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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9271529 No.9271529 [Reply] [Original]

Just in case there are still people here who use the script, you might've noticed that it stopped working like a day ago or something.

I found out what causes this; 4chan changed its 404 page title without notice. It now says "4chan - 404 Not Found" rather than just "4chan - 404", and the script expects the title to be exactly the latter.

To fix, go to your script settings, click 'edit script', choose your favorite text editor, and replace
if ((document.title == "4chan - 404")
if ((document.title == "4chan - 404 Not Found")

It's pretty obvious, but in case anybody is still using the script and didn't know, I hope it'll save some time.

That is all.

>> No.9271542

aerosynth latest 4chanx redirects to warosu now

fuck woxxy wfuck foolz

>> No.9271546
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Oh my, thanks OP. You're too kind for this world.

>> No.9271550

But I'm not using a foolz redirector. I'm using the same script originally used for easymodo redirection.

>> No.9271566

All those useless gimmicks.

The only userscript you'd need on /jp/ is the SJIS fixer.

>> No.9271598

sure thing gramps

>> No.9271624

The old one doesn't make links to deleted posts work anymore since the 4chan html update though, right?
There's a new one that does.

>> No.9271663

You have everything you need with the native script.
Who cares about autism-autopiloted gimmicks like auto-redirect, auto-reload, auto-spam, auto-meme, auto-who-are-you-quoting, etc...

>> No.9271673

The native scripts are half assed features that are horribly implemented and you should feel bad for using them.
It's like moot paid a monkey to make them.

>> No.9271788

I have the same features rewritten as a userscript with some minor aditions like async posting/refresh and Tab titles.

No need for any other crapware.
