> No.9298647

>20 dolans

>> No.9298649

Well, it's okay to feel that way, to a certain extent. But if someone tries that hard to be friendly with you, you should try and return it, at least a bit...

>> No.9298653

They're the worst. I'm fine with it if they're just kids having fun, but when adults are loud it gets on my nerves a lot.

>> No.9298659
File: 112 KB, 1366x768, 1341050487146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I ever told you your face is ugly?

>> No.9298660
File: 465 KB, 1000x781, 9472494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just went full hidoi!

>> No.9298670

Well. I am a man and i was told that i am 8/10 by heterosexual guy. I think i'm fine. But all this hardwork outside has done a number on my skin and i feel very bad for it.

>> No.9298677


>> No.9298682
File: 560 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2012-06-29-19h45m24s228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think I was ugly. Then I decided to get a proper haircut ('twas down past my shoulders), stop wearing glasses, and start cleaning more thoroughly.
Now I have a girlfriend that I'm moving near on the move to CA.
I didn't think much of people who looked bad before, and I don't now (Unless you're seriously malformed, creepy, or an obnoxious faggot).
>Having this low of self-esteem

>> No.9298691

This thread just got shitty.

>> No.9298692

Get back to /sp/ or whatever vlc-using girlfriend-having board you're from.

>> No.9298694

Yeah, to me there's a clear difference between below average to average looking people and people who beat themselves up over not looking perfect. Anyone that takes care of themselves can look fine, and are really not repulsive or anything in the slightest.

>> No.9298698

> 8/10 by heterosexual guy.
He is not heterosexual. No matter what shitty excuse you or that alleged "guy" said he is gay.

Anyone who makes comments like that or even utter something like that are gay.

>Hey Tom
>Howdy Dick
>Wow, thats a nice suit you got there.


>> No.9298699
File: 50 KB, 500x129, ice burn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9298704

But he seems to be strictly heterosexual. Also i have loads of positive comments from gays and bi-sexual females. But for what i feel most honored for is that when heterosexual girls tell me how beautiful i am when i fuck them. Now that is glorious.

>> No.9298705

I am not as lucky as you. I have low self esteem in the year 2012.

I like wearing glasses. why should that determine if weaing theme or not makes you better looking or not. Why is glasses considered ugly?

I used to have short hair but I did not and I still dont know how to stle it so that it please the general public. When it wa short I looked like screech from saved by the bell. Now I wearing it long because I had sentimental attachments to it and did not want to cut it so I kind of look like Vincent Volaju now.

>> No.9298708

>But he seems to be strictly heterosexual.
He is gay. dont try to think otherwise.

>> No.9298714

Why did you take a picture of that? She looks beautiful just the way she is.

She does not need make up or needs to have no glasses. I think she looks beautiful and should not be changed because of what someone thought about her.

This is honest to god bullshit that we live in such a shallow and materialistic way of life.

>> No.9298720 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 1229x922, dreamscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly as HELL

>> No.9298721

I actually told him that. He was very depressed. And then i proceeded to fuck one bi-sexual female slut that hits on everyone including him. Oh my god, i'm an asshole.

>> No.9298722

also if he was truly straight as youo so claim then a real hetero would have answred

>on a scale of 1 10 how good looking do you think i am


The onyl straigh and hetero answrre

>> No.9298726

He is depressed because you think thta you dont like him. Go and ask him to suck you dick then watch as he lights up.

Or if he is the shy type he will play it off as being sick or gross but in reality he is afraid to answere seriuosly because he is not sure if you wetre serious

>> No.9298734
File: 204 KB, 945x1222, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If men can't recognize men who are attractive, how can they recognize men who are ugly? By that logic, any man who calls you ugly is also gay. He should only be capable of making that statement about women.

I recognize this man is attractive. But I'm perfectly straight.

>> No.9298737

No you arent. There does not need to be vocal acknowledgment between two men if one is attractive or not. He already knows it. Doing anything else is gay. Its fine if you fcall someone else ugly because thats not a gay thing to do

>> No.9298740

What if he has low self esteem or body dysmorphic disorder? There was once a guy who kept expressing that he thought he was fat, when really I think he would have been in serious danger if he lost any more weight.

>> No.9298742

My sister said I was seriously attractive. Does this mean she wanted to fuck me? Of course not.

>> No.9298745

If he thought he was fat let him think that way. Thats just natural selection at work

>> No.9298746

No, it means that exactly.

>> No.9298748

Yes she did what to fuck you.


>> No.9298749

>>9298682 here.

Pretty much the gist of it. Sad that even people considered "beautiful" can still manage to be borderline retarded or creepy.
I switched from glasses because I just genuinely hated them since I got them at 5 years old. Long hair was actually cut for a cosplay, but then I decided I liked it shorter, since it had more style than when it was long.
I actually used to not even bathe, but said girlfriend helped with that, thank god.

I just thought it was a related pic for the thread. I think she looks fine too, and I loved the anime (but sadly I'm having trouble finding the manga).

>> No.9298751

No, i think he was serious. But he is ashamed of being homosexual. Or just having a crush on me. As i am so hot.

>> No.9298755

whyw dd oyu nee a girlfreind yo make you bathe?

why did ou need to thank god for needing someone else to show you to makmeoyu take a shower? why dcouldent you do tnat yourself?

>> No.9298762

that picture is not related because she is not ugle and should not be in a ugly thead she is beautiful just the way she is

>> No.9298763


>> No.9298765

My self-esteem was that bad and I was a lazy fuck without much responsibility, quite frankly.

>> No.9298769

but what if you cant fix somthing that is perminatn like acne scarring? now matter what i do i cant fix it and peiple wuill thinik i am ugly for it

>> No.9298773

so you couldent do it youraself then? you could not pull youirsl4e out of that situation withyour own styrenght and will you need to wait formm some one to come to oyu and do it?

>> No.9298778

Yeah, you were pretty much a normie.

>> No.9298813

But i'm not that much into men...

>> No.9298838

When I talk to an ugly person, I automatically consider myself superior to them, which actually makes it much easier to talk to them.

>> No.9298839

I am ugly inside and outside. I do not see any reason for anyone to like me.

>> No.9298843

I am ugly and I am proud of it because it keeps the sluts and whores away from me.

>> No.9298867

And probably keeps you a virgin?

>> No.9298890

Used to be like that, but then I realized I'm just better than everyone in general.

>> No.9299055

My mother tells me I'm cute. I know in reality I am hideous.

>> No.9299069

Try holding a warm wet cloth on your face, you may be scrubbing to harsh and hurting your skin.

>> No.9299110
File: 295 KB, 360x270, 1341076963283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom tells me I'm handsome, and I've been asked out several times by girls. I was a known hearbreaker during my highschool years, and people started wandering if I was gay.

>> No.9299164

My father once told me I'm really attractive and the only reason I don't have a girlfriend is because I don't go outside enough.

I don't disagree with the first part, but I don't think he truly understands how bad my personality is.

>> No.9299231
File: 29 KB, 500x600, tumblr_m4obgdcpKB1rrnrk6o1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i did win ugliest tripfag of cgl once

>> No.9299234

Really? What do girls like? Muscley, hairy, testosterone soaked white guys?

>> No.9299239

You guys do realize your parents see you as attractive because you share DNA with them, right?

Also the whole parent thing...

>> No.9299246
File: 63 KB, 774x1032, vegeta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that bad looking. I'm not attractive, though. I'm very painfully average in almost all fields of life.

>> No.9299254

I'm absolutely hideous, sorry.

>> No.9299256

Sorry to hear that. I wish you could be a superior human like me.

>> No.9299260

My mother says I look like Zack Efron.

>> No.9299262

I'm somewhat attractive. I have a horrible personality, though.

>> No.9299264

Would you like to be hideous together? ;_;

>> No.9299267

I'm not ugly but I'm ungroomed as hell.

>> No.9299272
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>> No.9299275

My mom tells me how embarrassed she used to be when she was with me in public back when I had acne. Once when I was taking too long getting dressed she said "it's not like anyone wants you anyway." I have a face not even a mother could love.

However I appreciate the honesty and would rather know how ugly I am rather than getting built up on false motivation.

>> No.9299278

Would looking like a young prepubescent boy for my age account as attractive because I get that a lot?

>> No.9299279

I look like a young, goofy version of Clint Eastwood.

>> No.9299283
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1329556786076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're ugly as fuck please don't respond to me. I don't want your ugly face near my post.

Beautiful people are welcome to respond

>> No.9299298


>> No.9299300

I'm an Adonis. Let's be friends.

>> No.9299303


Ugliness does not excuse bad grammar.

>> No.9299321

That is quite pathetic reverse psychology "pls respond".

>> No.9299379

Girls like good looking guys.
All other tips are for the ugly people.

>> No.9299389

Being ugly is being worse than dead. No one will ever love me ;_;

>> No.9299400
File: 97 KB, 333x333, 1331258860712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you kill yourself the pain stops

>> No.9299414

If only I had the guts to kill myself.

>> No.9299428
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>> No.9299429
File: 874 KB, 1233x693, 1327992416123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't reply to me, ugly faggot.

>> No.9299634

sorry, i'm ugly like hell. you now may proceed to realize you've been talking to an fugly nerd this whole time.

>It's not hard to talk at a volume which is perfectly understandable to the person you're speaking to whilst not disturbing the people around you.
it is. changing the way you talk requires shittons of work. even more so if you have hearing problems. people don't consciously control their volume, if they try to, they usually snap back to the old one as soon as they stop concentrating on it. it takes time to change the uncoscious habit like that.

>> No.9299659

>it is. changing the way you talk requires shittons of work.
Do you even have Aspergers?

>> No.9299921
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>> No.9299932

8/10 here
gotten loads of relationship opportunities but as a alpha faggot and staying true to my 嫁 i disregard 3D like a nigguuhuhhhg

>> No.9299934

Hey OP I guess we are the same, I hate talking to superficial and shallow people

>> No.9299939
File: 43 KB, 360x400, 1341311457399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting shitnatsu

your personality is shitty OP

>> No.9299950

Akari likes me just fine

>> No.9299952

Why would you mind physical appearance if you are not interested in them sexually?

>> No.9299964
File: 164 KB, 296x288, 1340518018683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a Fat People Stories going?

>> No.9299968
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>> No.9299975

Unnnh. Our conversations are to be meaningful and savored in intelligence. Maybe that is why they are so rare.

>> No.9299979
File: 115 KB, 800x800, 90ec0555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the same city as this guy.

>> No.9299983

Damn, OP. I know that feel, I hate ugly people! I wish they all would just drop dead!

>> No.9299986

looks like a boss

>> No.9299989

alpha as HELL

>> No.9299999
File: 462 KB, 500x700, 328b8eeb6e6cba7c07eca497eb7fab0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense bro but you're probably the ugliest motherfuckerer to have lived.

If I didn't know any better I'd assume your mom was a titty waitress at hooters, got pregnant, was fired for her slump in appearance, then couldn't afford an abortion so she had the local kids try and whack her bulging fetus like a piñata.

Only you survived and that's how you ended up with such a disfigured face.

Either that or you got baptized with scolding hot coffee. I bet if a blind kid felt your face he'd be asking why there's a pizza on this camels ass.

disgusting bro get it sorted or at least wear a bucket over your head or something. peace

>> No.9300010
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1336402339389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using cute girls to make mean-spirited posts!

>> No.9300007


Jesus, get your shit together, Finland.

>> No.9300009

i do, why?
are you implying that one can't be aspergers if it's hard for him to work on his voice or that only aspergers people find it hard to work on their voices? or what?

>> No.9300013

Sverige, din dumme fan.

>> No.9300018
File: 85 KB, 343x496, 1334860016151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you're projecting all of your QUINTS

>> No.9300025

i like how the shirt is so tight you can see his nipples. sexy.

>> No.9300033
File: 215 KB, 608x310, 676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom comment

>> No.9300040

can I save it as copypasta? pleeeese?

>> No.9300042

Vill du ses och suga kuk eller?

>> No.9300055

That's funny. In the past I remember I used to talk on "automatic mode" without being conscious of what I say or how I say things.
But now...I can't even force myself NOT to control my voice/tone/facial expression/etc etc.

>> No.9300051

Fashion expert here. Actually even when you wear most tightest shirt. Your nipples won't be exposed unless they are erect. And you know those situations when that happens...

>> No.9300056

>How many fashion fails can you spot in this picture?

>> No.9300058

>I’m an otaku (anime person), and there’s no way in hell I’d ever wear that.

/jp/ just got told.

>> No.9300065

shure sandal socks r worst but also no shirt under this fail of this way too small shirt and then, together with a watch … rly who is still wearing watches o.O go back to the caves :P and that … are those things supposed to be pants or whatever … leisure suit is it ? … no way to go outside like that, not even as a otaku, braindeads like that r ruining the normal otakus reputation …. >.<

> no way to go outside like that, not even as a otaku, braindeads like that r ruining the normal otakus reputation …. >.<

i cant stop LAUGH

>> No.9300069

I sware if you post that faggot again I'm gonna go find a random bitch and punch her in the face

>> No.9300076

my butt is flamin red right now

>> No.9300085

Please stop talking to me, you have a ugly personality.

>> No.9300082

why would she care about some random bitch? that doesn't make sense.

>> No.9300083

just punch yourself

>> No.9300090

dats what i do when i can memorize a particular kanji even though i've gone through it over 80 times

my forehead hurts

>> No.9300115

What is this faggoty-ass thread?

If you are going to circle-jerk....

I guess /jp/ is the best place but come the fuck on. Really?

>> No.9300117

non board related threads and metashit is the best
and u know it

>> No.9300123

To each his own.

>> No.9300137

In reality I'm overweight and not much of a looker, but at least I'm a cute girl on the Internet.

>> No.9300142

no you're not cute a girl on the internet, you just being a faggot AHAhaha

>> No.9300146


>> No.9300147

Well. Yes, at least recognize us more prettier people as superior. In some way and maybe, and maybe. I might accept you as human being. Nah, just be a kind person and you'll be fine.

>> No.9300155

>Still thinking your looks entitle you to something

Interesting. I didn't realize you faggots still existed. Further more, posting on our beloved board. Truly we are blessed.

Nah just kidding go get therapy for that narcissism.

>> No.9301935
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