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9256723 No.9256723 [Reply] [Original]

What did you do today, /jp/?

>> No.9256732

Play games.

>> No.9256726

Woke up and ate a bagel because we have no other food.

>> No.9256725

Koishi is the best Toehou

>> No.9256730

I drove a bear away from the Pizza Hut garbage by throwing rocks at it

I think it's the same bear from last week

>> No.9256742
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Bagels are delicious. :3

>> No.9256745
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>> No.9256747

I'm currently thinking about my life and where I am heading.

It's depressing, Koishi makes me smile tho.

>> No.9256752

Worked as a janitor with the most obnoxiously awkward jackass of a person ever. The kind of guy who absolutely loves hearing themselves talk, but then when you decide to chat them up, they blatantly ignore you. Literally stand there and say nothing as if they didn't hear you when you were speaking right to their face

He kind of pissed me off, but oh well. I now come home to a picture of a very cute Koishi. This day went well!

>> No.9256757

Now who's fault is that?

>> No.9256759
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Read through all of the doujinshi from なんとか生きてます。 that I have, listened to new Reitaisai 9 albums, played Miracle Party.

>> No.9256769

Stayed a night at my friends cottage (there were not enough beds for all 5 of us so I had to sleep beside him). Came back somewhere morning time and been alternating between playing with my little brother and reading Grisaia. Have been wondering about tulpa lately and wether I should start making one (presuming I'm capable of doing so and that it's not complete bullshit).

>> No.9256768
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>> No.9256773

I cried in a mall that suddenly appeared next to my house. I mean fuck, I know I don't get out much but fuck... A whole mall was built while I was masturbating in my room..

>> No.9256783

>A whole mall was built while I was masturbating in my room..

>> No.9256793


He really gets into it sometimes, okay?

>> No.9256795

Destroyed my server's configurations by accident and on the worst day to do it.
Fixing it all this morning.

>> No.9256792


Have a good night, anon. ^_^

>> No.9256806

He doesn't leave often so he didn't notice the changes in the area. It happens.

>> No.9256808

I stayed indoors and watched Sergeant Frog for several hours. Inspired by that, I wanted to see which Netflix animu had some more decent dubs but then remembered that anything spoken in filthy gaijin tongue will be demonized by weeaboos. I also played some SotN and farmed several hours trying to get those fucking rare weapons and armor.

Seriously, fuck Dodo Birds.

>> No.9256813


Aww, that sucks...

>> No.9256822

Stop responding to every post with your false sympathy.

>> No.9256819

Basically this
I meant as I "joke"

>> No.9256831


Oh, okay.

>> No.9256874

Don't worry anon! People will surely stop responding!

>> No.9256949

Do you listen to black metal and think that all human are evil and corrupt by nature?

Just wondering...

>> No.9257068

I went to sleep 4AM, woke up around 6:30 and spent the next 3
hours in a state of being awake and going back to sleep.

Then I finally fell back asleep and woke up around 11, fapped, took a shower, sat outside for about an hour, took a nap outside using my thighs as a head and arm rest,woke up (not really sure how long I was asleep) because sitting on a concrete stair hurts your ass after a while, went back in an slept some more, and I finally woke up a few minutes ago ready to start a new day/night!

>> No.9257082
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Watch Germany lose in the Euro semifinals. Still devastated.

I didn't do much else.

>> No.9257089

I don't know. All I remember is waking up at 3 PM, and now it's 8:52 PM. I honestly don't remember what I did most of the day, but it probably wasn't all that great

>> No.9257101

Played Pokemon White 2

>> No.9257228 [DELETED] 

Nitzy Von Fuehrerhammer

>> No.9257234

Woke up an hour ago but I'm still tired so I'm rocking back and forth while listening to music

>> No.9257272

My nendo finally came in the mail today, spent most of the day posing it. It's the first one I've ever bought, and I can't help but smile when I glance at it on my desk.

>> No.9257402

Ah... I too was like that when starting. Now with every subsequent figure I feel less and less satisfaction to the point it feels like "Well that was a good way to spend 160 euros, I might even glance at it once in a while". ;_;

>> No.9257417

I've been getting random heart pains so I stopped drinking a huge cup of soda everyday and went to the gym

One of the few perks of living in the south is that no one goes to the gym so it wasn't embarrassing working our

>> No.9257440

Grinded some kanji, done with the jouyou kanji within the week.

>> No.9257443

Finally started Ar Tonelico. Pretty fun. I really wish I could play without the slowdown though.

>> No.9257444

Got back from a 26 mile backwoods backpacking trip into Nature's own icebox. Currently bemoaning the fragility of human skin.

>> No.9257463


Jokes on you, I got my Mounerblade in less than five minutes, bwahaha! Please hug me, I'm still at 199,8% ;_;

>> No.9257472

I went to my job at a call center, listened to lunatics complain about petty nonsense for eight and a half hours, realize I need glasses very badly, and then came home and ate a whole box of shells and white cheddar.

>> No.9257478

I really like Youmu, she's been my favorite Touhou since I heard of the series, and finally having her on my desk is a really great feeling, even if it really is just a bunch of plastic.

>> No.9257485

>Dodo Bird

I think you meant Runeblade.

>> No.9257744

Watched a video of Yukapon taking a piss.


>> No.9257834
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>> No.9257853
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>> No.9257911

What the fuck.

>> No.9258105

Woke up
played Hisoutensoku
tried to play PSO2 but the servers are down so that didn't happen
played Mountain of Faith
played more Hisoutensoku
rewatched all of FLCL
played DDR
realized I hadn't eaten all day, ate some leftover rice and a raw steak because I didn't feel like cooking
came to /jp/ and reported a few shitposts
and now I'm here.

>> No.9258136
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I visited krautchan and got banned

>> No.9258148
File: 62 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20120628_143523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed demons.

Are their any /jp/-related mods for Doom?

>> No.9258192
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>kill counter less than 100%

And there's a yukkuri mod everyone knows about. Are there others?

>> No.9258219


Nah, it's just that when I first played SoTN back when it was released, it took me several days to drop the Mounerblade. I got really happy with this recent outburst of luck.

>> No.9258278

X-X!V''Q also the weapon variety is pretty neat.

>> No.9259144

Woke up late and missed a volunteer meeting for something, finished up searching for JAVs and ate some breakfast. Now just /jp/ and tf2 idling.

>> No.9259158

couple episodes of anime
skyped with some bros
went outside on a nightwalk to the gas station. awkwardly bought sunflower seeds then left.

10/10 would repeat again at least 8 times

>> No.9259178


>> No.9259247
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Was bored so attacked someone and got put in jail pretty cool day.

>> No.9259254
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Started playing DOJBL again. I found some new ways to deal with problem areas in the second loop. I'm also starting to think that I can fully chain 2-5 more consistently than 1-5. Feels good and bad.

Pirated, played, and beat Gigantic Army on Normal and Hard just now. Pretty fun action/platformer. It's really easy though, I'll have to check out Insane mode later.

And now I'm going to watch Hana & Alice.

PS. Can you spot the truNEET?

>> No.9259265

me on the left
btw im a girl

>> No.9259273

wake up
download shit
eat banana
check fridge
eat papaya
play 2hu
download shit

>> No.9259271

I ate 12 Triple Double Oreos and drank a liter of iced genmaicha.

>> No.9259276
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tsumiki desktop dancer

>> No.9259277

Did laundry, watched Jormungand 12, went to class, played fightan games with some friends.

Current mood: Sleepy
Current music: Der Blutharsch

>> No.9259279
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>> No.9259284

Fuck, today I need to get prepared for my exam on 1st of July, but I dont give a fuck. Probably gonna play 2hu and watch cowboy bebop.

>> No.9259320
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Today I woke up because it's too hot to sleep and because strange crow was hitting my window with its beak. It's very early.

>> No.9259328

>Gigantic Army

Capital taste.

>> No.9262384

What was it?

>> No.9262417

>tsumiki desktop dancer
Would you mind sharing that?

>> No.9262462


Lucky you. I wish crows would annoy me. I could watch them all day.

>> No.9262484

Quit job with hopes to spend time with 3D

>> No.9262495

Looked up how to cure depression
Realized it was everything I don't like doing

The thing is, I don't know I don't legit like doing it, or if the depression is causing me to not like it.

>> No.9262494

I watched Moon.

It was good.

>> No.9262508

I have the fouth of july week off of work.
Gonna spend the majority of it playing the new RO server.
Meeting up with a /jp/ today in an hour.

>> No.9262518
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I've been playing free rpgmaker games since yesterday.

>> No.9262529

Oh, I actually just downloaded today. I'm having a movie marathon with Drive, Donnie Darko, Moon, and Black Swan. I missed out on some western media.

>> No.9262561 [DELETED] 
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watching the nico nico feed

>> No.9262602

Played with my new computer.
Got drunk, alone.
Posted on /jp/ about it.

>> No.9262610

I looked at pictures online and browsed /jp/. I had salmon for dinner for the first time. Other than that I do pretty much nothing anymore these days. I can't believe how busy some of you people are, considering you're NEETs. Movie marathons? Playing games? If you're a real NEET you've long since lost the willpower to do anything but hang on the internet all day.

>> No.9262616

This is where I'm at
but where do you go from there? when the internet stops being entertaining.
to bed

>> No.9262624

I think this treads on legit hikikomori territory.

The reason I am able to do these things personally is because I believe I HAVE to consume certain media. I hardly ever enjoy it though. When I'm not forcing myself to do this, I have the same thing. The internet is really boring already.

>> No.9262622

Stop that anon. Some of us actually enjoy our hobbies and lifestyle.

>> No.9262640

I was doing the same actually.

I'd recommend Troll Hunter if you haven't seen it, amazing movie.

>> No.9262673


I need money for a new HD. I have 3TB of backlog (mostly music) I never got to, and I'm running out of space.

I think I have a virtual version of that disease where people can't get rid of things they don't use or whatever.

>> No.9262679

I've watched LOGH Gaiden 2 (Spiral Labyrinth).
It was fun.

>> No.9262676

There are a lot of crows living close to my home and they aren't scared of humans at all. It feels like I was watched by them all time instead of watching them. They sometimes bring food to eat while sitting on roof of my room and it's very loud.

>> No.9262692

Thank you for asking, anon.

I braved the 106F heat and finally got my car fixed, took two new ignition coils and a new MAF. Then I went to the store and bought stuff for bbq chicken sandwiches and some wheat ale. Now I am about to watch some Ika Musume and take it easy.

>> No.9262700
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There's tons of crows where I live, too. They usually bug my dogs and make noise all day.

There's owls by my house as well... always making noise at night.

>> No.9262775




>> No.9262947
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Gigantic-Army-Insane-11.43m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Gigantic Army on Insane. That was definitely way more fun than Normal & Hard mode. Pretty good game.

>> No.9263000

That's a strange looking emacs.

>> No.9263028

Played some cosmic break fapped to some trap in a maid outfit shitting on a plate then spreading her shit on herself as she masturbated.

then played PSO BB most of the time trying to hunt for that fucking Lavis Cannon. That shits drop rate is 1/28808. Been over two weeks now of hunting and nothing.

>> No.9263031

played dota 2 and bw while waiting for the iro servers to come up, which they haven't yet
