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9278978 No.9278978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I sent this to someone on a blogging website, (there was other things i said but i was a little worried i was off on how to say this one) "ところで、あなたの背景は私が飢えて作っているwww"
It's supposed to say, "Your background it making me hungry, haha"
Without using google translate, will any of you japanese speakers tell me if that's right? ( i dont want to get embarrassed)

>> No.9278983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9278982


>> No.9279002


>> No.9279008

Oh, one more thing, I forgot to mention that I CAN speak japanese for the most part, some things I'm just not sure about though.

>> No.9279010


>> No.9279019
File: 6 KB, 325x314, a picture of me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see how it's going to be

>> No.9279035


>> No.9279041
File: 474 KB, 200x150, tumblr_m6gitkTjKm1qddnwq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to pee on you

>> No.9279056

I don't speak the nip

>> No.9279075
File: 478 KB, 140x105, me (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9279080

Great sentence, looks thick, solid, tight.
Keep us posted with more sentences, want to see how fucking knowledgable and fluent you can get.

>> No.9279093

"Your circumstance is fabricating me as hungry, lol"

And fucking use >>/lang/

>> No.9279100
File: 19 KB, 500x314, mekfdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if sarcastic....

>> No.9279102



What you're talking about is implied through context, as long as the kanji for background is correct. He'll get it.

Also, you only need to conjugate one verb, the central verb of a sentence to change the meaning. "hungry makes" in this case

飢えて is like "I'm hungry"

>> No.9279107



>> No.9279118


I should elaborate. Background can only refer to his background in this sense. If there are many backgrounds, then you would specify that HIS background makes you hungry. In most cases you don't need topics in japanese unless you are separating yourself, or him from other possible backgrounds.

>> No.9279123

ah! thanks dude.

>> No.9279127

what ''気持ち悪い'' means?

>> No.9279132

His background on his blog was a picture of macaroons, so I said it was making me hungry. that's what i meant, haha.

>> No.9279133

It means "disgusting"

>> No.9279134


>> No.9279148


>> No.9279150


In this sense, the words themselves are wrong but what


said is correct

But you would use なる, not tsukuru, and I don't know the kanji for background, as in webpage background.

You have to directly specify, because Japanese have a lot of synonyms that have unique meanings to them.

>> No.9279163

AH, NARU. DANG. I know that one, but for some reason i was retarded and chose tsukuru....yikes, they probably think i'm retarded. oh well.

>> No.9279168



>> No.9279176

don't you need the me/i part in that sort of sentence?

>> No.9279193


No, the topic is automatically you, unless it cannot be you. by context.
Topics are only used to select which topic you are talking about.
Introduce new topics or in polite speech.

>> No.9279201

ah, ok! thanks, man.

>> No.9279226


It's good to know how to construct the sentence properly. such as.


But this is like saying "Your background, not his, is what makes me hungry, and no one else."

It sounds weird. But you might say something like this, if there are multiple backgrounds.
And he asked which one makes you hungry.
So when you drop particles, it's good to understand the nuance of having them there.

You could also say


It's like "Is that your background? It makes me hungry."
The biggest mistake you will make is trying to translate english to japanese 1:1. You have to get that japanese sense of conversation.

>> No.9279238


Ignore that 吸う I'm not sure how that got there..

>> No.9279281

that's really helpful,dude! I'll keep it all in mind . I have one last question, though. how bad was my original sentence? what would they think?

>> No.9279293

fuck off with your gookshit

>> No.9279289

baka gaijin trying to fit in

>> No.9279311


Well, they would be confused, because while you understand polite sentence structure. Your choice of words would be nonsensical. Because you cannot go by dictionary translations. But how the words are used.

For this reason if you are looking for how to say an idea. Look it up in jisho.org, if you look up box, it tells you what kind of box it refers to, and sentences it's used it. Japanese is not as flexible as English is in terms of how you can use words.
