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9255603 No.9255603 [Reply] [Original]

That moment when you realize that Saiya is a shoggoth

>> No.9255620
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>> No.9255625

teke li li
teke li li

>> No.9255629

I still stuck my dick into that eldritch horror.

>> No.9255669

Nope. Shoggoths are mostly earthbound since the Elder Things cobbled them together from native organic matter, also somehow fucking up and creating Ubbo-Sathla in the process. Saya was shunted onto Earth from parts unknown and by beings who are not Elder Things, since the latter were pretty fine with Earth's atmosphere and certainly needed no terraforming. Also, shoggoths aren't that intelligent in the beginning and slowly evolve their sapience while Saya has a supercomputer inbuilt into her from the beginning.

And a shoggoth would have the tekeli-li verbal tic appended at the end of each sentence. "O-onii-chan, it's my first time so p-please be gentle, tekeli-li~" and so on. And shoggoths don't even feed on meat, they just roll on things. They're actually pretty gentle, if you could call a freight train gentle.

>> No.9255686

Pfff... Like japs know those things. Fucking Herbert is a rocker. Etc

>> No.9255729
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>> No.9255737
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I've never actually read Saya but she sure is cute.

>> No.9255740

Come to think of it, the Cthulhu Mythos suffers from a lot of the same bullshit Touhou does. Particularly terrible fan works because it's a "collective" story, and stupid secondaries spouting memes without reading the source material.

>> No.9255783

If he knows Three-Lobed Burning Eye and the Tick-Tock Man and God of the Bloody Tongue and all those Nyarlathotep avatars, I damn well expect him to know about shoggoths.

He's probably better off in Mythos department than you, given how there are references to the Great Old One shipping nonsense courtesy of Derleth. Speaking of Derleth, he has all the Lovecraftian horror erotic fiction you'd ever wish for, I think he's the one who wrote that story about how Cthulhu has a daughter and plans to impregnate her with himself (he'll mate with her but transfer his essence to the fetus and be reborn in her womb or something) in order to get around that "only move when stars are right" caveat.

>> No.9255819

Who ever said otherwise? You nerd. Anyway. I am terribly interested in it. But that Herbert reference was for one anime. And like all borrowed fluff japs take it very lightly. I'd be so bold to say they don't know a shit. Or just don't care.

>> No.9255875

>But that Herbert reference was for one anime.

Read Demonbane. Also, delete this thread. I don't know what possessed me to even reply to it. Y'golonac maybe.

>> No.9255865

I've oly read the original Lovecraft novels. I tried some of the posterior authors, but its just not the same. people understimates Lovecraft actual writing skills and only consider the chtulhu setting, but to tell the truth, when I was a kid I was more scared by the non directly mythos-related novels, like the rats in the walls one.

>> No.9255900

Why, they ever cared about being close to the source material of something?

>> No.9255902

No. It was not that one. But just some anime. Like from years ago. Also you responded in this thread because you are such a nerd who couldn't resist correcting something in it. It happens.

>> No.9255907
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>I don't know what possessed me to even reply to it. Y'golonac maybe.

>> No.9255910

Nodens a shit

>> No.9255924

Fuck off, Nyarlathotep

>> No.9255981
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I'm the most painful show in years and you can't do nothing about it!

>> No.9256000

Glory be to the God of the Bloody Ahoge.

Now fuck off back to /a/.
