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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9264387 No.9264387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are you still living /jp/?Do you have any plans or goals?

>> No.9264390

for my goal

>> No.9264406

I quit my job today. I feel like I let everyone down. Starting college next month, hopefully I'll decide what I want to major in soon.

>> No.9264417

finish my last college subject, date my japanese tutor somehow, move over to japan and start over, away from everything here that i hate. even if it proves to be exactly the same as australia somehow, at least it would be a fresh start.

>> No.9264415

I did the same thing. Those nerds were all like "no don't go you're the best at your job ever" but everyone knows they were just buttdevastated over having nobody to replace me on short notice.

Now I can NEET it up while I write up my new resume.

>> No.9264432

I'm studying biology so I can hopefully discover a way to turn myself into a little girl. Hopefully with technology improving exponentially that dream will become a reality in my lifetime.

>> No.9264433

I want to get through life with as little effort as possible.

>> No.9264444
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Why do the
>dat /jp/ dream
threads get deleted and this doesn't?

>> No.9264449

>Dat /jp/ dream
I think you know why Alicia

>> No.9264450

we still have >dat /jp/ dream threads?

>> No.9264454

That's completely stupid. Not only is it impossible, and probably illegal, but you wouldn't be able to enjoy any of the adult privileges. If you are a troll, I'll give you 4 out of 10.

>> No.9264455

no, they get deleted right off the bat

>> No.9264479
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Fuck being a NEET, I want to be a scientist, someday, maybe. I have time, money and intelligence, I just need motivation.

>> No.9264482

RIP Daul Kim

You are always in our thoughts

>> No.9264488


>> No.9264489
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I'll come up with some goals tomorrow

>> No.9264504

I have nothing and nothing matters. Nihilism is correct.

>> No.9264508


I've been saying this exact same thing for the last 11 years now.

>> No.9264515
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you better not think that way, check out this deep image

>> No.9264525

I have some bad news for you.
>Not only is it impossible, and probably illegal
Impossible is not, illegal, yes. You just need to be in some career as Genetic Engineering and Neurosciences, be a fucking genius and spend all your lifetime fighting against Ethicfags and the government meanwhile you keep experimenting with synthetic human and cat babies in your basement.

>> No.9264528

Reposted to my twitter and tumblr

>> No.9264537
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>> No.9264579

My only goals are to shitpost in /jp/ and bump threads that don't need to be bumped

>> No.9264599

Gotta love that toad.

>> No.9264618

You seem different than usual ZUN!bar are you sick?

>> No.9264631

Nope. I'm the same as always.

I always liked that green lizard dude.

>> No.9264662

Pffft, plans and goals are overrated.

>> No.9264667

Stupid girly problems, one line she says fashion is stupid the next she says it's fun.
If you're a male you don't even have a choice in fashion, that is besides wasting money on brands and haircuts and still end up looking the same and balding when you reach 30 anyway.

Why the fuck do you keep calling her deep but bash shallow nukige, can't you see you're just falling for her looks?

>> No.9264669

Maybe I'm just watching you comments too much~

>> No.9264688


i woke up from a nightmare
i was with 5 of my otherself and we (i) were
in a room with a man with authority and soon
we realised he was a dictator and we (i) said no
and he put our heads in piles of cocaine and tried
to get us (i) addicted or killed.

i yelled at the kid who bullied me for 2 years
that she will suffer
and her mother died

me and my lover woke up from a nightmare
and in his dream i was angry
and in my dream he sold me out
which we both have never done, and never will
i lied on his table and slept.

i ate shabu shabu with took sticker pictures with friends
and i was truly happy
and truly dizzy
so i slept.
and now i work

-Daul Kim

>> No.9264704

Life is suffering through action. Stillness is peace. Death will be my salvation from this torment, but I cannot die just yet. I must complete my work.

>> No.9264706

eversince i was like born
my mother said i never ever slept

i think its seasonal cos
sometimes i’ll sleep 20 hrs
and sometimes i wont sleep for days and
days and days. (my friends call this
vicious cycle)

i always get the “middle of the night
voodoo dreams” which practically
my roomates told me that id scream/ choke
in the middle of the night.
and i talk about some weird shit
or swear like mad crazy

but i dont remember anything
except for certain scenes in my
“dream” or themes or colour

but then in my dreams i see this…
magnificiant … so groggyy and twisted
and scary to the point that its dizzy and
beautiful visions which truely deeply
inspires me and gives me this spin in the head
the slight taste of euphoria
and ultimate rawness
so thank you whoever voodooing me

pain is love.


-Daul Kim

>> No.9264710

Try singing that in an angsty emo voice while playing the same few notes on a piano and rapping about your rhyming skillz.

>> No.9264727

you start to wonder
your face seems to glow
after the night you drank
and also you start to realise
the next day your face looks dull
so you start to do this
drink tonight and look good tomorrow morning,
and then drink tomorrow night for the
day after tomorrow,
and you wake up one day with a headache.

so you stop for a while, and then you drink again
the champaign you got after shooting, and suddenly
you have to deal with reality and failed relationships
you get a massive headache and you come home
and pass out.

-Daul Kim

>> No.9264730

How do you sing and rap at the same time?

>> No.9264732

It's so hard being born beautiful and loved and with a sucessful career at such a young age.
She suffered so much.

>> No.9264735

By being a faggot

>> No.9264741

speaking from experience i see LoL

>> No.9264742

i never check facebook to be honest
and uhmmm i checked in a million years and realised
all theese people from high school trying to add me
not trying to be bitter abt my high sch experience, but i found an understanding
and i would like to share with you.

i looked at their profile and realised
i was so amazed
at how these innocent kids became soooooo slutty and pill popping partying people
(or trying to look like it)
i realised there was like a format to all these photos
e.g. everybody has a beer or a cigarette in hand
another eg. everybody has a bikini photo on
another eg. ok, im a model but even i dont over-pose like that ever on photoshoots or on my personal photos
another another another e.g. atleast one person has this comment “SEXY” even when its not.

… im so happy i quit school .

>> No.9264745

Question to everyone who has goals:

Is there a lot of waiting involved in your goals? Like, I have to develop 2 skills, one with a steep death-cliff of a learning curve and the other requires me to wait a lot for school shit to come in the mail.

Is it okay if I just sit around all day doing nothing when theres nothing really to do?

>> No.9264749

freedom comes with such cost.
but is it even freedom?
one could get numb living like this. pretty things. comfort. vanity. decadent nights to make up for losses.
but this endless loneliness
there must be something wrong from the core.
i worry as i take the courage to sleep

>> No.9264751

Besides doing stuff I enjoy everyday, I have no other goals. The moment I become unable to do so, I will kill myself.

>> No.9264758

Probably not, but if you're asking that question you're probably going to do it anyway. Finish with it as fast as you can while you still have the willpower to deal with it.

>> No.9264753


Seriously this is live jornal linkin park garbage what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.9264761

when i say something
people are like….youre psycho
and im like… no im honest

thoughts about certain things
and the morality to not do certain things
the line is very clear

boredom and entertaintment to fullfull it is

pleasure is absolute, pain is relative.

i deal with it, i dont neglect it.

>> No.9264767

I push my fingers into my eyes
Its the only thing
That slowly stops the ache
But its made of all
The things I am today
Jesus it never ends
It pushed it's way inside
If the pain goes on...


I have screamed until my veins collapsed
I've waited as my times elapsed
Now all I do is live with so much fate
I wished for this
I bitched at that
I've left behind this little fact
You cannot kill what you did not create
I've gotta say what I've gotta say and then I swear I'll go away
But I cant promise you'll enjoy the noise
I guess I'll save the best for last
My future seems like one big past
You laughed at me cuz you left me no choice

I push my fingers into my eyes
It?s the only thing
That slowly stops the ache
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it!

Pull me back together
Or separate the skin from bone
Leave me all the pieces
Then you can leave me alone
Tell me the reality is better than the dream
But I've found out the hard way
Nothing is what it seems!

I push my fingers into my eyes
It?s the only thing
That slowly stops the ache
But it?s made of all
The things I am today
Jesus it never ends
It pushed it's way inside
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it!

All I've got
All I've got Is Insane
All I've got
All I've got Is Insane
All I've got!
All I've got Is Insane!
All I've got!
All I've got Is Insane!

I push my fingers into my eyes
It?s the only thing
That slowly stops the ache
But it?s made of all
The things I am today
Jesus it never ends
It pushed it's way inside
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it!!!

>> No.9264766

This guy. I'm just going to live comfortably and exploit my privileges until they get taken away. I'm not suicidal or anything, but the moment the privileges get taken away my life is already over, so, y'know.

>> No.9264772

my only goal is to take it easy

>> No.9264773

Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding

This is my last resort

Cut my life into pieces
I've reached my last resort
No breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding
Would it be wrong
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation out of sight
And I'm contemplating suicide

'Cause I'm losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

>> No.9264778


She can't hide no matter how hard she tries
Her secret disguised behind the lies
And at night she cries away her pride
With eyes shut tight staring at her inside
All her friends know why she can't sleep at night
All her family asking if she's alright
All she wants to do is get rid of this hell
Well all she's got to do is stop kidding herself
She can only fool herself for so long [x3]
I'm too weak to face me
(she can only fool herself)

I never know just why you run so far away, far away from me [x2]

When it comes to how to live his life he can't be told
Says he's got it all under control
Thinks he knows it's not a problem he's stuck with
But in reality it'd be a problem to just quit
An addict and he can't hold the reins
The pain is worse cause his friends have it the same
Tries to slow down the problem he's got
But can't get off the carousel until he makes it stop
He can only fool himself for so long [x3]
I'm too weak to face me
(he can only fool himself)

[chorus x2]

Fly with me under the wings I gave you,
Try to be closer to me and I'll save you [x2]

[chorus x4]

>> No.9264781

I was just thinking about that song today.

>> No.9264783

i tell myself
im strong.
i dont need to show
my painful past
no one needs to know
the horror i went through
i grew up too quick
and no one, saw past my surface
i dont know how to hurt people
i dont know how to be loved
i dont know how to love
im hurt
but im strong

and im perfect

>> No.9264788

The night will come
and rip away,
her wings of innocence through every word we say
maybe it's time,
to spit out the core of our rotting union
hopefully before it chokes
us to our senses.

Guess it's too bad,
that everything we have
is taken away.

Swim in the smoke
the hero will drown
intoxicating beauty tears everything down
but still our hands are
bound at the wrist
this romantic tragedy is suffocating from your fist,
in a sea of fire.

Guess it's too bad,
that everything we have
is taken away.

Hero, Hero, this word you'll never know

Guess it's too bad
that everything we have
is taken away.
Away, away, away. They're taking it away

>> No.9264794

to be honest, living in paris was fun
but also very very depressing

i was used to getting anything i want at anytime
since i was young

i used to get very upset or agressive or simply
did not understand WHY sometimes i cant get what i want

and now i realised, things dont work like that

in europe… almost more than 50% of chance
it wont work out like you want, and people will be retarded about things
and if you stress about it
only you will suffer

i knew the theory always but then its hard to accept it,
and i told myself before im 25, i will force myself to suffer abit in abroad
to develop myself, cos i feel like when i get back home ppl treat me like a princess
and i keep getting super spoiled…n alot of weird ppl so…i become caught up
its better in korea i can focus on the emotional complexity of life
its abit entertaining to deal with psycho people …
… it kills time.

its still a constant battle between my old friends telling me
“Uve become so tough poor you! means u suffered”
“its so un nessasory you learn these things you are gonna come back anyway”
but im sure there is a way to become strong without being tough…

ive been very happy recently. and im learning how to not be tough but strong.
i lived a fast life and i wanted to end it as quick as possible
and now days i feel like… everyday is kind of precious to me

>> No.9264796

The time has come and so have I
I laugh last cause you came to die
The damage done, the pain subsides,
And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye

I never kneel and I never rest (rest)
You can tear the heart from my chest (my chest)
I'll make you see what I do best,
Of succeed as you breath your very last breath (last breath)
Now I know how the angel fell, (angels fell)
I know the tale and I know it too well,
I make you wish you had a soul to sell
When I strike you down and send you straight to hell

My army comes from deep within
Beneath my soul beneath my skin
As you're ending I'm about to begin,
My strength,his bane, and I will never give in
I'll tell you now I'm the one to survive,
You never break, my faith or my stride,
I'll have you choke on your own demise,
I make the angels scream
(And the devil cry)

>> No.9264800

Now you've really crossed the line
Your hate for me is divine
My love yearns for your suffer
On your grave lurks my prosper

Taunt more as a lure but its no use
Knots tight my excite
I prepare the noose
Say no more it's time
For you to make your move
My blackened soul's lit by your fuel
Implode your moral
And drains your pride
Too late for debate or run and hide
Time to take your life tolls the bell
To your hell I'd like to welcome you

Hail to a father of divine
To the son the light will shine
From the angst of lost memories
A just revenge to cure misery

>> No.9264807

Bayonetta, you´re a mystery (Who)
You come along with a destiny (are you?)
This is your life, a battlefield telling you who you are
(A mistery, Bayonetta)
Bayonetta, this is your time (Hold tight)
You gonna sparkle, you gonna shine (Moon light)
Girl, when you fight it looks like a dance, you are magic, you´re magic...
(you´re dancing beatiful, Bayonetta)

Come on, come on! Come on, there´s only one way - your way
Come on, come on! Come on, you know there´s only one way - your way
Dance. Fight. Spin around, spin around
Dance. Fight. Fly higher, fly higher, fly higher

Bayonetta, you bury your loneliness deep down in your eyes
(Beatiful. Beautiful. So Powerful. So Lonely.)
Sadness lies in your smile (Lonely heart)
But victory shines in your eyes (You will find it)
You´re still alive!
(Deep down in your heart. Deep down inside. Victory!)

>> No.9264808

people make conversations
people put on a facade
queen of england puts on a slight chav accent to make herself more relative
maybe its against her will but she gets consolation out of people who tell her she is loved. who knows
people put on a facade to hide themselve or even to run away and ignore.
some people refuse to see through a facade.
some people reveal their true self and is rejected
and rejection hurts. pain is also ignored.
information, and analysis makes people understand things.
and when you understand,
do you feel safe?
damaged people damage others
or themselves
seriously. how many people didn’t get abused?
i tell you
its circumstances, environment and levels veary
but the impact is simmilar
Does not matter
how extreme or ordinary something is.
and people are selfish.
their love for others is so god damn selfish
people want to destroy what is nice, what is good, what they want
and make it theirs

thats why i love things. and i try to show kindness and politeness to people i care about.
perhaps i don’t know how to love. perhaps its a way of self destruction. self-damnation
something unconditional. perhaps a romantic. perhaps oblivious.
does analysis make one feel secure? less lonely?

people feel less lonely thinking they are others like themselves
it is smart to keep things relative.
perhaps that is why, communism was beautiful
perhaps that is why koreans are so fascist
a sense of belonging
under a
over a
hidden and exposed
so what
so what
really what’s the point
is complexity beautiful?
is ignorance beautiful?
is isolation beautiful?
maybe not.
reject it or reject it not.

>> No.9264815

>This thread

>> No.9264817

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chase me, but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

>> No.9264818

Do the impossible, see the invisible
Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
What you wanna do is...
What you wanna do is just...
Break the rules and you see the truth aham!
You'll see the thing that you've been doing, baby

Power to the kids, power for the dreams
Tough miss it is scary, so incomplete would be that
The once incredible soldier from underground
See how easy they overdown.
Diggin' through the core to see the light
Let's get outta here baby
That's the way to survive
Yo! I top off the hat, i'm on the set
Do the impossible, thought you wanna bet?
'Cause lot of things change, we've been waiting in vain
If you wanna get by NO PAIN, NO GAIN
Wow! They just wanna test me again
Sorry, my rhyme's gonna stunt your pain, yo
I'm so sorry for my straight-up skill, We're gonna
Make it happen with crazy rap skill
You ready to rumble? Now'd be the time aham
If you're in, yo, let me know.

You're lifeless

Do the impossible, see the invisible
Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
What you wanna do is...
What you wanna do is just...
Break the rules and you see the truth aham!
You'll see the thing that you've been doing, baby

Second verse dedicates to the real peeps
All we gotta say is so real thing cause
Revolution ain't never gonna terrify
Kicking a math quote, microphone fit and tied
Open your third eye, see it through the overground, I'm about to hit you with a scream from underground
-- Whole city terrified and decide to play with geez but everyone, we're not the toughest. --

Do the impossible, see the invisible

>> No.9264825

Kodomo no koro yatta koto aru yo
Iroase ta kioku da kouhaku bou atama ni
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Kodomo no koro natsukashii kioku
Karē toka no tokini gin no supūn meni ate
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Demo ima ja sonna koto mo wasurete
Nanika ni owa reru youni mainichi iki teru

Furi kaette mo (wasurete ita arubamu no uchi ni)
Ano koro ni wa (baka yatteru jibun) modore nai (tomodachi to waratte)
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Ima aitsura doko ni iru no? nani wo shite iru no?
Kotae wa boya keta mama de
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Demo ima ja sonna koto mo wasurete
Nanika ni owa reru youni mainichi iki teru

Kimi gakure ta yuuki wa okkusenman okkusenman
Sugi sarishi kisetsu wa doramatikku

Kodomo no koro yatta koto aru ne
Zasshi nitsuite kita surīdī megane kake
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Otona ni nari wasurete ta kioku
Yomigaeru azayaka ni ude de eru ji tsukuri
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Demo ima ja sonna koto mo wasurete
Nanika kara nigeru youni mainichi iki teru

Furi kaette mo (furubo keta nikkichou hiraki)
Ano koro ni wa (iroase ta pēji ni wa) modore nai (hatsukoi no musune no
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Tada ano koro furikaeru mujaki ni warae ta
Kegare mo shiranai mama ni
Urutoraman urutoraman sebun

Demo ima ja sonna koto mo wasurete
Nanika kara nigeru youni mainichi iki teru

Misugo shite ta keshiki wa okkusenman okkusenman
Sugi sarishi kisetsu wa gurafitī

Kimi gakure ta yuuki wa okkusenman okkusenman
Sugi sarishi kisetsu wa doramatikku

>> No.9264827

DOESNT MATTER if u were in school
or if u were doing this or that
it the same

power of mind is what does not suck,
i wrote down exactly what i wanted to do when i was like 13….
by the time im 20 .. and scary thing! it really happened that way
kind of every detail of it is like that.
and im doing to be 20 in this summer i am looking forward to it.

looking back i wish i dreamed bigger
and visualized in more detail

so im 30’s goal is to be a dictator

so whatever you believe in you should believe it firmly and visualize it.

and its good to be aggressive about what you want.

>> No.9264843


>> No.9264848

Beautiful to be remembered and to capture and to display and to be forgotten to be remembered and then forgotten then remembered…

-Daul Kim

>> No.9264867

Whatever you believe in, you should believe it firmly and visualize it. And it’s good to be aggressive about what you want.

— Daul Kim

>> No.9264883

I am an angst slut and I have sucked a thousand cocks
-Kim Kaphwan

>> No.9264892
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life is depressing sometimes but you gotta look on the bright side of things you see.

>> No.9264893

Silly anon he can't be a slut

>> No.9264905
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Because I'm too soulless to hate life enough to end it.

There's this ambivalence I feel where I want to die, but I'm also apathetic toward it.

>> No.9264906

That's sad man.

>> No.9264910 [DELETED] 

Young boy, like a cruel angel's thesis,
Live up to be a legend...
Even though clear blue winds
Beat on the door of my heart,
You just smile, looking straight at me
Too involved in yearning for
Something to hold on
The innocent eyes still know nothing of fate yet.
But someday you will notice
On those shoulders of yours
There are strong wings
To guide you to the far future.
A cruel angel's thesis
Will someday fly high from the window
If memories are betrayed by
The overflowing, burning pathos.
Young boy, shine like a legend,
Holding the sky in your arms.
The cradle of love that sleeps within me
There will be a morning that
A servant of dreams will come for you.
The moonlight shines on your thin neckline.
I'd stop time in this world
And lock it away for myself, but...
If there is any meaning
In the fate that pulled us together,
Then I am, yes, the Bible
That teaches you of freedom.
A cruel angel's thesis
And then sorrow comes forth
When the shapes of the dreams you hold in your arms
Come to life within you.
Young boy, who shines brighter than anyone else,
Rise to become a legend.
People weave together love to create history
And so I live on,
Unable to become a goddess...
A cruel angel's thesis
Will someday fly high from the window
If memories are betrayed by
The overflowing, burning pathos.
Young boy, shine like a legend,
Holding the sky in your arms.

>> No.9264924


I love you, man. Please stay with us on /jp/ forever.

We can talk about dicks and 2hu together.

>> No.9264934

There are so many /jp/sies that have not yet been hugged. If I were to die, who could I entrust with the duty of hugging each and every one of them?

>> No.9264960
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I guess. It doesn't really matter, though.

>> No.9265027
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You need something in your life to change because you don't sound very happy with your current situation. Maybe you're not cut out to be an otaku.

Just find a way to change your life. Try working out or doing drugs. That or keep posting on /jp/. I prefer the second option as you are my favorite tripfriend.

>> No.9265035

My only goal is to have as much fun as I can, while I can. I figure I'm going to kick the bucket at some point anyway, might as well at least enjoy myself a bit before that happens.

I know how that feels. For about 6 years I just sat staring at walls all day, thinking about considering what it would be like to die but never actually motivated enough to do anything about it. After a failed suicide attempt of consuming enough drugs to put down a rhinoceros, I just gave up on the idea of ending my own life and started finding other things to do with my time.
I think, if I didn't have things that I enjoyed doing, or if I was no longer able to do any of those things, I'd probably go back to being like that pretty damn fast. Now I just kill time with whatever games, anime, manga, or VNs that I can find. The day I clear my backlog will be the day my life's run its course.

>> No.9265039


I can not fucking stand him, that pretentious emo prick.

>> No.9265053
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We all feel sad sometimes. Some of us more than others.

>> No.9265083

Being unhappy doesn't bother me very much. If I'm quiet enough about it, it won't matter at all. It seems I've slipped up here on that matter, though.

I think I remember you. I'm not sure which number I arbitrarily used to identify you. 6, was it? 16? Rhetorical question, of course. I doubt that you know.

>> No.9265152
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Firstly, you should start doing something for yourselves, your health, your self-esteem. You'll feel better and more energized for anything else.

"Mens sana in corpore sano"

There must be something you are good at, follow you passions and try to make something productive with it if you can.

>> No.9265165
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Please find a way to be happy. You only have one short life to live.

It's been about a year or two since we last spoke. I'm not good at remembering time. I'm just glad we got to talk again. I hope you visit /jp/ more often.

goodnight Imrinfected

>> No.9265239


>> No.9268156

RIP sweet princess

>> No.9268192
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>> No.9268298

I'll fucking ageru this
