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9295078 No.9295078 [Reply] [Original]

Following some anon's advice. I just started the first game and I'm enjoying it but I have some questions.

Is unlocking parts of the cosmosphere supposed to be easy? I was able to get to level 5 or 6 in Misha's just after getting her back in the party.
How closely tied are the games' stories? And are there any significant changes to gameplay between them?

I don't mind if this becomes a dump thread or gets reported and deleted though.

>> No.9295088

.hguoht deteled dna detroper steg ro daerht pmud a semoceb siht fi dnim t'nod I

?meht neewteb yalpemag ot segnahc tnacifingis yna ereht era dnA ?seirots 'semag eht era deit ylesolc woH
.ytrap eht ni kcab reh gnitteg retfa tsuj s'ahsiM ni 6 ro 5 level ot teg ot elba saw I ?ysae eb ot desoppus erehpsomsoc eht fo strap gnikcolnu sI

.snoitseuq emos evah I tub ti gniyojne m'I dna emag tsrif eht detrats tsuj I .ecivda s'nona emos gniwolloF

>> No.9295089

AT1 is somewhat special in that regard - the cosmosphere isn't really tied to the story progress, but actually spoils much of it the deeper you progress.

>> No.9295099


>> No.9295101

>I don't mind if this becomes a dump thread or gets reported and deleted though.
It won't get deleted because AT is a gagle.

What will be deleted are JRPG threads disguised as Ar Tonelico.

>> No.9295113

Does that mean the cosmosphere unlocks from story events in the other two games? If so, it'd be a welcome improvement.

That thread is about the Atelier games and GUST in general. This one is not.

>> No.9295126

>Does that mean the cosmosphere unlocks from story events in the other two games?
Why yes, it does. AT2 and onward also prevent clearing all three heroines in one game walk-through.

>> No.9295179

I thought it was odd that they let you do that. For Aurica and Misha anyway, I don't think Shurelia's really counts. You wouldn't happen to have an answer to the other two questions, would you?

>> No.9295195

As for the story, all three play on the same world, in a somewhat identical setting, and in chronological order. AT2 and 3 have some recurring characters and references to earlier games, but it's not like you really need to play either to enjoy the other. Pretty much like all other JRPG series out there.

As for gameplay (combat, mostly), the games don't really improve. AT2 is great for fucking up your hands doing combo blocks, and I have trouble playing AT3 seriously because I always become distracted by stripping Revytail (why is Ar Ru so flat and sexy?).

>> No.9295239

I see, thank you a lot for your answers. I guess I'll just leave this thread here.
