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9274669 No.9274669 [Reply] [Original]

What do NEETs and Hikkis do on weekends? Is it actually any different for you guys than any other random day?

>> No.9274688

There are a lot more people online and on /jp/.

>> No.9274692

Every day is the same to me.

>> No.9274681

Why would it be any different?

>> No.9274695
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no different for me
it used to be when my friend was in school and could only be up on weekend

>> No.9274697

I usually don't even bother to keep track of what day of the week it is. I used to when I watched anime, but I haven't even had the motivation to do that any more.

>> No.9274698

My mum buys me beer on Friday and Saturday because those are normal people drinking days.

Also I guess some people might have siblings and parents who work or attend school.

>> No.9274709

Can you be both a Hikki and an Alpha Male?

>> No.9274739

Your mum sounds great.

>> No.9274740

Only if you can get girls to deliver themselves to your house so you can have sex with them, all without having any interaction, aside from the aforementioned sex.

>> No.9274757

I don't even know whether it's weekend or not

>> No.9274764

it depends on your definition of alpha
if it's about predispositions, then yes
if it's about the current role in society/lifestyle, then no

>> No.9274766

Mail order bride?

>> No.9274769

I usually feel worse on weekends since I live by a busy place and I hear people having fun outside. While I wouldn't want to interact with those kinds of people, I want to have friends who I can have fun with. Oh, since I get upset on weekends I fap a lot more, so I guess that's what I do with my weekends.

>> No.9274775

Those are prostitutes.

>> No.9274776

Kinda, but free.

>> No.9274779

What do other hiikis think about normals?

>> No.9274780

Workout and become a gigolo and whore yourself on internet?

>> No.9274786

normals in my experience have always been cunts.

>> No.9274797

Cannon fodder

>> No.9274809

Ironically shut-ins are biggest cunts this world holds. Unless we count in some politicians and those with authority.

>> No.9274811

As a NEET I hate weekends because it means all the normals are out and fucking shit up and it slows my shipping times and if I need something badly all the stores are closed.

As if that wasn't bad enough they all get on facebook and my internet slows down to a halt.

>> No.9274818

and inmates

>> No.9274825

>Ironically shut-ins are biggest cunts this world holds
>people who don't bother anyone and probably don't interact with anyone are the biggest cunts in the world


>> No.9274826

>slows my shipping times
This is what I hate.

>> No.9274828

Normie detected GTFO


>As if that wasn't bad enough they all get on facebook and my internet slows down to a halt.


>> No.9274831

Usually its' the same shit, but today was special.

>> No.9274838


I was living in an area of a city that only had AT&T DSL and time warner cable. The DSL just couldn't hold up once it hits 6pm then settles down around 9.

Luckily I just moved out to the middle of nowhere so that's no longer a problem.

>> No.9274839 [DELETED] 

What's the deal with all the dildos?

>> No.9274853

i go hikking get it? hiking with my 2D gf every sunday morning.

>> No.9274862

I didn't get it
explain it again

>> No.9274863

I don't like how there's alot more people out and about in even in the late evening on weekends. Late evenings are when I go out for a walk and shop.

>> No.9274877

It's Canada Day and everyones gonna be shooting fireworks.

I hate it.

>> No.9274887

ugh happy families and high school kids.

>> No.9274890

Why? Don't tell me you go to sleep at 9-10p.m. eh? That's when the fireworks are around here eh.

>> No.9274904


No i go to bed at like 4am. It's just annoying, is all.


>> No.9274947

I like the bigger ones that'll be set off by people that know what they're doing. It's the asshole teens launching roman candles half-drunk in my neighbourhood that I'm more concerned about.

>> No.9274949


>> No.9274950


Everyday is the same, except for the occasional walk at night. I'll walk anywhere quiet sometimes. I fucking hate the loud insufferable faggots who blast their music/make too much noise in public for no reason whatsoever. They're part of the reason why I've been going for less and less walks.

>> No.9274991

Yes. There are definitely alot more faggots cruising around in cars with roaring engines and their ghetto blasters on the weekends. It really pisses me off when it happens in the early morning when I'm just about to sleep.

>> No.9275034

Besides your birthday, are there any other days that still hold any special meaning to you or involve you doing something out of the ordinary?

>> No.9275044

The only other depressing times of the year besides my birthday would probably be Christmas.

>> No.9275048

Same here. If I wasn't so weak I'd speak out about it. It's even worse when they drive you out of your house (and in my case go for a walk) only to run into even more insufferable cacophonic faggots.

>> No.9275050

Christmas Eve is the day I have to go out so I guess that's pretty special.

>> No.9275070

I wish I was a hikki, but I need to work.

>> No.9275078

When school is out and on weekends I'm a lot less likely to go out. It's nice to be able to visit a park or a marketplace during the afternoon in autumn or winter and find only a small handful of people, if any.

>> No.9275102

christmas reminds me of happier times being happy and playing videogames without responsibilities

>> No.9275108

I live in a fuckhuge city, but on weekends it's pretty empty since everyone leaves to go to the beach(the nearest coastal city is less than 50km away). It's pretty fun to have the whole city for myself, the metro and the buses are almost completely empty.

>> No.9275112

Real innovative trolling right here.

>> No.9275124

my family keeps bugging me to go outside

help /jp/

>> No.9275125

Same shit, but I feel better knowing everyone isn't doing productive shit either

>> No.9275133

go outside. at 3 am

>> No.9275134

Please explain how that post is "trolling".

>> No.9275137

Thumbs up if Christmas Day is the worst day of the year for you because you have to leave your room/socialize/go outside.

>> No.9275145

I envy some of you who are able to go out at night, where I live, going out at night is pretty much suicide. The last time I tried to go out at night some people attempted to mug me, I didn't have anything on me so they took my house key and I had to wake up my parents to get back in.

>> No.9275146

TruNEETs go outside and communicate with nature.

>> No.9275148

Guessing he's referring to the whole "I'm a NEET/hikki when I'm not at school, lol!" thing. It's a little played out at this point.

>> No.9275150


ill do it

>> No.9275151


It's the worst because I always give myself hope and then end up alone after failing the Amagami challenge

>> No.9275161

No one makes me do anything, faggot. Truneets/hikkis only, get out.

>> No.9275155


I could be your Amagami.

>> No.9275165

I know this probably sounds naive, but I'd prefer a straight-up mugging. If I have to buy things, I generally go to the shops in the late afternoon. There are children everywhere and they insult me in ways my autism can't handle, or they ask me to buy them cigarettes. I seriously have no idea what to do because nobody has taught me how to react to kids.

>> No.9275168

I don't see how that applies to my post. I don't go out during those times because there are simply too many people.

>> No.9275173

Just ignore them and walk passed them. What are they going to do? If they try to start shit beat them up.

>> No.9275176

I just go out at around 12 - 1pm or something.

That way there's no kids and things around and places are generally quiet

I'd like to walk around at night but I'm a little worried, drunk chavs at night scare me in that they might attack me for no reason other than it being something funny to do

>> No.9275180

What's it like to not work? I miss those days.

>> No.9275182

Well all I can say is after that experience, I'm never leaving my house without my parents and I don't ever want to leave my house at night. Having three guys surround you, ask you for your stuff then have one push and hold you against a wall while the other two go through your pockets before laughing at you when all they find is a house key isn't a fun experience.

>> No.9275185

They're annoying though. They'll block my way because they want to look tough or whatever. I'm totally fine with helping them look cool in front of their friends, but I don't know how to retaliate. Sometimes they'll just ask random questions in a mock friendly way, which I don't get. I ignore them, they persist. I answer, they keep talking.

It's the complete reverse of being a kid myself because now I can't do anything if I want to. I could easily punch a 14 year old in the face, but that would probably land me in court. I just want the least interaction possible (earphones work for the most part, but not always).

>> No.9275203

Yeah, I guess that must have been scary. People just like exercising power over each other, I suppose.

If it was purely transactional like, "Give me your money. Okay. Thanks. Bye!" then muggings would be pretty swell.

>> No.9275215

You britfags talk about how dangerous America must be but I've never been mugged or had angry 8th graders chase me through alleys and I've lived in a couple of cities.

A majority of the time if I walk somewhere it's in the darker areas behind stores because I'm more scared of being seen by people in general.

>> No.9275237

>You britfags talk about how dangerous America must be

If anyone does that, I'm sure they're from the countryside. We have a lot of little shits over here who think they have to prove how better than everyone they are. or Indian fucks who think it's funny to mug and beat up people.

>> No.9275311

Are hikkis more religious or non-religious?

>> No.9275347

2nd year being complete hikki. To answer your question, personally I don't care at all. If god exists that's great! If not, then so be it. I really feel indifferent towards death. As for other religious aspects, I do, however, feel that everything has a purpose. Whether this can apply to religion or not, I don't know.

Guess my purpose was to succumb to societal scum. It's funny though, because at one point I used to long for social acceptance/exchange with interesting people and wish I wasn't do quiet/awkward/socially inept maybe even have a love interest. There's no saving me, sometimes you just have to accept fate!

>> No.9275382

/jp/ gets more active but a lot worse on weekends but that's about it.

Every day is the same otherwise.

>> No.9275437

I'm a very committed traditionalist Catholic (in before pedo jokes).

Religion really helps me. Call it a crutch or whatever, but the priest I speak to is ten times more helpful and understanding than any therapist I've been to.

>> No.9275442

I'm not religious or whatever, but would you recommend talking to a priest just to be able to talk about things in my life?

>> No.9275447

priest are huge normalfags

>> No.9275470

Yes, certainly, a lot are just really decent people, they won't mind if you aren't religious. I've also spoken to a couple of monks before.

Lots of monks these days come from backgrounds where they are tired of the pressures of modern life and just want to go back to a more simple lifestyle. Some were almost equivalent to hikkis. They despaired of modern life so much they shut themselves out from it.

>> No.9275484

whatever you do, dont talk to friends about it.

i told a friend i had seen a tonne of cp age like 12 and it really bothers me, and he goes and tells everyone, suddenly i am a paedophile with no friends and stuck in the house all day.

therapists are shitty too. priest is a good idea, even if you arent religious. they wont see everything in terms of chemistry and just drug you into being happy.

>> No.9275485

no it's not, that's why i don't like that friday night thread.

>> No.9275487

I host scary game nights. I'd love to host one for /jp/ but that's crazy talk.

>> No.9275506

Talking to friends about things wont be a problem for obvious reasons. I'm just worried about talking to my therapist about certain things due to fear of being judged, I was thinking that talking to a priest might be different.

>> No.9275512

talk to /jp/

>> No.9275514

I lose track of the days, so it doesn't make any difference. I'll think it's Wednesday when it's actually Saturday.

>> No.9275540


Hey, you can talk to me if you want. I got lots of time to burn and i'd love to hear you out.

Which IM do you want to connect with?

>> No.9275551

I'm a priest you can talk to me
see email field

>> No.9275560

Weekends are important because thats when I shower and clean the house. Its the only day I have an alarm set so I always know. Every other day is the same though

>> No.9275557

i'm personally a hikki and agnostic. i have a kinda love-hate relationship with religion as whole.

i don't think there's any relation between religion and NEETdom, we're probably statistically similiar to normal people of our areas.

>> No.9275568

Eh I'm not really sure, the reason why I wouldn't just post on /jp/ about it or talk to regular people from here is it's mostly just me whining, I don't feel I should burden regular people with having to a depressed guy whine.

>> No.9275570


We're all pathetic. Go ahead and whine.

>> No.9275576

The only thing different is that I use my headphones since people are home.

Weekends are kind of a bother in that way.

>> No.9275578

whine all you want, son. i won't judge you

>> No.9275581


Naw, go for it. All big important emotional problems start off as bitching.

You still wanna talk?

>> No.9275583


Speak for yourself, sperglord.

>> No.9275586

Weekends weekdays and holidays feel no different to me.

I would fucking kill for a dubstep version of this song


>> No.9275588


You post on /jp/, cockmuffin.

>> No.9275623

It's weird to hear about hikkis getting mugged on a late night supply run.

I mean my neighborhood is bad enough where old people are shot to death for their prescriptions, becuase they have fuck all else to steal, but since I'm even poorer than the people who would be robbing me, I can usually just walk invisibly.

This leads me to believe you people are rich bourgeois cunts, or dress like it.

>> No.9275632

Where do you live?

>> No.9275637

Nope. You are just bitter and making assumptions.

>> No.9275639


>> No.9275646


>> No.9275665

Hit a soft spot, did I?
But you should enjoy your money.

>> No.9275679

What? That does not even make sense.

>> No.9275681

I'm still not sure, but it's mostly just being me freaking out about talking to someone, so well, I might post some form of contact address or email you after I build up the courage to do so.

>> No.9275685

It's okay, someone will explain it to you.

>> No.9275694

I was telling you that you are making assumptions and you assume I am rich as well. Perfect sense.

>> No.9275699

Thanks, I thought so, too.

>> No.9275712
File: 62 KB, 500x376, 1340570720008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weekends are no different than the weekdays for me

Why can't we be as alpha as these guys?
Just not giving a shit? When I go outside I feel like they're judging me

>> No.9275713

But I'm not, nor was it even implied.

>> No.9275718

If you say so, silverspoon kun.

>> No.9275722

Stop trying to play it off and admit that you are wrong.

>> No.9275725

everyday is the same... full of possibility. And then I jack off and play VNs

>> No.9275729

Wrong about what, exactly?
That you'd rather not admit you've got good deal of money?

>> No.9275734

I'm not rich. I never said I was.

>> No.9275736

The jesus guy is just trolling

What kind of IM programs do you have?

>> No.9275741

And as I said, if you say so, silverspoon kun.
You don't have to talk about it if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.9275749

I'm not rich though.

>> No.9275755

It's okay. We all believe you.

>> No.9275758

Holy HECK you're getting on my nerves!

I said I wasn't rich, okay!!

>> No.9275761

What are you even basing this anon being rich on though?

>> No.9275762

You are still trying to recover from your mistake and playing it off.

I'm not rich.

>> No.9275768

I haven't made any mistake.
If you weren't rich, why on earth would you be so invested in this argument with me?

>> No.9275772

get a room you two!

>> No.9275779

Yes you have. You assumed I was rich when in fact I am not.

>> No.9275791

It's fine if you don't want to admit it in front of everyone. Take your time anon.

>> No.9275802

Answer >>9275761 this please.

>> No.9275811

Fuck you, I'm out. I'm turning off my retina display and am going to cruise around my neighborhood on my segway. Have a good night jackass!!

>> No.9277698

Weekends make me more resentful because of all the aforementioned stupid shit normals get up to such as refusing to STFU at 2a.m. My parents and sibling are also around and have more time to tell me how disappoint they are with me and try to drag me out of my NEET ways. Fuck week ends

>> No.9277812

I know it's an old post but I feel similar. I enjoy walking, especially on quiet backroads, but every time I go for a walk, people insist on bugging me. On more than 4 occasions, people have drove by me, rolled down their windows, and started screaming at me. For no reason!

Once it was a fat guy in a camo jacket, and he was barking like a dog. Other times it's random sounds I can't understand. The other night some lady drove by real slow and screeched a high pitched screech.

Sometimes people like to drive slowly by and just honk their horns. I don't understand why they can't let me walk in peace. I am not in their way, I am on the sidewalk or the grass. Why must they be so inconsiderate?

>> No.9277824

Am I a NEET/hikki in spirit? I am obligated to go outside but every time I do my heart is racing with fear

>> No.9277833

I hate people that do that.

>> No.9277909

dat autism

>> No.9277910

Your mother has autism.

>> No.9277917

because they have a car and you don't.

>> No.9277925

I have never experienced this, but then again I live in a generally quiet place, and even when there are people out, they're usually rather nice, or at least not completely nuts. Sounds to me like you're living in a town surrounded by insane asylums with bad security.

>> No.9277931


A guy did it to me in highschool once when we were both walking. I don't get the point, I mean it's not scary or anything.. just weird.

Are they getting off on it or something?

>> No.9277936

Is envy really such a big thing among losers? I mean actual trash people, not autismal nerds. It would explain most of bullying pretty well.

>> No.9277961

probably because you look like a huge faggot

>> No.9277989

Please respond. I've been thinking about this for my entire life. People close to me have always refused to talk about it.

>> No.9278415

Anon you quoted~

Maybe you should bring some headphones along and ignore it. When I go for a walk it's usually around 9PM-12AM and really no more than 20 minutes. It sound like maybe you're walking endlessly; try walking with a destination. I either make a route to the convenience store, or just find a quiet park bench to sit.

Surprised at the lack of autists complaining about the blog material posts.

>> No.9278421

People gave up complaining about shitty blog threads, just like they stopped complaining about blatantly idiotic Touhou threads and pages of retarded spam.

Ocean of piss, etc.
