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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9259213 No.9259213 [Reply] [Original]

Let's tell some /jp/ jokes.

Why'd the /jp/er cross the road?
his parents owned a mobile home

How many cocks can a /jp/er fit in their mouth at once?
Depends how many people are in the room

Why'd the /jp/er bring his computer into the bathroom?
he had to take a shitpost

What do you get when you cross a NEET, an otaku, and a hikkikomori?
a faggot

What's the first thing a /jp/er makes sure of when writing an email?
That it's addressed touhoum they want to read it

When Flan ripped her dress, what did they fix it with?
A patch-ouli

Why'd the /jp/er's dad take his son to work?
It was "take your daughter to work day"

>> No.9259222

Why'd the /jp/sie have to call his mom to pick him up from his friend's sleepover?

He couldn't fate/stay the night

>> No.9259223

Mobile homes typically never leave their foundations.

>> No.9259224

Thanks OP.

>> No.9259227

You're technically an idiot

>> No.9259235

I said typically, triple autist.

>> No.9259236

Reimu, Marisa and Yukari walk into a bar. The bartender asks to see some ID. Reimu takes out a scroll that cannot lie, Marisa takes out a broom-flying license, and Yukari unhooks her bra

>> No.9259237 [DELETED] 


you're technically a bully

"do you understand that words have the power to hurt people
i dont think you do
im not just text and pictures
theres a real person typing this and that person feels sad because of what you said
i hope some day you realise that"

- dontbullymeormyfriendschan

>> No.9259239

I these kinds of jokes.

>> No.9259248

what did the /jp/er say to the little girl?
content too lewd for this worksafe board

>> No.9259252

I admire you for sticking up for people. I wish I was that brave

>> No.9259253

I love that guy

>> No.9259255

What'd the /jp/er say to the guy talking to him in Greenwich?
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9259259

What did Marisa fill out when she applied for a locksmith position?

Her key-resume

>> No.9259263

Three /jp/sies walk into bar
Just kidding

>> No.9259268

was dontbullymeormyfriendschan banned?

if so, why?

ban evasion?

>> No.9259270


>> No.9259269


being a fag is against the rules

>> No.9259272 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 498x456, 1334382919460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a /jp/sie tries to make a joke
can't due to autism

>> No.9259274

Fuck off with your spoilers

>> No.9259278



>> No.9259283

spoiler = punchline didn't you get the memo?

>> No.9259285


You have autism

>> No.9259288

Above average, the average being underneath the barrel.

>> No.9259290

What'd the /jp/sie order at the bar?
directions to the gloryhole

>> No.9259294

Why wasn't Hong Meiling allowed to work for the SDM anymore?
She was a chink

>> No.9259299
File: 24 KB, 194x240, 153055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was "take your daughter to work day"

I like this one...

>> No.9259302


i just dont like bullies


yes, he was one of my favorite tripfriends

>> No.9259307

Why'd the /jp/er take antacids after leaving the bathroom at the rest stop?
Cocks give him heartburn

>> No.9259317
File: 110 KB, 1261x946, kagimine (84).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your thinking american whitetrash, most mobile homes internationally are essentially double deckker vans with beds

>> No.9259323

What'd the NEET's dad say to the NEET first thing in the morning?
I'm disappointed in you son

>> No.9259324
File: 135 KB, 600x600, 1320369671790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why'd the /jp/er cross the road?
He NEETed to get to the other side
>How many cocks can a /jp/er fit in their mouth at once
0, he's too poor to afford food
>Why'd the /jp/er bring his computer into the bathroom
He has a crippling addiction to computers that is ruining his life
>Why'd the /jp/er's dad take his son to work?
He didn't; he was too embarrassed of his failure of a son and long ago convinced himself that he had no children

>> No.9259327

Fix the fucking mobile site moothem.

>> No.9261269

I got some good laughs out of this before realizing you were making fun of me. Jerk.
