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9294077 No.9294077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can a level 5 Saten kill servants?

>> No.9294080

I know for a fact you haven't read the light novels or even the manga this character originates from.

This question is answered.

>> No.9294091
File: 318 KB, 1280x1075, SatenLowLevelWind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think not.
Masters on the other hand..

>> No.9294115

You got my hopes up, but I don't see anything about FSN servants in Raildex, nor Saten's hypothetical power at level 5.

>> No.9294117

Seeing Saten's face in the morning makes me happy.

>> No.9294130
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Even at level 5 that is unlikely, not to mention she is very much human so it would take nothing for the servant to kill her.

Then again a level 5 tornado throwing around massive steel objects could have a lot of attack power.
A tornado is what i imagine her powers at level 5 would be with some form of wind control ability.

But even then most servants have some sort of bullshit plothax armor that would negate it and get up in her face.

>> No.9294142
File: 465 KB, 650x780, Lancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Lancer class is suffering~

>> No.9294157

>Lancer losing his spaghetti on the floor.gif

>> No.9294742

