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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.07 MB, 1360x768, persona born in USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9254063 No.9254063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you yuropoors(and other irrelevant people) deal with the fact you weren't born in USA?

>> No.9254069

Britlord here

I only watch American television and movies, listen to American music, eat American cuisine, visit American websites, read American literature, follow American politics etc.

I can pretend.

>> No.9254082

I don't
I wish I could move there

>> No.9254080

USA a shit.

it'd be nice to be born somewhere else in yurop where you can actually live off autism bucks though.

>> No.9254088

Like this:

But what about you? Do you enjoy sucking Jewish cocks?

>> No.9254099
File: 103 KB, 961x960, USA eagle-san20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? I'm sure you enjoy all those mudslime and arab cocks in your ass.

>> No.9254097


>> No.9254105

Thank god i'm not american

>> No.9254141
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x768, american-eagle-flag-head-31000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this eagle.

I'm adding it to my (the official /jp/) eagle collection.

>> No.9254136

Holy fuck, my country is outlawing circumcision?!
Why now, and not when I was a helpless little baby, without any defense against the whims of my parents?

>> No.9254137
File: 566 KB, 895x2388, mq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9254138


>> No.9254153
File: 181 KB, 504x353, USA eagle-san15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one too

>> No.9254158
File: 16 KB, 321x400, USA eagle-san14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254163

The funny thing about TIME is that the covers might be different, but the articles are all the same.

>> No.9254165
File: 12 KB, 333x250, USA eagle-san10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254168
File: 514 KB, 600x432, eagle-stare-eric-belford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get greedy, kid.

>> No.9254172

>How do you yuropoors(and other irrelevant people) deal with the fact you weren't born in USA?

Pretty badly. Not having easily-obtainable, large displacement Vee-Aights with negligible tax, firearms and good quality burgers suck.

>> No.9254176

This is why I love you.
Will you gay marry me as two little girls pretending to be middle aged fujoshi pretending to be young intellectual men with depressive disorders pretending to be underage /b/tards pretending to be little girls, sharing one heart and one passion?

>> No.9254177 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 549x547, poncho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys do you like my poncho?

>> No.9254181

Pretty good. Being a slav feels great.

>> No.9254196
File: 130 KB, 504x337, american-dream2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm sure you enjoy all that poverty, slavshit.

>> No.9254197

Europe: The world is fucked
US: Bad things are good

>> No.9254204

Not exactly. I live in the US.

>> No.9254203

Plenty of US mags report that the world is shit, that image just shows that TIME is owned by the government and is a shitty magazine.

>> No.9254211
File: 49 KB, 600x413, USA 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, tell that before you post.

>> No.9254213

Nice try Yuropoor.
Think with me.
In the U.S., who subscribes to Time? Your dentist and your grandma.

Overseas, who subscribes to Time? English-speaking global elites.

Think about it: The biggest barrier to entry when it comes to reading Time is being able to speak English. In the U.S., that's not a barrier at all. If you're in Brazil or Afghanistan or China, that's a huge barrier.

The people that subscribe to or buy Time overseas are a) very well educated, b) have enough disposable income to waste money on leisure reading, and c) are by definition interested in the world at large, since they're paying money to read a U.S.-based magazine rather than a domestic one. They're the perfect audience for weighty pieces about war and the environment.

>> No.9254216

Since 4chan was created by an American for Americans I think he should ban all the filthy scum that isn't American from 4chan. /jp/ would be clean once more, no more saten threads or dick sucking threads or THAT CHAIR WHEN.

>> No.9254220

Shouldn't you be in a park doing some retarded dance to horrible Russian pop music while wearing a tracksuit?

>> No.9254225


The bad shitposters are all foreign scum who never received a proper education and treatment for their autism. Instead they get paid to be autistic.

>> No.9254229
File: 1 KB, 160x160, face_othergreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9254230

A lot of them like to brag about how they are on benefits, it truly is repulsive.

>> No.9254231
File: 74 KB, 550x412, slavland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254233


Only in America do you get autismbux. The UK isn't part of Europe, so you don't actually get paid to be autistic anywhere in Europe.

>American education

>> No.9254235

>very well educated
USA still fails to realize that being able to speak 2 languages is nothing special.

>> No.9254237

>American level
>Hamburger music starts playing
>Applause upon completion

>> No.9254243

The truNEET shit was the downfall of /jp/. Being an autistic non-contributing zero spamming spurdo and flanshit suddenly became acceptable, nay, preferred.

There's a difference between being a loser and a loser idiot.

>> No.9254244

How do Amerilards deal with the fact they're an artificial country with no history?

>> No.9254254

Nice try, yuroshit. Americans needn't languages other than American, since we don't live in a piss-poor shithole like you.

>> No.9254251

By being the most important country, scumbag.

>> No.9254257

They inveade other countries and steal their history.

>> No.9254260

by eating 20 more cheeseburgers

>> No.9254262


They eat more

>> No.9254269


>american level
>music is clapping
>cheeseburger is health item

>> No.9254273

Look at you trying to insult glorious Americans will speaking American, and yes it is American and not English. We took it as ours when we raped them and sent them back to their lands. Remain forever butt devastated yurocunt.

>> No.9254278

I thought the truneet people were separate from the flanshit posters

>> No.9254275

The only thing that bothers me about my country is that the exchange rate is a bitch and online shopping ends up expensive. Electronics are also pricey for the same reason, a decent PC will eat your entire monthly salary in here.

>> No.9254281
File: 19 KB, 240x174, Z_GAYBRO gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw yuros get butthurt because their country will never be as relevant as USA

>> No.9254291

You fail to understand my point, my monolingual friend.

In Yurope, there are a lot of people who speak at least 2 languages. It is definitely not just the intellectual elite.

>> No.9254292

Europe is the centre of the world.
For the past 1500 years, Europe dominated the world.

Enjoy your streak of what, 50 years, of being on top. It won't last and you will be remembered as that one country that started wars all the time and failed to create an empire.

>> No.9254295
File: 279 KB, 852x1974, muslim cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your mudslime cock and Sharia Law.

>> No.9254297

The difference is that you have to, because your miserable countries are so closely cramped together that learning more languages is essentially a requirement, as opposed to a humor.

>> No.9254306

>1500 years
>implying sandniggers weren't the greatest power during much of the middle ages

>> No.9254304
File: 206 KB, 480x1681, real difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never has an image been more relevant

>> No.9254308
File: 29 KB, 482x800, 1340896148203235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread

>> No.9254310


>> No.9254311

How do Britfags deal with being the dumbest nation in the world?


>> No.9254312

>Europe is the centre of the world.
More like the centre of emigration for niggers from 3rd World Countries.

>> No.9254315


>> No.9254317
File: 47 KB, 640x432, 1340250503752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep crying, bitch nigga.

>> No.9254319

Yes, Europe is popular among everyone. Just like the centre of the world should be.

>> No.9254323

South american superior lord here.
I would like to move to a lot of countries, but never to USA.
Japan > Europe > America

>> No.9254326

Eastern Rome was already dead by that time. Byzantium was a sandnigger shithole.

>> No.9254327

Oh, you mean the superpower that BROKE APART about 1500 years ago?
They were big earlier, but not during the middle ages. (Well, constantinopel persisted until it was raided by muslims, but I don't really think that puts the Romans above sandniggers)

>> No.9254330

you can get autism bucks anywhere in Yurop. it's just that most countries are more strict about it than USA.

>> No.9254332
File: 121 KB, 650x453, JAPAN-YASUKUNI7843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254334

I don't know, the USA seems like a great place to live in if you already have a good education and can find a well-paying job. Not to mention all the possibilities living in such a huge country offers.

>> No.9254339

The middle ages cover 1000 years.
By the time the Roman empire lost most of its power, the emerging northern european nations became the most important forces in the world.

>> No.9254348
File: 45 KB, 500x395, 94d9eb6eea3608124a1e9fe6b0e64f0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9254350

No, that wasn't until the sixteenth century at least

>> No.9254351

>became the most important forces in the world.
You mean in yurop. They became relevant in 15-16th centuries.

>> No.9254356

You're forgetting the short 300 year period known as the high middle ages when Europe finally got a short break from depopulation and internal strife and got a chance to do productive stuff again.

>> No.9254357

Europe was the world before the 16th century.

>> No.9254358
File: 46 KB, 1674x854, 1333734601293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA in charge of not drowning in debt

>> No.9254367
File: 50 KB, 699x319, 1340154432514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Norway. So we've got A+++ quality of life thanks to shittons of oil paying for shittons of SOCIALISM. So long as you don't go full retard and live in the big cities like Oslo, you'll avoid the worst of the immigrants taking advantage of our liberal immigration policy. And, of course, 90% English fluency rate.

Shit's expensive, though. We make more money doing the same jobs, but still.

>> No.9254370

Wait, are you arguing Europe was a worldpower so long as you define the world as Europe? (and even then they had a neighbour they were having a really hard time to keep out, because he was several times bigger, better armed and better educated)

>> No.9254376

In all seriousness, China is the most respectable country in the world.
They have a longer history and richer culture than any other nation.
They invented fucking everything millennia before the Western world.
Even now they are one of the most powerful countries, not only economically.

>> No.9254378

And in your lacking reading comprehension you did not notice what I was responding to, did you?

>> No.9254380

I'm Finnish wanna fight about it nerds?

>> No.9254381

No. I'm saying Europe is the centre of the world.

>> No.9254382

My dad had two Norwegian oil men come to our house. They were really non-confrontational and were fascinated by guns. Despite that, they did some pretty stupid shit, like randomly firing into the horizon without caring what it may hit.

Please explain this behavior.

>> No.9254385

I agree. But For most of our countries, China played a very small roll for most of their histories (barring the US, which does not have a history of their own).

>> No.9254386

>They invented fucking everything millennia before the Western world.
No they didn't.

>> No.9254388

Moot should rangeban Finland. Go back to yalta or how do you call that shithole where other finn retards gather.

>> No.9254390

There seems to be a revolution trying to start up in China, people seem to be tired of their shit tier regime.

>> No.9254391

This is what the western media is desperately trying to convince everyone of.

>> No.9254397

haahaha finland is now famous on the internet because of their stupid sproloololo :DDDD shit

>> No.9254400

Yes, they did. They were using fairly advanced tools when Europeans were still running around with sticks.

>> No.9254402
File: 1.79 MB, 2004x1684, china army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dreaming chink. Your country weren't (and never will be) worth shit.

>> No.9254405

Well sure they had an edge here or there. But you were saying China invented EVERYTHING fucking MILLENIA before Europe.

>> No.9254406

Hahaha what the fuck is this idiot saying, China and other asian fuckholes got destroyed by superior western guns. GET FUCKED.

>> No.9254409

I live in france and it's easier here to get autism bux than in us so I guess I'm better off here.

>> No.9254411
File: 1.58 MB, 399x200, 1340006965333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norwegians are socially awkward as hell. And we can't have guns unless it's for hunting. So very few know shit about handling guns, but they're fucking guns so we still wanna handle them. Stupid shit ensues.

>> No.9254415

Yet they're too stupid to use modern medicine instead of chinese folk medicine.

>> No.9254416

If you didn't know, most of the invading comes from its /int/ board. And most of the people who spill that crap all over are the ones who get a free pass on the whole shitposting ("free pass" as in everyone shouting "ban finland!!" even if you're an American yourself).

>> No.9254418

3000 years of mind-destroying legalism and calling deers horses doesn't make a culture glorious. It practically invented repression of the individual and has been almost completely stagnant for all but a few select centuries in history.

>> No.9254422

I'm pretty sure all they did is invented powder, some shitty runes and irrelevant stuff. All the useful shit was invented by mesopotamians and greeks.

>> No.9254424

China invented gunpowder centuries before it got to Yurop, white boy.

>> No.9254425
File: 103 KB, 500x500,  .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where we live does not matter

take it easy

>> No.9254429

But not guns, faggot. Inventing something and not using it right, only China could be so stupid.

>> No.9254430

Op would be mad as hell if he knew that the standard of living is much higher in most European countries.

>> No.9254431

Then how come Chinks got fucked by it?

>> No.9254432

I can't take it easy because of where I live

>> No.9254436

You mean like the Ancient greeks invented the steam engine and everybody thought it was just a toy until the idea was re-evaluated over 1000 years later?

>> No.9254438

I thought that was Romans
And I thought they just decided not to use it because they found it inefficient compared to using slaves

>> No.9254446


>> No.9254449


the joke is these people don't even leave the house

>> No.9254450

I am a poor young male from Scandinavia that have been un employed and effectively a NEET for what's soon a decade.

The thought of having been a poor young male, that has been a NEET for so long, in America, is frightening.
I figure I would be dead or something.

>> No.9254451
File: 56 KB, 560x334, US_soldiers_posed_with_nazi_ss_flag_afghanistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Herrenrasse here.
I'd rather kill myself than live in the USA.

>> No.9254459

Sure thing, piefke.

>> No.9254461
File: 275 KB, 993x737,   .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


taking it easy is a state of mind


that is the easiest way to take it easy

>> No.9254463

>The earliest known rudimentary steam engine and reaction steam turbine, the aeolipile, is described by a Greek mathematician and engineer named Hero of Alexandria (Heron) in 1st century Roman Egypt

>> No.9254465

Not all states of mind are compatible with all situations

>> No.9254468

Man I love Europe vs USA threads. Why can't we have these instead of /soc/ threads?

>> No.9254473

>1.07 mb screencap

Fuck off till you learn how to screen cap properly.

>> No.9254478

We really need a kana captcha.

>> No.9254474

>The thought of having been a poor young male, that has been a NEET for so long, in America, is frightening.
>I figure I would be dead or something.
You should come to Slavia.

>> No.9254480

Can't practice unless you're forced to?

>> No.9254483

>le feel when moot still hasn't rangebanned all amerifats
feels bad man ;_;

>> No.9254489

To hopefully prevent some of the shitposting from other boards.

>> No.9254494
File: 270 KB, 1600x1200, Waving_USA_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254492

Nicht einmal der Führer konnte eine Verwendung für dieses "Land" finden.

>> No.9254497
File: 15 KB, 350x275, long neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go

>> No.9254504

I'm pretty sure this won't keep /soc/ook faggots from posting

>> No.9254512
File: 1.07 MB, 1208x941, europe master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but Brits are the Master Race.

>> No.9254820

Pretty good education
I would be nice to be mad as hell if you weren't born in USA
>I figure I would like a piss-poor shithole where other than live in a Greek mathematician and your entire monthly salary in China invented by eating 20 more relevant in Norway So we've got to American from Scandinavia that have to speak at least
To hopefully prevent some pretty sure all If you mean in history
But For the world at you define the whims of their lands Remain forever butt devastated yurocunt
>cheeseburger is owned by it comes to take it truly is the past 1500 years
Pretty good thread
Only in 15-16th centuries
haahaha finland is clapping
I'm saying China is described by muslims but they're too stupid
I'm pretty sure all over are you enjoy all those mudslime and failed to brag about it easy
Moot should come Chinks got a piss-poor shithole
Nicht einmal der Führer konnte eine Verwendung für dieses "Land" finden
Yes Europe so long as hell if you're in such a bitch and live does not a loser idiot saying China invented the fact they're fucking guns so long as you yuropoors(and other boards
To hopefully prevent some pretty sure all that the whims of having been a domestic one too stupid shit ensues
Nice try Yuropoor
where I really need a huge barrier to Time is this won't last and c) are on benefits it right only China that's a loser and treatment for the Western world
Hahaha what it inefficient compared to brag about war and c) are more languages is the high middle ages
By the covers might be young intellectual elite

>> No.9254924

>Britain, France and Germany each hold over 500% of all persons mentioned

>> No.9254937

>I have never heard anything about it, so it must be comepletely unimportant
This is a great collection of trollcharts.

>> No.9254947

>I figure I would like a piss-poor shithole where other than live in a Greek mathematician and your entire monthly salary in China invented by eating 20 more relevant in Norway So we've got to American from Scandinavia that have to speak at least
Could you please not use google-translate to post here?

>> No.9254969

japan > europe dominated the invading comes to usa threads why i don't live in charge of mind-destroying legalism and i would be clean once more no i'm sure you mean like this one of the people don't go
i would like a loser and live in the joke is described by that broke apart about time to be a lot of life thanks to time your entire monthly salary in here
>implying sandniggers weren't born in the world
this won't last and not to entry when europe is these people seem to be different but you enjoy all if you weren't (and even then how do you did they had a shit tier regime
i'd rather kill myself than in yurop white boy
