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9246496 No.9246496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your plans for today?

>> No.9246500

well all I got planned is some shitposting in a couple hours, thats all for now

>> No.9246509

Go to sleep for a few hours and wake up refreshed and ready to shitpost /jp/ in a brand new day

>> No.9246518

Finish Hakaihen then start playing Saiseihen.

>> No.9246535
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I've already started my daily shitposting routine and it will probably continue until the janitor wakes up which could be hours.

After that I'll probably boot up Rosetta Stone and watch movies form my backlog while it's minimized.

Speaking of which, which one should I watch? Already saw Hurt Locker, Wall-E and There Will Be Blood.

>> No.9246545
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get tired

>> No.9246542

I have no underwear or socks so I need to laundry, later maybe I'll emulate something or other.

>> No.9246563
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I am going to reorganize my movie collection so everything is sorted by country > resolution > year of release > title. I'll probably add the movie poster and a description to each film as well. This shit is going to take hours.

I'm going to download this as well.
>An autistic girl with powerful martial art skills looks to settle her ailing mother's debts by seeking out the ruthless gangs that owe her family money.

>> No.9246575

>A fragile, anxious boy, 12-year-old Oskar is regularly bullied by his stronger classmates but never strikes back. The lonely boy's wish for a friend seems to come true when he meets Eli, also 12, who moves in next door to him with her father. A pale, serious young girl, she only comes out at night and doesn't seem affected by the freezing temperatures. Coinciding with Eli's arrival is a series of inexplicable disappearances and murders. One man is found tied to a tree, another frozen in the lake, a woman bitten in the neck. Blood seems to be the common denominator. But by now a subtle romance has blossomed between Oskar and Eli, and she gives him the strength to fight back against his aggressors.

This one seems right up /jp/'s alley. Loli vampire, shy shota faggot, bullying, and likely some autism as well.

>> No.9246576
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Spring backlog
Brainstorm some stuff to sell on eBay so I can afford an upcoming order

>> No.9246580

let the right one in

>> No.9246584

I decided to watch that ghost girl animu and boy was it shitty.

>> No.9246590

sit around feeling ill, fuck

>> No.9246592

I've been wanting to watch that one but I hate watching movies that aren't in English. I watch movies because I'm tired of reading subs and it makes it annoying to eat while watching.

Great, now my autism is flaring up again. Fucking hell.

>> No.9246593

Just watch the superior American version.

>> No.9246598

I heard it was a terrible dub.

>> No.9246601

>Rosetta Stone

>> No.9246602

There was a remake.

>> No.9246603

When? I don't see it.

>> No.9246604
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I got some work-related things to take care of in the morning. Shitsux.

Starship Troopers.

>> No.9246613


>> No.9246621

>They took a great movie and added bad special effects, dialogue worthy of twilight, rubbish actors (except for Chloe Moretz and Richard Jenkins) and the annoying sound effects you see in movies like My Bloody Valentine. They then removed all creepiness in the movie to make it easier to watch. And in the end we are left with a mix of Twilight and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Stick with the original, it did not need remaking. I watched this movie because the critic reviews seemed decent and Matt Reeves. Now i will never watch a movie with Matt in the credits. Also "a brief sexual situation." made me laugh so hard.

Eh.... I don't know about this. It's also rated a lot lower than the original.

>> No.9246630

Bitter Euros no doubt

>> No.9246635

the original is far better

get over your dislike of subtitles, it's a great movie

>> No.9246651

Let Me In is practically the same film but in English with small improvements. I don't see how you could like the original better.

>> No.9246712
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>> No.9246811

- watching Hollywood remakes of foreign movies

I thought /jp/ was better than this.

>> No.9246851

wake up
finish Fate/Zero
read Aiki

>> No.9246855

Definitely not celebrating my birthday.
My mother invited me over for dinner and I had her promise me that there would be nothing resembling a celebration. If she starts singing, I'll leave immediately.

>> No.9246868

Yakuza:Dead Souls

>> No.9246879

A Swedish movie?
Looks intereresting.

>> No.9246903

Everyone has to do it at least once before they can know better.
My personal Hollywood remake was the Ring.
I remember bursting into a non-stop laughter in the cinema. I left the room so I wouldn't be beat up later.

>> No.9246907

There's no problem when the remake is better.

>> No.9246913
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I'm going on vacation on the 1st of July, but this week I have broke out in terrible acne. It hurts to move my mouth and I feel really self-concious. I was looking forward to the vacation, but this will no doubt ruin in. I've also got to go the bank today to withdraw a large amount of money for the aforementioned vacation.

I just want to stay home forever.

>> No.9246914

Do you have any examples, boy? Any examples at all?

>> No.9246916

Maybe you should try reading the thread.

>> No.9246939

I thought "Let The Right One In" was a good example for when the remake is not better than the original. Maybe I'm wrong of course.

>> No.9246955

Wrap up some paperwork, play games, try to draw something silly and...something!
Get well soon~

>> No.9246978

work soon

>> No.9246986
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truNEETS don't make plans, that's what normals do.

>> No.9246990

If I don't make a schedule then I won't have the motivation to do anything and end up refreshing /jp/ all day.

Of course that's usually what happens anyway.

>> No.9247014


>> No.9247018



>> No.9247019

>If you don't make any plans, how do you know when you've failed?

>> No.9247180

the bank closes at 4pm and it's 12:21. i should really get out of bed.

>> No.9247202

To skip everyone's posts, blog about my plans, then ignore this thread from the rest of the day.

>> No.9247203

Learn Java for my exams in 2 weeks. My course isn't even computer related...

>> No.9247206

I've been eating breakfast for the last 90 minutes. Soon it'll be time for lunch.

>> No.9247215
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rebuilding my computer
but i need distilled water
so i have to actually go outside and buy it

>> No.9247238

Maybe I'll spatchcock a chicken for myself for the grill. I want to do grilled corn on the cob and grilled potatoes with it. I can't believe summer's already half over and I haven't even grilled once.

>> No.9247402

job interview
then maybe fap

>> No.9247411

EETs pls go

>> No.9247418

I wish... ;_;

>> No.9247417

Probably just some video games. But I'm gonna take a nap first

>> No.9247419

spatchcock this

*whips out chicken*

>> No.9247448

I'll learn maths in my free time.

>> No.9250168

So edgy.

>> No.9250175

worthwhile comment

ty for the age :)

>> No.9250192

Get out of my thread.

>> No.9250196

Stop necrobumping your own thread.

>> No.9250202


>> No.9250208

It's actually MY thread, bitch. You don't tell me what to do.

