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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9261195 No.9261195 [Reply] [Original]

So was american Touhou a success?

>> No.9261206

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 but with all of the fun taken out and slowed down to the point that BB players have trouble staying awake watching it was, thankfully, not a success.

>> No.9261245

I still don't understand why people keep saying BB is slow. It's slower than GG, sure, but in what way is it slower than SF4? Or MvC or... pretty much anything that's not GG?
But I agree on the MvC thing. This game is just unnecessary, it doesn't add or change absolutely NOTHING to the fighter genre. It looks pretty and the music is good, but in terms of gameplay it's copy-pasted MvC with different characters.

>> No.9261243

God damn it janitor. That Christine Love thread was fun.

>> No.9261254

BB a shit, GG for life only scrabs play BB XD

>> No.9261261

Because it's a playable game. The whiners who say blazblue is slow can't even pull off FRC's or tech grabs in guilty gear.

It's just to look like they're some super hardcore badass.

>> No.9261270

I don't actually have a problem with BB's speed. It's just the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of a slow fighting game, well SamSho was, but that's different.

The point is Skullgirls is meant to be an homage to Marvel 2 and a few other games and it doesn't actually have any of the fun of any of those.

>> No.9261280

Teching in GG isn't speed based. It's entirely situation based. You can't react to a GG grab regardless of skill level.

>> No.9261328

The game has only copied MvC mechanics.
The designs of the characters and the flow of the game isn't much like MvC at all.

The game is honestly alot more similar to BB.
Mike-Z's BB experience reflects itself quite clearly in Skullgirls.

>> No.9261484
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>> No.9261531

Quite happy that it failed. Good games should be made by the Japanese.

>> No.9261600

Haha that's what you get when you try to make a fighting game with shit characters and artstyle and no Japanese seiyuus.

>> No.9261626

It's sad the genre became so damn impenetrable.
Kuso games can be fun too.

>> No.9263265
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>> No.9263277

Waiting for P4U.

>> No.9263288

Does it really suck? I put off buying it because I wasn't really sure what to expect.

How is it compared to like Arcana Heart 3 or Vanguard Princess?

>> No.9263294

The main poblem i guess it's they went for a fighting game when they should've gone for some other kind of game, maybe a sidescroller or a beat'em up.

By making it on a fighting game you get opinions like this >>9261206 and the army of fanboys who will compare it to their beloved franchise and maneuver into position to lash out a murderous barrage of shit followed by an internet hate campaing.

Honestly i never played it and barely saw threads about it, though the only ones i saw were filled mostly with shitposts

>> No.9263297

It's shit

>> No.9263304

Combos in these new fighters are way too long.

>> No.9263311

It wasn't a bad game. Harder than others, IMO, but it's just a matter of practice. The art isn't bad either, but the newer generations are full of fags who only the most expensive eye melting graphics.

>> No.9263330
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Once the patch finally hits pretty much all the long ass loops will be gone by default

>> No.9263375

Did it really fail? I thought it sold decently.

Terrible art style aside, it looked fun enough.

>> No.9264493
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Worst girl

>> No.9264503

>>dem tits and thighs

Looks fine to me d00d.

>> No.9264560
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/jp/ is intimidated by big fat cat tats

>> No.9266536
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>> No.9268663
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>> No.9268730
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Just made the OP image 100 times better in paint

>> No.9268745
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>> No.9268757

God, you weeaboos are insufferable.

>> No.9268770

Why is it when gaijin try to copy Japanese style, it always ends up looking distinctly gaijin? Can't they just like, draw better?

>> No.9268783 [DELETED] 


>> No.9268794

>it always ends up looking distinctly gaijin?

>> No.9268810 [DELETED] 

draw it better urself h0m0l0rd

>> No.9268816

IMO it's the lazy gradient shading and the unchanging stroke size that makes up the gaijin look.

As long as it's cute with huge eyes who cares.

>> No.9268826

The problem about fighters is that you just need a community in the first place to make it good.

Don't tell me that shit like Tatsunoko vs Capcom or the Hokuto no Ken fighter were any good, but they still sold well because, well people played them.

>> No.9268850
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Well, I mean like, it's obvious they went for anime-esque art, but for whatever reason, don't go all the way there, and it just has an inferior gaijin look to it. If they are gonna copy it then go all the way and make it good, otherwise just stick with western art.

>> No.9268855

I wish more people played Street Fighter x Tekken on PC. It's just me and some Brazilians.

>> No.9268869

Dirto Piggo Gaijin can't into fighters.
Here examples of Japan's Finest

And my all time favorite

>> No.9268875

Is that from the finished product?

>> No.9268878

>and it just has an inferior gaijin look to it.
Yeah Mario, Zelda, Old Pokemon games all "inferior gaijin look to it" too.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9268880

I assume so. I grabbed it from their website under screenshots.

>> No.9268885

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.9268892

I meant:
>Yeah Mario, Zelda, Old Pokemon games all have "inferior gaijin look to it" too.

>> No.9268896

I'm glad that it failed. The fanbase/viral marketers would spam damn near every fighting game thread on every fucking forum with Skullgirls propaganda for months before it came out. Annoying faggots.

>> No.9268897

That doesn't even begin to make sense. It's the complete opposite of what that poster was complaining about.

>> No.9268907

>It's the complete opposite of what that poster was complaining about.
Not really.

If you weren't so retarded you would know that he was talking about the anime artstyle.

>> No.9268909

>Combos in these new fighters are way too long.
And this is why I love my Samurai Shodown VI.

>> No.9268912

No, he's talking about westerners copying the anime art style, not easterners doing non-anime style, you pathetic waste of flesh and neurons. Go eat a sack of toxic waste and die.

>> No.9268930

I like the artstyle but you're acting like this was a personal attack on you. Calm down it's just a game.

I'd rather all indies took an art direction like this rather than Phil Phish pixelated pretentious shit.

>> No.9268941

>No, he's talking about westerners copying the anime art style, not easterners doing non-anime style
Not retard, he talking about westerners not doing a full anime style.

He implied that westerners using anime style have an "inferior gaijin look to it" and I said that Zelda and Mario games must have a inferior look too since they don't look very eastern.

>> No.9268968
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*Phil Fish

>> No.9268986

>He implied that westerners using anime style have an "inferior gaijin look to it"
Yea when they don't go and fully replicate it, it has a noticeable 'gaijin' look to her and is inferior to straight anime style done well. I mean, look at the sprites, they are super cartoony. Her hands are bigger than her face, the bodies look weird, the colours are simplistic and there isn't a ton of deal, etc. It just looks like what a western amateur attempting anime style would draw.
>I said that Zelda and Mario games must have a inferior look too
But they didn't aim for anime style and fail at it.

>> No.9269015

>the bodies look weird, the colours are simplistic and there isn't a ton of deal
I disagree.
>But they didn't aim for anime style and fail at it.
Yeah but they a "gaijin look", so they must be inferior.
Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.9269021

>LoZ has a gaijin look
are you on drugs

>> No.9269045


>> No.9269047

I see the point on the seeyuu thing, the voice actresses sound forced and awkward, made me wish I had the option to switch to japanese voices.

The sprites look great in motion, though, the weird proportions make up for craaazy animations, kinda reminds me of Darkstalkers a bit, or a less spatic MvC.

>> No.9269050

The style is some strange clusterfuck of Deviantart anime, John K, and Josh Lesnick. Frankly, it looks like crap.

But did it fail? I thought it sold well. (For an XBLA/PSN game)

>> No.9269051

I have a feeling you're from /v/

>> No.9269052


>> No.9269058

Feel whatever you want.
LoZ doesn't look Japanese.

>> No.9269068

I think you're misunderstanding him. When he says 'gaijin' he means when a westerner goes for anime style but it ends up being a weird mix of western and anime. LoZ doesn't fit this 'gaijin' style due to it not trying to look anime at all.

>> No.9269069

>Yeah but they a "gaijin look", so they must be inferior.
I'm saying gaijin look as to mean it looks like a foreigner's attempt at it. Western art itself can be fine, like the art you see in comic books and all that.

>> No.9269073

>When he says 'gaijin' he means when a westerner goes for anime style but it ends up being a weird mix of western and anime.
Nah. It's just pure weeabooness.

>> No.9269072

I think he don't mean what he do but he don't.

>> No.9269083

You are literally retarded.

>> No.9269092

It's both and you're an idiot.

>> No.9269097

Some new wolverine comics have a "eastern" influence and they look fine to me.
You are just being a biased faggot.

>> No.9269101
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PC release next month.

>> No.9269104

Sure thing, retard.

>> No.9269108

This thread is basically that's like, your opinion man and personal attacks.

>> No.9269112

You can't even come up with a unique insult? Sad.

>> No.9269121

It sold more than enough units across PS3 and 360 for the developer to break even. The game is fun but I think the character designs are the absolutely worst thing to hit games in recent years whether they were trying to be ironic with it or not.

>> No.9269125

>unique insult?
Look who's talking.

>> No.9269257

0/10 would not fug

>> No.9272232
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>> No.9272263

It was horrible tourney shit with absolutely no depth.
You know, like all the other fighting games released this gen.

>Comparing this to Touhou


>> No.9272264

>implying your shitty generic touhou fightan gaem isn't better than this piece of shit

>> No.9272298

Back to your FGG shithole. Nobody gives two shits about your e-skills.

>> No.9272301


It's just you and some BRs because there's a million better online fighters you can play on PC.

>> No.9272357


>> No.9272368
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>> No.9272373

Regardless of what you think about the Touhou fighting games I don't think calling them generic is reasonable.
Granted the idea of someone calling anything generic in the defense of Skullgirls is laughable in the first place.

>> No.9272386
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what are you guys talking about? I'm a little out of topic...

>> No.9272430

We still have the far superior Sky Arena/Tenkaichi with 2hus
Still no translation...
