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9293003 No.9293003 [Reply] [Original]

sexiest 2hu

>> No.9293007


>> No.9293008

worst 2hu

>> No.9293011

sup flanshit

>> No.9293012

I'm sexier.

>> No.9293016

go to bed Mokou XD

>> No.9293014

post pix

>> No.9293019
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>> No.9293085

mist canon beutifo 2hu!!1!

>> No.9293383

I wouldn't say that she's sexiest.

But she's the most beautiful. Maybe along Tenshi.

>> No.9293486

Go back /bed teruyo.

>> No.9293491

Her hair is very nice. That's my favorite thing about her, but overall Kaguya is a good touhou.

>> No.9293619


I love this artist so much.

>> No.9293722
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>> No.9293816

kaguyo pls go

>> No.9293838

kusoya leave immediately

get out of /jp/ moco xd

>> No.9293849

Shitty neet slut get out

>> No.9293883
File: 581 KB, 815x1250, e38b1253767cde944b253c7c390cfa0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem moko?

>> No.9293910

Long dark haired hime cut master race.

>> No.9293912


>> No.9293919

Fuck of with your roleplaying shit

>> No.9294624
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I want to taste her delicious tears.

>> No.9294641
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>> No.9294970
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drunkest 2 2hu

>> No.9294976

How can a character be canonically the most beautiful on Earth? Isn't beauty in the eyes of the beholder?

>> No.9294987


There's no argument when it comes to long dark haired hime cut. That is all.

>> No.9295013
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1299637703773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kaguya

>> No.9295091
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you take that back
she's one of the best 2hus

>> No.9295095

She's the best at being the worst.

>> No.9295129

worst is flanshit

>> No.9295136
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>> No.9295141

lol u mad cacaguyfag?

>> No.9295145

not mad
just stating facts

>> No.9295158

Whatever flannshit eating raisenfag

>> No.9295192

Why is she crying?

>> No.9295291


Because unearthly beauty.

Same as Tenshi and other lunarians.

>> No.9295303

I wonder what's the taste of her pussy juice.

>> No.9295636


The moon is made out of cheese, so logically, their vagina would smell and taste like smelly, slinky cheese

>> No.9295673
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>> No.9296006

no she tastes like pristine spring water

>> No.9296067
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Thanks god, i'm french.

>> No.9296085



>> No.9296097
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>> No.9296110


Too bad the only cheese you eat is dick cheese

>> No.9296113
File: 99 KB, 1920x1200, 1338952484207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh baby

>> No.9296128

Why is Kaguya's hime cut so delicious?

>> No.9296147


I'd jam my hoodilly in her vajoojoo

>> No.9296163
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya is miracle of the universe.

>> No.9296185
File: 658 KB, 1414x1346, 5de535f3f3568d2141dc5a76ff3aff86c5fdb2ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y hello thar!

>> No.9296184
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Not Kaguya.

>> No.9296199
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I'm pretty sure that shit is unhygenic

>> No.9296203
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>> No.9296208

Kaguya is tighter and has superior hair.

>> No.9296212

Because she's DIRTY.

>> No.9296237

salty milk and coins.

>> No.9296392

I wonder if she's just one of many princess of of Moon's noble families, or THE Moon princess.

>> No.9296451
File: 653 KB, 1200x873, Eirin at his atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's the prettiest. Eirin is the sexiest.

Also Tewi is the cutest and Reisen the most useless.

Eientei gets all the awards.

>> No.9296491

get out of /jp/ mokou xD

>> No.9296486
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kaguya a shit

>> No.9296516

tewi is the scariest

>> No.9296539


Tewi is boring and Eirin is amongst the worst touhous.

>> No.9296543


can you develop for Eirin please ?

>> No.9296796

If lunarians powerlevels are proportional to how skilled they are in bed the likes of Kaguya could make a human come with one touch of a finger.

But Yuyuko, Suwako and Flan are still sexier than them.

>> No.9296863


Everything about this post is wrong. So wrong.

>> No.9296928


Except Kaguya being the most beautiful.

>> No.9296944
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reisen is the lewdest

>> No.9296979


Not at all. Nothing compares to dark haired hime cut. Also blonde is slutty.

>> No.9300106
File: 44 KB, 416x264, b162549f9fe27142656d66eeb59ae5c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuyuko, Suwako and flanshit

>> No.9300120

>Yuyuko, Suwako, flanshit, and kusoya

>> No.9300128 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 545x545, IMG_0975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9300129

poopooya most CANON bueatiful 2hu!

>> No.9300132 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x1200, 176cf3b6bd96cb99916e082c219e69d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect and elegant.

>> No.9300156
File: 84 KB, 600x593, gdpi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya is only part of the sexiest 2hu

>> No.9300159

Dear god....

>> No.9300167

get that anorexic sdm slut out of this thread

>> No.9300172


To each his own.

>> No.9300173

No, keep her in here with all the other shitty touhous.

>> No.9300177

She lacks tails !

>> No.9300180

Is it so hard to just respect other peoples' opinions?

>> No.9300183

Jesus Christ this thread is a big pile of shit!

>> No.9300238
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You forgot that it's steaming.

>> No.9300290

you're mom is shit

>> No.9300348

It's typical of any thread starring IN characters. IN cast attracts the biggest autists and idiots of the franchise.

>> No.9300354


I guess that includes you, since you're here?


>> No.9300362


>> No.9300478

>It's typical of any thread starring EotSD characters. EotSD cast attracts the biggest autists and idiots of the franchise.

>> No.9300514

Only efe can provide the cutest and sexiest Kaguya.

>> No.9300529

Cutest yes but not sexiest. I only want to cuddle and hug his Kaguya.

>> No.9300564

Kaguya is shit, where is that dumb bitches silly hat?

>> No.9300575

I suppose... but there's just something about his Kaguya that makes me think lewd thoughts of her. Course I myself wouldn't try it out... but her adorableness is at fault here.

...And while I know she's eternally immortal, I always find his Kaguya to be frail and suffering from a eternal illness. Just looking at her makes you want to be loyal to her for life and trying to cure something that cannot be cured (but can never kill but leave you on the brink of death). And yes I know that's impossible considering what she is.

>> No.9300580

Poor little INfag got ass devastaed

>> No.9301389
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>> No.9301407



>> No.9302602


Beautiful doesn't equal sexy.
