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9234777 No.9234777 [Reply] [Original]

How much better are internal wireless adapter compared to the external USB ones?

I have two computer in lan at my house and one of them can barely get 1/10 of the normal internet speed while the other works just fine
the router is about 10 meters away separated by 15 cm of wall

pic related it's my current wireless adapter
do you think my problem could be solved by buying a quality internal wireless adapter?

>> No.9234782

horey shit I got trips

>> No.9234784

you missed /g/

>> No.9234788

I believe in you /jp/
That's why I came after you

>> No.9234802


use an erfnet cord. the only reason to ever bother with a USB wireless POS is for wiresharking near a starbucks and hoping to snag a credit card or two.

>> No.9234804

Wireless internet is shit. Use a cable. You can't? Wrong, I'm sure you can.

>> No.9234805

If it's only 10m away and it's a 15cm wall why don't you just drill through the wall and put a cable through

>> No.9234815

>not using Belkin for your wireless needs

>> No.9234925

Cable is cheap and works so much better than wireless. Wireless is only good if you can not run a cable for some reason. Fifty feet of ethernet cable can be had for under $5.00.

>> No.9234929

my landlord won't let me drill holes on the wall

>> No.9234934

Kill him.

>> No.9234935

Just run a cable around the wall, then.

>> No.9234937

there are several doors on the way
I don't think I can make it through them without using mah drill

>> No.9234949
File: 229 KB, 352x200, 1226857085701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


solution 1: have the cable go under the door, as in the small gap beneath the door and above the floor.


rocket science, people. c'mon.

>> No.9234955

How large do you think an ethernet cable is? Just put it under the door.

>> No.9234971

is wi-fi really that bad even with a quality adapter?

I don't think I will be able to run a cable

>> No.9234975


I ran a cable from my room to the living room to stream animu to the big-screen tv. I just ran the cable underneath the door.

>> No.9234980

Remove your doors.

>> No.9235021
File: 65 KB, 409x497, 1326427687154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes OP those work.

You'll get HORRIFYING reception on them though unless you're literally 2 feet away from your router. Or maybe my router just sucks. Try to get an N adapter instead of a G. G's are super cheap and it's what I got but it's trash. There's a funny solution though. Tape a CD to it and make it face the direction of your router. Aluminium foil works too but a CD is an easier solution. Watch your reception stabilize and improve greatly.

>> No.9235041

I feel ya OP. Apparently I live in too rural of an area to get cable internet so I have to use a 3G wifi USB card. It's funny because I'm just like 10 minutes outside the city

>> No.9235049

Hahaha, you faggots, complaining about your wireless LAN acting up!

I have an actual wireless ISP! It's WiFi from 15 miles away, with a really big antenna that's sticks 30 feet in the air.

You people and your simple problems.

>> No.9235060
File: 182 KB, 410x379, 1325934070501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I'm so jealous.

>> No.9235068

I wasn't try to make you jealous. I was trying to get sympathy.

>> No.9235075
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, 1315758548428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is sarcasm? You're a tool and you get no sympathy from me either.

>> No.9235202

me > you

>> No.9235545

I'm getting 80% of the speed I did with cables now with wireless
is this normal?

>> No.9235574

Yes. This might be news to you, but wlan sucks. Big time. People use it when cable isn't an option, and only then.

>> No.9235653

Maybe your cable was a piece of shit, or maybe there was a lot of interference where you were passing it through.
