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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 516 KB, 3848x2000, newnewjpsummer10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9262708 No.9262708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Upgrade onegai.

>> No.9262717
File: 215 KB, 4865x2000, v2E6u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9262729

Suigin abandoned /jp/ for /a/ so ask him over there.

>> No.9262741

I missed you ponpo! Beware this isn't NSJ Approved© content.

>> No.9262744

its been 4 years
and I STILL havent sorted my porn collection

>> No.9262746
File: 2 KB, 119x159, botross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9262762

What's NSJ?

Please organize yourself!

>> No.9262769

forced meme created by tokiko and moetron that means "new shitty janitor"

>> No.9262779

what butthurt shitposters call the present meido

>> No.9262782

>What's NSJ?

Ignore that.

>> No.9262804
File: 1.17 MB, 2000x2000, jpto..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that sounds dumb. Maybe I don't want an updated version then. Thank you anyway, brothers.

>> No.9262810

2009 was best year

>> No.9262819


NSJ busing his friends in from chat to agree that he isn't doing a bad job

thanks for the astroturfing

>> No.9262825

No problem. Just good to see you back.
We should try to stage a takeover of the board, regain it from the 2011 shitposting kids. Return to the old standards. It might not have been perfect but it was our board.

>> No.9262834

The good old days are never coming back. But maybe together with Y10NRDY-sama we can OWN all the shitposters.

>> No.9262836


NSJ will never allow that. He and the fags in chat are dead set on killing this place.

>> No.9262838


I can't believe you really posted this

>> No.9262844

Oh come on, at least make an effort.

>> No.9262845

Nice projecting, /b/ro. Spurdo e/b/in :-D

>> No.9262847
File: 165 KB, 1024x677, get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand how someone who has posted regularly since 2009 could -still- post regularly and not be annoyed all the time.

Go with the flow, take it easy, etc. I guess?

Everyone go watch Guilty Gear loketest http://www.ustream.tv/channel/guity-gear-xxac-r%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B1%E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88

>> No.9262851

Anyone who's been around that long should know how to hide all the bad touhou threads by now.

>> No.9262863

What chat?

>> No.9262868
File: 32 KB, 515x215, #jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I had to get post 2500000.

Chat you say? #jp you say?

>> No.9262866


Yes, yes, imply I'm "from" /b/, whatever that means. Try and discredit anyone who thinks the current people are doing a terrible job. Pirouette and step.

Fuck it.

>> No.9262869
File: 30 KB, 281x432, moogee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is one hell of a board

>> No.9262871
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1294109069177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this nerd is slandering meido

>> No.9262876

I haven't visited /jp/ in a trillion hundred years (was just linked in private to tt) I can't really update anymore sorry. See you when Mima comes back.
PS: Wowza almost 10mil posts.

>> No.9262878

I don't get what you're trying to say but you must be a shitposter to not appreciate Y10NRDY the only good poster left on /jp/.

>> No.9262880

stop using the term ``NSJ´´ please.
not only is it disrespectful to our hardworking meido, it's also a violation of global #8.
It's like you guys are actively hating what makes /jp/ have a semblance of sanity.

>> No.9262881

#jp is just where shitposters go to show off the latest offtopic thread they made and jerk each other off about it

>> No.9262882


meido is dead, NSJ is what we have now

and you are either him or one of his friends

just fuck off back to your IRC or wherever you people go

>> No.9262889

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z"! Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9262897

epic win GET amirite?

>> No.9262906

Every janitor that focuses in /jp/ is meido. If you call the janitor NSJ then you're not going to be taken seriously, lumped together with every other spammer that keeps trying to force some dumb GET.

>> No.9262908

AoC was not the only meido we had. Thefore, meido is not dead. Who's dead theorically is the janitor. You do not speak for all of /jp/, nor do you dictate what's the preference and the general consensus of the board. I'm not saying you should call the janitor meido, or NSJ, but you should think before trying to speak for us. (although I prefer to side with a former /jp/'ers forced meme than a ban evading shitposting avatarfagging idiot).

>> No.9262916

post more kawaii meido fanart onegai

>> No.9262938

New Shitty Janitor is a befitting title regardless of who started it. Stop trying to give yourself attention, Tokiko.

>> No.9262927
File: 169 KB, 423x404, 1335203853497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh. No meido now. Only janitors.

>> No.9262933


wow, all three almost exactly at the same time, like those other three that were really close together

that's not suspicious at all

are you even trying at this point

>> No.9262939
File: 12 KB, 645x773, suigin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9262941
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>> No.9262948

Not really.

>> No.9262951

Kid yourself all you want, you're not the majority here.

>> No.9262953

woah you can upload mirrors on 4chan now?

>> No.9262955

F*****ck you tokiko I create the nsj mem

>> No.9262956
File: 93 KB, 219x222, plzrspnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all three
-yet only two posts were actually linked
I'm sure you also know of flood detection making it impossible to samefag like you are implying without proxies.

>> No.9262960

not white

>> No.9262965


three posts at exactly the same time and they all agree with each other

almost as if three people were linked to the thread at roughly the same time

you're full of shit and this is why no one respects you

>> No.9262970

This Croatia's the real one? I don't think his trip's been leaked.

>> No.9262967

I think you have some people mixed up with the ones who do coordinate themselves through chat (you know, those who try to force the new meido name). That or you're one of them who is projecting onto others what you guys do so you can get some epic wins from it.

>> No.9262982


shut the fuck up

what you're doing is obvious and i hope you do get publically identified like people were suggesting doing. fuck your underhanded shit and your false consensus.

>> No.9262983

Calling the new janitor meido is the most retarded thing ever.

Call him New janitor if you dislike NSJ so much

>> No.9262980

You're approaching ZUN!bar levels of paranoia.

>> No.9262984
File: 91 KB, 640x480, 1251410782695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted turns 18 years old this year.
Haruhi1994 would also be 18 this year.

>> No.9262986

Or maybe the topic is on the spotlight because some old tripfags are posting in it and you're mistaking seven people who won't take your bullshit with samefags.

>> No.9262988
File: 86 KB, 468x582, sudoandrin..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these /jp/ photos I have saved are stupid and depressing. "memories" of jp sounds odd but I'm sure lots of people posted here almost daily for years. Shame rising.

>> No.9262992

two posts
you twice-linked >>9262906
you only linked two posts.
stop hating meido for your own insecurities

>> No.9262993


but where does the "shitty" come in

shitty new janitor? SNJ?

>> No.9262995

Archduke was already publically identified and that didn't stop you nor your friends from shitting up /jp/.

>> No.9263003

It's implied

>> No.9263021
File: 127 KB, 300x413, 1251034367455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fuckload of stuff I'll never post again ;_;

>> No.9263013

I'll call him new meido instead.

>> No.9263015




21:11, 21:11, 21:12

plus if you'd read the back pages of /j/ back when you could, you'd know that shit like that is what they do

>> No.9263023

Apparently with recursive filtering I've avoided a lot of metashit like tokiko for most of 2012. Wasn't even aware of the meido shit in this thread until I looked at the front page.

>> No.9263026

Where's all the super lewd pics then????

Titty and vajayjay lewd!

>> No.9263027
File: 98 KB, 525x728, 1335267134989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you get paid for cleaning up the /jp/ mansion?

>> No.9263030
File: 1.15 MB, 1426x3500, badapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263036
File: 52 KB, 761x571, 1227407906906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't that appear on CNN? I recall the shitstorm like it was yesterday.

>> No.9263039


Shut the fuck up. "metashit". Yeah, you're so above it all. /jp/ is getting fucked in the ass by new staff who neither understand nor want to understand it and don't care about anyone but themselves. Fuck off.

>> No.9263044

They sound like a really threatening bunch. I better have my eye out for Them, lest They reply to me when I saying something so stupid it gets the rise of multiple people.

>> No.9263041


>> No.9263042
File: 31 KB, 715x918, amanitafungitan4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263055

>>I can't understand how someone who has posted regularly since 2009 could -still- post regularly and not be annoyed all the time.

Why would anyone get annoyed from the internet.

>> No.9263056

I've been here since January and I know all about /jp/, it's purpose and the direction it should take.

>> No.9263061


no, surely these posts that agree with each other occurring all at the same time is some form of coincidence

not even fucking 2ch is run with this kind of dishonesty

>> No.9263069

>I've been here since January and I know all about /jp/, it's purpose and the direction it should take.

- New Shitty Janitor, on his duties and vision

>> No.9263065

seems to me from the archives you get annoyed quite often.

>> No.9263071

So quiet. I wonder if someone's replied to the post I just made. It's filtered by the word tokiko by the way.

>> No.9263072
File: 34 KB, 640x360, facebook_like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263079

Sure thing, pal. I guess those people on /v/ who tell me I'm full of shit when I say nintendo had the best overall e3 presentation are all sony fanboys who coordinate their efforts in order to thwart any single one of my attempts at getting my opinion out there.

>> No.9263075

I'm responding to you because I know how it feels to be ignored

>> No.9263076
File: 62 KB, 644x471, autism7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fuckload of pictures I used to post with sage on threads that were on like page 8 to block spammers. Is Sion still anal demolished because AoC deleted his VC thread like four years ago?

>> No.9263083
File: 619 KB, 687x2200, tie r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not really annoyed, but why would anyone stay in a cesspool when they could go elsewhere? Unless /jp/ is quicksand??

>> No.9263091
File: 27 KB, 514x425, cowabunga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting out this one, the whole meido thing always makes me sad for ruining it for everyone. Just doing the usual "still not gone" post.

>> No.9263090

90% of this list left. There's your proof. Zunbar adapted to the board and started taking it easy, easy.

>> No.9263092
File: 224 KB, 800x1050, best tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263096

i wonder

and this is kind of a deal with the devil, but

if we could get somehow bring militant feminists (you know the type) into conflict with the shittier members of the staff, i.e. getting them to post shit like "male gaze in touhou" (which i cannot imagine wouldn't get deleted), i wonder if that might not help us

>> No.9263099
File: 239 KB, 316x755, anicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye guys. I enjoyed this last visit!!

>> No.9263107

Why would that matter when the janitor is a militant feminist?

>> No.9263112


You fool no-one.

>> No.9263117

Then you're mistaken, because I always enjoyed talking to the two crazy moes on the archives.

4chan always was a cesspool, but I always just came here to fapping to images anyways. People expect too much from the internet in general I think.

>> No.9263122

why not just use actual image sites like pixiv or boorus?

if I rely on 4chan for images I'll just end up with five copies of the same thing

>> No.9263126
File: 230 KB, 648x1411, ultrashit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN!bar died in Afghanistan this is one of the shitposters who cracked his trip. He cracked Arc's and mine too however he didn't use mine much.

>> No.9263126,1 [INTERNAL] 

"thanks", janitor
