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9258068 No.9258068 [Reply] [Original]

Which kind of inmortality do you think is superior

the kind that makes you literally invulnerable to any kind of harm


the kind where you can get hurt and in fact you can die, but you are able to resurrect or heal in a short period of time.

>> No.9258072

the kind that makes you literally invulnerable to any kind of harm

>> No.9258084

The first one
imagine all the fun you could have

>> No.9258080

Invulnerable to any kind of harm, are you retarded?

>> No.9258092

But then you couldn't look all cool exploding into a pile of gore and regenerating in front of your shocked adversaries like Alucard!

>> No.9258094

Well I don't want to endure pain just for the sake of looking cool.

>> No.9258104

But after dieing a few thousand times you wouldn't even notice the pain you'd be so used to it!

And then when people tried to kill you, you'd just stand there grinning like a loon. You'd be so cool.

>> No.9258102

Well when you put it that way then hell yes, I want that. I can star in a show like jackass only I die gruesomely during every stunt and pop back up and throw up gang signs or something.

>> No.9258108

I'd rather not get stuck under rubble so #2 please.

>> No.9258111
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but being invulnerable sounds so boring

>> No.9258120

It's only as boring as you make it. So go to out to a warzone and punch missiles or something!

>> No.9258122

Yeah because pain is totally fun.

>> No.9258128
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The first, of course.

Resurrection immortality can lead to situations where you're just chain dying, experiencing unimaginable pain never able to get out of that situation.

It's not a good thing, you know?

>> No.9258143


like that one guy in baccano

>> No.9258145

dont know i think you could even create a fighting style based only in inmortality and regeneration and make it the best thing ever

>> No.9258152

Sounds like chain death just becomes annoying after a while like "Oh noooo I'm dead...again...ugh, this doesn't even hurt that much anymore, I want to go home..."

>> No.9258156

infinite kamikaze attacks

>> No.9258178

the latter comes with knowledge and learning
"oh so this is what it feels like to die. ouch fuck this shit, I'm gonna try to avoid it next time, wonder what my limits are"

the former just makes you an idiot
"i can't get hurt at all i'm made of some dense invulnerable material that defies all of material science k lets go punch missles."

>> No.9258181

Are you saying that you wouldn't punch a missile?

>> No.9258203

>literally invulnerable to any kind of harm
that sounds like it would make me lost all my feels

i wouldn't be able to post in KS threads!

>> No.9258205

I would, but I don't really see why. It doesn't make sense

>> No.9258209

the thing is that we are only talking about inmortality not superhuman streght or such thing, you are still a human, just that invulnerable or a regenerator.

>> No.9258213

any physicsguys or nonidiots here?

If I chose 1 and would dive to the deepest point in the ocean (just to see whats going on there)
would I be able to swim/crawl/walk back or would the pressure just limit every single movement?

>> No.9258228

>attach weights to yourself, sink the the bottom
>remove weights, float back up

>> No.9258234

The second one can be easily countered by burying you when you are fainted, or just pinning you underwater.

>> No.9258236

The kind where its very circumstantial in where you can die for good, but only in a method you can perform, and at any time you desire.

Or a sleep modo.

>> No.9258240

Well I guess that makes much more sense,

>> No.9258243

It's the same for being deathless.

If someone seals you in concrete and dumps you in the ocean, you're fucked whether you die and regenerate for all eternity or not.

>> No.9258265

Sleep mode would be pretty cool actually.

>> No.9258270
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I think number two has more of a possibility to get out of imprisoned-for-ten-thousand-years-situations. If you're crushed by rocks, you could eventually have your guts crawl out of the cracks, don't know about a human form covered in rocks.

>> No.9258273

I'd rather have a really long life span with slow aging, like 200 years, than immortality

That shit would suck after a couple of thousand years when you outlived every human and there's no internet or nowhere to order food from and you have to act like it's the stone age

>> No.9258274

Here's the problem with immortality: health points =/= ability points. If someone is able to render you immobile somehow, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. You're trapped.

What if someone propels you into space? It's game over.

>> No.9258279

Imagine going into sleepmode for 100000 years just to wake up finding yourself in some sort of glass coffin where followers have been worshiping your sleeping body for the last 1000 years

>> No.9258281

But being deathless you'll be awake every moment, so you can more easily avoid these situations.

>> No.9258283

It would limit all your movement and eventually press you into the ocean's floor. From there, sediment will slowly build up on top of you until you are completely buried in a new layer of Earth.
Buried under the immense weight of the entire ocean and encased in a rock tomb, you shall remain immobile and trapped for the rest of time. Not even death will come to let you escape. Truly a horrible fate.
If you are particularly lucky, a volcano, earthquake, or mining operation shall free you, but it is very unlikely. Maybe the oceans will shift and you will be uncovered as a living fossil. However, you will probably stay there until the end of our dear planet. Perhaps when the Sun becomes a red giant, you shall be freed yet now you will be trapped in an inferno of immense nuclear fusion. Under all the weight and energy, if you someone manage to escape and our star doesn't become a white dwarf and slowly disappears, then you shall be left to float endlessly in space. With lightyears away from any hope or resemblance of life, it shall be near impossible to make it to another planet with so much space in between and only your body to be used to slowly swim through space.
Then again, you have all the time in the world to go wherever and do whatever you want....
So maybe that far off world is not so impossible, if it is still there by the time you arrive. Best get moving.

>> No.9258291

Jesus christ

>> No.9258292

the second one would be awesome if you resurrected somewhere else of your choosing though, so if you ever got 'trapped' just suicide and *poof* you're free!

>> No.9258301

but why are there living beings on the ocean floor that don't get pressed in it?

>> No.9258309
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For number 2, do your body parts have to touch to heal? Like if you got your head cut off would you have to hold your head to the stub or will it just magically pop back on or regrow?

I don't want to end up like that voodoo guy from naruto that got blow to bits and buried alive.

>> No.9258318

because that's not how water pressure works, obviously

>> No.9258321

I could be wrong so take this post with a grain of salt, but I think I learned a long time ago that pressure inside a fluid is distributed evenly. That should be why submarines compress into a ball, not into pancake.

So water pressure should be felt 360 degrees, meaning it doesn't just crush you into the ground. From that point on, it's a simple matter of adapting to the extreme pressures.

I think.

>> No.9258323

Imagine getting into a black hole with the first one.

You would be blind and feel nothing until the end of our universe

>> No.9258337

>For number 2, do your body parts have to touch to heal?

No, they could desintegrate in billion of pieces and follow you and reatach where they belong

>> No.9258332

They are properly pressurized and adapted to the environment.
They might explode if you brought them to the surface.
The human body and muscle system isn't designed to work under such pressure.
That is unless you take the Magic School Bus down there.

And the truly deepest parts of the ocean, like the real deal deepest parts are uninhabitable by anything.

>> No.9258343

Or is it? The only way to find out would be if you had the balls to go down there with tour fancy invulnerability!

>> No.9258344

>And the truly deepest parts of the ocean, like the real deal deepest parts are uninhabitable by anything.

That one expedition to the challenger deep back in the 70's or whatever found some kind of flounder.

>> No.9258339

Not to mention the whole deal with the spacetime continuum, making the time you spend inside the black hole less than time outside.

>> No.9258347

Well I was more inquiring about the point that they don't get sunk in like he said in the post.
Which makes sense now, since water pressure works from all sides at the same time.

>> No.9258349

The pressure under a liquid is linear. The difference you'd feel between your head and feet at 10 feet is the same as 1000 feet. It's not like you're going to go past a certain depth and then suddenly the water pressure pins you to the ground. If you can float up from 10 feet, you can float up from the mariana trench, as long as your density and/or volume don't change.. Though this is all assuming you're untouchable immortal.

You'd be fucked if you were regeneration immortal. The pressure would burst through your sinus cavity and ears into your head scrambling your brain, and your torso would be crushed to the size of a basketball. The water pressure would compress you until you're no longer buoyant, and then you're sinking to the bottom. You'd just be perma dead and unable to regenerate until something else drags you to the surface.

>> No.9258360

So water pressure does affect submerged objects equally at all points?

>> No.9258363

Like the Iron Giant but with human parts. Hopefully faster though.

>> No.9258369

>hopefully faster though

Like in Baccano. All your blood and guts instantly shoot back to where they're supposed to be.

>> No.9258373

You would go down there and find all the other immortals stuck and hanging out waiting for the oceans to shift.
You could give them an update on Touhou in the outside world.

>"We don't have anything to do down here but we did find an old copy of Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream and now just play it until the end of time. Hope the next guy brings a new game...."

>> No.9258375
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what kind of inmortal is dr manhattan ?

>> No.9258382
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Okay that was funny

>> No.9258384

He's not even immortal. You could probably dismantle him with proper science. What makes Dr. Manhattan so absurdly powerful isn't his "immortality," but his spacetime manipulation ability.

>> No.9258389

The best kind of immortality is the highlander type of immortality where you must kill other immortals.

>> No.9258408

and maybe come to a mutual agreement with one of them to team up and kill the rest of them leaving only you two, that way you can live as long as you want and you will have someone around that can end it for you once you get bored.

Did that happen in any of the movies?

>> No.9258422

Who would give up ultimate power for an eternal best bud?

I'd find it awfully hard to be best buds with someone, knowing that if they died I'd be some kind of demi-god.

>> No.9258503


For every foot you go down, water pressure increases by about 0.43 psi. There's always a small difference between the pressure at the top and bottom of an object, but that difference will be the same at any depth. There's always more pressure on the deeper bottom of an object than the higher top, which is why things float, as long as the force difference is greater than the object's weight.

>> No.9258538

It sounds like the kind of thing that ends with mutual betrayal and dramatic tears.

>> No.9258551

Shit, man, I'll become the carbon Terminator. I'll take regenerative immortality.

>> No.9258556

Enjoy being buried alive.

>> No.9258557

>implying I wouldn't vibrate my way out of the dirt

>> No.9258564

Who are you quoting, radical larry?

>> No.9258565

Sounds like a shaky plan.

I'll get my coat.

>> No.9263133

I always wanted some sort of immortality, but lately I've been feeling affraid that if I ever got immortality the US government would end up finding out about it and send a team to kidnap me so they could perform all sort of cruel, gruesome experiments on me in a place like area 51 or something.

That's why now I want to be an immortal shapeshifter who can stop time.

>> No.9263137
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>> No.9263146

If you body regenerates every time after you get killed then your nerve connections will regenerate to be in the same way they were before you get killed. Meaning you'd still feel every ounce of pain after dying a million times.

>> No.9263195

second, would be a good party trick
