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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 620x620, 1339612313606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9240525 No.9240525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do they always rub the balls?

I see in many doujinshi that the girl is rubbing the balls when she gives him oral pleasure, but I do not understand. I try to rub the balls when I am masturbate but I feel nothing. I try to rub the balls harder and I think that maybe I didn't do it hard enough so that is why I rub them harder but then it hurts and I feel stomach pain like someone hit me in my belly.

Please respond and explain
Thank you

>> No.9240532

For me, when I rub my balls or shake them around right as I'm ejaculating I get an incredibly wonderful sensation.

Please try that out.

>> No.9240533
File: 206 KB, 400x300, Eagle American Flag next poster smal1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240537

You are supposed to squeeze them until it feels like they're going to pop inside your hand.

>> No.9240538
File: 75 KB, 396x297, next poster previous poster is republican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9240540
File: 70 KB, 396x297, next poster is republican1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240541


>> No.9240543
File: 164 KB, 438x351, next poster is navy seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240547
File: 4 KB, 452x523, gee i wonder who this could be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9240553
File: 51 KB, 500x500, JewBlame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240570
File: 55 KB, 480x360, 1339111643045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~Thank you for reply. I will try. I have also other question for every one who is here today. Please respond and explain. Thank you

Why do many people always say that the edging feels good?

I hear many people say that orgasm feels best when you do the edge, but I do not understand. I have try this before and it felt bad. I wait until it feel like I am about to orgasm and then I stop and wait for orgasm level to go down before resume but I do this and orgasm does not feel better. I see the seamen but I feel little orgasm. It is like a canon not loaded at full limit and fired.. Orgasm feeling is very little

Please respond and explain
Thank you

>> No.9240576

Go away, 2chan

>> No.9240581
File: 118 KB, 510x339, next poster is homo liberal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240585
File: 19 KB, 280x456, mirror (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9240587

Stop earlier. If you cum then it's not edging.

>> No.9240592

I personally like to go with a more mild form of edging. Too often have I gone close to orgasm and fought it and ended up with dreadfully dull ejaculations. So usually I just stop fapping for a few seconds after it begins to feel really good. Try mixing it up by playing with your nipples.

In general it's best to fap when you feel a real hungering lust. If you make it a routine thing it can kill the excitment of fapping because you get sudden inspiration. Fapping when you're spontaneously aroused is far more satisfying than fapping just because you're bored or it's the time of day you always do.

>> No.9240594
File: 397 KB, 1200x1727, chihuyu_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its more of a mental thing, as most oral is.

>> No.9240597

Oh also. If you're about to cum you can press the area between your butthole and your balls. Unless it's way too late, it'll keep you from ejaculating. I've heard it's not very healthy so don't overdo it.

>> No.9240603

Oh, believe me, OP, masturbation and sex with a real live girl are completely different experiences and cannot be compared. If you ever decide to stop failing at life and leeching off your parents, and find a woman who deems you worthy of her sexytime, you'd understand. ;)

>> No.9240607
File: 156 KB, 438x351, USA eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, 'fuck you', buddy.

>> No.9240632



That emoticon is scary, it is the emoticon of sexual predators.

Please use an emoticon which portrays you in a more positive light in the future. There are many to choose from, but :) ;) :( are disturbing and should be avoided.

>> No.9240635

a/s/l? :)

>> No.9240638



>> No.9240641

Someone else touching you is vastly different than touching yourself.
Have you ever been to have your hair cut and got tingles all of your body when the girl touches your neck.
But if you touch it yourself.. nothing.

Imagine that, but on your balls.

>> No.9240649

What sort of emoticon would you recommend? xD? ^___^? o__O? All emoticons are stupid and silly and should only be used sarcastically in order to mock or condescend. I can't think of a case wherein one would use an emoticon without irony.

>> No.9240653

I always gently rub my balls, usually while theyre covered with a soft cloth or blanket, it feels very nice

get your shit together OP

>> No.9240654

come on, it's not like i'll bite you or anything ;)

>> No.9240655

What do you guys think about using lube? Good addition to your masturbation sessions or an artificial enjoyment? I discussed this with a couple of people I know and there are purists out there that would rather stay clean off that thing.

>> No.9240662

Seems you can't understand that that post is pretty much ironic.

>> No.9240673

Perhaps. It's difficult to tell here who's the maladjusted aspie neckbeard and who's just pretending as a joke. You know, Poe's Law and everything.

>> No.9240675


The Japanese have a wide variety of emoticons which are like an untapped well in our land.

You must not turn away from the emoticon because without it we all sound like angry robots. Have you ever noticed that people sound much more serious and grumpy in their text than when you hear their voice? It's because they didn't use emoticons.

(◑‿◐) = Dimwitted and cheerful
(─‿‿─) = Taking it easy
( ̄ー ̄) = Arrogance
(⋋▂⋌) = Frustration
(◣_◢) = Anger
(¬▂¬) = Condescension
(。♥‿♥。) = Consumed with love
ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ = Very worried

And that's only a taste

>> No.9240687
File: 326 KB, 710x842, 167-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case it wasn't obvious, fiction doesn't always look like reality.

>> No.9240710

It feels different when someone else is doing it I imagine.
Perhaps not unlike how you can't tickle yourself or get that awesome feeling from scratching your own head.

>> No.9240725

Oh that's cute. I can totally see one of my nieces going through an awkward phase and incorporating some of that into her facebook messages. But in all honesty, tone can generally be inferred by wording. Consider:

"Hahaha! That's hilarious!" he said.
"Fuck you! That's not funny!" she replied.

Here emotion is evident based on wording. Regular people don't need something like (◑‿◐) or (◣_◢) in order to convey their emotions. Imagine seeing that in a story!

"Haha now you will die!( ̄ー ̄)" said Alice.
"Never! You killed my family! (◣_◢)" said Bob.

Totally unnecessary and ridiculous. Wouldn't you agree?

>> No.9240736

Cut jew detected. Lube as a masturbatory aid has no purpose otherwise.

>> No.9240750 [SPOILER] 
File: 727 KB, 1110x1600, holic_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered why they touch the balls in hentai as well. I don't feel anything pleasurable and it certainly looks nothing like pic related (nsfw).

>> No.9240747

you dont know what that word means

>> No.9240766


>"Hahaha! That's hilarious!"

The problem with that it can still pretty easily be seen as sarcastic or condescending. That's the big problem with text communication without emoticons, either you seem robotic or you seem like you're being sarcastic.

For example, have you ever heard anyone say "hahaha" in words? When they do it's always some kind of fake laugh meant to make you feel bad for saying an unfunny joke or something along those lines.

Text works great in books, but that's because before or after every line of dialog they can write out a description of the character's facial expression and demeanor to set the tone for the words that he spoke. Text-based chat is just a back and forth exchange of pure dialog.

I've thought about this for a very long time, I even tested it out in many MMOs. If you join a guild, never enter their voice chat and just communicate through text then you are very likely to never be accepted as part of the community unless you use emoticons. You just become "that boring guy who no one talks to" but if you take the same exact words and add an emoticon here and there then the result is the exact opposite and you become a well known and valued member of the community. People just seem to feel more comfortable around emoticons.

>> No.9240790

>without it we all sound like angry robots
Not really. All it takes it context to get the emotion that is being expressed
>Have you ever noticed that people sound much more serious and grumpy
Again with the help of context and simply seeing the punctuations used and the wording can tell you a lot about the the atmosphere

>> No.9240802

I know what you mean about the laughter. But when it comes to text based communication, it can generally be inferred based on how they type it, or if you know the person well. For example, say I tell a joke. Here are some possible responses:

haha, hahaha, and lol tend to be polite, as if to say, "I did not find your joke funny but I am pretending to find your joke funny so that you won't feel bad."
hahaha!, LOL!, and HAHAHAHAHA! are, for the most part, legit.
Explicitly stating that the joke is funny, e.g. "that's funny" or "that is so hilarious" tend to demonstrate sarcasm, but adding exclamation marks and using contractions, e.g. "that is so hilarious" -> "that's hilarious!" tend to come across more sincere. But again, it depends on who you're talking to and their personalities, i.e. their general level of sarcasm/propensity for offensive humour. It's easy to gauge if you know the person IRL, and perhaps via text, but I'm not too sure since I don't make online friends.

>> No.9240838
File: 6 KB, 200x300, 1340258632200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty nice, balls-rubbing, that is. When i shave my cock and balls and ass i always rub and massage balls and then erupt like mount Fuji. Also when i jack off i press agains my balls with other hand my balls just before cumming to make it more pleasurable.

I'm an expert on masturbation.

>> No.9240855

It tickles if someone other than me touches my balls I hate it.

Is it my autism that causes this?

>> No.9240864

You can generally get a feel for their personality via text messages as well, but usually in a more private chat room

>> No.9240869

Hottest page in the whole doujin. Him covering his face in embarassment as he cums is delicious.

>> No.9240881

who is touchig you're balls.. o_o

>> No.9240952

I'm only interested in small little plump shota hairless balls.

>> No.9240961

nice Moko dude. you got more like that?
