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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 197 KB, 500x700, 1330121838356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9282802 No.9282802 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about Otaku culture.
Post anything random that happened to you but that is Otaku related. For example, involves TOUHOU or ANIME.

>> No.9282812

But anime goes on /a/. The Touhou part is ok, though.

>> No.9282821
File: 32 KB, 450x560, banana saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one of these threads earlier with this image. It really made me feel empowered as an otaku.

>> No.9282816

It's not about discussing anime, but to things RELATED to anime.
How is that not OTAKU CULTURE.

>> No.9282822

What does /jp/ think of AL?

>> No.9282824

Go fuck yourself. This is OTAKU! Culture now. How long does it take it you to comprehend it?

>> No.9282825
File: 288 KB, 373x549, 1341212344384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Saki
Downloaded Soul Captor
Thinking about what kind of thread I can make later

>> No.9282827
File: 69 KB, 129x222, characters unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot my image.

>> No.9282830 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 399x297, i am flabbergasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSJ deleted my lewd faces thread

I don't even know why

>> No.9282831
File: 66 KB, 446x555, 1203635285296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, me too!

Mine is still up though.

>> No.9282835

Is ahegao otaku culture?
Some would say... yes.

>> No.9282841

I wonder why that is.

>> No.9282845

No one cares about "my face when" threads.

>> No.9282854
File: 5 KB, 501x585, It_that_Betrays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe, I hope you're not implying something.

>> No.9282859

What is this

>> No.9282871

Please respo

>> No.9282877

It's a character from a VN called Demonbane. You should read it.

>> No.9282884

I heard "Strawberry Crisis," for the first time today and now I'm addicted to it.

>> No.9282891

But it looks like a fightan

>> No.9282901

On the subject of anime, what does everyone think of the Summer season so far? So far I've watched Chitose Get You!, Tari Tari, Total Eclipse and Yuru Yuri ♪♪.

>> No.9282902

What a coincidence. That started playing on /jp/ radio right after you posted.

>> No.9282921

Yuru Yuri and Total Eclipse are probably the only shows I'm going to watch. I really hate how there have been so many shows with split first and second seasons recently.

>> No.9282936

Well yeah, but it's because a fighting game that had many nitro+ characters was made, and I've took a screenshot of her in one of those games. More precisely, that screenshot comes from a MUGEN video. I'll search it in a second.

>> No.9282938

I can't bring myself to watch any more anime until I know when LB's release date will be ;_;

>> No.9282942

Yeah, it looked like MUGEN to me.

>> No.9282951

It's confirmed for airing in the Fall season.

>> No.9282961
File: 222 KB, 277x361, charactersss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, found it. It's pretty cool.

>> No.9282970

I get these urges to make a touhou cosplay suit to wear at home, I'm leaning towards Mamizou right now. All that is needed is a pair of glasses, furry ears and tail, a leaf and then pretend I'm Mamizou transformed to myself. I am so fucking gay.

>> No.9282978

Gay and secondary

>> No.9283010

I know.

>> No.9283030

Add a moustache and you'd be Mario with glasses.

>> No.9283177
File: 11 KB, 758x263, Milk Tea 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a new post on the /jp/ Milk Tea development blog ( jpmilktea.blogspot.com ) .

>> No.9284583

Otaku is just throwing money and time away for Japanese products, right ?

>> No.9284590

Otaku means being teabagged by incopetent moderation who think they can condense a shitload of topics into ONE FUCKING THREAD

>> No.9284677 [DELETED] 

Nothing is otaku anymore apparently since threads are getting deleted at random now.

/jp/ - 404 Culture
