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File: 798 KB, 3376x4688, 1336760511780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9272194 No.9272194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder for /jp/ to start working out and moving that ass.

>> No.9272207


i'd move her ass

>> No.9272209

Already on it, bro.

>> No.9272214

You mean I can be an extremely unattractive woman?
Or is that a man?

>> No.9272219
File: 27 KB, 555x475, I dont want to lift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the HELL is that...?

>> No.9272222
File: 190 KB, 1322x1600, sora_kasugano_Yosuga_no_Sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like weak lookin people
those muscle guys look like theyre going to explode when they move

>> No.9272225
File: 33 KB, 960x720, zyzz.glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how could you expect to move such an ass if you don't even move your own?

>> No.9272272
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nice.. very nice quads

>> No.9272708
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1310743121411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get a workout regime in order to get flexible, but I don't want to gain muscle and look ugly like the guy in OP's pic. I can't find anything online that doesn't involve also gaining muscle. I just want to get flexible so I can rock a /jp/ers world when we're in bed dressed like touhous.

>> No.9272724 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 523x782, do you even lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272727

I already work out regularly. Thanks for reminding me though.

>> No.9272736
File: 701 KB, 523x1556, am i wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272739

Its called yoga. But you wouldnt get off your ass to do it anyways. You would have done it already.

>> No.9272741

I started working out. How long till I got 12-pack abs?

>> No.9272744

I just started about four or five days ago, I don't want to gain muscle I just want to be able to jog a whole mile without taking a break

>> No.9272749

Isn't yoga way too advanced for someone with close to no flexibility? I always seem them doing crazy stuff with their spines and legs. I'll look into it, though. Thanks.

>> No.9272753

i know right I tried searching how to lose weight without gaining muscle and all the people were talking about how gross it was.

>> No.9272754

It's really that simple? Hell, that's shit's easy, I did it back in high school.

>> No.9272775

You can't have one without the other.

>> No.9272802


Start doing jogging and cardio (even who wants to gain muscle should do it btw)

>> No.9272829



>> No.9272847
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>> No.9272856

i deadlifted 100kg yesterday

ohp 30kg this morning

i'm getting there

>> No.9272860

There are people that can't do this? That was my starting point for training.

>> No.9272870

This excuse gets me every time. You realize that it takes a *lot* of fucking effort to get that big, even for a man? You don't just accidentally turn huge because you started doing gymnastics or even lifting weights.

>> No.9272886

My favorite excuse that fat people have is, its to expensive to eat healthy.

>> No.9272888

I've noticed a lot of the more legit /jp/ers moving to /fit/ with the recent influx of neo/jp/ers, neo-neo/jp/ers and outright /v/ and /a/ users.

>> No.9272893

Pretty sure its the introduction of moderation that treats the board as Animesuki.

>> No.9272894

I'm not fat. I just don't know where to start. I never worked to get muscles, which is why I have no idea about the work it takes to have and keep them.

>> No.9272896

Just like literally anything in existence, there's varying degrees of intensity to allow one to build oneself up to that level.

>> No.9272904

>Just like literally anything in existence
But that's wrong.

>> No.9272910

Name one thing that expects beginners to be able to perform at its highest level.

>> No.9272918


It actually is dumbass

most Organic foods and healthy foods are overpriced

1. because supply and demand
2. because they are considered "specialty" items

If you go out to buy organic milk and I go out to by normal fat 2% milk guess who saves more money?

The only way to save and eat healthy is to buy in bulk and cook you meals but even then most people would rather not because it's cheaper to get take out food in a majority of situations

>> No.9272921

Me on Touhou.

>> No.9272923

Staring Contests.

>> No.9272929

>organic milk is healthier than regular milk

I refuse to believe people are actually this retarded.

>> No.9272931

Organic != healthy. Organic stuff is more expensive because people like you bought into the notion that it's healthier, without any actual evidence.

>> No.9272936

No they arnt. I can buy pack of carrots, slab of beef and 20 pounds of potatos for 15 dollars and get probably 5 meals out of it.

>> No.9272941


>> No.9272944

No, they are in that much denial. They will find any excuse for being the way they are.

>> No.9272957

Being fat has nothing to do with whether food is healthy or unhealthy and everything to do with how much of it you eat.

"I'm poor lol so I can't afford expensive food" is never an excuse. Why aren't you just eating less of the poor people food?

>> No.9272963

>20 pounds of potatos... and get probably 5 meals out of it.
what the fuck, how much do you even eat

>> No.9272965
File: 259 KB, 800x1004, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm skinny as a twig. If I wanted to build muscle, wouldn't I have to eat more than one meal a day? I don't want to do that, eating any more makes me feel sick.

When I was a teenager I did some lifting because my older brother had a weight lifting set. I was always so prone to anger when I did it, and even the smallest things set me off. I didn't get that happy euphoric confidence everyone says you get, I was just mad all the time. I don't like how I felt, I want to take it easy.

Picture related because there was no reason to get angry, but I did.

>> No.9272970

inb4 exploiting zyzz's death to push your anti-gains cardio agenda

>> No.9272975

But that is one of there excuses. Look at >>9272918
People like him will be like, Man this 5 pound pack of carrots is 3 dollars, The apples are 7 dollars for a dozen, THats 10 dollars.

I can get a combo at Mc Donalds for 6. Mc Donalds it is.

>> No.9272977

>I'm skinny as a twig. If I wanted to build muscle, wouldn't I have to eat more than one meal a day? I don't want to do that, eating any more makes me feel sick.

You see a doctor about that. I'm serious.

>> No.9272980

>wouldn't I have to eat more than one meal a day
Yep. To build muscle, you have to eat as if you're trying to make yourself fat. And you'll get fat, too. Then after gaining the muscle and the fat, you have to trim down again to get rid of the fat and leave most of the muscle, leaving the final result.

>> No.9272984

Mcdonald's isn't healthy

neither are carrots or potatoes

>> No.9272996

>inb4 exploiting zyzz's death to push your anti-gains cardio agenda

Yeah, who the fuck wants to live forever?
Only retards want to see the advent of singularity or stuff like lolibots. Better get huge! HUGE!

>> No.9272994

Or apples.

>> No.9273001

Generally you buy Potatos in large packs rather than one at a time because they have a long lifespan. You can make a 50 pound sack of potatos go for a month or more with a family.

In that example the bottle neck would probably be the slab of beef. If you get a good size chuck roast, you can portion it out to about 5 decent meals.

>> No.9272998

I think that only applies if you're trying to get "muscular". Bulk-and-cut shouldn't be necessary if you're just trying to stop being a twig.

>> No.9273006

Yes it should. You just don't need to bulk as much as therefore don't need to cut as much. If you just bulk you're guaranteed to put on some fat as well, which you probably won't want.

>> No.9273009
File: 76 KB, 1075x720, 1340632854672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will only lifting weights and weights only get me buff?

>> No.9273012

>typical europoor

>> No.9273018

I'm pretty sure he was talking about the 20 pounds of potatoes being only five meals.

>> No.9273025

Yes. You have to do the right exercise. Of course you still need a diet that facilitates muscle gain, but exercise wise, you don't need to do anything but lift.

Zyzz never did cardio. Don't let cardionerds who like to impose cause and effect where there isn't any dissuade you.

>> No.9273033


You're an idiot and completely wrong. Please never try to give advice on fitness, bodybuilding or any related topic ever again.

>> No.9273036

Please feel free to ignore this guy.

>> No.9273042
File: 193 KB, 800x1100, 1341046036420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most push-ups you've ever done in one set? I did 23 last night. I was so proud of myself.

>> No.9273038

It's images like these that make me glad I don't visit /a/ nowadays.

>> No.9273043
File: 32 KB, 533x430, 1264293345736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds awesome. Now everyone on /jp/ can get buff as hell without even touching sunlight.

>> No.9273045

Tell me about it. You can't tell the difference between it and /v/ anymore.

>> No.9273047



Ok explain then why you need to "bulk and cut" in order to add any muscle whatsoever.

Also please share why all of a sudden it is impossible to gain muscle without gaining masses of fat?

Then post your lifting stats and remember no bro science!

>> No.9273054

Pretty sure that's exactly what zun!bar does, maybe you should talk to him about it.

>> No.9273056

Funny enough it's pushup day. Let me go try to PR.

>> No.9273069


Cardio helps you feel and be healthy, but if all you care about is muscle mass, you can just lift.

>> No.9273073

When I first started I did 7 pushups. Felt horrible. I felt so heavy. Took me a week to recover from it. 5 months later, ive been doing flies and working my back. Did some pushups just out of curiosity, did 16 with out even trying. Only stopped because I had shit to do.

>> No.9273074

I am so lazy to work out

I get really itchy when I sweat a lot and i'm just weak in general.

>> No.9273084
File: 67 KB, 665x708, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273095

So you can call them e-stats?

You need to take on excess energy to put on excess mass. No matter how much you want it to, it won't be 100% that goes towards muscle, some of it will be fat. Even leangains for example only offers an alternative by alternating days as bulk days and cut days. If you try to cardio to prevent yourself putting on fat, you'll only kill your gains by taking up the energy that would have been used to build muscle, and thus get nowhere. Trying to build muscle without putting on at least some fat is an idiot's goal, and sure, I tried it once. When I was 16.

Why don't you explain to me why you disagree instead of just going "lol no ur wrong and thats broscience"

>> No.9273105

Around 20, if I do anymore my wrist feels dead

>> No.9273120
File: 20 KB, 413x700, 1339585050160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I tried doing it again just now and I only got around 15. I guess I'm not as strong as I thought.

>> No.9273128

Of course you wouldn't post them, because you're a shitty broscientist who doesn't know anything. I'm not even the guy you're responding to. I know you faggots like the logic of bulking and cutting so you can justify pigging out while you lift, but that isn't necessary, in fact you can even lose fat and build muscle at the same time, but you probably have no clue about that because you have never even been fat, and would recommend for a fat guy to eat even more to get fit. Get the fuck out.

>> No.9273135

>"lol no ur wrong and thats broscience"

>> No.9273158

>you have to eat as if you're trying to make yourself fat

no you really do not. you have to eat like you're trying to make yourself fat if you want huge gains and bear mode

when you first start lifting you make gains so easily that as long as you get enough protein and eat just over maintenance you will get enough muscle to satisfy the average sap

to imply that you have to GOMAD then cut down to gain any muscle whatsoever is ridiculous

>If you try to cardio to prevent yourself putting on fat, you'll only kill your gains by taking up the energy that would have been used to build muscle

again you are totally wrong. i'm cutting at the moment, 1800 calories, high protein, low carbs etc and i still manage to make small increases in strength and size (although obviously not on the same scale as when i was bulking)

i need to bulk and cut because i want to get huge. the normal joe who goes into a gym to stop being a "twig" or wants to stop being obese does not need a bulk/cut cycle

but whatever i'm sure rippletits or whoever you idolise says different and that the only way to make any gain is to bulk and become incredibly fat before going on an intense keto diet

>> No.9273178
File: 259 KB, 604x800, 4032832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70, PR by 5.

>> No.9273190

What the fuck are those things? also, can somebody explain me once and for all why some people undergo all that shit to obtain muscle masses hard to mantain and that will peobably never prove useful in all your life? I think that not being overweight is the only useful thing out of all this, and is easily obtainable by eating less shit and walking a little more
am I that wrong?

>> No.9273206

Why do people masturbate? The answer is the same.

>> No.9273237

Someone like >>9273095 who makes shit up to back up their views/ideas for example "did you know that if you bicep curl you increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex by 53%" or "if you don't do cardio you will die of a heart attack like zyzz"

Eating calories below the basic amount you need to sustain your immense bulk of fat

Eating way more than you need to sustain your current weight so that you can make MAX muscle gainz

You just made that up???

>muscle masses hard to mantain
It's really not, as long as you keep exercising a few times a week and eat right it will not "magically" disappear. You could even stop for a few months/years and easily regain anything you lost

>that will peobably never prove useful in all your life?
you look good
you feel better mentally and physically
you may one day have a physical job

>> No.9273235

...they can't deplete sexual desire with another human?

>> No.9273238

>to imply that you have to GOMAD then cut down to gain any muscle whatsoever is ridiculous
When did I say this?


>i'm cutting at the moment, 1800 calories, high protein, low carbs etc and i still manage to make small increases in strength and size (although obviously not on the same scale as when i was bulking)
How "small" are we talking? Because this has never happened to me. Also, the fact that you admit you're cutting means you cut and bulk, so I don't see why you're trying to say this isn't necessary.

>but whatever i'm sure rippletits or whoever you idolise says different and that the only way to make any gain is to bulk and become incredibly fat before going on an intense keto diet
Again with the GOMAD stuff which I never mentioned. Personally I have never bulked to the point where people would look at me and think that I was rather fat, there is such a thing as excess. Nobody wants to become obese and then cut down, if they do the former they will probably never do the latter. Also, I don't see what keto even has to do with this. And you said yourself that you're on low carb so it seems even sillier to bring it up.

>the normal joe who goes into a gym to stop being a "twig" or wants to stop being obese does not need a bulk/cut cycle
I can only agree with this if by "does not need a bulk/cut cycle" you mean that he simply stops at the bulk because he had so little body fat to begin with that the fat he gained was not really an issue, and he has already gained the muscle he wanted. Personally allowing for that has never been a goal of mine so I always follow a bulk with a cut.

>> No.9273247

LOL just WHERE the fuck do you think you are? xD

>> No.9273251

Did you just tell him to get the fuck out of /jp/ because you disagree with his /fit/ views?

>> No.9273253
File: 268 KB, 626x541, 1338771964665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I don't think I'll ever be able to become that strong.

>> No.9273258

>implying you are not him
Also yes. /jp/ lifts, so broscience is not any more accepted here than it is on /fit/. Go back to telling people they'll die without cardio, never get muscle without becoming obese first (I'm starting to think you do this because you're beta as fuck and hate competition so give people who might be a threat to you the wrong advice because it's hard to imagine you're this retarded) and generally being a dumb faggot.

>> No.9273268

You only need like 250-500 excess calories to build muscle, anything beyond that is fucking retarded because pigging out won't gain you lean muscle any faster.

>> No.9273274

>you have to eat as if you're trying to make yourself fat

also just fyi, i only started deadlifting this year, which was 2 months ago when i began my cut (bad timing right?)
starting weight - 185 deadlift > 30kg x12
current weight - 176 deadlift > 100kg x6

bro scientist argument - DESTROYED

you disgust me trying to tell new lifters they need to bulk. this is what SS and rippletits did to /fit/ and ignorant people like you

i am done with this thread

>> No.9273276

Ive been lifting for just 5 months. I curl 30 pound barbells. I dont have anything but barbells and have to make all my lifting around what I have.

Started out with 20 pounds and they damn near killed me. Never thought I would get past 25s when i started with those.

>> No.9273277
File: 20 KB, 390x301, 1340485376457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pls stop being mean to /jp/

>> No.9273279

10/10 would get banged by

>> No.9273289
File: 188 KB, 700x990, 1339293921742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulking with more than a 500 calories excess

enjoy your fat gains. You cant bully your body into gaining more muscle than that.

>lifting and not bulking

that's like showing up to class every day, and never doing any notes, assignments, and skipping the exam.

>> No.9273292

I don't want any muscle, that will just add more bulk to my body and I just want to fit into Mary Magdalene dresses. ;_;

>> No.9273299

All this sounds like someone with REALLY bad fixation and complexes would do.
what the fuck do you live for, to farm proteines like EXP in a MMO?
>physical labor
what's this even supposed to mean? enjoy being a factory worker after taking a chemistry major to learn balancing the nutrients in your body?
everyone has the right to do what they want, but this sounds just sad.

>> No.9273301

There's no point in replying now but you realize you can and will get fat at only 500 excess calories a day if you do not lift, right? Easily. That's what I meant as eating as if you want to get fat. Good luck telling new lifters to just go and lift without changing their diet at all, when they are twigs.

>> No.9273303

Not going to need a chemistry major after oil runs out and WW3 starts and the world gets bombed back to the dark ages.

>> No.9273308

Why are the guys from /fit/ always so fucking sensitive about critics? roid rage or something?

>> No.9273324

Because they dedicate their daily lives to crunching these numbers regarding their diet and fitness routine. They can't handle someone telling them they've been spending months or even years doing it wrong.

>> No.9273326

Why are /jp/ers so sensitive about sharing space with normal people? Does it make them less able to ignore their envy?

>> No.9273331

there are normal people on /jp/?

I lift and im not normal..

>> No.9273353

Think about it like this. Would someone lift or exercise if they didn't enjoy a challenge? Do you think a person that liked challenges would back down from one?

>> No.9273373


...eh? you mean people on this thread is bullying you, or why we can't have "normal" lives?
also, envy of what?

>> No.9273374

They get an opiate-like rush from their workouts and they want to spread this experience to all of their friends, much like a heroin addict would, and they react in a similar fashion when other people either refuse or just don't enjoy it as much as they do.

>> No.9273382

They seem like the new ponies/furries. I'm sick of seeing this shit brought up everywhere.

>> No.9273385
File: 102 KB, 768x768, 391446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep at it! You've got nothing but time, right? I went pretty casually and it took about a year and a bit.

>> No.9273388

If you like challenges so much, why you spend all this time preparing yourself in order to get closer to a surefire win?
I call this being a coward.
also, is lifting heavy objects a challenge? go run a marathon or climb a mountain. that's a challenge.

>> No.9273395

How defensive, critique on "doing it wrong" would mean the suggestion would be another way, not doing nothing at all. Stay fat and miserable.

>> No.9273419 [DELETED] 

It's more challenging than constantly refreshing /jp/ and reading the four posts it gets an hour.

>> No.9273421
File: 33 KB, 600x520, 8ab06bf147f7a95a6e17b37fb9e9536f..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've climbed several mountains, am training for a marathon and will train for a triathlon once I'm finished. You on the right, me on the left.

>> No.9273432

I'm quite healthy actually. In fact, I run a mile each day and do seven miles when I feel like it. This is more than enough for me.

I'm just not so insecure that I have to post about it on here is all. I would assume this is true of a lot of people looking at this thread right now thinking about how ridiculous you /fit/posters are.

>> No.9273444

You realize the content of your first post applies to just about any hobby conceivable, and is the reason these boards exist in the first place? Do you feel smart all the time or does reality sometimes sink in? If you don't want to share shit you enjoy you could just stop posting.

>> No.9273446

You could try sharing it on the correct board.

>> No.9273460 [DELETED] 

>I'm fat and so I get offended when people are fit on boards I post on

>> No.9273458

Being fit is very important when maintaining a positive role in otaku culture, nerd.

>> No.9273461
File: 150 KB, 849x1265, 2304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ doesn't exist for you to ask people if they even lift.

/fit/, however, does. Go post there and I won't bother you about it.

>> No.9273467

tea threads to /ck/
game threads to /v/
Touhou, Melty, Neptunia and GUST generals to /vg/
Touhou picture dumps to /c/, or /e/ respectively
VNs to /vg/
music threads to /mu/
japanese language to /lang/
/jp/meet up threads to /hm/
roleplaying to /cgl/
fumos to /toy/
dolls to /toy/
OC to /ic/
headphones to /g/
manga to /a/
anime to /a/
transformers to /co/
train threads to /n/
blogs to /r9k/
requests to /r/
idols to /s/
asian culture to /int/
NEET to /r9k/
fumo adventures to /trv/
draw threads to /i/ or /ic/
figures to /toy/
poetry to /lit/
shitposting to /b/
kigurumi to /cgl/
mahjong to /tg/

ageru lol

>> No.9273466

tl;dr this thread.

If you're the next;
He lifts 3 days a week or has a whole week split
He thinks /misc/ is funny
He most likely hates his family
He hates fat people and thinks is their own fault they are fat
He can't tolerate eating or even seeing certain kinds of food
He hates alcohol and "carbs"
He is an insecure beta male
He has a urge to tell other people what to do

Do not worry, you're just a immature fuck, you will eventually grown up.
You will stop hating on fat people and will understand is not their fault they are like that.
You will stop wasting your time in the gym, you will only lift from time to time, you will still take care of you diet and eat healthy but with a more laid back attitude.
You will accept people the way they are and live a happy life.

Or, you could continue to be a insecure kid forever

>> No.9273473

Why are you such an insufferable faggot?

>> No.9273481

Did you notice how this kopipe contains no mention of lifting?

>> No.9273483

>Where to take anything that I dont like.

>> No.9273485
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>> No.9273511
File: 97 KB, 850x323, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273506

Hey, /fit/ faggots, you wanna prove that all that shit gay muscles you have really are useful?
let's meet then. there's some euro between you gay shits?

>> No.9273508

But what does /jp/ do then?

>> No.9273514

Haha oh god, they think we train for functional strength.

>> No.9273517
File: 2.19 MB, 310x174, 1334866927896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60, but i hate push ups, i rather use the low end of my couch/bed face my back and push up a total 100 times. At least its giving me a 6 pack and some arm and back muscle.

>> No.9273518


Why does it have to be "useful"? I train for myself, not anybody or anything else

>> No.9273523

you really did it?
let's meet then. c'mon, you're used travelling. I'm gonna pay you the hospitalization.

>> No.9273535

what, are you scared? what are you guys, castrated livestock?
show me this you even lift shit. I'm fucking tired of reading it.

>> No.9273538
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, american-eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay for my flight, kiddo.

>> No.9273545 [DELETED] 

and then you shoot him with a magnum

>> No.9273551

how much is it to Milan?

>> No.9273553
File: 213 KB, 1080x810, quads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could smell and lick those feet and quads.

I wish I could try and shove my penis between them as she flexes.

>> No.9273556

I'm going to tear away your nose and ears barehanded

>> No.9273559 [DELETED] 

why me? I only just posted in this thread

>> No.9273561

Just over 1000 USD. Small price to pay to make a point.

>> No.9273569

I dont want to bulk I just want to look a bit tones and lose the slight fat belt thats been around below my belly button for some time now. I heard some cardio does it but is that all? I am 5'8 and 152 lbs and I could use to lose some flab. Also I hate thet flabbynes in my upper arms. Does cardio help fix the flabbynes or show i lift weights for my upper arms or something?

>> No.9273581

its too much. find me one of your faggot friends here in Italy

>> No.9273590

muscles aren't moe

>> No.9273586
File: 42 KB, 337x338, 1331414759597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, faggot. Step out if you can't hang.

>> No.9273597
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>> No.9273599 [DELETED] 

I'll definitely meet you if you pay for my plane ticket to where you live too

>> No.9273601

How did this thread manage to get even shittier? Now we have people trying to fight each other?

>> No.9273604

Someone...please respond...

>> No.9273611

I want her mucle-y asshole on my face and pinching my nose with her stinky anus

>> No.9273612

I want to kill soebody
fucking give me a name of a italian /fit/

>> No.9273613

I don't think you understand what is trying to transpire. It would not so much be a fight as it would be a struggle to subdue the other party and make them your little girl.

>> No.9273617 [DELETED] 

flabbiness = excess fat = excess energy

cardio can fix that for you, as can any rigorous exercise, or simply eating less

mind you if you don't have much muscle mass if you lose that fat it still might not look very good

>> No.9273621


go to bed you disgusting dago

>> No.9273625

Yeah she would be ten times moer without the muscles. Point in case.

>> No.9273628
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As if I know anyone in the third world LOL

>> No.9273632

where are you?

>> No.9273636 [DELETED] 

New Zealand

>> No.9273637


>> No.9273647

No she wouldnt.

>> No.9273643 [DELETED] 

it's ``case in point'' not ``point in case'', fricking nerd

>> No.9273648

Read the sticky.

>> No.9273676

its even more far, it will cost a shitload
Okay, I laughed

>> No.9273678

He was arguing by induction, not by deduction.

>> No.9273691

Strongest 3D moe I've seen in years.

>> No.9273723

Do you think any of these muscle women are into scrawny guys.

>> No.9273726

I do compound exercises and so far I've been losing weight. I've lost 16 pounds for 2 months now, trying to aim for 176lb. But The one thing I'm curious about is gaining that muscle mass once I'm done. Anyone lift? What's your workout?

>> No.9273747

It sucks being skinny fat, I'm 5'11" and 123lbs and I think I'm supposed to be like 20 pounds heavier or something

>> No.9273758
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Now if she grew her hair a bit longer and grew a horn you might get my attention.

>> No.9273761

It's not surprising jp would be into muscled up girls being homosexuals and all.

>> No.9273764

It seems like women are into scrawny and tall guys so you are good.

Now for people like me aka >>9273569

no one is interested in. these types are too short and too average looking

>> No.9273766

You dont need to be a faggot to like muscle girls.

>> No.9273768

Yeah, you could also just be a masochist.

>> No.9273778
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How did you know I was one? was I that obvious

>> No.9273870

I don't have any weights

>> No.9273894

You don't need any.

>> No.9273904

I wouldn't know where to start, and I don't want to go to the gym.

I guess squats and push ups are the best I can do.

>> No.9273975

I had the same issue, and started basically the same way. If it ends up being something that you enjoy you will look into it and figure out what else you can add to your routine. I would recommend that if you can find something to do pullups/chinups on it would be worth it. Handstands and bridges are also good.

>> No.9274138

And if all else fails just try walking around somewhere for at least 30 minutes. bring some music with you while you walk.

>> No.9274145

Is running up and down stairs decent cardio? I don't leave the house so I can't think of many other options.

>> No.9274153

>Used to be 251 lbs
>Stopped feeling sorry for myself and hating people
>lose 60 lbs in a few months by walking 5km a day and lifting every other on a 1350 calorie diet replacing pop, cake and hotpockets with berries, fish and other bear shit
>go from muscular atrophy to looking like a boss, feel my thigh bone and shoulder bones for the first time in my life
>growl in public every time I eat salmon or blueberry salad
>green text on 4chan and not give a fuck

>> No.9274163

> pop
You mean soda?

>> No.9274174


>> No.9274179

No, soda.

>> No.9274186

I think he means coke

>> No.9274189

Never heard these in my life. Why can't you call them carbies like the rest of the world?

>> No.9274190

>feel my thigh bone and shoulder bones for the first time in my life
I dont get it

I am pretty sure it's soda.

>> No.9274200
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>> No.9274733

Actually, it would be. I would run up them and then come down slowly. Be careful.

>> No.9275279
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Yes it does. Because I care of you /jp/ers.

>> No.9275286

I did my exercise routine today even though I was planning to skip it, just because of this thread.

>> No.9275287

My goal is thirty to forty-five minutes of cardio a day.

It lives with many other goals which are fallen short of.

This thread looks shitty, so instead of reading it I'll pile on.

>> No.9275306

your only supposed to to it three times a week faggot. you going to fuck up your knees faster that way in the long run if you overdo it.

my mom was in the army and ran for most of her life and now both of her knees are shot and she cant run any more because of it. the cartilage or whatever thats behind the knee caps are basically the consistency of crab meat and they need to be surgically cleaned out. she has a metal bolt in one of her knees and she will soon get it on her other one.

all because she ran too fucking much

>> No.9275333

Guess it's a good thing I'm so bad at achieving my goals.

>> No.9275449
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Get started on them body squats dude

>> No.9275457

dear diary, day 2 of not fapping.

ops pc looked fappable.

life is hard. -anon

>> No.9276454


>> No.9276519

I wanna work out, but I hate the gym and I am really lazy.

What if I just jog? By jogging I mean running then getting tired then walking until i have enough energy to run again.

I'm not very healthy

>> No.9276533
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It's usefulness depends on what your goals are, but yes you can improve your fitness like that.

>> No.9276537


I dont want to have man boobs anymore. I guess I would want to lower my body fat percentage. I'm not that interested in being big or strong or whatever.

I hate doing pushups, i feel so heavy and shitty. I do kinda like jogging.

>> No.9276542

That's sprinting, not jogging. It is a common exercise to sprint, then walk, then sprint.

>> No.9276545


But I don't sprint, I try to jog but i'm so out of shape that it tires me out.

>> No.9276553


>> No.9276564


To expand on myself.

I don't really have a very organized diet. My dad usually just buys fast-food and I eat it. Although lately (months) i've been rejecting it and telling him not to buy it. He buys it sometimes, id say once a week. We have decent food at home, the food we cook from scratch is fine (like pasta with ground beef and noodles) although not great.

So if I were to jog like 5 times a week, and make sane choices in my diet without going out of my way to stockpile new food, would that be sufficient enough?

It probably wouldnt be. Sigh, why am I so dependent on my dad

>> No.9276582

If you just ate the same but less you would be fine. You don't actually need to jog to lose weight if that's too hard on your NEETity.

>> No.9276587
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Why does being thin have to be so hard ;_;

>> No.9276594


I am willing to jog.

So I should just eat less. Say, if I got lots of food, I should spread that out for the entire day or just put it in the fridge?

I can do that, and jog. Ill just becareful not to starve myself and to eat small portions throughout my day.

Ill probably forget and go back to my old self.

>> No.9276603
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muscles are the best

>> No.9276609
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>> No.9276611

Cute but im not buying it. Her face is just a tad to derpy. I do mean a tad.

>> No.9276620


>> No.9276643


Ill give it a shot.

>> No.9276660

It doesn't matter. Your metabolic rate raises slightly after eating, but this is proportionate to the amount you eat. There is no evidence to suggest that spacing the same amount of food into smaller meals throughout the day has any benefit in metabolic rate overall, over not doing so. The evidence shows there is no difference. So just eat in small meals, or in one big meal if you like. The key is just to not eat too much on a daily basis. It would be a huge help to actually know on a more accurate level how many calories you take in. A kitchen scale can help you do this.

Work out your basal metabolic rate. Of course this is just an estimate.

That is the amount of energy, in calories, your body needs to sustain its weight when you do not exercise at all. If what you eat isn't enough for that, then body fat will be used to supplement that, and that is how fat is consumed. If you are exercising and not eating above your bmr, then since the bmr is calculated without factoring in exercise, you should lose weight. I would recommend going say 500 below your bmr though.


>> No.9276676

Too low and you will starve yourself, one because you can only metabolize your body fat for energy so quickly, but more importantly because your fat stores are just stores of pure energy, not protein, which is needed to sustain lean mass. If you don't get enough protein, you will metabolize your own lean mass in order to sustain yourself, which is really the thing that causes death by starvation.

Note that some of your lean mass being lost when you lose weight is only natural. It's just that you want to have enough protein so it isn't too much. So get enough, but of course the protein counts towards your calorie budget.

I wouldn't worry too much about the protein stuff though. This is more of a concern for people who want to really minimize lean muscle loss, ie, bodybuilders. Your diet most likely already has enough for your own purposes, which is why I said to eat the same, just less.

>> No.9276679
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No point lifting when all I'm going to possibly achieve is a a manly muscular body. All I have to do is not become sick or completely atrophied and I'll let adrenaline handle the tough things.

I wish I were a cute girl, I'd work out then.

>> No.9276688

You will become fat and ugly.

>> No.9276708
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I don't eat a lot, I don't worry about getting fat. The ugly I refuse to help.

>> No.9276715

Why would you work out as a cute girl? They look best when they are just skin and a little fat. Flat stomachs are all that is required.

>> No.9276722
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So I can feel myself up at night.

>> No.9277714

Actually no. Little girls look really good in most forms but extremes. A little muscle is nice when it gives their arms some shape. Skinny and boney is good to for that sickly look that drives a white knights inner fire. A little pudgy is cute for that fluffy look.

Its all about moderation. I cant think of any anime example of how good tone is for a girl but Toff from Avatar. I just watched it recently and through the whole thing I could not help but notice how nice her arms looked.

This holds true for 3D as well.

>> No.9279800
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Tell me about today's working out, /jp/.

>> No.9279818

No it doesn't
