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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9255758 No.9255758 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Japanese people like cats so much? Is it because they ate all the dogs already?

>> No.9255764

That's a cute Sudo picture.

>> No.9255768


>> No.9255793
File: 100 KB, 560x451, PIGGY1@#%tg@rewtgfdX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9255801


>> No.9255810

because you watch too much anime

>> No.9255828
File: 154 KB, 922x692, kitten-bouquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't like cats?

>> No.9255862

I had cats growing up. Then I got a dog. He's a lot cooler than my cats ever were.

>> No.9255883

The cat in front is truNEET as HELL

>> No.9255925

I was attacked by dogs when I was a kid. I don't remember the first time, but it ended with me getting stitches in my face. The second time, a dog that I had never touched or teased or anything had managed to break its leash off of whatever was attaching it to its house, chased me down, and mauled me horribly. What followed was WEEKS of agony.

On the other hand, cats are gentle and kind and soft and affectionate and have never horribly wounded me. Cats are superior.

>> No.9260259

I don't get these people who had a few bad experiences with [insert animal here] and then fear and hate them for the rest of their lives. When I was a kid, I got chased and attacked by the big-ass geese that lived in the park near my house about half a dozen times every nesting season, and it didn't lead to any waterfowl-related trauma.

>> No.9260266

I'm really cold person. But. Awwww.....! ♥

>> No.9260279

a dog can kill you, a cat can't..

the only advanteges of a dog are for practical use, such as drug dog, blind dog or of your savety dog.

>> No.9260287

I now wish to purchase my own pigsphere.

>> No.9260324

>a dog can kill you, a cat can't..
as a level 1 wizard, I am offended by your comment.

>> No.9260362
File: 175 KB, 941x1084, 27848805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just that good.

>> No.9260376

Haha, he's afraid of dogs!

>> No.9260394

you're right, but dogs have limited potential as companions. they are a fighter-like class, but they miss the field-exploitable skillsand the higher base hp of wolves. so they're good only for tanking or close dps.
cats on the other hand, are pretty lok on damage, but their roguelike class make them useful for a variety of things. consider also their higher charisma, and the fact that their criticals can incapacitate definitely anybody, if they land on the right location (eyes genitals)

>> No.9260403

I want a really tiny one of those brown pigs with white stripes. I never see them here in the US though. Most pet pigs are black.

>> No.9260413

>a dog can kill you

If you'r 3 years old or a HUGE pussy, maybe.

>> No.9260424

haven't you ever played call of duty? dogs can kill you easily unless you snap their neck

>> No.9260486
File: 35 KB, 500x376, ovcharka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if ever you saw a normal dog in your life, but where I live (kazakstan), dogs can easily kill you.

>> No.9260498

humans can kill you too, but you don't...oh wait, nevermind, it/s /jp/.

>> No.9260519

That looks so fluffy

>> No.9260581

how retardet can you be to compare animals with humans.

No matter how long you educate your pet, it can act unpredictable and attack his own owner or little girls on the street.
