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9271919 No.9271919 [Reply] [Original]

have u ever say curse word in the real life when ur talking to other person?

did u say it when angry? plese tell me u did not. it is the veriest rude thing that u can do to say curse word to other person in the real life

>> No.9271922

I don't say mean words outside of the internet.

>> No.9271930

Yeah, I curse a lot. Sorry Reimu, perhaps we just weren't meant to be.

>> No.9271932

I've only cursed in text never spoken a curse word in my life

>> No.9271937


Me too. I don't think I could manage to get the word out of my mouth without feeling horribly guilty.

My mother would have made me eat soap if I did that around.

>> No.9271940


So your mother was a fucking abusive whore?


>> No.9271941

I probably say fuck every other sentence in real life. But that's because I only talk to myself.

>> No.9271944

You got me there anon. good one. well done.

>> No.9271950


Discipline isn't abusive. It's a necessary part of growing up. If you're not disciplined then you turn into a bad boy.

>> No.9271953

I only ever swear to myself. I don't even do it on the internet. I'm not really sure why.

>> No.9271954

Wrong, physical discipline turns you towards violence, I have literally never been punished in my life and I'm just a peaceful NEET.

>> No.9271958

I think maximum mean can only be reached if you don't even use curse words

>> No.9271959



Maybe you would have a job if your parents beat some sense into you.

>> No.9271965

I grew up in a ghetto, so...

>> No.9271966

>physical discipline turns you towards violence
My existence proves you wrong

>> No.9271967
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Curses come home to roost

>> No.9271980

Every curse you say makes your soul bleed.

This is why poor people are evil. They curse too much and they killed their souls.

>> No.9271981

dat's scary as fug

>> No.9271985

I insult people without resorting to profanity.
Makes me seem more intelligent and witty.

>> No.9271992

I don't curse. Little girls aren't supposed to do something like that.

>> No.9271995

Unless you're a naughty little girl.

>> No.9271997


>I insult people

Please don't do this. It hurts them.

Don't do mean things unless you want mean things done to you.

>> No.9271999

I love you, OP. You're my favorite shitposter.

>> No.9272002

What if I do mean things because mean things were done to me?

>> No.9272003

Gosh, I'm sorry I used swearwords. Forgive me, excrement poster.

>> No.9272006

>unless you want mean things done to you
That's my fetish.

>> No.9272011

I curse in 3 fucking languages IRL, even combine them and shit.

>> No.9272014
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Then you continue the cycle of meanness. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Meanness can only be countered with kindness and love. If someone is mean to you then be nice to them.

>> No.9272017
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>> No.9272021


>even combine them and shit.

You combine them and then you poop? I do not understand. You say various curse words while pooping?

>> No.9272022

I tried that back in middle school. It only gets you hit harder.

>> No.9272030

That's awfully naïve.
A more realistic way to fight meanness would be "two eyes for an eye";
At least that way the cycle would eventually end.

>> No.9272035


Being peaceful and loving isn't always an easy road to follow. People are mean and they hurt others because someone hurt them. If you just retaliate with more meanness then they might not hurt you anymore, but their hearts will be even harder and they will go on to hurt some other person who won't fight back.

The only way to help them is to show them love and kindness, even if they're mean to you. Their hearts will soften after they see that you kept being nice to them even when they were doing the meanest things they could do and eventually they will be nice.

>> No.9272042
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>little rich insults you deeply with creative vocabulary and no curses
>tell her to fug herself

>> No.9272043

My mother and I insult each other when talking for fun.

It must seem like a horrible dysfunctional family if anyone ever overhears.

>> No.9272046


>A more realistic way to fight meanness would be "two eyes for an eye";

But then you're not fighting meanness anymore, you're just becoming worse than the people you were trying to fight and you transform into a bully.

>> No.9272054

You have absolutely no life experience, do you؟

>> No.9272055

In german you can swear without sounding like a sailor like in english.
"Damn" is too weak, but in German "verdammt" (for example) is a bit more effective when talking to strangers semi-formally.

>> No.9272057

Bullying is something that only happens during your school life. Any adult place you're free to leave or get a person fired.

Unless you're a woman, enjoy a lifetime of gossip.

>> No.9272067

>Bullying is something that only happens during your school life.
You are delusional.

>> No.9272073

You do not become worse than somebody by triumphing over them, if anything — you become better.

>> No.9272075
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The best way to fight meanness is to be completely passive and quiet. I avoided bullying my entire life through this.

Never look at anyone directly, never say anything to someone unless you're spoken to and even then say the absolute minimum required to make them get bored and go away, and if someone tries to start a fight with you then just let them yell at you. Words bounce off you harmlessly if you distance yourself and don't pay any attention to what they're saying.

The thing that bullies want most is a response, but if you just become like a dead fish, staring off blankly and emotionlessly as they yell at you then they just get bored and go because it's not entertaining to bully something that doesn't respond.

>> No.9272080

I tried that in middle school too. It also got me hit harder.

>> No.9272082
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That's because German naturally sounds aggressive.

>> No.9272086

That's like the exact opposite of what you should do. Not giving a response just means they will try harder to get one.

>> No.9272093

You were lucky and/or never faced “real” bullies.
Once a bully marks you, nothing short of extreme retaliation will deter them.

>> No.9272089


You didn't do it right then. Why were they bullying you? People only bully someone that draws attention to themselves, whether they draw attention to themselves intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, there was a kid in my highschool who had asperger's. He always acted strange, he got upset very easily, and he had a strange way of talking. He attracted bullies like flies to a dead corpse, but if he had never said anything at all, dressed as normal and boring as possible, and always tried to stay in the background then he would have never even been noticed by anyone.

>> No.9272094

I'm not sure how I feel about this. My parents always used physical discipline, but I'm too scared to function because I think people are always going to be mad at me and be mean or get physically upset with me (like pushing/etc.)

It's the reason I can't go outside. I hate driving, I hate being in a store with a lot of people, I hate "hanging out." I try to only go outside at night when most people are asleep, and the people who are out are high as fuck and won't care.

Also: I swear like a sailor. I think being upset by language is probably the stupidest thing ever.

>> No.9272096

I wouldn't do that, ever.

I'll just crush 'em.

>> No.9272100

>If he wasn't mentally ill he wouldn't have any problems
I'm quoting your stupidity.

>> No.9272107

fucking retarded non culture thread

who the hell past the age of 18 doesn't curse?

the only time I don't is around women and children, if the woman herself uses those words then there's no reason to hold back

you shouldn't ever do it around children they don't know any better and are impressionable

>> No.9272104

This worked for me as well

>> No.9272112


>Once a bully marks you

Bullies don't just arbitrarily mark people though. There has to be something about you which singles you out from everyone else. Dressing in a strange way, acting oddly, etc. It's very easy to just blend into the huge crowds of people in the world and practically become invisible if you just don't act out.

>> No.9272116

>extreme retaliation
Not really. Most bullies are cowards. That's why they need to resort to bullying in the first place, they're weak and need someone they feel is weaker than themselves. So the vast majority of bullies will move on as soon as you show you're not the weakest kid in school.

There might be exceptions if you're an open crossdresser or if you go to a school with 90% niggers, but those are minority cases.

>> No.9272119


>mental illness

Oh come on, everyone on /jp/ probably has asperger's. I probably even have it. It's like the ADHD of autism.

Doesn't mean that you can't learn how to keep to yourself and blend in.

>> No.9272120


And I am not lying

>> No.9272121

I can't. That's why I'm on autism bucks

>> No.9272122

>Most bullies are cowards. That's why they need to resort to bullying in the first place, they're weak and need someone they feel is weaker than themselves.
telling yourself this will not make the bully go away

>> No.9272123

>Doesn't mean that you can't learn how to keep to yourself and blend in
That is the very definition, you stupid twat.

>> No.9272127

He who controls the response controls the world!

>> No.9272134

It sounds unnatural when I curse in person, so I never do.

>> No.9272135

Following the advice from post >>9272075,
you already “act out” by being overly quiet and introverted, hence inviting bullies to pick on you.

>> No.9272139

I only curse on the internet to give my words more power. In real life, I can just raise my voice or use intonation if I want to emphasize certain words, but online I'm limited to what I can express in words. Unless I want to resort to emoticons or reaction images. Which I don't.

>> No.9272154
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I avoid cursing at other people when angry because most of the time I get mixed up and start stuttering and then they laugh at me.

>> No.9272157

This doesn't work if you already have their attention.

From my own experiences as a bully and being bullied and knowing people on both sides. Telling teachers works best to solve it. That or change schools.

Of course if you can beat up a bully go for it, but in that case it's unlikely you're a bullied kid anyway.

>> No.9272170


There's a difference between difficult and impossible.

It's difficult for people with asperger's to learn how to mimic other people and blend in, but it's not impossible. I did it easily enough. I still don't understand why people get upset about certain things or some of the emotions they feel in reaction to situations, but you don't have to feel something to be able to understand how to mimic it enough to blend in.

Have to go to a funeral? I would practice how to look sad so I didn't stick out, otherwise my mind would probably wander off to Pokemon or whatever my hobby was at the time and then I would start smiling like a creep in the middle of a funeral service. It's just simple things like that, practice the facial expressions and mannerisms that are appropriate for the situation you have to be in.

People will only notice that you're faking if they start talking to you for a long period of time, but if you're doing it right then that doesn't happen.

>> No.9272178

I knew pokemon players were autists.

>> No.9272187

I never said that, I said that bullies will mostly go away if you show them you're not a total pushover.

Besides, it's true. Just think about the most prominent bullies back in your school. Did they enjoy a high social status? Did they have many friends? Did they come off as successful in general or in any specific area, such as school or sports? Did they get along well with their families?

>> No.9272189

Take a look at the OP's post again and then look at the serious discussion taking place.
Ah, the magic of /jp/.

>> No.9272196

>high social status?

>many friends?
Yes. Their friends bullied me too.

>Successful in school or sports?
Absolutely. Jocks.

>Get along with families?
As if I'd know this; I hated those fucks.

>> No.9272198

>Did they enjoy a high social status? Did they have many friends? Did they come off as successful in general or in any specific area, such as school or sports? Did they get along well with their families?

Yes to all of these except family life because I wouldn't know about that.

>> No.9272199

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Popular and bully meant the same to me.

>> No.9272201

God and all the saints

>> No.9272203

It's how autism works
In a shit thread, they have serious debate
In a good thread, they shitpost

>> No.9272211


>by being overly quiet and introverted

I think this only applies to people who are shy though. For example, two people can be equally quiet and introverted, but one might be nervously stuttering about and staring at the floor while the other one just goes about his business, doesn't look nervous, but has no friends at all, never speaks out, and then immediately goes home when school is over.

It's easy to become invisible as long as you don't look nervous. I don't think the quiet and introverted part draws any attention to you, you just become another face in the sea of faces in any hallway. Practically invisible.

>> No.9272212

Well, fuck. I guess it's different in America.

>> No.9272216

That didn't work for me. I was bullied in middle school and it didn't stop until I graduated and went to high school.

>> No.9272218


I would say they have good reason to be angry at you.

>> No.9272223


What, for example, don't you understand? Is there something on /jp/ that you don't understand too?
Also, you seem pretty normal

>> No.9272229

But I'm not from America.

>> No.9272234

No bullying keions please.

>> No.9272241

Or maybe some people are douchebags despite having good lives.

>> No.9272250

Because they're American.

>> No.9272262

In Amurrica, successful people are taught (not formally, but it's an implied learning by example from other successful people in their life, I suppose) that they have the right to lord their success over everyone else.

So if your family is poor, prepare to be made fun of by the rich kids for not having an iPad or nice clothes or whatever. If you're not athletic or into sports, prepare to be made fun of by the jocks. Same goes if you're studious (like I was). If you're smart, prepare to be buttdevastated by every person whose grades are lower than yours.

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9272266



>> No.9272268

I swear like a fucking sailor. Fuck you, raymoo.

>> No.9272275
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T^T that...that was really fucking unnecessary, dude.

>> No.9272276

I used to get soap-mouthed if I swore.
So I swore about how there was soap in my mouth.
Soon my mother gave up, now I swear fucking all the time.

>> No.9272277


>What, for example, don't you understand?

It's just difficult to empathize because I don't really feel it in the same way that they do.

If you go to a funeral then everyone there is sad, but I don't feel it and even if I did feel it then I don't understand why I would make a certain facial expression. Sadness or pretty much any emotion is internal, I don't understand why they would cause my facial expression to change, but that's how it works for everyone else so you have to mimic it or you're going to stick out.

For example, say that you're in a group and someone makes a joke. I quickly look around and see if other people are laughing, if they are then I fake an inconspicuous laugh to blend in. If they aren't then do nothing. Just things like that. Always try to do what everyone else is doing and you won't stick out.

>> No.9272278

They deserved to be bullied; they are the true villians behind this mountain of shit we've gotten over the years.

>> No.9272279

It's everywhere like this, stupid murrikan

>> No.9272280

I was the “quiet and invisible” type that you described,
However the rest of the class were not.
You’d be surprised at how much quietness stands out in the lunatic bin that is high school.

>> No.9272282
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dat feel when u told all the bullies dat u would get more monie than them wen u were growned up b/c your top grades, but then ur working at burger king an not rich...

>> No.9272284

I kind of figured that, but the guy I was replying to seemed to think it was an Amurrifag thing, so I was trying to give some insight. Sorry if my being born here offends you, dude.

>> No.9272291

Go back to being monolingual, nerd.

>> No.9272300

Hey assface, I speak moonrunes and know enough German to get into a fight, so fug you dude. Shit.

It's not like I think America is great, dude. I'm honestly afraid to move anywhere else. I'm not your enemy.

>> No.9272307

scince you know german:


>> No.9272306



>> No.9272310


>If you're smart, prepare to be buttdevastated by every person whose grades are lower than yours.

How did people even know what your grades were? I always had good grades in school, but it's not like there's some public scoreboard that points a big arrow towards all of the smart kids. I just didn't answer questions in class, I studied, and I did well on tests.

Of course there are the kids who are practically bouncing out of their seat to answer every question the teacher asks and then maybe people will bully them, but they didn't have to answer it.

>> No.9272327

My teachers read the grades from tests off in front of the entire class.

Alright, you know what? I'm sorry that I did whatever to offend you, dude. Let's not fight about this. I'm sorry I'm American. Seriously. Can we please just be gentlemen or something and forget about this nationality dispute thing?

>> No.9272333


What? I just want you to post on my Deutsch thread: >>>/lang/1341155314/

>> No.9272338

Also, the bit about biting my testes is off is a little bit far. Seriously, I'm sorry.

>> No.9272340

>How did people even know what your grades were?

In my high school the teacher would call your name followed by your score for a test in the entire class.

>> No.9272341

oh ok. Misunderstood from your wall of hilarious insult text dude.

>> No.9272346

I'm sorry, but I can't help but grin like a maniac whenever I see threads like these.

>> No.9272343


>My teachers read the grades from tests off in front of the entire class.

Why didn't you intentionally sabotage your tests by answering a few questions wrong so that you would fit in with whatever the average grade for your class was?

>> No.9272344

Anonymous of >>9272211, >>9272280 here,
I’ve just realized that I used the “appeal to pity” fallacy.
This was not my intent; I merely wished to give you an example of a different classroom than the one you had experienced.

>> No.9272345


What? Those are different posters!

Okay, now I am insulting you. Please don't post on my thread, I don't want your opinion anymore.

>> No.9272349

>people confusing Aspergers with Social Anxiety Disorder
Once you live with someone who's Autistic, you learn the difference pretty quickly

>> No.9272350

I'm glad that there are other people who don't curse IRL
I would feel really ashamed if I did it.

>> No.9272352

I did sometimes. But really I never tried hard or learned hard I just got great grades most of the time, even when I thought I did badly.

This only made them angrier.

>> No.9272353

because I was told getting good grades would be my ticket to a good college and an excellent job. NEET here.

Aw SHIT. I have autism dude, be kind. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

>> No.9272356

> I'm sorry I'm American

GET OUT, before I fucking kill you, kiddo. I killed 30 dirty arabs for this country, and then THIS?

Man, I'm really tired of these hippies.

>> No.9272358


What kind of school did you go to? Were you surrounded by retarded ghetto scum or something like that? I honestly don't think that anyone really gave a shit about grades in my school.

>> No.9272371

I'm not a hippie dude, fug you. Maybe you need to reconsider your hate for your countrymen you asshole.
Can't assume that everyone unhappy with their situation is a fucking hippie or something.

>> No.9272384

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9272389

nice kopipe dude

>> No.9272437

I don't curse aloud in real life, nor would I raise my voice in anger. Such uncouth behavior is for savages.

>> No.9272901

in my language, our local version of 'fuck' is often treated like a comma or other forms of punctuation.


>> No.9272937

He probably has a hell of a constipation problem.
