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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9257688 No.9257688 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Japan for 3 weeks and dunno what to do, any ideas?

>> No.9257697


>> No.9257701

leave the airport and go home. you're going to be really disappointed.

>> No.9257706

suck my cock i can give you a vacation you truly won't forget you fucking faggot

>> No.9257707

If you're going to Tokyo, hit up all the best restaurants. A sizeable chunk of Japan's culture is in its food.

>> No.9257710

molest women on trains

>> No.9257712


Hey, this isn't funny any more. Stop threadshitting with it.

>> No.9257715


i never said it was funny. suck my fucking cock

>> No.9257719


fyi you are going to get banned if MARMANDY JONES catches you shitposting

he's been handing out perma-boardbans for this

>> No.9257722


I certainly don't want to be banned. What can I do to stop such a horrible fate from befalling on me?

>> No.9257731

I am also going to japan.

>> No.9257733

Aw shit, I'm also going next tuesday.

>> No.9257736 [DELETED] 

I would say use the chance to buy a few PC Engines, Mega Drives and Super Famicom games but I am guessing you are some poor fuck who got a free vacation for graduating from high school from mommy and daddy.

>> No.9257737

you can try sucking on my cock dude

>> No.9257751

Eat everything.
Even the stuff you usually hate. For example I can't stand pumpkin but when I had it in japan I didn't hate it.

>> No.9257757


You don't even know how glad I would be to suck your cock dude.

>> No.9257759

Level 99 weeaboo

>> No.9257803

pumpkin are not eat outside of japan?

>> No.9257811


No. Only in pie and soup. Doing so brings great i insult to Americans and their culture

>> No.9257813

I fucking hate Pumpkins.

>> No.9257814



Was that the guy who payed to become a moderator?

>> No.9257817

son pumpkins are nasty as shit. only poor plebs eat pumpkin.

>> No.9257818


i believe you have misconceptions about MARMANDY JONES

>> No.9257830

I'm also going next month.

>> No.9257832


what if they are smashed as in smashing pumpkins

the smashing pumpkins if you will

>> No.9257855

Who wants to be on that long ass air flight to Japan?

>> No.9257866


>> No.9257874

i am going to write a blog about my experience in japan because clearly people haven't been doing this for years and it will be interesting and cool

>> No.9257879

I know OP is a shitposter but I need to get some shitposting out of my system there couldn't have been a better thread.

>> No.9257932

Just go there and don‘t come back.

Face the real nippon, coward!

Stop being a bitch, find a work th
ere and raise a family with some 
autistic girl you‘ll eventually m

>> No.9257972



Japan needs babies. NOW.

Only you can save Japan with your seed.

>> No.9258039

in the suffering of discrimination

>> No.9258086

im on vacation in japan right now, went to Hiroshima yesterday, been on a butt load of shinkansen and also been to Miyashima Yatsuyama and going to Kyoto and Osaka soon.

>> No.9258106

>went to Hiroshima
enjoy your cancer

>> No.9258119

hardy har har

>> No.9258124

I will be going to japan in October for three months I want to marry and impregnate a woman in japan and live happily ever after, how do I go about doing this jaypee I will also be backpacking

>> No.9258133

no it doesn't. the "great depression" shit is just nature returning the human population to more normal numbers. there's way too many people all over the world, it's unnatural.

>> No.9258155


It may be unnatural, but I don't want to die.

>> No.9258154

Next comes the part where all the loud ghetto people dominate the world and the zombie epidemic, Antarticans will survive and watch as humanity falls to pieces, then they shall breed like crazy and a new era with smart people and zero gangsters shall occur

>> No.9258160

Just go to some rural place in Hokkaido and wait for things happen.

>> No.9258163
File: 67 KB, 500x398, Ainuclan warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go visit the ancient ruins that pre date the Jomon, Ainu, and Japanese.

I have no idea where they are or what they are called, but I know they exist.

Japan's temples are great, but rarely do you see or hear about the ancient structures.

Visit the Ainu and ask them about their legends.

Please visit a big big Japanese DVD store and come back to tell us what you find and what/how many Japanese delinquent movies there are.
Please tell us how much DVDs cost too.

Japanese military is awesome too, so that would be cool to see.


>> No.9258162

it's not about dying, it's about reducing new births. less new births = less young people, so once the old people die off the population gets smaller, resources become cheaper and more available etc.

>> No.9258166

Become Mokou otherwise tough luck pass on your seed and do your best to have a happy life, also don't make other people's lives miserable

>> No.9258182
File: 46 KB, 400x427, kafuka_fuura_sayonara_zetsubou_sensei-_hyperbolic-ironical-innocence400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love Story in Hokkaido
I shall pass on my seed and live a happy life of farming, true hard work during the day, love and family time in the evening

>> No.9258187

Japan has a fragile economy, so decreasing birth rates isn't good for the country.

>> No.9258196
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But the only people having children are the loud obnoxious mal mannered teenagers, all the depressed people are the ones with the right genes, the next generations could spell disaster for the world with the scientific progression we have

>> No.9258198
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Sometimes I wish I had someone to hold me when I'm about to die. Then I remember I'm terribly afraid of humans and would ask you to leave.

>> No.9258218

It shall adapt, the Yakuza may end up taking over once the economy becomes super weak or many amerikans will leave and live a happy life with an autistic girl over there, same goes for the chubby landwhales in the US dominating some nippon men

>> No.9258231

Then comes the part where I come in dressed as your favorite animal and hold you telling you it'll be allright

>> No.9258244

then drop your standards and go have kids with some depressed hambeast.

>> No.9258247 [DELETED] 

And now I realize the deep down problem that has grew for years to make me hate this board.

>> No.9258293
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I'm OK with this.

>> No.9258473

I went to Hokkaido once, I got in the local newspaper twice for participating in local activities, it was pretty strange. I was in a town with 0 income from tourism so I was the first white guy many people had ever seen in the flesh.

I actually found Ainu history to be somewhat boring, they came across from mongolia before the japanese, decided to revere bears as gods while sacrificing them until the Japanese decided to come along use their land for farming and telling them that their rituals were barbaric and that they should stop.

In the 1970s liberal guilt kicked in and the ainu got their rights back, I visited an ainu village/museum and the bears were so depressing, constantly vomiting and eating it back up. You could feel them cookies through tubes if you felt the need to. The smell was horrible.

>> No.9258480 [DELETED] 

I was in Japan twice!!



it's full of Japanese shit and the shit you expect

>> No.9258491

Bring a nice pair of binaculars, a folding chair, and some tacos. Find an elementary school with alot of girls in it, find a place to hide yourself, and watch girls from afar. Use tacos to cure empty stomach.

>> No.9258588

Can I take one home?

>> No.9258669

Did you get laid?

>> No.9258695

Or use the tacos as bait to get them back to your room

>> No.9258704

Visit all of the roadside stations you can. They're all really different, and have a lot of neat local stuff.

>> No.9258717


Did mothers offer their ripe pre-teen daughters to you?

>> No.9258819

Yes I got laid but it wasn't with a local girl, just another student who came with me to study in Hokkaido.

Unfortunately not.

>> No.9259594
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Go visit Aokigahara! Great tourist spot.

>> No.9259865
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Where are you flying into? Are you visiting a specific region? Are you limited by budget or other factors? I'm currently living in Japan, and I'm actually willing to give you a serious answer.

>> No.9259877

actually if you did go there you could probably find money, cellphones and many other useful things from people that decided to remove themselves from the gene pool

>> No.9259900

I'm in Japan right now, only two more days to go. Damn tour group, restrictions on everything. Being a dirty chinaman doesn't help either

>> No.9259914
File: 78 KB, 752x465, shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get banned only for 3 days

>> No.9259942

That is one hell of a great ban.

>> No.9259959


>> No.9260668

Op here, I'm actually going to take a ferry out of Busan South Korea to Shimonoseki, I'll have about 3k to have fun with, but of course I'm gonna be cheap as fuck as possible if I can.

>> No.9260684 [DELETED] 

lel i got banned for 14 days last time i shitposted

>> No.9260711


>> No.9260713 [DELETED] 

Reported for ban evasion.

>> No.9260721

What kind of shitpost?

>> No.9260731

Please review the global rules before posting.

>> No.9260920


>> No.9263094
File: 49 KB, 500x374, Ainu_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have way more history than that man
I can't even explain how unjust that Ainu history skim through was

Go buy a book on them and their legends shit bro
