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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 400x262, weaboo-wapanese..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9245402 No.9245402 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a weaboo?

I always told myself/other people I wasn't, but facing the facts; I pretty much only watch Japanese TV, play japanese games, listen to japanese music, read japanese books etc.

I mean, I would never want to live/work/raise a family in japan, but to anyone from the outside looking in I would probably qualify.

>> No.9245414

Everyone on jaypee is a massive weaboo, but they will deny it to the death.

>> No.9245426
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>watch Japanese TV, play japanese games, listen to japanese music, read japanese books

>> No.9245422

I only watch Japanese cartoons and only read Japanese comics, but I don't watch live-action Japanese stuff because it's almost all terrible, and I read only western books. As for music-it's mostly western. Video games? Almost entirely Japanese with a few notable western outliers.

It's not my fault that the only nation that can make good cartoons and comics that aren't comedies are the Japs. I honestly think people that like western comics from DC and Marvel are basically just hipster garbage. How can anyone who isn't 10 years old like that garbage?

>> No.9245436


Because they are blind to the fact both companies recycle the same old predictable garbage nonstop

>> No.9245467

you can still be an otaku w/o being a weeaboo.
sorta like how not all gay people are faggots

>> No.9245480

This is what fags actually believe.

>> No.9245491

I remember when having a slightest hint of interest in anything Japanese did not instantly warrant being labeled a weaboo. It's all your fault, 4chan.

>> No.9245511

And when they do something new and interesting with any of their characters they either retcon it or make it lead into an awful event and then retcon it.

>> No.9245513

I'm in the same situation as yours, except that I want to live/work/raise a family in japan.

>> No.9245516
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I really want to do kendo at my college.....
But I will take so much shit from everyone and my leading social will be exposed to my real nature: Otaku

Maybe I can do it some day....
At this point I practice by myself

That is all I wanted to say about my desires of my inner weeboo

And that I could dress like Maiku Hama and still look good

>> No.9245521

Why would anyone care if you do kendo? I'm sure there are plenty of normal people in the class.

>> No.9245530
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I really want to do boxing...

But I don't want to get a broken nose or brain damage. The nearest boxing gym is also like 60 miles away, and I would be undoubtedly mocked by all the resident boxers before having my ass kicked.

>> No.9245537

do you idiolize japanese culture ?..no ..then you are not a weeaboo

>> No.9245539

hmmmm I go to MSU and the kendo club gets shit on...
But, You've convinced me
I will try it out

>> No.9245541

I am exactly like you, OP. I love Japanese entertainment, but I definitely do not want to live in Japan or anything like that.

And because of that, I don't consider myself a weeaboo.

>> No.9245544

nope, boxers wont mock ya
they'll probably cheer you up so you become less of a skinny bitch or less of a fatass, whatever your case is
I highly recommend you do it, there's no risk of brain damage unless you want to go pro

>> No.9245577

I'm a weeaboo at heart

Sure I'd love to have my apartment equipped with tatami floor,
have a japanese style bathroom,
walk around in geta and a kimono all day
sleep in a futon and prepare tea ceremonies

But I don't

>> No.9245593


I'm slightly overweight. Most people can't tell, thankfully.They're always shocked when I reveal my weight (210 at 5'10").

Yeah, I wouldn't do the pro thing. I know amateur boxing is based on points over knockouts, but my nose is so beak-like that it would be undoubtedly smashed. But yeah. It sounds like it would be so awesome to train and get ready to do battle with another boxer in the ring. I imagine it's a massive rush of excitement. Hitting a punching bag or perfecting a punch from a certain angle also feels pretty great.

>> No.9245614

Do you guys dislike the japanese culture? That's the impression I always get in this kind of thread.

Personally, I don't really see any point in not liking it.
I'm not speaking about idolizing it, but at least considering Japan a nice place.

>> No.9245617
File: 194 KB, 1000x726, The Sword - By Yukio Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have family that boxed.
There is a lot of weight lifting and running
You have to get a license, which costs money.
In the end if there's no pain there's no gain bro.
Almost no money can be made in the sport today, so it might be more of a hobby for you where you can make a few bucks on the side at matches.
If you're worried about the boxers, than I think you should start lifting. People probs won't make fun of you. You can get strong and big fast if you put your best in at least twice a week. After that you could make a transition to boxing. I don't know about the injuries though...

Kendo is the honing of spirit and control of strength. It is the glimpse into tradition of warriors that strive for inner grace of ancestors in these modern times.

Pic related - Yukio Mishima's novel turned film:
The Sword

>> No.9245618
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I want to live in Japan so I can spend all day every day at the game centers.

>> No.9245620

Hating on Japan is the cool thing to do now.

It's fucking stupid. I know.

>> No.9245626


>Almost no money can be made in the sport today

I really just want to have a physical hobby I enjoy. I used to lift weights-stopped after about 2 years.

>> No.9245630


I think Japanese culture is pretty interesting and cool, but I wouldn't wanna live in Japan. I think most people here share my sentiments.

>> No.9245633

I've been wondering if Japan has any or at least common stores that focus on selling retro games, game systems, electronics, and old film media players.

Do you know if they do?
I want a ton of lazer disc stuff and battea stuff. It would be fun to have that kind of stuff, like in that Cowboy Bebop episode

>> No.9245639




>> No.9245641

Even though all my forms of entertainment come from Japan, I definitely don't want to live there. Or be Japanese.

>> No.9245642

I think Japan is looked up to way to much. It is completely different from what you see in animes. I've even heard stories of people going over seas to Japan for university and wearing cat ears everyday. Also from what I hear the Japanese don't take kindly to foreigners.

>> No.9245643

Nigga, we got those in San Francisco. Come here.

>> No.9245647

Yea man; that's what I figured. The hobby could even offer some pocket money on the side too.

Still I get where you're coming from.
Don't you think it would be nice to have a hobby that paid once in a while?

>> No.9245649

I probably couldn't handle how intense people are in regards to school/work etc. Im incredibly lazy and probably wouldn't fit in at all.

>> No.9245653

>West Coast
>Worth playing video games against
Get out of here

>> No.9245654
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Thanks dude

>> No.9245675

I think America is looked up to way to much. It is completely differnt from what you see in movies. I've even heard stories of people going over seas to America for university and wearing American flag shirts everyday. Also from what I hear the Americans don't take kindly to foreigners.

>> No.9245715

A good deal of us take an interest and bring foreigners under our wings, as long as you came legally

We've had a lot of really bad incidents, but it just involves ghettos and red necks, so stay away from the ghettos and countrysides

>> No.9245716

I guess I am. I wouldn't like to be born in Japan, but I would love someday to live there for a while.

I mean, I'm on /jp/, how could I not be a weeboo?

>> No.9245766

Years of video games, manga and anime have indoctrinaded me into being a full-fledged weeaboo and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Though obviously, the fact that there are no western equivalents of things I like does not help.

>> No.9245818

This is actually somewhat rare for boxers. They're terrified of anything "new". They'd rather do bodyweight exercises, and jump rope, and run all day.

>> No.9248249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248256 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248264 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248270 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248287 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248309 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248317 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248322 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248338 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248348 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248353 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248358 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248372 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248380 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248399 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248406 [DELETED] 
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Neo /jp/ doesn't browse past page 0.

>> No.9248415

There are games that aren't produced in Japan?

>> No.9248541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9248592


They're called good games.

>> No.9248637
File: 80 KB, 750x700, doilooklikeamjoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how ironic

>> No.9248641


What's so ironic about that, faglet?

>> No.9248643

They're called anime and manga instead of cartoons and comics.

Get a clue.

>> No.9248673

People would probably see me as a weeaboo if they know my two only interests; 2hu and eroge. live-action is shit and I never really liked manga. But I had a period when I watched lots of anime. I wish I could enjoy anime like I did a few years ago. I only watch like, 1 or 2 series every season now.

>> No.9248732
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>reading books

>> No.9248784

That's not slightly overweight.
That's morbidly obese.

>> No.9250217

Well, that's why I was saying he could make a transition from weight lifting to boxing.
He could build strength, endurance, and confidence if he did weight lifting for a while at first.

>> No.9250221
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>> No.9250236

i only play touhou. i don't even really like VNs.

>tfw not a weeaboo.

>> No.9250239

I only play Japanese games because I don't care about FPS and RTS. Western games are shit.

>> No.9250245

Typical shithead only here for Touhou. Note the /v/ mannerisms.

>> No.9250241


Who the fuck are you quoting?


>> No.9250244

quoting myself as i suck ur dik

>> No.9250247

>le weeaboo's

lemon key face.jpg

>> No.9250250

dont you ``speak'' to ``NSJ" like ``that`` , ``faggot'', go ``back'' ``to'' ``/v/'' ``please!''

>> No.9250255

But, ramen is Chinese.

>> No.9250267

I tend to link the term weeaboo to not only a notable fondess of Japanese stuff, but also a bias against stuff that's not Japan.

I can't limit myself to 1 region. I love cartoons and games of all regions.

>> No.9250274

>I pretty much only watch Japanese TV, play japanese games, listen to japanese music, read japanese books etc.

I'm like that with America. You could call me an Ameriboo.

>> No.9250280
File: 66 KB, 446x597, murrika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is full of commies too, what's with these unpatriotic nerds?

>> No.9250283

I've been to Japan 5 times in the last 2 years, speak Japanese near fluently and am moving there semi-permanently in a couple of months. So yes I suppose so.

>> No.9250288

I'm probably the most weeaboo person on /jp/ but I feel I can share this because we are all anon.

-I have listened to japanese idol music through out my childhood
-Anime/Manga has always been in my life
-I like Korean music (Something popular in Japan)
-I play only japanese games
-And I have always dreamt of being in AKB someday (But I'm not female japanese or young enough)

But I guess if I was born in Japan I would probably like Canada/America

>> No.9250290


I'm not even American.

>> No.9250291

Than you're the first yuro I've ever liked.

>> No.9250304

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls

>> No.9250328

Does any board follow that rule?

>> No.9250332

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.9250345

/tg/ - Traditional Games

>> No.9250357


How is that a troll? There are more US enthusiasts in the world than any other kind. Not everything you disagree with is a troll, get out of your little internet bubble.

>> No.9250374

But ramen is Chinese.

>> No.9250379

You can call me a westaboo
I play exclusively american and western games (bastion, portal, madden nfl)
Watch only superior american tv (breaking bad, the office, various mtv shows)
I spend the majority of my time on an american website.
I really like american films (the godfather, lord of the rings, dragonball elovution)

I even consider to move to america and learn more about their glorious patriotism.

Wish me luck in the US and A /jp/!

>> No.9250388

your pattern "2 good, 1 bad" doesn't work for games, because Bastion is shit.

>> No.9250399


Music, TV, Anime, Games, Food...all must be japanese.

>> No.9250403

No I hate 90 percent of anything related to Japan.

>> No.9250406

So I take it you fuel your masochistic desires by browsing this board?

>> No.9250422

I want to meet Ai Haruna someday and give her a big hug she just seems so fun and sweet like a grandma.

>> No.9250468

Commies? Why are you referring to Americans as commies?

Japan 1972, only two years after Mishima's rebellion, the incident known as Asama-Sanso incident had swept through Japanese news. A student lead communist rebellion had turned on it's self, which produced tragic fates of the all individuals involved.

That is the commies in Japan

>> No.9250639
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>> No.9250705

I wouldn't say so. I love anime, manga and VNs, however many of the games I play are Western, my musical taste is entirely Western and I actually really don't like Japanese food besides tempura and teriyaki. I don't watch Western TV much but then again I basically don't watch TV at all except for anime, and the occasional supposed-to-be-so-good-you're-no-one-if-you-didn't-see-it series such as Game of Thrones.

I don't give much of a shit about their culture besides anime/vn, but, their industriousness, heavy emphasis on the sciences and engineering and the fact that they're secular as fuck are all admirable traits, basically they're analogous to an Asian Germany in that regard.

>> No.9251807

Bumping quality thread since meet up one got deleted

>> No.9251812

the hilarious thing is ramen is chinese

>> No.9252048

>secular as fuck

Lol they may not believe in God but they're not secular in the way you're thinking.

Heres a fun trick, ask your Japanese friends where their liver is, and watch the chaos ensue.

>> No.9253802

I....I don't get it.

>> No.9253825


>> No.9254445

I think everything from Japan is superior from things in the west, but my family is 100% Japanese and I was born in America. What does that make me?

>> No.9254452

The Japanese version of a black panther (African-American hate group)

>> No.9254462

>I think everything from Japan is superior from things in the west
>What does that make me?
A delusional faggot.

>> No.9254507

Why is this thread still alive ?
