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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 481 KB, 1000x714, moe-129337-kurokarasu-touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9224924 No.9224924 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Reimu so popular?

>> No.9224931

because she is the best 2hu

>> No.9224934

Because she's beautiful!

>> No.9224943

Because she is a pure shrine maiden. Something all of /jp/ should aspire to be.

>> No.9224947


>> No.9224967

raymoo is bset toho eva

10/10, wud fug.

>> No.9225035

because she have a golden heart

>> No.9225351

because she is the main character.

god, that was a stupid question.

>> No.9225355

Theres no such thing as a stupid question!

>> No.9225385

Best armpits.

>> No.9225389

Because she's Japanese, so the Japanese like her.

Why is Marisa so popular with white people? HMMMMMMMMMMMM I WONDER.

>> No.9225395

Because I want to be Marissas butler.

>> No.9225401
File: 443 KB, 790x708, 1318057216140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be Marisa's butt.

>> No.9225403

I want to Marisa's butt.

>> No.9225405

But you are already an ass.

>> No.9225409

she is popular because if herp and derp

>> No.9225414

Not him but you're missing a verb in there...

>> No.9225423

main characters of game 1 most popular because selection screen. in japan preferred is zun originating art.

>> No.9225445

Because she is the main character and the main character is always inexplicably popular even with plenty of better characters around.

Just look at the popularity ranking for any game, anime, or manga characters.

>> No.9225460


>> No.9225478


I never understood this. Much of the time the main character isn't even interesting and people will still be all over them.

>> No.9225491


It's because they're too dumb and retarded to remember any of the other characters names.

>> No.9225496

What's the most popular non-main character in touhou?

>> No.9225510


>> No.9225512
File: 58 KB, 591x672, 2040537c4e83755b2abe0090ad7d9f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-main character

>> No.9225594

The spin off game she got was a result of that popularity.

>> No.9225617

Alice came in 2nd overall in the touhou popularity poll a couple of months ago, she hasn't been relevant in a long time

>> No.9225626

People like her because her precious thing got stolen.

And dolls, bitches love crazy doll ladies for some reason.

>> No.9225631
File: 328 KB, 769x1000, reimu7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, lazy, grumpy , does not like hard work

/jp/ ideal girl

>> No.9225655
File: 45 KB, 181x191, reimuMAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be ideal if she loved hard work :P

>> No.9225659

Most relateable then.
