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9279986 No.9279986 [Reply] [Original]

So I saved up like five thousand dollars and I think I'm gonna move out from my uncles now. Been under a lot of pressure from my family since I'm kinda old now. Is it scary? Any tips you can share with me? Are rooms on the second and third floor better than the first floor?

>> No.9280003

If there is an elevator in the building, the higher the floor the more expensive.
If no elevator, the higher the floor the cheaper.

Also remember heat rises, this works to both your benefit and your detriment depending on season.

>> No.9280022

Do you job?

>> No.9280038

The 'first floor' usually is actually half a floor up, which is good so people can't look into your window.

Buying in bulk is usually cheaper then going to the floor every day, but then again after a while going to the store becomes the one activity you actually look forward to every day.

Be careful when chosing your ISP and your electricity provider, there can be quite large gaps in price and service.
Also if you're not picky about furniture you can usually pick some used stuff up for cheap on ebay if you look for sales with no shipping, also getting the stuff yourself.

>> No.9280066
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Yeah I do tech support right now for like 10.75/h

Thanks for some tips, I was thinking about going to some auctions to find some cheap stuff. I just bought an inflatable bed from walmart for around $30 should be good for a while I'm not very picky. I plan to have a desk for computer, and that mattress. Can't think of any other furniture I'd use. My biggest anxiety right now is the gap between when I move in and when I get internet service, I have no idea what I'd do with myself. Thanks again for the advice guys.

Can't wait to hang this baby up (pic), been laying on the floor unused for close to three years now.

>> No.9280081

I've been saving out a huge amount of money for 20 years. I never waste it in anything as clothing or food or beer or anything at all, I have it sitting there. When all my siblings left the house, my parents gave me the second floor for myself, and I don't bother them and neither do they. I recently bought an Aston Martin just for the heck of it and I checked out that I still have a lot of money left. What the fuck am I supposed to do? That is not a rhetorical question.

>> No.9280092


You can get prepaid sim card internet these days. Just order something like that for 14 days, you won't be able to download much but at least you'll have /jp/


Travel. Go to Japan to Zun's house and kick him the ass for me.

>> No.9280095

Study and learn. It's absolutely not necessary to use money.

>> No.9280096

Did you buy that out of some sort of mid-life crisis? I dunno, if I were you I'd be happy at my parents house since they don't bother you. It's a shame that I can't stand my parents, they want me to be some kind of professional in a suit making 100k a year. I don't have the motivation nor desire to do that, feels like a waste of my life if I can't browse the internet all day.

>> No.9280105

Save it for retirement.

>> No.9280099

>My biggest anxiety right now is the gap between when I move in and when I get internet service, I have no idea what I'd do with myself.
Get a good book and read for a few days. Might also help calm you down if you have anxiety since reading a bit more focus.

>> No.9280106

>since reading a bit more focus

>since reading requires a bit more focus
is what I meant to say,

>> No.9280110

I actually can do that, but why?
... Actually that's a pretty good idea. But that would mean dealing with people.

>> No.9280122

>My biggest anxiety right now is the gap between when I move in and when I get internet service, I have no idea what I'd do with myself.
work on your backlog of games/anime/VNs/whatever

>> No.9280123

Let me come, I'll deal with all the people for you and you can pretend to be one of those deaf blind mutes.

>> No.9280143

You could have a great time doing that. Post pics after you meet Zun.

I was living on ground level for several years after I moved out of my parents. It's cheap as fuck. At one time a schoolgirl approached me when I was outside and implied that she or her friends had seen me in my underwear through my windows.

>> No.9280144

I actually started making money pretty damn young. When I was 18, I had already made $10.000 on my own, and then I worked at Cisco Systems, making $3.200 (or a little less) a month.
Right now and I bought a DB9 Convertible because my parents said that if I'm earning money I should at least spend it, so I asked "what is really expensive" to a guy at work, and he answered "Why should I know? An Aston Martin?".

There's the fabulous history of how I got an Aston Martin.

>> No.9280152

Also stock up on anime/TV shows/VNs etc to watch. You'll still have electricity.

>> No.9280156

lik dis if u cry evertim


>> No.9280159

Downloading furiously as we speak. Even when I was a little kid without the internet I would make little html pages linked together so it felt like I was online...

>> No.9280160

>my parents said that if I'm earning money I should at least spend it
I'm not believing this.

>> No.9280163

How whimsical.

>> No.9280167

My parents were always below mid-class, borderline poor, they were/are mad at having money and not giving a shit about it.

>> No.9280178

Its getting bad for my family, I might return living in a mobile home. I had to live in one for 2 months and it was disgusting; bugs everywhere, clogged up bathroom, I couldn't go outside. All I had was my radio so I could listen to coast to coast AM, but since it was in the same area I grew up in, I still had my library card so I could hang out there every weekend. We have no food at all, not even canned food except for milk and 1 pack of ramen I'm about to eat. I think its time I start studying the hell out of every hour I have left before the inevitable happens.

>> No.9280186



>> No.9280198

Buy a Real Doll.

>> No.9280211

Alright, I understand.

>> No.9280216

Your parents need some sense beat into them or something.

>> No.9280232

Starting to make money at 18 was not for pleasure, partly.

>> No.9280236

You should invest in domestic catgirls.

>> No.9280244

I'd like to live on my own because I could probably find a cheaper place than here. But my mother is old and sickly and when I was a teenager I always promised her I would take care of her. So did my brother and sister but they broke their promise and left. If I left, my mother wouldn't be able to afford her medicine and would probably kill herself or something.

>> No.9280249

I get that. But poor parents should know better than to spend pointlessly or tell others to, far moreso than non-poor ones.

>> No.9280254

They want me to be what they could never be, unconsciously, I think that's the main reason they kept me, theoretically, living with them.
And quite frankly, I don't give a damn.

>> No.9280255

At least that car he has might have a chance to be some kind of collector's item in the future. Or has that age already past where stuff made in this day isn't worth collecting.

>> No.9280257

>They want me to be what they could never be, unconsciously
every parent ever

>> No.9280272

That doesn't make very much sense.

>> No.9280291

If they knew how to do that, then they very likely wouldn't be so poor, now would they?

>> No.9280315

My parents were poor. And do you know why?

Because they spent all their money on useless shit.

>> No.9280327
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>> No.9280330

Pretty common trait among poor folk. When I worked at a grocery store would literally use their food stamps to buy 50 microwave pot pies or 50 boxes of hot pockets on sale. Along with 10 2-liters of cola. Disgusted me every time.

>> No.9280347

My dad went and bought a Harley recently. He's ~100k in debt last I checked. Fuckin' stupid, honestly.

>> No.9280348

My parents were poor but had the potential to be wealthy. Not rich, but well off for our area. My dad was a surveyor and made around 70k USD a year and my mother did nothing. My dad gambled the majority of his money on horse races and never won, and the other parts he spent on alcohol. Then he died.

>> No.9280649

First step:
Buy a real bed
Inflatable matresses if not properly inflated cause severe back pain and grumpiness
Go to Ikea Pick up a cheap bed for like $200 and then a real mattress, you can find them for as low as $200 as well or as high as $2,000. Ikea beds are better because you don't need a box spring.

Ikea is pretty much your best spot for furniture. When I first moved out I wound up spending about $2,500 in furniture and that was because I needed everything that was not a dresser or a bookcase.

Ikea does make awful dishes though target or walmart (to a much lesser extent) is your best bet for dishware, cookware and silverware.

Apartment guide -
Avoid the rooms next to stair wells or elevators, they tend to get broken into the most as there's a convenient escape nearby

Always do a walkthrough of the apartment building and apartment, especially to take notice of any recent repairs or consistent damage. Nothings worse then moving into an apartment building with mold.

Go by yourself without the leasing agent to check the apartments, ask the people who live there if they like living there and if they have any problems. AT LEAST DO A DRIVE BY AT NIGHT. If you see a bunch of people hanging around the building and you feel uncomfortable, guess what: Those people aren't going to disappear when you move in.

Internet wise: Find out what the most commonly used internet is then pick the opposite. Why? Most companies, when it comes to apartments, wind up just setting you up as an unrestricted LAN in each building rather then doing it properly. This causes you to experience slow-down during high usage hours/whenever most of the people are up. It Sucks.

>> No.9280661

I bought a tempur-pedic mattress knockoff from ebay for $300.
Best item of furniture I've purchased yet.

>> No.9280666

Make /jp/ mansion become real

>> No.9280702

Right, there are 2 pieces of furniture you can't skimp on:
Your bed
Your relaxation item (can be a couch, a chair, a lounge, whatever)

These are the two places in your house where you're going to spend the most amount of time at, so they have to be comfortable. People tend to overlook beds a lot, especially when they feel tired and cranky. A good bed means the difference between waking up tired and waking up refreshed.

>> No.9280733

How can I get an IT job? I'm a neet and I'm getting pressure to get a job. How can someone with zero job experience do it and how are the hours?

Also here's a tip: Svae money for rainy days. You'd be surprised how one unforseen bill can fuck you in the ass.

>> No.9280743
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I wish I could move out from my parent's apartment. The problem is that my choice of were to live is a bit limited and this place where I am is too perfect. I've got restaurants, malls, and a 24/7 near by.

>> No.9281082

Know how to do the job you're applying to well. Even if you know how to do the general thing for the job research what that specific job is like day-to-day. Then in your interview show them you are competent. I read that a huge percent of people making lots of IT money have no degrees. I think competence is really valued.

>> No.9282400

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one. I used to hope I would somehow find a bug that would connect me to the internet, even if the computer didn't have a cable connected and despite the fact we didn't have phone or internet or cable tv.
