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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9283936 No.9283936 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, in a world where magic or alchemy can transform one metal into another with relative ease, and precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum are all easily obtainable and not worth much, what would be that world's standard of currency?

>> No.9283940


>> No.9283948

Anything can be made into a form of currency. The market sets the value of things.

>> No.9283981
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There would be no form of currency if everything can be transformed into anything with no regards for conservation of energy, since you could generate infinite energy from nearly nothing. You wouldn't even need currency.

If there was still conservation of energy, then it's possibly the skill required to convert things from one matter to another that would be valued in the market, or energy itself, however it would be measured.

Say, a weaker youkai needs something that only a higher youkai would have the skill to achieve. That weaker youkai can do stuff for the higher youkai that the higher youkai would find boring and mundane in order to obtain the things that they desire.

>> No.9284202
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>> No.9284240
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Do you like fox girl?

>> No.9284267

She's a wolf though.

>> No.9284288

I love Holo, but if she was real, she'd hate me. Why am I so pathetic, /jp/?

>> No.9284306

I'm sure she would have a soft spot for the mentally ill.

>> No.9284318
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Cat girl is better

>> No.9284326

I don't think so. Especially the way I am. Please trust me on this one.

Even then.. Pretty sure she wouldn't. She's a fucking wolf.

>> No.9284352

Depends on the society. Could be anything from government-issued food stamps to squirrel pelts.

>> No.9284362

The currency would be mass, and the right to access it.

/jp/ you'll be worth so much

>> No.9284366

I don't think you could be much worse than I'm. Pretty much everything that is easy for normal people is simply impossible for me. I tried and failed horribly in the real world. Again and again and again. I was a lost cause from the get-go, broken if you will. But I don't think it's my fault that I'm this way.

Deities often take pitty on foolish and weak mortals who are down on their luck. I believe Holo would too.

>> No.9284370

You haven't read the LNs, have you

>> No.9284372

/jp/ - Blogs

>> No.9284379

/jp/ - Furry Blogs

>> No.9284391

Fuck you guys. She's mine!

>> No.9284417

In fact I have. I'm not sure what you're refering too though.

>> No.9284464

Political power.

>> No.9284485

Money is a social construct.

>> No.9284497

Military Power!

>> No.9284502

Energy credits, you say? So, star trek?

>> No.9284541

Dick sucking. I would welcome this new currency with open arms (and mouth).

>> No.9284552
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Either paper money, which is probably one of the worst things I've ever thought of, or there wouldn't be one and everyone will just trade things they don't want for things they do want.

>> No.9284585

Kilograms and tonnage; or whatever material was the easiest to transform into other things


>> No.9284594

Idiot. There is already economy for that.

>> No.9284608

Not enough. It would be the only currency. It would be glorious.

>> No.9284626

Who would get the money giver or receiver?

>> No.9284643

I'll let them sort out the details and will either buy a lot or sell a lot. I don't really care.

>> No.9284697

Expanding on what >>9283981 and >>9284362 said:
The currency would most likely be the right to access those mass transformation facilities,
and/or the energy that’s required to power them.

On a large scale this would translate to countries selling each-other access to transformation facilities and power plants.

On a smaller scale this would mean a new form of “energy currency” which is essentially banked electricity.

>> No.9284731

Expand more to include cock sucking.

>> No.9287559 [DELETED] 


>> No.9287568

>> No.9287572

>> No.9287576

>> No.9287580

>> No.9287590

>> No.9287641

>> No.9287676

>> No.9287699

>> No.9287704

>> No.9287714

>> No.9287724

>> No.9287725
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>> No.9287737

She is desirable even she sleeps. Kemomimi so good. Haa...

>> No.9287752
